Senior Helpers St George

Senior Helpers is a provider of home care.

Our services range from specialised support for people with chronic conditions and disabilities to companionship for adults looking for assistance around the home and to connect with the community.


As we age, our senses can start to deteriorate, including our vision. Your eyes are the windows to the world, so as we age, caring for them becomes even more crucial.

Here are some simple eye health tips for seniors:
1. Regular eye exams: Schedule regular check-ups with an eye specialist to detect any age-related conditions.
2. Nutrition matters: A diet rich in antioxidants, like leafy greens and colourful fruits, can help maintain good eye health.
3. Stay hydrated: Proper hydration is vital for eye moisture and health. Make sure to drink enough water.
4. UV protection: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful sun rays.
5. Limit screen time: Reduce eye strain by taking regular breaks when using digital devices.
6. Stay active: Regular physical activity can help improve blood circulation to your eyes.
7. Don’t smoke: Smoking increases the risk of age-related eye conditions.

Remember, your eye health is a key factor in maintaining your quality of life as a senior. So, take these steps to keep your vision clear and your eyes smiling.

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 26/10/2023

In-home care for Chronic Disease Management with Senior Helpers.
In communities across Australia, countless individuals grapple with challenges posed by one or more chronic illnesses. At Senior Helpers, our commitment is to empower you to maintain your independence within the familiar confines of your own home.
Recognising that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for in-home care services, we collaborate closely with you and your family to craft and execute a comprehensive at-home care plan. Depending on your unique needs, our services encompass a wide range of support, including assistance with daily living activities, personalised exercise routines, medication management, meal preparation, and more.
For those navigating the complexities of a chronic condition, the presence of a robust support system is vital for overall well-being. If you are a caregiver for someone with a chronic condition, it is equally crucial to dedicate time to your own self-care. We offer respite care, affording you the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate.
So let Senior Helpers help you and your specific condition today. Contact us here to arrange a meeting:


The beauty of spring often comes with a side of pollen, triggering hayfever in many seniors.

Here are some simple tips that can help you or your loved one manage allergies:
1. Keep windows closed: Limit the pollen that enters your home by keeping windows shut during peak pollen times.
2. Clean regularly: Dust and vacuum your living space frequently to reduce allergen build-up.
3. Stay informed: Check daily pollen forecasts to plan outdoor activities wisely.
4. Medication: Consult your doctor about allergy medications suitable for you.
5. Protection: If you’re gardening, wear a mask and gloves to reduce exposure and reactions.
6. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help flush out allergens.
Enjoy spring while keeping allergies at bay!


It’s official, spring has well and truly sprung! So that means goodbye to dark and cold days, and hello to sunshine and beautiful flowers.

With the weather and scenery changing, spring brings great opportunity to get outdoors, embrace the changes, and participate in some wonderful activities.

If you’re looking for some wonderful spring activities to do with your loved one, read our blog linked below:


The Senior Helpers way – being passionate about making a real difference in people’s lives.
At Senior Helpers, our mission is to ensure a better quality of life by providing dependable care and support. As a trusted and respected organisation, we take a responsible role in each of our clients’ lives, and their families, our employees, and our community. We achieve this by focusing on:
- Dependability of the service we provide
- Continuity of our Support Workers
- Peace of mind for the families we work with
- Quality of life for our clients
- Independent living in our clients’ own homes
We take pride in the exceptional level of care we provide our clients and the happiness and reassurance we can bring to both the client and their family.
If you want to discover the Senior Helpers difference, visit our website here:

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 14/10/2023

National Nutrition Week 2023, a time to remind ourselves that our health is our most important asset.
As we age, our nutritional needs change, and making the right food choice becomes even more essential. A balanced diet can help improve our overall health, boost energy levels, and enhance our quality of life.
A healthy, balanced diet can look like:
- A variety of fruits and vegetables to get essential vitamins and minerals
- Lean protein intake for muscle strength and repair
- Staying hydrated for better digestion and overall well-being
- Reduced intake of processed foods and excessive salt to maintain heart health.
Remember, small dietary changes can make a big difference in your life!
If you or a loved one could use some assistance with meal planning or diet monitoring, our Personal Care service can help. Learn more about it today:


Hey Carers, we want to thank you!

