DOSE Fitness

Hi there my name's Scott, your personal trainer and owner of DOSE Fitness. I specialise in body transformation, strength and conditioning and weight loss.

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 03/08/2023

Client transformation!

“Today I feel stronger than I have ever been, thanks - great to see the results when you put in the hard work”

Incredible progress from long term client

One of the hardest working clients I have.

Super positive can do mindset.
Never complains and just gets it done.
Trains consistently and has overcome some speed bumps including various illnesses but Jase hasn’t let it stop him !👊

Getting strong and lean!

DM for Coaching 💬
1-1, 2-1 & Online!

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 27/10/2021


Join the squad and start to transform your lifestyle, body and mind post lockdown.

Maybe you have fallen into bad habits?
Maybe you have gained a bit of lockdown weight?
Maybe you are sick of feeling sorry for yourself and want to take action?

We are back in action post lockdown and there is no time like the present.

Forgot all those bu****it excuses about work/family/time/money.
Im sorry to say, if you continue to have this fixed mindset you will not see success. Sometimes we need a bit of tough love.

After the 2 years we’ve had its time to put things In perspective and focus on whats REALLY important to you. IMAGINE if you started 2 years or even 6 months ago! 🙀

I have had many clients gain incredible results during lockdown with the right mindset, consistency and commitment. Im so PROUD OF ALL OF YOU who have taken the leap and are reaping the rewards.
Imagine what YOU can do now you don’t have the excuse of the gyms being closed!

Give me some of your time, energy and effort and I promise I will put my ALL into helping you achieve your goal.

DM me ‘LETS GO’ and I will send you an invite to my fitness app, information pack with tonnes of freebies and consult form to see if we are a good fit 😀
Not tomorrow, NOW.


😏 Tough love coming at you. 😘

Thai is all the proof you need that consistency without a gym can still get great results.

Focus on resistance training with what you have.
Adapt your environment. Make it a healthy household.
High protein diet
Calorie control
Patient pants

Stop using the gyms being shut as an excuse to self sabotage. You deserve better than that.

You could be where you want to be RIGHT NOW if you stop with the bu****it excuses.

If you need help creating a new routine to get some structure. Drop me a message!

Drop me a comment ✉️
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Share to a friend in need.💬

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DM me for PT enquiries.

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 20/09/2021


How to track calories.
Here’s one for all my new clients, but I’m sure the rest of you will find it useful.

When trying to achieve any aesthetic goal,
Muscle gain or weight loss.
Calories are the most important factor.

You don’t NEED to track calories, but if you’re not assessing your guessing, and a calorie tracking app tells you if are staying on track with your targets. As long as you’re honest, only cheating yourself 🤣

Need help working out your calories based on your goal?
Drop me a comment ✉️
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Share to a friend in need.💬

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DM me for PT enquiries.

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 16/09/2021

How to not lose all your gains in lockdown! 💪😩💪

And hopefully build some too.

Let’s assume you are still working out somewhat. If you aren’t, that’s ok. Maybe check my last post about how to get back on track!

If you currently feel lost and are just going through the motions with random workouts, you’ve come to the right place!

Firstly, to maintain muscle is a lot easier than building. If you just keep a steady routine with a high protein diet without pushing too hard you can still preserve your hard earned slabs of 🥩

However if you want to still BUILD, it is certainly possible with the right attitude and consistency..

1️⃣ High protein
2️⃣ Strength Training
3️⃣ Progressive Overload
4️⃣ Altering Training Stimulus
5️⃣ Have a programme!

Info in slides

Drop me a comment ✉️
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Share to a friend in need.💬

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DM me for PT enquiries.

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 13/09/2021

Feel sh*tty on a Monday?

Stop panicking, essentially its water weight and food retained from the weekend.


Weight and fat are two different things.

As long as you get into a normal routine on Monday. It is very likely by Wed-Friday your current’ standard weight’ will go back to normal.

It’s important to not have a F**k it approach and sack off your whole fitness journey based on one ‘bad’ meal or night out.
Stop being a p***y. Get back on track and you’ll be fine.

-Don’t compare yourself to others, be better than YOU were yesterday.
-Have an 80/20 approach and let yourself be flexible.
-Be kind to yourself, it's ok to have a minor setback. Self sabotage won’t do you any favours.
-Have a set routine from Monday.
Be proactive not reactive. Premeditate your workout, meals, steps.

◀️(SWIPE LEFT) for the do’s and dont’s.

Happy Monday 💪


This is a little late.

