Samuel Kristy's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame - The Musical

Do I Make the Music ….. or ……Does the Music Make Me?

QUASIMODO THE MUSICAL IN CONCERT - The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra 11/07/2024

QUASIMODO THE MUSICAL IN CONCERT - The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra The world premiere of a new Australian musical in concert comes to Melbourne's historic Capitol Theatre: Samuel Kristy's QUASIMODO - THE MUSICAL (The untold story of the Hunchback of Notre Dame). Featuring a sensational cast of Australian soloists, the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic choir and Orchestr...


My Friends – this is another Song from my ‘Hunchback Musical’ - a b***y, rollicking, comedic song, performed by the amazing Vocalist 'Enya Angel'. In her 'cockney accent' - Enya captures the big, brassy character of Madame Farlourdel - the Innkeeper (Lady of the House).

This is crafted to be catchy and memorable - with its ‘double - entendre’ lyrics, and rollicking music. The Song creates the calm before the storm - occurring just before Esmeralda and her lover Captain Phoebus ‘secretly’ meet at Farlourdel's Inn.

The jealous Archdeacon Frollo, hiding in their rented room, stabs Phoebus - and vanishes into the shadows. Falourdel, seeing Esmeralda, covered in blood immediately accuses her of murder, and later, it is her vicious testimony that helps convict the innocent Esmerelda. The Plot thickens....enjoy!!!!

PS: I am privileged to say that Mr.Peter Casey AM, renowned Musical Arranger, and Conductor of over 100 musicals globally, has given me a glowing appraisal of my Work.

He examined my Work and concluded that ...."Samuel Kristy’s...'The Hunchback of Notre Dame - The Musical' is .....“Magnificent and Inspirational …with its soaring melodies and orchestrations…truly capturing the Musical Theatre Genre”……

My friends - my efforts to stage the Musical over the past two years have been thwarted by unforseen difficulties - including Covid /the Pandemic and Funding. I am doing all I can to bring this dream to reality, and sincerely cannot wait to see and feel the response of the Audience to my Musical. This Work has been a labour of love over a fifteen year period.

Thank you again for your patience, support and inspiration. I believe that without You the Audience …giving me the courage to continue - my dream would remain a dream.....
All the best, Samuel Kristy

Samuel Kristy - YouTube 16/01/2023 All the very best to all my Friends ...I'm glad you are enjoying my Music and Journey......If you would like to hear more of the Songs from my Musical - go to the above YOUTUBE LINK

Samuel Kristy - YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world


..'A Great Sadness Rules... When the World's Run by Fools'.

(Lyric from Samuel Kristy's .."He is the Hunchback".. Song)

How often are we told as Writers and Artists, by influential People in the Music, Entertainment and Arts Industry....."that's not the way it's done"?

How often, are we told you need to do it this way....or that way?....

They offer plenty of advice ....but no assistance - or no alternative - to achieve the objective.

However, I've always believed there's always more than one way to achieve an objective.

Throughout history, human progress has been made when someone has.... "dared to do it differently"... "and dared to do it well"....

My concern is that many great Works have been thrown in the dustbin of history because - the Author has dared to do it differently than the expected industry norms.....

However, lack of financial support - and lack of foresight from those who purport to be helping - requires Creatives to think outside the square.

As Creative Artists we often suffer in darkness....due to rejection.

How many Authors have given up because of the prejudice and narrow mindedness of those who pay lip-service to helping the Arts?

My question is simply ..."Where is the true moral, ethical and financial support to the Australian Creative Arts?"...

Performers and Creatives in the Music, Entertainment and the Arts are treated as 'second-rate citizens' 'busking beggars'.....

It's no-wonder that entertainers, performers, artists, composers and writers suffer heartbreak, disillusionment and depression.

We are not a smart country.

Those in the Entertainment, Music and the Arts... play a significant part in keeping the World 'Level headed and Sane'....

They help...'Save the World'....every second of every day.

They help ...protect and save... the Australian Economy...every second of every day.

In this way, entertainers and creatives are deserving of much more respect those who run the creative industries, and..... by those who run the country.

Often we feel abandoned, betrayed, forgotten and alone..... A great Sadness Rules .....

But, that's why as Artists and Writers, we should never give up -and never give in - to the nonsense, negativity, indifference or condescension of those ..."Expert Fools"...around us.