This week is National Carers Week, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful carers across Australia.

Our dedicated Support Workers provide care day in, day out to those who need it most, generously giving their time and assistance to our aging and impaired community. The work they do in our community is truly invaluable.

So, during this special week, we acknowledge and celebrate the 2.65 million Australians who provide care and support to a community member, family member, or friend. We sincerely thank you for the remarkable work you do every day.

If you or someone you know could use the assistance of our wonderful Support Workers, visit our website today to learn more about how they can service you.

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 11/10/2023

Did you know that 1 in 7 Australians has arthritis? That’s more than 3.6 million Australians.

Arthritis is one of the most common health conditions in Australia, and there are over 100 different types of arthritis that people can suffer from. That’s why we’re acknowledging World Arthritis Day today, to increase the awareness about the condition and help those who have it access the best possible information and treatment.

Certain cases of arthritis can create difficulties in completing various daily tasks, but with the assistance of a Senior Helpers Support Worker, any challenging tasks can become easier with support and companionship. Our Support Workers will collaborate with you and your family to help manage your daily symptoms and challenges, ensuring that your condition doesn’t hold you back.

Find out more about how a Senior Helpers Support Worker can provide personalised support here:

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 09/10/2023

World Mental Health Day – Our minds, our rights

Our mental health can be impacted by so many different factors, and it can affect every aspect of our lives. From the stress of our daily routines to major life events, our emotional well-being deserves attention and care. It’s like tending to a delicate garden of thoughts and feelings.

But here’s the silver lining: by recognising that mental health is a universal human right, we’re not only acknowledging its significance but also normalising conversations around it. Just as we look after our physical health, our minds deserve the same consideration.

This World Mental Health Day, let’s plant the seeds of compassion and understanding. By educating ourselves and those around us, we can reduce the stigma associated with mental health conditions and create a more supportive, inclusive world for everyone.

Remember, mental health is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and resilience. So, let’s stand up for our minds, our rights, and a brighter, healthier future for all.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month sheds light on the significant impact breast cancer has on thousands of Australians every day. With over 20,000 Australian women already diagnosed this year, it’s crucial that we all play our part in spreading awareness about this disease.

Although the five-year survival rate continues to increase thanks to research, we still need to improve awareness and encourage preventative action among the women in our communities. As a community, we can raise awareness by hosting or attending events, coming together to share experiences, attending information sessions, or starting a discussion with your GP or health specialist.

Be a part of the positive changes and awareness around breast cancer by learning how to check your breast health today. Learn more here:


World Heart Day – know your heart and love your heart.

World Heart Day is a reminder for us all to take care of our hearts, by knowing our hearts first.

Our hearts are the core of our well-being, and taking care of them is essential for a long and healthy life. By getting to know our hearts and how we can best look after them, we are working towards having a healthy, happy heart. So use this day to educate yourself and your loved ones about the things that keep our hearts healthy – regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding to***co and excessive alcohol consumption.

At Senior Helpers, we prioritise your heart health and can help you do the same through personalised care plans, meal preparation and planning, and assisting with light physical activities. If you would like to know more about how we can help visit –

To learn more about World Heart Day visit -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 25/09/2023

Discover the invaluable support of Senior Helpers Parkinson’s Disease Care.

Whether you or your loved one have been living with Parkinson’s Disease for some time or have recently received a diagnosis, professional care plays a crucial role – not just for you, but also for your family and caregivers. At Senior Helpers, we are dedicated to becoming an essential part of your support system. Our collaborative approach involves working with you, your family, and your medical team to provide exceptional support, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality and longevity of your life.