In my late teens I felt suffocated with my thoughts. I had severe anxiety/depression, self-loathing & zero confidence.Going anywhere seemed exhausting.
Friends and family around me wouldn’t have known. Just thought I was being quiet or antisocial.
The concept of ‘mental health’ didn’t seem to be a thing back then. I felt isolated and that the world was against me. I have a great family but I didn’t feel like I could even tell them.
The thought, ‘why and how can this be happening to me’ often crept up in my head.
Some days I’d hardly leave my room until 1am where I’d have a burst of energy and go for a run with no one around.
I’d then sit at the top of the hill with a view of the village and contemplate what this is all for. What’s the point. No one would care etc.

Getting into exercise saved me. Like most teenagers I went to get huge, to build more confidence. Back then I had no idea that I was using it as therapy, and for that hour, to feel some sense of pride and accomplishment meant a lot. Fast forward 15 years and it’s my vice, and now career. It’s helped me develop. It’s why I’m passionate about helping others get there.

At 18 I thought, I need help. I went to a local GP and they gave me some pills.
I took them for 3 weeks and then thought, F**k this, I need to change my surroundings not take my life.

Eventually, this took me traveling and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve done a fair bit since.
My eyes opened up to new people, new places, new experiences. I realized the world isn’t as grim as I thought, but my perception of it was.

I realized I was in control of how I feel & what to do about it. I still have bad days but I am so PROACTIVE with my mental health, not reactive. I keep it at bay. I practice habits daily to make me feel good. I keep busy. I keep active. I distract myself from my thoughts basically 🤣.

9 years on and I’m in Oz. Great life(lockdown excepted), great career and freedom within it, great friends, and most importantly Ruby, you’ve saved me in more ways than you could know. Happy Anniversary 🥰 family at home I miss you dearly.
That’s my sorry what’s yours?
Let me know in the dm’s for a chat.


I have this conversation all to often with new clients.

How they have been on 1200 calories a day meal plans in the past. It often creates a bad relationship with food, they dread the thought of dieting, and feel guilty if they don’t stick to it. All the while, feeling sh*te.

Less energy- Less steps/workouts
Less libido
High stress

Whats important to understand is everyone is different, we all have different calorie requirements based on our height, weight &age (BMR) and other factors such as activity level/job/lifestyle and goal.

Now although aggressive calories deficits CAN work short term, for the general population it is very hard to adhere to.

More often than not they won’t stick to it, or become a weekend warrior because they are so overly restricted. It is even harder for females at their time of the month.

So whats the point?!

Now meal prep services are great for convenience and tracking what you’re eating. I use for most of my meals.
But we all have a specific calorie target so you cannot take their plans as gospel.

Instead utilise those services for certain meals and make up the other calories/macros with other meals/snacks.
1️⃣Meal prepping or not, find your calorie maintenance. (Ask help if needed) stay on that for 3-4 weeks.

2️⃣Reduce that amount (Create deficit by 10-15%) This is sustainable and easier to stick to LONG TERM. If not losing fat, increase slightly to 20-25%. Factor that in when investing in meal prep services.

3️⃣Consume the foods you love in moderation.

4️⃣ Increase energy output over time to tip energy balance in your favour.

Can you relate to this?

Drop me a comment ✉️
Like if this helped❤️
Share to a friend in need.💬

Save for reference.📲
DM me for PT enquiries.

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 09/09/2021

Are you in a fitness funk?

Here’s some helpful tips on how to get back on track (if it’s important to you to feel better) at this time.

Firstly, it’s ok if you’ve fallen off a bit lately. I’m sure we all have to some degree. But if you are thinking ‘enough is enough’ and want to start taking back control, I’m here to help.

1️⃣Get in to a ‘can do’ mindset and build good habits.

2️⃣ Stop looking for motivation, focus on your WHY.

3️⃣ Understand it’s ok to f**k up, don’t self sabotage the week from one bad choice.

4️⃣ Think of it as a sustainable long term lifestyle adjustment, not a quick fix.

5️⃣ Start tracking to stay on track. Be mindful of your week. Food, exercise, stress etc.

6️⃣ Have a plan, be proactive, be prepared. Don’t go into your week blindly. It will ruin your progress.

7️⃣ Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop setting unrealistic expectations.

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this post to someone that needs to hear it.

Have you fallen off track?
Don’t know where to start?
Need some direction or motivation?

DM me the words LETS GO to get started.


The all of nothing approach 👎

I’ve Noticed a pattern after many conversations over the past few months.

‘I’ll start once gyms are open’
‘When my heads in it and go in 100%’

My client told me today he has spent years yo-yo dieting, in and out of the gym. Training everyday and eating f**k all calories to get the result as quick as possible.

Did he get an initial result? Yes
Did he enjoy this? No
Did he stick with it? F**k No
Did he maintain the result? Absolutely not.

Can you relate?