We need to remember these problems are simply the challenges thrown at us. As Shakespeare once said....."The Fault dear Brutus is not in our Stars ....but in ourselves....that we are Underlings"....

Creative people are at their most creative when they're ..."fired up"... when the boiling cauldron of their sorrows, disappointments, anguish and anger... explodes into a ...'positive force' for transformation.

It's when we Artists refuse to be Slaves to the negativity - breaking the invisible chains of self-doubt, that we can change our attitude, change the World, and change our destiny.

Our Works are inspirations/creations of the Universe.

Only .."WE"..can be the Masters of our Fate - when we totally trust in the courage of our Dreams. ....

It's when we have unswerving faith in ourselves, despite those 'Wise Fools" scoffing and scorning us - that we must rise above their prejuduce - and become the Artist we are meant to be.

Providing entertainment, inspiration and joy to people gives fulfillment, purpose and meaning to our lives.

This is our ...'real'...job.

Never forget your true worth.

Entertainers, Artists, Composers, Performers, Writers and all who feel they are drowning , remember one thing....."The World Needs You".....

Hope Needs 'You'........for..... 'You' bring Hope.

Seeing the smiles and tears of our Audience is why we're alive. ...

All the best, Samuel Kristy.


And now for the next YouTube Clip from my -

"QUASIMODO - -The Musical
(Hunchback of Notre Dame-Untold Story) "....

Some back ground ...

The magnificent vocalists are the renowned ....Beven Addinsal (Ex-Young Talent Time)... and... versatile Enya Angel ...who both performed on the double CD...

The Scene....

Archbishop Frollo sings this dramatic and powerful song - condemning his Son 'Quasimodo' - for disobeying his orders, and leaving the walls of Notre Dame.

Esmeralda also sings as a counterfoil to Frollo's criticism - defending Quasimodo against Frollo's unfair and unbridled attack.

Archbishop Frollo is absolutely livid - seeing his Son Quasimodo gallavanting like an absolute idiot in the Street - and mocking both King and Church.
He also sees his Son's behaviour as as a personal affront to his authority. Frollo has warned him Quasimodo that - due to his Son's fearsome appearance - he should never leave the Cathedral - for his own safety. He could easily be killed by the Townsfolk, who could (in their fear) see him as a dangerous and ferocous Monster.

Quasimodo was watching the "Festival of Fools" Celebrations from his rool, atop the Notre Dame. In defiance of his father's instructions - and for a taste of the freedom he's been yearing for - decides to venture outside to join the Celebrations below.

Quasimodo suddenly finds himself in the big hall where the major contest was underway - to find the ..."Ugliest looking person in all of Paris"..... Due to his unnatural and grotesque appearance, he finds himself elected as "KING of FOOLS" by the Townsfolk and Revellers.

Frollo, suddnely sees "King Quasimodo" being paraded wildly in the street - carried on a makeshift throne - while wearing his 'Royal Robe and Crown". In a fit of rage Frollo screams...'Sacrilege" ....and knocks Quasimodo to the ground.The traumatised Quasimodo scurries back into the Cathedral.

That's when Frollo and Esmeralda sing this big and exciting Song. Some say that this Song "He is the Hunchback" should be the Theme Song.... but there are so many great Songs in the Show (as judged by my Peers)...

I will let You, the Audience be the Judge - when you see the Show in March 2023.And, all I can say is that the Song - as one of my favourites ....capturing the overal theme of the "Untold Story"...
Frollo's and Esmeraldas Lyrics end with the declaration -
....."A Mystery Abounds .................There's a Story to Tell..............When a Spirit is Caught ...........Between Heaven and Hell"......

For this Song, and others from the Show, you can visit my ... Youtube Channel at .....


The Song 'Confess' is sung on this Soundtrack by Raphael Wong - one of Australia's most talented and exciting Opera singers. He is currently the understudy of the lead role "The Phantom" in forthcomong Sydney Season of "Phantom of the Opera".

When you hear his superb voice and interpretation of the Song -
you will know why he is destined to become one of our greatest Opera Singers. Not only is he a Great Singer - but he is a Good Bloke.

The Scene: Paris City Square in front of the Greve Gallows.
Esmeralda has been wronfully convicted of killing Captain Phoebus who she had fallen deeply in love with. In truth , it was actually the evil Archdeacon Frollo who - in a fit of jealousy and rage - stabbed poor Phoebus.

