Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath

Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath

Specialist in Women's Wellness - passionate about hormonally-driven weight-loss resistance and fatigue management.


NEW PODCAST EPISODE is ready for your ears!

I'd really love to hear your feedback after you've had a listen. ❤️

Listen here:

In our conversation, Mel dives deep into the topic of perimenopause, explaining what it is, what’s happening in a woman’s body during this time, and why many women often don’t realise what’s going on until after it’s all happened.
– Mel’s inspiring journey in the health and fitness industry and her passion for empowering women.
– An in-depth explanation of perimenopause and the physical changes women experience during this time.
– The importance of a different approach to health for women going through perimenopause.
– Key areas women should nurture and look after during perimenopause to maintain a high quality of life.
– Practical tips and strategies for balancing life and self-care during this transition.
– Mel’s love for analogies, which she uses throughout the episode to help simplify and explain the complex and sometimes taboo topic of perimenopause.
– A list of actionable tips from Mel that you can implement right now to support yourself through this natural stage of transition.
Join us for an enlightening and empowering conversation with Mel, filled with valuable insights and practical advice for navigating perimenopause with confidence and ease. Don’t miss out on Mel’s expert knowledge and relatable analogies that make understanding this important topic so much easier.

Tune in now!


How many dwarfs have you got living with you?

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 29/05/2024

Feeling flat?
Can't lose weight - it just feels stuck?
Reaching for sugar to pick you up?
Needing to eat every few hours?
Feeling foggy?
Dragging yourself through your day?

You are NOT imagining it.
There could be something simmering away that will dramatically impact your health if you ignore the early warning signs.

I once read somewhere (but I can't find the original source, sorry) that by the time someone is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 80% of their pancreatic cells are already destroyed...which is crazy.
It is hard to come back from that.
But the good news is that diabetes is very preventable when you intervene early. I've seen countless women reverse the impact of pre-diabetes successfully with the right support and guidance.

I guarantee that your GP has NOT looked into things like I look into things. I dive deep deep in and make sure we are picking things up early so that you can change the trajectory of where your health is heading. It's all about the testing we choose.

This was Emily's story (swipe to read 👆🏻).. but it is a common one I see.

Please promise me...
If you feel like something isn't right, don't let a healthcare provider run some standard tests and tell you everything is "normal". I'm begging you to listen to your instinct and act early.
You, gorgeous girl, are worth it.


Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 21/03/2024

Your liver has a big job to do and a huge role in weight loss...and without serious liver love, you may find that your results come to a screeching halt.

If you've plateaued or you just aren't seeing things budge, then we need to talk.

It's not about quick fixes or magic's about well thought out strategies and appropriate support.

Send me a message, and we can chat more.

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 14/03/2024

This research just reinforces the link between gut health, immune function and hormonal happiness.
It's real are not imagining it.
Don't ever let a health professional disregard how you are feeling and what you are experiencing.

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 24/01/2024

Only ONE spot left!
If you are a woman who is overwhelmed with where to start...then this is your sign.
This last spot is meant to be yours.
You will never regret reaching out and getting me in your corner.

Together, we will dive deep, shine light, and get you real long-term sustainable results.

We will find what works for you.
I'm dedicated to that.

If this last spot is meant to be yours, then you'll need to hurry and register your interest via the link in my bio or go to...

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 11/01/2024

These are the top three things I'm always considering with my patients who want to lose weight.

Think of them as the of weight loss.

When we start thinking beyond , we start creating magic... and it's not just weight loss's a whole body makeover.

If you are ready to get your health (and weight) looked after once and for all, I'm here for you.

I'm currently accepting new expressions of interest for my signature program... LOSE IT's your personalised, forever weight loss support program, with all the magic sprinkled on top.

Link in Bio... don't think about it for too long... I've only got a few spots.

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 21/11/2023

It's the same situation with rice and pasta...extra points when you reheat them too (as this will increase the resistant starch even more)!

Did you know this ???

