Eagle Insights

Eagle Insights - The grounding force in Spiritual Healing in Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Queensland

With an innate gift of clairsentience, I work intuitively to facilitate profound change and healing for my clients. A no nonsense, down-to-earth practitioner, I am well known for my accurate and penetrating insights, genuine compassion and lasting results.



"The feminine cannot, will not surrender
To the wounded masculine...

A man who criticizes her
Or attacks her

Her own inner masculine will not allow it
He will rise fiercely to the forefront
To stand guard
To do the job himself

The feminine can and will only surrender
To the divine masculine...

A man who is devoted to her
And protects her

A man with boundaries
And humility

In this space
She will feel him penetrating her very essence...

Her body
Her mind
Her heart
Her soul

And she will feel safe...
Safe enough to surrender

This is the natural law
This is the dance of healed polarities

This is surrender...
To Love"

~ Karen Star

Ary | on IG


I’m known for being incredibly patient with, and accepting of, other people’s shadow projections mainly because I can see where they are on their journey and I know that their projections have nothing to do with me but ….. I do have boundaries. When those boundaries are crossed, that’s the end for me. No ifs or buts, just the end.

Check in on your shadow; get to know it intimately; learn how to integrate it and hopefully, you’ll then have far less conflict in your life.



The most attractive women are not those who have undergone extensive plastic surgery, those layered with societal expectations, the feminists who seek dominance over men, or the submissives who depend entirely on men. They are not fragile princesses who expect comfort from everyone around them.

The most attractive woman is balanced, reconciled with herself, unique in her thoughts, steadfast in her principles and actions, and honest and frank, regardless of the consequences. She has fought life's battles alone and, despite her disappointments and traumas, does not seek sympathy or play the victim. She conceals her pain and relies on strength from within and her faith.

This woman lives with the passion of a burning soul. She has faced the flames and emerged from the ashes, like a dazzling phoenix, unstoppable. She has fought the world's darkness and her inner demons, emerging from the depths of hell free, unbought, and unsold. She is strong yet her heart overflows with generosity, her light and attraction emanating from the authenticity of her rebellious soul against societal hypocrisy. Her distinct personality captivates everyone.

Her light and beauty do not come from a surgeon's knife, fabricated appearances, or superficial acceptance. They stem from a transparent soul that resists the falsehoods lurking within humanity. She embodies femininity and delicacy while fighting with all her ferocity. She has learned to soar alone like a hawk, transforming her deepest pains into a ladder to new horizons. From life's trials, she emerges as a colorful butterfly, content only with the paradise she deserves.

True attraction cannot be bought with worldly wealth; it arises from an inner place that rejects falseness.~

~Katie Kamara


Equanimity is the name for this skill.

Thank you Ellen Cassey

Photos from Eagle Insights's post 26/04/2024


She visited me the day before I arrived! Flora popped her head in to say hello whilst I took a moment to meditate at Lake Louise in Canada. Here we are today, meditating again 😁. A beautiful experience and one I’ll always remember. 🥰

Photos from Eagle Insights's post 22/03/2024

An unexpected ‘care package’ arrived today. Cotton wool, bubble wrap and a unicorn! It’s the simplest things that put a smile on my face ……. And a little giggle in my heart 💗. Thanks bro. That made my day!! 🙏


A powerful question and one that you might not like the answer to but it's well worth asking.

Thank you David Grigas


A beautiful age-old message that I never get tired of.


new academy of energy and consciousness 05/02/2024

Ahhh, there’s peace in my heart. 🥰

new academy of energy and consciousness


Thank you to all the women who heard the call and to the men who embrace and support them.


"There is a Band of Women who are now coming forward as a force to be reckoned with.

The women who are asked to be a part of this movement have been responding to an inner calling for many years. What these women have in common is a deep urge to remind humanity of what has been lost: commitment to the Divine Mother and all Her Powers of healing, grace, compassion, trust, intuitive knowing and heart-centred awareness.
Each woman will have a unique role to play in this Plan, but they all share a common theme in terms of what they must deliver to the consciousness of our planet.

The transformative power of a woman in touch with her divine essence is something that can no longer be dismissed, denied or rejected. Women all over the world have elected to be born here in this very lifetime - to risk their hearts all over again - to bring much-needed, urgent healing to a planet in crisis.

For every single woman who has this sacred contract (to bring her innate healing codes of feminine power back into full consciousness on earth) there has been a significant process to endure as she confronts once again the profound resistance to the Goddess and all She stands for.

Oh, yes, this Woman realises early on in her own 're-awakening'.

They don't like me here.

My power threatens them.

When I was last here, I diminished my truth so as not to bring attention to who I really am. I learned quickly that my sacred energy is not acceptable on this planet. I realised that it made others distinctly uncomfortable: reflected too much truth back to them, made them look at themselves in the mirror, and brought up their Shadow Selves all too rapidly.

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers.

I decided, recently in my reincarnations here, that I would so diminish my own powers as to allow myself to be taken for granted, disrespected, dishonoured and put down by others. I decided that it was too frightening to let others see my glory and magnificence, so I hid inside toxic, disempowering and even abusive relationships.

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers - I allowed my body, heart and Spirit to be violated and shamed, just so that I wouldn't threaten the status quo. I pretended that I was 'nobody', so that all those ego-driven, comatose souls around me would get to feel that they were really in control, that they really knew the answers, that they really had all the solutions.