It is Sunrise in Medieval Paris, as the tormented Esmeralda - bound in chains and surrounded by Guards - is slowly being led to her execution.She is to be hanged for Murder, on the Gallows in the City Square.

The Square is filled with a rowdy chorus of rowdy and riotous townsfolk.Thye fighting over Esmeralda's guilt or innocence. Half of then are shouting she's an 'Evil Satanic Witch'...Others are protesting that she is a Saint - an innocent Victim.

In all this turmoil, Esmeralda stops suddenly and looks up to the heavens to pray for her salvation.

Suddenly Archdeacon Frollo, appears in all his pompous Church Regalia. He approaches and whispers .to her .."I love you. If you agree to come and live with me in the Cathedral, you shall have your freedom.I will release you from this nightmare. I am your only chance of Salvation"....

She cries out ..."I will never be your slave - to sacrifice Love for freedom -especially to a lecherous Monster"... When she blankly refuses his advances and his vile attempt at blackmail, Archdeacon Frollo - sounding more like the Executioner and Torturer.... sings ‘Confess.’

Friends - For your viewing pleasure, I have just completed this Clip - so as to again provide you the Audience with a flavour of the Music/Songs in the Musical.

Hopefully, you will make it to Premiere of the Musical, in September. Great News coming very soon. I hope you enjoy this dramatic and dynamic piece....

Cheers, Samuel Kristy


May I say that David Wall - Music Arranger, Musician and Performer is one of Australias finest and extra special creative artists. His fantastic musical arrangements - bring to life the compositions and works of others.

Without his extraordinary talents - the Songs in my Hunchback Musical would have been but mere shadows of themselves. Thanks David for your wonderful and moving arrangements.

The famous Peter Casey AM - one of Australia's most eminent Musical Arrangers and Director's captured my sentiments -concerning the Soundtrack- when he commented Work .... Hunchback Musical is ...."magnificent and inspirational ....filled with soaring melodies and orchestrations"....

And David is the man who gave my Music Wings...It's his talent, his belief in me, and his and professionalism that has lifted my Music to another dimension.

My Dream is to see the Musical on Stage - to share with the whole Worls - the inspiration of these magical and beautifully arranged Songs.....Thanks sincerely David ....Cheers, Sam.🍷...


Creative Writers, Musicians, Artists and Performers are ‘special’ people.

They give their all- they sacrifice themselves in the universal purpose to add meaning to people’s lives.

Performers , Writers and Artists give their hearts their souls to their work-often for little external appreciation or reward.

They’re often told to get a real job - when their real job and their real purpose is giving a voice to those profoundly needing to be heard.

They give a voice to the strangled heart.

They bring joy and hope to the troubled, the pained and stressed- helping people forget for a moment the problems and difficulties of their daily lives.

Above all, they transport our spirits to another place .. to another dimension ...and... in the process ..,,,they help transform our hearts, our minds and our souls.

They help give some true meaning to our lives.
..just my thoughts, cheers, Sam


Wishing You All a Healthy, Happy and Inspirational New Year...

We have all suffered the heartache of a harsh and a seemingly unforgiving 2021.

However, nothing ....and I mean nothing .....should vanquish the Hope in our Hearts.

Against all odds, 2022 will be our year of rebirth and rejuvination.

All we need to do is to believe..... to believe in each be kind to each other..... to know that Life with all its misgivings and hardships ..... is precious ......and we should live each day as if it were our last....

All there ever is .....and ever the Love in our hearts.

Samuel Kristy


I hope you are enjoying my daily postings...and the Songs - going up on my Page- as part of my re-imagination of the Victor Hugo Classic....Look at this interesting parallel - Quasmodo is locked up in the Notre Dame Cathedral (his home) for his own safety and protection...and...

We, the Public, are locked up in our homes - for our own safety and protection....
In fact, we share the same QUEST for "FREEDOM"..........................................................................................
I very much appreciate you all joining in my quest- to bring my 'life-long dream' - my 'Hunchback Musical (Untold Story)' - to Reality.... Above all, we can all play our part in supporting Live Music and Theatre to kickstart and revive the 'Arts, Music and Entertainment Industries' - which have been so devastated by the tyranny of these lockdowns.