Share with a fellow potato-salad-lover 😍

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 02/11/2023

I live for this...🩷🩷🩷
👏🏻 10kg lost in 12 weeks
👏🏻 >40cm from around her body gone
👏🏻 Blood results improved dramatically
👏🏻 Fitness and strength increased
👏🏻 And she is feeling unstoppable

This is Lisa's story...
"A few months ago, I was really struggling with my health, and I was feeling stressed and miserable. I was tired all the time, feeling burnt out and also not sleeping well. Each day, I was just surviving and not living life the way I wanted to. I really felt like I’d hit rock bottom and desperately needed help.
I first met Mel, the super lovely naturopath about 5 years ago. I always remembered she was kind and caring, and I knew she was the one I wanted for support this time. I follow Mel on Instagram and Facebook, and she is very knowledgeable and passionate about women’s health in particular.
I contacted Mel, and I started the 10-week ‘Lose it Faster’ weight loss program she was offering. Our conversations have been so helpful, and I have enjoyed listening to Mel and learning how to improve my health. So far on my journey, I am proud to say I have lost 10 kilos and am feeling more in control of food choices, meal prep, and an exercise routine. It’s been exciting to see results in not only weight loss but also blood results showing improvements as a whole throughout my body. Cholesterol, liver function, vitamin D, and thyroid function all improved!! Even my skin is looking fresh and clear!
I can’t believe how much better and happier I feel after 3 months! It inspires me to want to keep going and see where I’ll be in the next 3 months!
I’m so grateful to have had the support from Mel and would highly recommend her to anyone struggling and looking to improve their health and well-being.
I feel like my old self again but a new and improved version! Thanks so much, Mel! x"

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 19/10/2023

Ladies, I need you to realise that two eggs just isn’t going to cut it. 🍳🍳

Your body deserves (and needs) more than that. (Make sure you swipe across to see how to give your breakfast a makeover.)

If you need some great nourishing breakfast options then check out my 👉🏻‘Inspired Collection Recipe Bundle’👈🏻(link in bio)…or if you want to dive deeper into what your body needs to feel healthier, then let’s spend some time chatting.
All my appointment booking links are in my bio, too.


Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 17/10/2023

He is really just trying to keep you safe (but he kinda sucks at his job).
Anxiety can really mess around with your health…but your health can also really mess around with your anxiety. It is a two-way street.
Things like poor gut health, nutritional deficiencies, imbalanced hormones, poor sleep patterns, infections, heavy metal toxicity, and inflammation can all drive (and even create) anxiety.
They can set you up to be more anxious, and then the anxiety you are feeling can make the original problem even worse. You can end up in a self-perpetuating cycle - and no standard doctor is going to recognise that (coz that is not how they have been taught to look at anxiety).
The cool thing is that in the world of functional medicine and naturopathy, we look at things differently. We have out-of-the-box solutions that prove themselves time and time again.
It is a big priority of mine to get your body in a place of safety by resolving the original triggers for your anxiety and then also to give you successful tools to re-train your anxiety response. We need to re-educate your anxiety so that it can trust that it is not needed any longer.

It was there to protect you, but when it is no longer needed then it can put its feet up and take a well-earned break.

We all need a break sometimes – your anxiety is no different.
If you are ready to tackle your anxiety differently and sail through your day/month/year with more ease, then hit me up.


You might have heard about ALL the benefits of intermittent fasting...
We need to have a quick chat about some tweaks you should make as a woman so that your hormones and metabolic health are looked after along the way.

👍🏻The first one is…making sure you always have breakfast (ideally in the first 60 minutes after waking).
This will play to your strengths and give your body a decent meal in the morning at a time when your body is the most sensitive to insulin (which is the hormone that tells sugar to get out of your blood stream and get tucked away in your fat stores for later). When you have more sensitivity to insulin it means that less insulin is needed to do the job – which will also mean that your body is more efficient at dealing with the ‘after effects’ of eating a meal and will see less reason to store glucose as fat. Hello, less fat storage!

The other impact of eating breakfast is that your body will start the day with a signal of safety. It will receive the message that food is plentiful and it does not need to worry about holding onto extra padding or slowing down your metabolic rate to keep you alive in case of a famine (aka limited food). There is then no additional need for elevated cortisol to be released and your stress response can work on finding a more balanced rhythm for the day. This can also flow on to better energy levels and improved gut health.

🤘🏻The second one is…move your dinner time earlier.
If you are aiming for a 14-16 hours fast (which I find is the sweet spot for women), then you will need to work back from when you will be eating breakfast and move dinner earlier to hit that fasting window. For example: If you are eating breakfast at 7am, then 14 hours before that is 5pm the day before. So, dinner will need to be done at 5pm.
You naturally become more insulin resistant at night time, so eating earlier will avoid an over-the-top insulin surge that will leave you feeling heavy and sluggish. Eating earlier in the evening can be a game-changer for a lot of my patients.
I know that having an earlier dinner doesn’t always work with social conditioning or time schedules, but if you can make it happen, even a couple times a week, it is worth playing around with.

