The New Life Mission - Australia

The New Life Mission - Australia

We offer help and guidance to those seeking true salvation


Every person born on this earth is born with sin inherited from Adam, the first man.

The Bible confirms this saying, 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'
We must come to this reality that you, me and everyone is sinful from birth, broken all of Gods commandments, and destined for hell (Psalm 51:5; Romans 6:23; Isaiah 59).
By bringing focus on these inherited sins we can see ourselves better, and then acknowledge our sinful nature before God and the Law openly and honestly.
Without fully exposing ourselves like this, salvation will stay away.

These are the sins we were born with (Mark 7:20-23)

►Arrogance ►Pride ►Pomposity ►Vanity ►Presumption ►Self-righteousness, are all sins before God.
►Greed ►Excessive desires to possess more ►Covetousness ►Possessiveness
►Acquisitiveness, money or material things, are all sins for God.
►Folly ►A lack of good sense, understanding or foresight ►Stupidity ►Unwisdom ►Craziness are all sins for God.
►Adultery ►Unfaithfulness ►Cheating, are all sins for God.
►Malice ►A desire to harm others ►Evil intent ►Evilness ►Malicious, are all sins for God.
►Deceit ►Fraud ►Deception ►Deceiving, are all sins for God.
►Lewdness ►Immoral, are sins for God.
►Envy ►Jealousy, are sins for God.
►Slander ►Telling lies ►Curse ►Talking bad about someone ►Gossip, are all sins for God.
►Sexual immorality ►Unchastity ►Unlawful s*x, Same s*x ►are all sins before God.

Can you really say that you have never committed any sin at all. Not just in physical acts, but when you think about them in your mind, then these are sins also.

Example. Jesus said, "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:28).

For sinners to be made truly born again, washed spotlessly clean and sanctified this is our first step to attaining salvation and the kingdom of heaven. No one with sin will ever see the inside of this Most Holy Place.


Ponder and Engage.

There are only two kinds of people today representing the two criminals hoisted up and nailed to a cross beside Jesus.
Both sinners, both born with sin inherited from the first man, Adam. And both condemned for hell due to their sins and iniquities (Romans 6:23).
The Bible confirms this saying, 'All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'
This then is the state of mankind before the Holy God (Isaiah 59).

But only one criminal considered his destiny, realized his sinful nature and acknowledged himself before God and His Law.
In his heart he prayed like David, 'Lord this is who I am, a sinner destined for hell. Please take pity on me. If you save me then I will be saved, but if you don't save me, then I will not be saved.'
He then remembered Jesus words saying, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:3-5).
Jesus the Lamb of God took up all his lifelong sins at the Jordan by John the Baptist, and here next to him, was dying, shedding His blood, making payment for them all.
He then changed from the wrong way to the correct way, and started to believe in this gospel from his heart.
The moment he did, Jesus acknowledge him and his faith.
When he said to Jesus, 'Please remember me.' And Jesus relied, 'Today you will be with me in paradise.'
He was made truly born again having all his sins blotted out and sanctified, all at once.
He believed in the baptism of Jesus which now saves us
(1 Peter 3:21).
This then is the destiny of this criminal who was saved perfectly.

While the other criminal, knowing, witnessing, and experiencing all these things, hardened his heart, and argued, and started to mock Jesus. We read about the discourse between these two thieves in Luke 23,
"Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.”
But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
This criminal could not be saved, he fell into hell.

There are not many people today who are made truly born again, having all their sins blotted out and sanctified.
That they are saved is truly a miracle upon miracles.
When they met this truth, they like this thief, checked their faith, their hearts, and realized themselves as sinners never saved despite their standing or devotions. It was between them and God.
They also first stood before God and His Law confessing themselves as defiled sinners, and asked for Gods pity.
Then they were taught this glorious gospel which was hidden away, and they believed in it from the heart, and were made truly born again and entered the kingdom of God.

The vast majority, the other half, have never come near to this truth, and they represent the thief who mocked God and fell into hell.
Some have however, encountered it, but after tasting of this new wine, they spat it out, saying, 'the old is better.'

So the question before you today is this, which group do you find yourself in?


I read through the whole Bible every year for 35 years as my reading plan. I studied and consumed it.
I would not have done this if I were not saved, or thought so, nor loved God with all my heart and soul.
So no one can accuse me or try and point fingers as they may have not dived in so deep.
Yet in all this time I was nowhere nearer in my quest of 'Knowing God' or the salvation He gave. All my sins remained despite my deep-dive study. And as long as my sins remained I knew that I was never saved, and my destiny was hell (Romans 6:23).
I was like that Ethiopian Eu**ch in Acts coming from afar to worship God here In Jerusalem. I needed a Saint Philip to meet me to unlock the Bible so I could see the hidden mysteries of salvation.
And indeed God sent such a sinless saint who guided me to true salvation.

Today I stand before you all as one made truly born again with no sin and sanctified. This is doing the will of the Father in heaven.