Hopefully, increasing freedom of movement will encourage us to get together with family and friends - in Performance Venues across Australia - to enjoy and "Celebrate" our Victory over isolation and, in many cases, loneliness ......May 2022 be a Happy and Healthy New Year for All ......Cheers, Sam 😀


This is a powerful Song from my re-imagination of the Victor Hugo Novel ....Samuel Kristy's "Hunchback of Notre Dame -The Musical"(The Untold Story) ...Please enjoy!

Some back ground ...

The fantastic Vocalist is the amazing .......Beven Addinsal (Ex-Young Talent Time)... who performs the role of Frollo - on my double CD...Soundtrack. The Scene....

Archbishop Frollo sings this dramatic and passionate song to Esmeralda. He's torn between his inner spiritual self and his yearning for human physical comfort - to feel his manliness.

However, the temptation of the flesh has taken him to his extremities - his lowest beastly and base level. He’s resorting to trying to bribe and blackmail the chained and forlorn Esmeralda - offering her 'Freedom' - promising to save her from the Hangman if she agrees to be his Woman- and to live with him in the Cathedral.

Esmeralda - a woman of principles refuses his manipulation, abuse and physical advances - (reflecting the universal themes of the ‘Me-Too’ movement .... She would rather die ...than bow to Frollo’s demands....For her Love is everything and she could never live in his nightmare.

Frollo professes his ‘Love’ for her - but all she sees is a Satanic Evil Priest motivated only by ‘Lust’ and selfish gratification. Though she faces certain death, our he**in rejects Frollo's offer - choosing to die rather than sacrificing her Love.

Frollo is tormented by her utter contempt and rejection of him - questioning her humanity, her appearance and her character ...He needs to know if she's the ....‘Devil’..... the ‘Angel’ ..or ....‘Just God Too’.

Is this another possible ‘Theme Song’ for the Show? I will let You, the audience, be the Judge. All I can be certain of is that you will be immersed in the untold story ....the journey of the twisted soul. Be prepared to be stunned by the Songs in the Show - which have been carefully crafted to be hummable and memorable - and will leave you gob-smacked.

You will finally see why the great and renowned Peter Casey AM (Renowned Musical Director of the blockbuster shows such as Phantom, Les Mis, Cats, Cabaret, Sound of Music, Wicked. West Side Story, etc) ..has endorsed the Work as .."Magnificent and inspirational with its soaring melodies and orchestrations....truly capturing the Musical Theatre Genre"...

The conflict in ,,,"Horns or Halo?"...explores universal and powerful issues such as the "Courage and the Power of Sel-Belief and Hope"....the truth that "Love Transcends All"... and that "Freedom is a State of the Heart and Mind"..... ..”Women’s Voice to Power” ..and .. the tragedy of “Prejudice and Judgement by Appearance”...."The Eternal conflict of Good and Evil"...

Thank you again everyone for giving me the opportunity to open my Soul and to reach out and touch the strings of your heart.
I hope you too are deeply moved by my 'Heaven-Sent' - 'God inspired '- Lyrics and Music.

To all my friends, may you receive all that you wish for.

Thanks again sincerely for all your continuing love and support of my Work - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical.....
Cheers, Sam 🎹

For this Song.... "HORNS or HALO? " and other MOVIE CLIPS from my Hunchback Musical visit YOUTUBE at .............................. .....Press on the 'Photo of me' at Youtube ....and the whole Channel will open up...ENJOY!


In this topsy turvy World we may ask ourselves ....................

..."WHAT'S the MEANING of LIFE?"....(such a simple question ...or is it?)

In my humble belief...we are all the children of the Creator - the Universe....

We are all unique - but we have one common factor.

We are all blessed with "Life"... and the "Opportunity to discover what the meaning of life is".

There can be no-one answer - as it's all a matter of individual interpretation and perception.

So what's the Answer?

I believe that ..."The MEANING of LIFE is .....the SEARCH for the MEANING of LIFE"........

We can only find the meaning of life for ourselves ........when we are who we are meant to be .....when we remain true to ourselves...... when we remain true to our dreams.

A small message from Samuel Kristy and Quasimodo.......Cheers, Sam🙏🎼

Photos from Samuel Kristy's The Hunchback Of Notre Dame - The Musical's post 20/11/2021

Friends-I'm writing in regard to the Song..'HE is the HUNCHBACK'...