🤟🏻The third thing is…you will still need to prioritise protein.
Just because you are fasting does not mean that you just eat whatever. Fasting can be a great tool, but it is not going to work in your favour if you are eating a high-carbohydrate and processed diet. If you have been following me around for long enough, you know how much I harp on about the importance of protein. Protein is a key macronutrient in losing weight and transforming your health. Don’t forget this guy if you are going to start playing around with fasting.

If you are new to the fasting world – then maybe just start with a couple nights a week (not consecutively) if you are after some additional weight loss. Then as you get more comfortable you can add additional days.

Remember that I am here to help.

I will be ready in October to open up another round of my LOSE IT FASTER 10-week weight loss program. You can register your interest now –


We have poured our hearts into this fun & inspiring workshop for your girls.

This one-day workshop will gift your daughter the wisdom to develop a healthy, beautiful, and magical connection to her moon cycle.

We are bringing awareness, education and most of all fun, to a topic that is considered taboo - when in fact it's one of the most vital keys for our young women to thrive, feel healthy, happy and empowered.

This workshop is an initiation into herself, her inner wisdom & internal rhythms. She will leave feeling prepared, informed, and positive about her menstrual cycle and passage into womanhood. We are planting the seeds of knowledge, embodiment, community, and freedom for our girls, for the next generation, for humanity, and for the planet. They will feel supported with love and guided with care through a major transition in their lives.

A day full of arts, crafts, ritual, meditation, yoga, sound healing, sharing circle, cacao ceremony, beautiful healthy sisterhood, and so much more.

✨️What puberty and periods are - so the girls can understand the 'how' and the 'why'. How their feelings, bodies, and awareness transitions through the major developmental milestones.
✨️Understanding how their hormones shift and dance through their cycle to create 'four seasons' within them.
✨️How to honour and nurture their cyclical nature by tapping into the superpowers and shadows of each 'season' of their cycle.
✨️How to care for their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body as they approach their first period and beyond.
✨️Open conversations around period management and how that entwines with their individual needs and our planets wellbeing.
✨️How to have conversations without shame. Being able to honour and vocalise their needs to their support network - strengthening family bonds and enhancing sisterhood.
✨️Introduce them to sacred rituals that connect them to their feminine wisdom.
✨️Breathwork, meditation, yoga, sound healing, arts, craft, laughter, ritual, sharing circle, ceremony, yummy nutritious food, and healthy sisterhood.

Tickets are now available at

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 10/08/2023

Have you ever wondered why you have to work so hard to lose weight? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Let me share with you my TOP FIVE HORMONES that I consider when working with a woman to unlock her effortless weight loss potential.

These five hormones can be the make or break of your success. If you don't consider their role, then you are guaranteed to make things harder for yourself.

If you would like to know more about how you can test for these hormones (and more), then download my FREE GUIDE - 'Lose Weight Without Trying' - link in bio.

REMEMBER: Weight loss doesn't need to be hard work if you are supporting your body with what it needs.

I am a whizz at helping women figure out what their body needs and then shifting them towards a healthier body permanently.
I've been doing it for over 2 decades now.
It's my jam.
It's what I love to do.

Hit me up if you want to find out more.



Are you feeling a little more anxious?
Snappy? Irritable? Overwhelmed?
Depressed? Unmotivated? Blah? Down in the dumps?
Are you also between the age of 35 & 50?

Did you ever wonder if perimenopause was the reason, you are feeling this way? Coz, it definitely could be.

You see, the main shift that happens in your ‘transition to menopause’ (aka perimenopause) is that you become less consistent & efficient at ovulating each month. As your ovaries are shutting up shop, they will be less capable of popping out an egg & therefore producing progesterone month after month in optimal amounts – coz progesterone is only produced in high levels after you ovulate. Therefore, less ovulation = less progesterone.

Now, is your hormone-friend that keeps you chilled, centred, & grounded. She is your ‘stress buffering’ ally who can keep you as cool-as-a-cucumber. 🥒
High progesterone is nourishing and calming to your brain & nervous system. This is why a lot of women in their reproductive years will notice that after they feel more rationale, happy, in control of their emotions, & will even experience a better quality of sleep.

As your progesterone starts to lower during perimenopause, you can start to feel the impact of stress more intensively, and your risk of anxiety & depression increase.

If this feels like you…then please know that you are NOT imagining it. You do not need to just put up with feeling this way, and your loved ones do not need to accept that this is the new you.