Fast forward 8 weeks in with me and he’s 6kg down, but more importantly he’s change his whole mindset

Control over food ✅
Training he enjoys and feels better for ✅
More productive ✅
In it for the long game. ✅
Consistent, empowered, educated.
Now he’s hooked.

The sooner you realise it’s a lifestyle change you need and not a couple weeks of intense dieting and over the top training and then back to old habits, you’ll actually get and MAINTAIN a good result a lot faster.

If you want to drastically change your body shape , have you given any thought on how you’d maintain it?

Learn to love the process, and the result will take care of itself. Also stop being a neggy Nigel and get on the growth mindset tings.


Great to be back in the gym!

Here’s an unreal Lat pulldown variation I learnt from .

It really hits different. Focus on arcing the handles down then back to really fire the LATS up. Give it a crack today 🔥🙌

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 13/06/2021


Tracking calories is definitely optimal to monitor calorie intake and make sure you are on the right track with your health goals.

After all, if you’re not assessing you’re guessing. Many people claim to ‘eat healthy’ but have no idea how many calories they consume. Eating healthy is super important but for weight loss calories are king.

You could spend 1-2 hours or less a week doing food prep and pre tracking all of your food instead of scrolling Instagram or Netflix. Then alter later if needed..

BUT if you realistically know you won’t opt for tracking calories here’s a great option to manage portion sizes EACH MEAL To avoid overeating and keep macro’s in check.

Did you find this useful?
Let me know if you have questions in the comments!


Getting the km’s in for

Whose up for the challenge?
Great cause to raise money for su***de prevention. Kicking off today until the 22nd May.

Link in bio to register to get involved or donate!

The more you donate the more k’s I have to do 😫 🙄

Thanks in advance

Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 14/05/2021


Amazing result so far for my amazing client

5 weeks difference between photos
- 4KG lost so far ✅
- cm off her waistline ✅
- Stronger✅
- Much better mobility✅

In terms of progress, this is amazing. She’s well on her way for her weight loss goal for her wedding next year.
But in my opinion, what’s more important to consider is the changes in her lifestyle for LONG TERM change.

- Complete change in mindset
- No guilt surrounding food
- More control
- Better balance
- More confidence
- Habits instilled have now become ROUTINE
- Improved mental health.
(Very proud of you neighbour 🙌🤣)

Yeah side note she approached me online. And turns out she lives next door 🤣.

Anyway to me, these changes are what’s most important. I encourage all my clients to strive towards a better quality of life instead of chasing numbers on a scale.

Build better habits and create balance in your life, and your goal will become the natural byproduct, with a bit of consistency!

Focusing on losing 20kg but having no idea on daily steps to get there or the patience to accept this may take some time, will actually take longer in the long run. Quick fixes may get a fast result, but won’t make sustainable change, it will just create a yo-yo effect with various crash diets. Educate yourself, get some guidance and reap the reward long term 😁



Rowing into Monday!

Here’s a little insight into what muscles are being worked with different hand positions when rowing.

Here I’m demonstrating a barbell row, but the same rules apply on machines/dumbbells.

On the left- underhand close grip, but the focus is in driving the bar (/dumbbell/cable etc) towards my hip/belly button to targets my lats/mid back. Think about squeezing two oranges between your armpits.

On the right- Wide/overhand grip, I’m aiming to drive the bar towards my chest. Think about elbowing someone behind your. Keep elbows nice and square.

Hope this helps if anyone’s confused.

Let’s smash next week guys! 💪



Lat Pulldown Edition

Slow controlled movement- No swinging.
Practice mind muscle connection- Think driving elbows towards hips.

Keep chest and eyes up and don’t let your shoulders roll forward. Start light and practice the above. Practice and repetition = progress!

Do you want more of these tutorial videos?let me know in the comments!
📲 save for later


Photos from DOSE Fitness's post 31/03/2021

Weekly Fitness Plan 🗓🏋️‍♀️

Plan your week of workouts, steps, calorie tracking and when to do a self check in to check progress.

I have created templates for the following training splits :
- 2 x per week
- 3 x per week
- 4x per week
- 5x per week

This can be used an an example of how to structure/plan your week so it is all premeditated. Super helpful to provide clarity and develop a routine.

In another post I’ll show you how to structure a programme based on how many sessions a week you can commit to.

3 day full body split
4 day upper lower upper lower etc

Like, Save, Share please if you or a friend will find this useful. 🥰 📲



Workouts vs Daily movement
(Eat VS Neat)

Workouts are obviously very important for:
-mental health
-releasing happy hormones
-overall well-being

BUT Stop using them as an answer to your fat loss problems. It is a TOOL For the above.

Workout for 1 hour. Then use the other 23 hours to-

- Practice good nutrition
- Practice NEAT- general daily movement (walking)
- Manage stress
- Have good quality sleep
- Improve mindset (self development)
- Monitor progress
- Assess and adjust your environment

These are all HUGE contributing factors to your overall progress and result. Don’t overlook them!