The Success of a Song is not simply what the Composer Writes - but how the Artist/Performer interprets and presents the Song.

I thank everybody who has said just how much they love the Song.. ..."He is the Hunchback"...but I want to give my sincere thanks -and pay my due respects -to the Artists who made the Song what it is.

There are two amazing Performers who contributed so greatly - with heart and soul - to this Song..."He is the Hunchback"...

Bevin Addinsal (ex-Young Talent Time) is singing the part of Archbishop Frollo.

Enya Angel is performing and singing the part of Esmeralda.

They are both amazing and talented Singers -whose wonderful artistry has truly captured the power and the passion of this Song..

Some background on the renowned Entertainer Beven Addinsal...

Fame arrived early for Beven with a musical career that commenced on national television at age 11 with Channel 10’s "Young Talent Time" in which he starred for over 6 years.

Musical Theatre - Beven has held lead roles in productions such as Carmen Miranda and Seven Little Australians.

He has also produced, recorded and written his own music, and has been singing on the live circuit for over 12 years.

Beven has become one of the country’s most respected and talented corporate performers, performing for companies such as Crown Casino, Channel 9, Myer, Heineken, Ernst & Young. Beven is always in high demand with a repertoire that spans top 40 chart hits, smooth swing & rock ‘n’ roll.

He appeared regularly on Bert Newton’s Good Morning Australia and is interviewed regularly by some of the country’s most prominent media personalities - with extensive experience “live to air”

The Project’s Peter Hellier, together with comedic trio Tripod penned a song about Beven’s life which soared to No. 1 on the Triple JJJ Top 50.

Beven is a natural born entertainer who combines his powerful and versatile voice with an amazing energy and presence.

Some background on the versatile Performer and entertainer Enya Angel ...

Enya is a professional recording artist with tracks signed to dance labels including Armada, Mau5trap, Ministry of Sound, Hussle Recordings, Sony Music Germany, and more.

She has over 15 years training and pro experience in Musical Theatre, both live performances and pro studio recording.
Enya can sing most genres and can adapt my vocal style to suit characters.

Additionally she is a Voice Over artist signed to BGM Agency where specialise in character accents and voices.

She is an ARIA and Beatport Charting Vocalist and Lyricist.


She is a trained and Experienced Dancer (Ballet, Hip Hop, and Commercial) IMDB....a qualified and Credited Hair and Makeup Artist including SFX Makeup for Film and Television.

Enya's credits are extensive - having appeared in numerous productions including -

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - silly girl #1, Spotlight Theatre Company, Gold Coast _______
SHAKESPEARE’S LADIES CLEOPATRA, Kenmore State, Qld_______ ZEUSSICAL THE MUSICAL - Whickersham Brother #1, Lindisfarne Anglican, NSW_______
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT - Mother Mary, Queensland Opera Theatre_______
THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN - Title Role, Verdala International  COMMEDIA DELL’ARTE ROSABELLA, Verdala International  LYSISTRATA TITLE ROLE, Verdala International _______
SNOW WHITE (MIME) Title Role M # Arts Festival
WIZARD OF OZ TITLE ROLE, Tweed Amateur Theatre _______
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM - Helena - Verdala International BUNRAKU PUPPETS TRADITONAL - Head Puppeteer Malta Arts Festival _______

It was an absolute privelege seeing hearing my Songs come to life with Beven's and Enya's - wonderful and emotionally charged Vocal Performances - and Heartfelt interpretations.

Thank you sincerely - Cheers, Sam


The Entertainment industry will slowly come back to life..but only with your active and positive participation and iinvolvement....

Please support our Live Music and Theatre industry which has been hit so hard in the past few years. Remember, as we come out of lockdowns ..."Freedom is Never for Free"....

We're all in this together - to help each other rise above the storm, and enjoy our lives once more...

It's our Artists, Performers and Entertainers -around the World- who help make this a truly 'Magical Wonderful World'. ..

Cheers, Sam
And now for that sinful song ....."SEVEN DEADLY SINS"...

This is a Spectacular Song from Samuel Kristy's - 'THE HUNCHBACK of NOTRE DAME -The MUSICAL' ...Devilina the beautiful diva and temptress - is trying to tempt and persuade the Archdeacon to cross over to his dark side abandon his faith ...and to dance with Sins...

The Song is performed by the highly talented Theatrical Artist 'Stephanie Wall'.