Beyond seeking some personalised support from a qualified practitioner (like me 🙋🏻‍♀️), you can also start to look after these things (which can start to make a big difference):
😁Soothe your nervous system
🍷Reduce or quit alcohol
💪🏽Move your body regularly & focus on muscle building activity
💊Supplement with things like magnesium, taurine, B vitamins
😴Look after your sleep routine – bedtime before 10pm
🍭Balance your blood sugar levels

The neurological symptoms of perimenopause are not permanent, but with the right support, you can sail through this time with ease. I promise.


Did you actually know this?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Did you also know that 70% of people on thyroid medication still complain about thyroid symptoms?

Are you a statistic? 🤔
Have you been prescribed thyroxine and thought that was it?

It's okay if you have. You are definitely not silly for thinking this.
You see, the standard medical approach to hypothyroidism is with medication - specifically thyroxine (T4).

When thyroxine is prescribed by a doctor for an under-active thyroid, there is the unspoken assumption that your thyroid issues are due to a "T4 (Thyroixine) deficiency". The theory is that replacing the T4 will eradicate your symptoms as the body is given what it needs.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The reality is that it just doesn't play out like that, though.

T4 (thyroxine) is the INACTIVE thyroid hormone 🐌 - it has no benefit to your metabolic function. It actually needs to be converted to its ACTIVE T3 form, and your cells have to listen to it to have any metabolic boosting effect 🚀
So, simply supplementing with T4 will do nadda for your body unless you can convert it over to T3 efficiently and your cells are receptive to its presence.

You won't be able to get the full benefit from your thyroxine medication if you are still stressed out, inflammed, have gut issues, own a poorly responsive immune system, are toxic or are lacking really important nutrients (like selenium, tyrosine, iodine, and zinc).⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You gotta look after the original problem before things are going to get better!

Medication just won't work.'s not gonna make it all go away, unfortunately. 🧚‍♀️🪄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But that's where functional medicine practitioners like myself work our magic - we can be a game changer on your thyroid case!

Hit me up if you are ready to feel better.

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 18/05/2023

Keep this handy next time you head to the grocery store!
(It will help steer you in the right direction).
It will remind you of the foods that you want to be ADDING to your shopping trolley.
When it comes to making dietary choices (and especially changes), I truly believe that it is better to focus on adding in more of the 'good' stuff instead of focusing on what you need to cut out. By having a list like this, you will be putting your energy in the right direction. All of these foods are naturopath-certified-hormone-loving!

These are the stables that I'm always seeking out and making sure that I keep on hand in my fridge/pantry to make life easier. When I have these foods stocked up in the house, I am much more prepared and find it soooooo much easier to nourish my body (and hormones) over the week.

While this list won't be everything you need to make a meal, it does provide a great start.
If you want some ideas on how to turn these 'hormone friendly foods' into actual meals, then grab a copy of my recipe bundle "Inspired Collection" - link in bio.

What's your fave food from the list?

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 28/03/2023

I've worked really hard to create a weight loss program that doesn't feel like a "weight loss program". My goal is to support all the women I work with in a way that works for them. It brings me joy to see it working so effortlessly.

Here is Jo's experience so far...

"It’s tricky to put into words succinctly just what 3 weeks into the ‘Lose it Faster’ program has done for me. I’ll try! One word that truly describes what it has been for me is FREEDOM! It’s been a complete 180 on what I thought it would be. Think diet, rules, restrictions, weigh in, shakes, etc etc etc. that’s the vibe I got when I initially got the info to download and print. I actually almost gave up right there.
BUT I’m so glad I didn’t!

It has been the total opposite of that.

Melissa, for one, is SUPER supportive. And in a really genuine, compassionate meet-you-where- you-are kind of way. The weekly check-in calls are really great, I so enjoy them. It’s where we debrief, chat about the goals set and achieved, discuss the wins, unpack the losses, and move forward together. There is ZERO judgement, guilt, or negativity. When Melissa says she is in your corner, she actually really is! There is freedom in that!

I didn’t set out on this journey to lose weight - despite the name of the program. It was always going to be a happy by product of a different focus. As a mum of 2 young girls, I felt like I was giving more than I had, and my reserves were super depleted. I knew I needed to do better with my eating in particular to fuel my body better, but I had no idea how to do that. Melissa has given me easy, family-friendly, and realistic directions on how I can do that, and it has already changed so much. I feel better in my body and mind. I CAN do this! I CAN make these changes, and they are achievable and sustainable. I feel so free in that as previously, I was trapped in an awful cycle of lethargy, boosted by carbs, coffee, and sugar, and whatever was left over from my children! Not to mention a chronic snacking habit.