Improving your health
Growing your business/career
Learning a new skill

It all stems from creating habits.
I struggle with this, but I have learned a few things along the way. 🧠

Identity-Based Habits Not Outcome-Based Habits
Focus on who you want to become and work on that each day instead of focusing on the outcome (result) this will change your mindset long term.

2️⃣It Takes 21 Days To Form A Habit, the key is consistency. If you can power through those 21 days, you’ll start seeing the benefits.

3️⃣Habit Stacking. Pair a task you want to become habitual, with one that has become second nature. Examples-
Brushing teeth- reading for 30 mins
Having a coffee, then morning yoga. �
4️⃣1%’Ers Go A Long Way. Stop focusing on the result. This takes time and isn’t always linear. Focus on developing the habit. You may want to lose 10kg. Great, start with the 1kg. Focus on the daily tasks to tick off. Exercise, food prep, walking, and water, etc. Then repeat those methods. This will seem much more achievable and takes you 1 step closer to your goal. You brush your teeth daily without even thinking about it (I hope) this is a habit formed over time.
�5️⃣Nature and nurture. You are 30% what you’re born with and 70% the product of your environment. Be aware of your environment and if it suits your goals. Adapt if necessary.
�6️⃣Prioritize Your Habits. What is most important for you? Only focus on 1-3 at a time to avoid overwhelm. Once they become habitual. Move on.
Don’t change everything at once. Instead set realistic goals and be consistent.
A common scenario is someone going from 0-100 thinking they can get a result in 2 weeks. Gym every day and heavily restrict food. This may cause overwhelm and burnout.

7️⃣Pick a keystone habit-If in doubt choose a habit that will have a positive effect on other changes you’d like to make. In my experience, exercise naturally improves my energy, confidence, sleep, Diet.

8️⃣ Start Small-Do you want to read more? Start with two pages.
Want to do 50 push-ups? Start with 5 a day.

I hope this helps!

Please LIKE, SHARE & COMMENT with any questions.
Coaching inquiries DM me.

Timeline photos 10/02/2021

Workout Wednesday! 💪🏋️‍♂️ ---
Are your training sessions getting a little stale? If you're stuck for ideas, motivation or most importantly - results, have a chat with one of our PT's next time you're in club for some steps in the right direction!


Why Should I Be Your PT?

Just like many people, I got into ‘fitness’ to look better with a shirt off. I got into personal training because I realized how much it changed my life, and wanted to help people feel the same.

Like many others, I developed insecurities from a young age and my mental health took a hit. I thought that getting shredded would be the answer.

I found that it became much more than that. It was doing wonders for me mentally and continues to do so. I need it, it’s my therapy. It gives me routine, a sense of self-worth, discipline, and a feeling of accomplishment.

This transfers into everyday life. Fast forward 10 years it helped me build the confidence to move across the pond and build my business.

Getting into fitness was fairly easy for me. I had a big sporting background before joining a gym and My Mum is a Trainer.

Sport ran in the family. I built good habits early on. I resented my Mum’s ‘health buzz’ in my younger years but now fully appreciate it. I understand that this was not the case for many people. Not everyone had that positive reinforcement to be healthy from family. Many coaches overlook this and get frustrated with why people aren’t the same as them. Not everyone lives in the gym curling chicken and broccoli instead of pints, mate.

I like a beer and a burger as much as anyone. The key is BALANCE. I can safely say I’ve found my balance.
I want to help as many people as I can re-wire their mindset, lifestyle and alter their core values. It’s ok to have a beer now and then but also feed your mind and body with the good tingz so you feel freshhh. BALANCE.

It may start out as the pursuit for a ‘Sick Rig’, but hopefully, with a few adjustments to your lifestyle and mindset it can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing and you’ll feel like you finally have your head above water. Instead of abusing your mind and body for years.

This has become the forefront of my business.
In essence, to feel better. 🙌

Now, Why Should I Be Your PT?
Because I’ve been where you’re at and now I feel GREAT.

It’s not all about a 6 pack, but it helps 😉
Interested in feeling better about life this year?
Message me NOW. 📩

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

I have this conversation all to often with new clients.How they have been on 1200 calories a day meal plans in the past....
Great to be back in the gym!Here’s an unreal Lat pulldown variation I learnt from @coach_kassem. It really hits differen...
BACK WERK 🦋Rowing into Monday!Here’s a little insight into what muscles are being worked with different hand positions w...
FIX YOUR FORM 🔥Lat Pulldown EditionSlow controlled movement- No swinging.Practice mind muscle connection- Think driving ...
HABITUAL HEALTH- Change Your Habits



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