Some of the ways a Senior Helpers Support Worker will help:
- Home safety and fall prevention
- Nutrition and meal planning
- Medication reminders
- Transportation assistance
- Companionship
- Family carer relief
- Activity and education

So if you or your loved one are working through the challenges of Parkinson’s Disease, let Senior Helpers aid you. Visit our website to learn about our Parkinson’s Disease Care -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 20/09/2023

Today is World Alzheimer’s Day, a day that acknowledges the challenging condition affecting hundreds of thousands of Australians.

On World Alzheimer’s Day, we work to raise awareness and challenge the common stigma that surrounds Alzheimer’s. At Senior Helpers, we’re committed to understanding what those who suffer from Alzheimer’s can still do and respecting what they can no longer do.

People diagnosed with Alzheimer's can still live full and active lives with the right support. At Senior Helpers, we offer industry-leading Alzheimer’s and dementia care programs for early. Mid, and late-stage care levels that can help you and your loved ones.

Stay proactive in managing the Alzheimer’s journey for you and your loved one. Discover further information about our Senior GEMS Alzheimer’s and dementia care here –

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 17/09/2023

Embrace the joy of springtime strolls!

As the flowers continue to bloom and the sun starts to warm, there’s no better time to take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the beautiful spring atmosphere.

For seniors, springtime strolls can offer a myriad of benefits:
- Delight in the sights and scents of nature, nurturing their spirits
- Soak in the sunshine, boosting mood and vitality
- Engage in gentle exercise, enhancing physical well-being
- Sharing special moments with loved ones whilst spending time together outdoors
- Embracing the simple pleasures of life

At Senior Helpers, we want to aid our community in relishing the wonders of springtime, whether it’s assisting with the leisurely stroll, helping them work in their garden, or simply providing companionship whilst enjoying the spring sun, Senior Helpers Support Workers can help.

Find out more today at -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 13/09/2023

Are you seeking to bring extra peace of mind and companionship to a cherished elderly family member? Let the Senior Helpers companion care service help.

For seniors living alone or experiencing limited social interaction, our companion care offers a wonderful opportunity to enhance happiness and foster meaningful connections.

Additionally, it provides valuable support for those little tasks that may have become challenging to handle independently.

From household chores to transportation for appointments, our companion care encompasses a wide range of activities tailored to meet individual needs and circumstances.

Let us help you create a fulfilling and supportive environment for your loved one’s well-being. Learn more about our Companion Care service here -


Spring has sprung, and it’s gardening season again! What will you be planting in your garden?

The new season and warmer weather provides great encouragement for all of us to get out into the garden and reap the many benefits gardening has to offer. It’s a therapeutic activity that uplifts our spirits, provides essential vitamin D from the sun, and allows us to relish the fresh air.

For those needing easy-to-look-after gardens, low maintenance plants like herbs and flowers are perfect choices, or opt for tomatoes, lettuce, and radishes for a bountiful harvest. Consider raised beds or containers for easier access and to avoid any strain from bending over and kneeling.

Gardening truly brings joy and well-being to our lives, along with beautiful and tasty produce!

If you or a loved one have a true passion for gardening but struggle to do it without assistance, a Senior Helpers Support Worker can help you continue doing what you love. Visit our website to learn more -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 10/09/2023

Senior Helpers, supporting you with in-home Alzheimer’s and Dementia care.

As we age, conditions like Alzheimer’s and Dementia can become increasingly common and daunting. As we age, conditions like Alzheimer’s and Dementia can become increasingly common and daunting. However, with the compassionate support of Senior Helpers, we can assist you or your loved one through these challenging times.

Our Support Workers will work with you to create a flexible plan of support and care, designed to change and adapt as needed. Our goal is to foster a positive environment and engaging activities that focus on what the individual is still able to do while respecting what they can no longer manage.