If after reading this testimony there is someone seeking God as I was, then I urge you to make contact with me.
Simply message me
God Bless you


Which voices are the loudest in your life?

'The real question is this: Which voice are you listening to?'

Pause and think about ALL the different voices that speak into your life in one single day.

There’s the voices of different people: our mum, dad, siblings, friends, teachers, and colleagues. There’s even the interruptions: the announcements from the train signaler, the adverts on YouTube, and the songs on the radio.

And then there’s the more subtle voices: the Instagram captions we read. The posters we walk past on the way to school. The branding and words on our beauty products. The narrative of magazines, TV programs, and the voice of culture.

When opening Facebook we are bombarded with many different voices from as many different Christian posts, each one espousing its truth, which when analyzed properly, is no truth at all. It's just noise.

Multiply a single day of voices by 365, and you quickly realize just how many voices are speaking into our lives at any given point!

The real question is this: Which voice are you listening to?
Without even realizing it, we can absorb a lot of noise, and miss the gospel truth that saves perfectly. It’s so easy to drift through each week, trying to keep up with all that’s going on – and in the middle of it all, forget what God is requiring of us.

It's a true saying, that as we approach the end of life, weeks, and days seem to speed up exponentially.
This world is heading for calamity, and we struggle trying to keep up with the changes happening each month, week, and day.
With strange and devastating wars breaking out, the repositioning of economies where, for example, the US Dollar crowned the world's reserve currency is being threatened, and digital currency replacing it where the Banking system will collapse, what does this all mean?
We hear 'Peace, Peace' from world leaders, then war breaks out, and more and more country leaders speak of WW3, and the use of nuclear weapons......

Whom can we turn to, and who speaks the truth?
Who has been given the keys to the kingdom of heaven?
There are many speaking and even quoting scripture, but who speaks the truth and can unlock the mysteries of God's Word so that we can meet the truth?

Many lend their ears out to those who speak loudly claiming with clever words all sorts of wonderous things, yet they remain sinners. If we dare follow these currents we will be dragged along, and in the end, be swept away into hell.

Jesus knowing the beginning and the end spoke about these last days in Luke 17:26-30,

"And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that Lot went out of S***m it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even so, will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed?"

Instead of just ‘going with the flow, and the currents of the world’ with its deafening noise, we need to step aside and seek a quiet place and reflect on these things.
Hell is for all of eternity, it's for keeps, no escaping. So we must do everything and anything to avoid this terrible place.
The Bible says, "Whoever is wise will observe these things, And they will understand the lovingkindness of the Lord" (Psalm 107:43).

When God pours His judgment out upon the earth due to its sin, filth, and iniquities which reached the foothills of heaven, no one will escape, no one.

Just as Noah preached the righteousness of God for 100 years while building the Ark, people were the same, they had ears and eyes yet they remained tone-deaf and blind. When God closed the doors of the Ark after only eight righteous souls entered, judgment fell, that of, a great flood which destroyed the world.
Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky after the rains, we must know that God is verifying what had happened.

People must understand that they are born sinners who are going to hell from the time they were in their mother’s womb as the descendants of Adam, the first man.
If anyone wants to be saved from his sins, it is crucial that they know and believe this fact, and then confess before God and His Law that they will go to hell because they are essentially a sinner from birth, for the Bible says, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).

The real question is this: Which voice are you listening to?

The Ark represents Jesus Christ, and He is the door that leads to heaven. If He shuts this door, then no one will be able to enter Heaven, which is the Most Holy Place.
We must pay close attention to what He said regarding the way to this heavenly place, if we miss this, then we miss heaven completely.
Jesus answered and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). We must find out what this means and from those who have entered the kingdom of God, the holy servants of God.

These words of Jesus are the righteousness of God, the gospel by which we must be saved.
To enter the Ark, we must step through the door by believing in God and in all of His Words. We must believe in this heavenly gospel which contains the righteousness of God.
If you fail to do this and rather continue steadfastly flowing with the currents of this world, then you must, of course, accept the outcomes.

There are a few who do actually listen, repent by casting away their thoughts, and step into this righteous way by meeting the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. They enter the kingdom of heaven by doing the will of the Father in Heaven.
But the vast majority go along merrily thinking all will be ok.

Reading thus far, will you dear reader, listen, step aside, reflect upon, and meet Jesus who has come looking for you with His gospel truth of the water and the Spirit?

The choice you make today has a definite outcome, heaven, or hell. So, choose well.

The gospel of Christ, that is, the water and the Spirit, is only found here. We have searched every country and found no one is preaching or teaching this righteousness of God.

Linger-Longer here:


Imagine finding out the next day that Jesus had returned and taken away His holy people, leaving you behind.
Be absolutely sure to cement the gospel of the water and the Spirit firmly in your heart - TODAY!!
Find the gospel here:

The New Life Mission - Free Christian Books & Bible Study 04/02/2023

“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” (Psalm 8:4).