Oh, yes, this Woman remembers, no wonder I did not want to return here.

Great atrocities occurred here against the Feminine Soul. I was a primary recipient of the enormous wounds against the spirit of the Goddess. I endured too much at the hands of shut-down, terrified, cold and closed-hearted humans who were deeply threatened by the All-Seeing Light of the Universe.

Before the reincarnation into this very lifetime, all these women had a conversation with the Great Goddess.

She reminded them that their Souls were the strongest that exist in the Cosmos.

She reminded them that without their Love, without their Healing Presence, without their Radiance and ability to See Through the Veil of Illusions - Earth would die.

The Women protested.

In each conversation with the Great Goddess, every single woman broke down in uncontrollable tears and shook until she could not speak.

Please, please don't make me go back there.

Not at this time.

Not when everything is so dense, so low, so twisted, so fearful.

Don't make me wade through the mud and mire of a humanity so rooted in the ego.

The sheer number of closed heart chakras is daunting, Great Mother. We cannot endure the traumas once again to our psyches. We want to stay in the stars, stay in the Great Etheric Temples, rest forever in the Light.

We are tired.

No, said the Great Mother, with love and firmness.

No, said the Great Goddess, with eyes of commitment and devotion.

No, spoke the Great Universal Shakti, with heart full of trust and faith.





I will send my emissaries to you when the Time comes in your earthly lifetime to reclaim this Mission.

Everything in your Life will change from that point.

You will touch again the sorrow, you will touch again the grief, you will touch again the anger, you will touch again the lost Souls who mourned your leaving.
But this time, you will draw from deep within yourselves the Power to Lead an ailing, sick humanity into health.

You will find the friends, co-workers, partners and soul families to keep you going when the energies get rough.

Most importantly, you will feel MY LIGHT, MY VOICE, MY GUIDANCE in whatever way that you need it.

You will create great works of transformation and healing upon this weakened planet, called Earth. And She will become your Home again, for a time.

You will reconnect with the love that is held deep at the Centre of the Earth, and you will be guided as to how to most effectively put your healing methods to use.

Do not be affected by the fear that is raised in others who cannot withstand the power of your Light.

You will effect great healing in all who are touched by you, even sparking off new awakenings as you go.

You will end your lifetime on Earth, this time, being honoured, revered and celebrated. This will mark a great moment of Soul resolution in all of you. There will be forgiveness, as those who previously hurt you will be drawn to make amends. This is a powerful part of their own karmic journey. Those who abandoned you during the times of persecution will seek you out once again, and reconnect in great love and soul reunion.

You must hear this message today, for the Band of Sisters who are now gathered here are ready to surge forward.

There are new directives arriving daily from Great Mother.

There is a great joining occurring now, as the Band of Feminine Light-Carriers encircle the Earth with their Love.

They have returned, as promised, and they will do their duty.

Prepare for the silence to be broken, as thousands and thousands of Spiritual Feminine powerhouses find their voices.

This has always been decreed."

Author ~Sophie Bashford

Sacred Wild Woman Medicine

Artist~ Autumn Skye Art


13 Traits Of People With True Integrity 04/01/2024

How many of these traits can you honestly claim as your practice?

13 Traits Of People With True Integrity Integrity, for those who are not familiar, is quite important. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. People who have...



Here we are again, at the end of another calendar year. Like all other years, everyone has faced many challenges and, depending on mindset, many have even triumphed over a few, if not all, of them.

The back end of this year has been a particularly interesting one for me. As the 'veils' continue to lift (as they always will) I see deeper into the 'truth' of some of the relationships I have.

What I realise is my capacity for patience, empathy and acceptance is great for others but detrimental to me. People have such an amazing ability of showing how they perceive you by the way they treat you and speak to you and for those who don't know, inferential comprehension is my super power!

So, if that's the case, why don't I just walk away?

I have sat and pondered the 'whys' for my persistence with clearly one-sided or blatantly disrespectful relationships and found, it's my belief in the potential of what's possible (whether it be a friendship or professional relationship) that has kept me there for a relatively mind-numbing amount of time.

So, my promise to myself for the new year, is that I won't be dragging detrimental relationships from 2023 into 2024. I deserve better! I deserve to be met where I am, as I am and treated with authentic respect and kindness.

I wish you all clear insights into whom and what is important to bring with you into 2024. It's going to be a huge 12 months coming so pack lightly!

Happy New Year!



Each year when Christmas approaches, I take time out to remind people that for some it's quite a difficult time of year and to practice a deeper level of compassion. Some people have no family to share Christmas with and feel lonely, some have estranged family they long for connection with, some are in domestic disputes over children and then there's those who feel forced to be with family they don't enjoy.

Significant times like Christmas always exacerbates family dysfunction!

This year, maybe it's time to try something new. Maybe this Christmas it's time to ask yourself "What is my part in this dysfunction and what remains unresolved in me?"

Remember that the person who most needs your compassion is you. Be gentle with yourself and may the spirit of Christmas bring peace to your heart. 🌹🦄


I have to agree with this. Some remarkable insights into the truth of some. What about you?


Such a beautiful and simple representation.

My brain then asks the next questions..... How then, does someone vibrating at a 'higher' frequency influence someone with a 'lower' frequency for the betterment of personal development? Is it possible or is this a representation of 'no one can do the work for you', making you entirely responsible for your own growth? 🤔


You are allowed to talk about things...


I am grateful


Thank you 🫶

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Pomona, QLD