If you have a loved one who has recently been diagnosed with or suffers from Alzheimer’s or Dementia, contact Senior Helpers today to learn about our specialised care and support program -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 08/09/2023

Hey, it’s R U OK? Day. Who will you be reaching out to?

R U OK? Day serves as an important reminder to check in on those around us and see if they’re doing okay. It’s an opportunity to provide support to anyone who may seem like they’re struggling.

The colder months can be tough for some individuals, especially the elderly, who may be experiencing loneliness and isolation, finding it difficult to open up about their feelings. This is why the 4 steps of R U OK? conversation is so crucial:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in

So, this R U OK? Day, let the people around you know that “I’m here to hear” and encourage open conversations. You never know, you could make a world of difference to someone’s day.

To find out more about R U OK? Day, visit -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 05/09/2023

Are you eligible for five free allied health services per calendar year?

If you’re over the age of 70 and have a care plan from your GP, you could be eligible!

To find out more about claiming 5 free allied health services per year, speak to your GP or visit Services Australia -


How’s your loved ones sleep routine?

Did you know that a good sleep routine is like magic for our senior loved ones? It’s essential for their cognitive health, emotional well-being, and overall vitality.

The benefits of a good sleep routine include:
- Sharpens memory and focus
- Boosts mood and happiness
- Enhances physical health and energy
- Reduces fall risk and promotes safety
How can you encourage a good sleep routine for yourself or your loved one? Try:
- Establishing a regular bedtime and wake-up time routine
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine with calming activities
- Ensure a comfortable sleep environment
- Limit caffeine and electronic device usage before bedtime

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 04/09/2023

Did you know it’s Women’s Health Week? Throughout the first week of September, we encourage all women to participate in events and activities dedicated to enhancing their health and well-being.

As we go through different stages of life, our health needs change. That’s why it is crucial to stay informed about health issues and understand the benefits of prioritising our well-being, regardless of age or ability.

During Women’s Health Week, you can access a variety of online events and resources. It’s a great opportunity to connect with the important women in your life, attend events together, share resources, and have discussions about women’s health and your own personal health journey. Additionally, don’t forget to schedule a visit to your GP for a health check.

To learn more about Women’s Health Week and find events near you, visit

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 30/08/2023

Farewell, winter, Hello, spring!
As we say goodbye to the last day of winter, we take a moment to think of the wonderful days we’ve had this season and anticipate the colourful spring days we have ahead.
Now is the perfect time to plan some of the wonderful activities we can do in the vibrant season ahead. Whether it’s engaging in the annual spring clean, preparing the garden for a burst of colour, or relishing walks in the beautiful spring weather, there’s no shortage of activities!
If you or an elderly loved one need assistance with completing various tasks, from household duties to enjoying a spring stroll, a Senior Helpers Support Worker can lend a hand. Visit our website to learn more -
What are some activities you cherish during the springtime? Share your favourites with us in the comments!


There are few things that are more relaxing and enjoyable than reading a good book, and with this week being Book Week there is no better time to do so!

Reading books and being read to offers numerous health benefits for people of all abilities and ages! A few notable benefits are:

1. Mental stimulation – reading stimulates the brain, keeping it active and engaged. It helps maintain cognitive function, memory, and mental agility.

2. Stress reduction – immersing yourself in a book can be an effective way to alleviate stress. It provides an escape from everyday worries and transports readers to different worlds, promoting relaxation and mental well-being.

3. Improved sleep – establishing a regular reading routine before bed can promote better sleep. It helps relax the mind, eases stress, and creates a calming pre-sleep ritual, leading to improved sleep quality.

4. Knowledge expansion – books offer a wealth of information, enabling continuous learning. Engaging with different subjects and genres broadens one’s horizons, stimulates curiosity, and promotes lifelong learning.

The reasons to take a break and delve deep into a book are endless, So, why not pick up your favourite book or gather with any young children in your family and read together during this book week?