God is a Holy God and everything He does and says is holy.
When we as humankind eventually understand this we will realize our absolute defilement and not worthy of being in His presence. Even if we had one tiny insignificant sin we would be destroyed in a moment if we stood before Him.
All His enemies are those who are sinners, even Christians who remain in their sin despite their earnest devotion.
David realized this and here in Psalm 8, he expresses this truth of God's awesome majesty.

God who can see the beginning and look at the end, said in Matthew 7:20-23 that many will not see the inside of The Most Holy Place or heaven. This is because they refused or denied His gospel right to the end, which could have blotted out all their lifelong sins at once.
These are the ‘MANY’ who remain sinners or the workers of lawlessness right to the end.
On that Day this Holy God will instruct His angels to gather up these obstinate people and cast them away into the utter darkness for all eternity.

David knew himself saying that from the moment he was conceived in his mother's womb, he was a sinner. This is because every person born on the earth is born with sin inherited from the first man, Adam.
Jesus mentioned these 12 sins in Mark 7:20-23 which defiles.
Like David, we must do likewise.
And it’s these sins that will keep you out of heaven.
If you sincerely wish to spend eternity with God then you must be made holy as He is Holy. No sinner can enter this Holy Place, never going to happen.

So the question is, what must we do to be made truly born again, God's Way so that we can be called His holy people?
We obey Jesus who clearly said in John 3:5 that to enter the kingdom of heaven we must be born again of water and the Spirit.
Many of God's enemies working in union with Satan have changed God's word and still do. If you listen to them then what Jesus said would have been changed to mean something else. This is why God speaks of the ‘MANY’ here who never make heaven.

We should cast away our thoughts and turn away from God's enemies no matter who they may be. Then meet God's holy people who can lead us to Jesus who has come looking for us with His gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Like the disciple Philip in Acts who led that Ethiopian Eu**ch to salvation, so we can be led to the righteous path by meeting these people of God.

The reality is that if you have never met this gospel or the righteousness of God that saves perfectly then you remain the enemy of God.

God is a Holy God. He said we must be holy as He is holy.
Leviticus 19–20 records the Lord's emphasis on being holy. The word for holy in Hebrew is “qadash,” which means to be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated or to be separated from the world and worldliness.

When we meet the gospel of the water and the Spirit and believe in it 100% from our hearts, casting away our everything, then we go through Spiritual circumcision, the cutting off of our lifelong sins and we are sanctified at once.
When this happens we are in covenant with God.
We are made holy as He is Holy.

By now many would ask how they can move over from sin to being sanctified.

I, like Philip in Acts, provide the answers.
It’s all here for Free, for freely we have received, freely we give.

The New Life Mission - Free Christian Books & Bible Study Have you truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? Free Christian eBooks, Audiobooks, Sermons, and Bible study on the Holy Spirit, Tabernacle


If money, earthly goods, or things cannot bring peace or happiness, then it's pointless to spend all your energy and time running after these things.
Of course, we need money and a roof over our heads with a warm bed, but these things in themselves cannot bring us lasting peace and happiness.

Steve Jobs lying on his deathbed and pondering over these things said, “In other eyes, my life is the essence of success, but aside from work, I have a little joy, and in the end wealth is just a fact of life to which I am accustomed. At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death.”

Steve could not purchase life or health no matter how much success or money he had amassed, these were all useless.

As I look at people's lives here and abroad, they are, as it were, running around aimlessly with bags pulled over their heads, all working tirelessly after money, success, and the accumulation of things.
Then one day some dread disease strikes and they lay on their deathbed pondering upon their useless lives, like Steve Jobs.
Some never realize themselves and start blaming God, yet they never gave Him a thought or place in their miserable lives.

I have much to say about these things which, to some, these life and death realities would be seen as highly irritating and an intrusion into their lives.

When doing the Math, we all have about 70 years to live on the earth. If healthy, more days are a bonus, but then we die.
There are 365 days in a year, so then 70 x 365 = 25550 days.
Not much, agree?

Psalm 90:12 says, "So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Psalm 37:30 says, "The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, And his tongue talks of justice."

God has given the task to the righteous to preach the wisdom of His gospel truth to the nations. The righteous are His holy people, those made without sin. No one else can carry out this holy work except for those made holy.

Our mouths proclaim the glory of God, and His perfect gospel of the water and the Spirit from sunrise to sunset. All those who hear should pay close attention, cast away their wicked thoughts, and start believing in this gospel from the heart.

Please download these Free eBooks without delay, and dive right in.
Should you wish to chat or have questions then I invite you to message me.

[Book Review] God bless everyone who chooses to read this book with their Bible. 01/06/2022

If you are a believer hoping heaven is your destination then this Book Review on how to enter this Most Holy Place is of paramount importance.

[Book Review] God bless everyone who chooses to read this book with their Bible. Visit our website!! You can receive free download ebooks and Audio books

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