So whether you are on a weight loss journey or not, this programme will help in so many ways!"

- Jo, LOSE IT FASTER member, Feb 2033

Do you want in on my next round?

Photos from Melissa Hohaia - Naturopath's post 14/02/2023

How many times have you told yourself (or even been told by someone else) that how you're feeling is "normal"?

Have you convinced yourself it's okay because people you know are feeling the same?
Can we please take a moment to acknowledge that if you are:
👎🏻 in discomfort,
👎🏻 planning your life (or wardrobe) around your symptoms,
👎🏻 struggling to get through your day or
👎🏻 feeling anything other than great...
Then you ABSOLUTELY need support to feel better and you deserve someone who has the knowledge and skills to help you turn things around ASAP.

Too often we can accept our symptoms as just apart of life. I know that I used to. I was that woman who had super heavy periods, gained weight easily, always felt bloated and felt like every day was a struggle.
I get it.

We are mothers...
We are busy working...
We are caring for others...
We are aging...
We are genetically sensitive...
We are simply female...

We are told that it comes with the territory..
we have been TOLD WRONG!
It's time to understand what your body is trying to tell you.

All those symptoms are signs that your body is trying to give you.
Ignoring those signs is like ignoring your cars petrol light 🚗 or your houses smoke alarm 🚨 ...what would happen if you just stopped listening to those? 🚶‍♀️🔥

My goal with every single one of my patients is to empower them with knowledge so that they can tune into the symptoms they are experiencing, understand what is creating them, and unpack what their body needs to correctly re-establish balance and harmony in their health.
What's the craziest symptom you have ignored?


You're never going to succeed if you keep up this mindset. It will continue to sabotage you. It will hold you back from long term success.

I've already had a couple of desperate messages from some of my new LOSE-IT FASTER members this week...admitting that they have messed up. It makes me sad to see them beating themselves up and feeling like they are failing - but I've seen this over and over in my years of supporting women. I know that will be able to work through and overcome this.

You should never feel guilty for a choice that provided you what you needed (in whatever form that takes). Being aware of your choices and why you are making them is a wonderful learning opportunity. You can identify patterns and then bring in the specific support you need to open up the option to choose differently in the future and create a different story.

Please understand that every time you chose to eat something you are choosing to either fuel your health or fuel disease...choosing to either fuel your emotions or fuel your physical being...choosing either fuel an instant gratification or fuel a longer term goal. There is no right or wrong choice. It just simply is a CHOICE - one that you get to make for you.

Often you might choose something that you feel bad or guilty for...but your awareness around why you chose it and what you could have done differently to make a different choice will be the most valuable tool moving forward.

Stop expecting perfection...there is no lessons to be learnt there. Instead, welcome the f**k-ups with open arms and use them as learning opportunities to understand your health and body better.

It is my role to support my patients through this process, so that they gather a greater understanding of themselves and can achieve a permanent shift that allows for long term maintainable changes to their health.

Let me know if you've been able to change your approach to food choices 👇🏻
What has worked for you?

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Videos (show all)

You might have heard about ALL the benefits of intermittent fasting...BUT WAIT…We need to have a quick chat about some t...
Are you feeling a little more anxious? Snappy? Irritable? Overwhelmed? Depressed? Unmotivated? Blah? Down in the dumps?A...
There are lots of things that change during #perimenopause... but one of the biggest ones I see with my patients is the ...
Did you actually know this?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Did you also know that 70% of people on thyroid medication still complain about thyroid...
You're never going to succeed if you keep up this mindset. It will continue to sabotage you. It will hold you back from ...
How much protein should you be eating?The answer may surprise you...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀😳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When I talk to my patients about ...
Listen up closely...It is NOT normal to be...🥱 TIRED day in day out...😫 experiencing PERIODS that put a halt to your pla...
If you've ever put yourself on a diet will know that making certain foods 'off limits' or telling yourself ...
Look familiar??? 🙄If you are in your 40s and perimenopause is starting to feel like a rough ride – then it may be time t...
You’ve been told that losing weight after 40 is hard work, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️Well, I want to #flipthatscript and debunk the my...
Before I get on my #soapbox ... let me start by saying that I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing doctors...
Why would you want to work with me?(I mean let's face it...there are a few of us out there and choosing the right practi...




Unit 4, 145 Stirling Highway
Perth, WA