She is renowned for her excellent and dynamic Vocal Quality and incredible huge Range.

Stephanie is simply amazing, and it's an absolute privilege and joy working with her......

It will be a Sin to miss the Show...hope to see you all there...I promise you an unforgettable experience and an absolutely great night out!...

All the every best, Sam



This Song...."I'll Rise Above the Storm" dedicated to every woman…their treatment at the hands of ‘men of power’ and …their experience of the ‘glass ceiling’ that keeps them down.

This is an Anthem - sung by the amazing Nina Ferro - to the
“Equality, Justice,and Freedom”..that Women yearn for ….and truly deserve.

In particular this Song shows the incredible courage required - to overcome the indignity and violence faced by Women.

The Lyrics define a Woman's Pain, Dignity, Strength and Defiance' in the face of abuse, violence and adversity.

This is Esmerelda's Torch Song, her powerful and courageous ...'Voice to Power' ..

Esmeralda's Song appears just before she is about to be executed for a Crime she didn't commit - after being set up and betrayed by both her lover Phoebus and the Jealous, possessive Archdeacon.

The Priest offers to save her - in return for her agreeing to be his Woman - but she refuses. Just as Esmerlada as Executioner's Rope is put around her neck, she sings courageously .......
…”Though My Wings are So Torn .........Still.... I'll Rise above the Storm"...

At that moment (at the the crescendo of the Song) we see Esmeralda, like an Angel....with battered, torn and outstretched wings.... Rising up to the Sky.

The renowned Peter Casey AM (Music Conductor and Arranger of some of Phantom, Les Miserables, Cats, The King and I, Sound of Music ..etc...has praised 'Samuel Kristy's Hunchback Musical' as a magnificent and inspirational.

I know all about domestic violence because my poor mother was an innocent victim of my tyrannical, violent and abusive father ....She suffered up until the day she passed away...and finally found her peace and freedom.

My heart goes out to all who are imprisoned in a toxic and abusive relationship, and, who with their patience, resilience and courage are able to free themselves and ... “Rise Above the Storm”....

My heart goes out to all Women who are enslaved by society’s -
“glass ceiling “ and who dream of Equality.
...You can also see my Youtube Channel with this and other Songs from my Hunchback Musical at ...
(Performed by the amazing Nina Ferro)

All the very best, Samuel Kristy



The Burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral was a real tragedy- which affected millions of people around the World. I actually wrote the Lyrics to the Song - the day I was watching the TV News showing the Fire ravaging and devastating the Church- like a hungry monster.

I had already composed the Music - but I had put it away it in the draw...with no intention to use it in the my Hunchback Musical .. The inspiration - to marry the Lyrics to the Music - was instantaneous. ......What you hear in this Song is an Anthem - a heartfelt dedication to this magnificent Lady - our Notre Dame- the Silent Witness to the 'Untold Story' ...

Now, after much of her restoration and she's burning to tell us her Story.......She's the 'GATEKEEPER to the secrets, and the UNTOLD STORY'. She is a living breathing Character permaeating my 'Hunchback Musical'.. She's been there the last 800 years ..... listening to the Voices and Whispers haunting her Hallowed Halls...... Imagine the Mysteries and Wonderous Tale she will reveal ..... "And when our Spirits Rise up to the Sun..... We'll look back on Earth and Thank her for her Charm"....(Lyric from my Song..."I'M in LOVE with our LADY NOTRE DAME" sung by the Poet Gringoire) This is just a little bit of my heart and sould - dedicated to the Victor Hugo Classic Story of the Hunchback well as to the Public's Love of this Glorious Cathedral. ......Cheers, Sam🎹🎼🎤🥁


..."WHAT a WONDERFUL WORLD".... (This is a classic Song performed by Louse Armstrong Song) which means so much to me- because it speaks of the 'belief' that the World, with all it's problems, is still a 'Magic Place' to be.....I hope that my 'Hunchback Musical' will create the same Magic that will bring us all together -in a Celebration of our 'Freedom'.

It's our Artists, Performers and Entertainers -around the World- who help make this a truly 'Magical Wonderful World'.

Throughout my life - I've heard people saying that 'Artists,Performers and Musicians' should get a 'REAL JOB'....

My father threw me out of the house - because I told him I wanted to be a Musician/Composer - and at the same time - have a 'Mainstream Job/Profession'.

He offered to set me up in business - to buy a small Office Building and set me up for life as a "Professional in my own business" - as long as I promised not to do Music..

I felt I was being kept under his control - in the 'emotional chains of guilt'...I endured for all my childhood. Yes he came from poverty and difficult times - and didn't want his first Son to be in his words ..."a nobody, bum musician' ...That's understandable...but then...what is life all about, if we cannot live our life, as it's meant to be lived?...

When I refused his offer to set me up in business, he was furious - and shouted words etched into my brain........"You Ungrateful...You have to become a Man.....Music' is only for 'Hash Smoking Hippies' ...and ..."You can't do two jobs - because he who Worships Two Churches ...Cheats on one"...Then he hit me with his big emotional punch......."Why would you want to be a Slave?...You shoudn't be playing for people....People should be playing for You"...

I was shattered by his 'melt-down' - and my Mum was caught in the middle of all and she was distraught and crying ,However, none of my Father's rehetoric and blackmail would turn me away from my decision to stand up for my Vision to be 'myself'.

I ended up being thrown out of the house- with my books, clothes and smashed photos in a pile on the Street looking like a Volcano....I knew that I was then alone with nothing ...but knew that it was better to be 'alone' with me - than 'lonely' with him. For me, 'Music was Me' ...I could not separate me the Artist/Composer from the person... I was born with Music in my blood - and within my soul, and ....'no-one and nothing'.... would extract that from me ....or stop me from achieving my own dreams.

Yesterday, I was talking to someone about how 'Musicians and Performers in the Live Music and Entertainment Industry' had been finacially and emotionally devastated by the Pandemicand the Lockdowns....He said ...Well, it's their own fault - All they do is mess around and have fun ....Why don't they get a REAL Job?...

'Well guess what Mr.Cynical,....Music and the Arts ....ARE a real job....It's not all ...just have a good time and loads of fun....

There's the 'years of practice' to acquire the skills and knowledge to do the job effectively and successfully ..

There's also the 'tears of sadness' we endure .... while being undervalued and we play lots of those 'two-bit' joints.

Like any 'Job' - 'Performance' involves an enormous amount of preparation - rehearsal, travel, 'transporting and setting up' of musical instruments, PA Speakers and sound equipment.Overall it takes a great investment of time, effort and skill to perform well ...just like any other 'real job'.
..Just because I am 'playing a piano' - or because I am passionate about my writing/composing...or....performance and entertaining people - does not mean this is a 'fake' Job......In fact, it's 'more real ...than a real job'...because.... if we're doing a job we hate - just for the money - then how can we be doing a 'real' Job? All we are doing is going through the motions- waiting for the clock to hit 5pm...

Sure we need to live and do a Job that pays the bills...Some of us like myself, do have a second job/profession. All I know is that music composing and performing, for me is the real job...because it's not all just about the money...It's because this job is all about what I give, and not what I get....

Cheers, Sam...

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Videos (show all)

My Friends – this is another Song from my ‘Hunchback Musical’ - a bawdy, rollicking,  comedic song, performed by the ama...
And now for the next YouTube Clip from my -"QUASIMODO - -The Musical (Hunchback of Notre Dame-Untold Story) "....Some ba...
The Song 'Confess' is sung on this Soundtrack by Raphael Wong - one of Australia's most talented and exciting Opera sing...
This is a powerful Song from my re-imagination of the Victor Hugo Novel ....Samuel Kristy's "Hunchback of Notre Dame -Th...
The Entertainment industry will slowly come back to life..but only with your active and positive participation and iinvo...
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’s DAYThis Song...."I'll Rise Above the Storm" dedicated to every woman…their treatment at the h...
I'M in LOVE with our LADY NOTRE DAME"             The Burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral was a real tragedy- which affe...
..."WHAT a WONDERFUL WORLD".... (This is a classic Song performed by Louse Armstrong Song) which means so much to me- be...
"SEVEN DEADLY SINS" is a big 'Cabaret Style' Number - in the  Hunchback Production - which ...."Captures the Musical The...
OVERTURE - to the Samuel Kristy 'Hunchback Musical' -I hope you enjoy the excitment in the air... See my VIDEO of the Mu...
I'M in LOVE with our LADY NOTRE DAME" ...See this Song on my YOUTUBE  Channel at-



Pyalong, VIC

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