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 16/08/2023

Do you, or a loved one, have a significant procedure approaching and require assistance before, during, or after the surgery? Let Senior Helpers provide the support you need.

If you or a beloved family member requires outpatient surgery, a hospital stay, or home recovery, you don’t have to face it alone. Our experienced Senior Helpers Support Workers deliver expert and personalised Surgery Assistance tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. No matter when your surgery is scheduled, we are here to support you and can be by your side at a moment’s notice.

Our comprehensive Surgery Assistance service includes:
- Pre-Hospitalisation Support: We offer transportation and accompany you to pre-surgery appointments and tests, ensuring a smooth process. We will also communicate any relevant information to your designated family members and assist you with pre-admission paperwork.

- Day of Surgery Support: On the day of your procedure, we will accompany you to the hospital, guiding you through the check-in points until the hospital staff take over. After the surgery, we will update your nominated family members on your condition, accompany you back home, and help you settle in comfortably.

- Post-Hospitalisation Support: Depending on your recovery needs, we can provide 24-hour care or visit you for a few hours each day. We can also accompany you to follow-up appointments as necessary.

Ease the stress of your surgery and ensure proper care with the assistance of a dedicated Senior Helpers Support Worker. Contact Senior Helpers today to discuss your upcoming surgery and arrange personalised care. Visit our website for more information -


Senior Helpers Respite Care, supporting you with in-home respite.

At Senior Helpers, we understand how significant the duty of being a carer of a loved one can be. That’s why we offer a respite care service to lend a helping hand when you need it most. Our trusted respite services are there for you when you need a moment to yourself or time to rest and recuperate.

Our respite service includes:
- Assistance with activities of daily living
- Assistance with personal care
- Dressing
- Meal preparation
- Light housekeeping
- Laundry
- Companionship

We understand the trust you place in us when you assign the care of your loved one to us in your absence. We recognise that being a caregiver involves more than simply adhering to a schedule. At Senior Helpers, we prioritise the holistic well-being of your loved one.
When you reach out to us, we are committed to providing comprehensive support. We will answer your questions, address any concerns, and work with you to achieve an outcome.

If you are ready to discuss your respite solution, contact Senior Helpers today, or learn more at our website -

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 12/08/2023

Engage Your Mind: Unleash the Power of Mind Games!
Are you or someone you know a keen puzzle enthusiast and strategic thinker? An engaging mind game might be right up your alley! Mind games and activities like crosswords, chess, and Sudoku, especially for seniors, are great for not only hours of entertainment, but also come with a host of benefits that can positively impact cognitive health, including:

1. Mental agility: Just like a well-oiled machine, our brains need regular exercise to stay sharp. Mind games challenge memory, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities, keeping the minds of our loved ones agile and alert.

2. Memory boost: As we age, it’s natural for our memory to become a little rusty. But fear not, engaging in mind games can help improve memory recall and retention. By actively stimulating different parts of the brain, these games help keep those synapses firing and memory pathways intact.

3. Focus and concentration: In a world filled with distractions, maintaining focus can be a challenge for anyone. Mind games require undivided attention and concentration, helping seniors enhance their ability to stay focused on tasks and improve overall concentration skills.

4. Social interaction: Mind games aren’t just a solo endeavour! They can be a fantastic opportunity for seniors to connect with others, whether it’s challenging a friend to a game of chess or collaborating on a crossword puzzle. These activities foster social engagement and create meaningful connections, reducing feelings of isolation.

So, whether it’s finding the missing word in a crossword, plotting strategic moves in chess, or filling in the numbers in Sudoku, mind games are an excellent addition to any senior’s routine.

Photos from Senior Helpers St George's post 08/08/2023

International Day of World Indigenous People: Celebrating the Indigenous cultures of the world

Join us today as we celebrate International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. On this special day, we honour the diverse cultures and invaluable contributions of indigenous communities worldwide. It is a time to reflect on the wisdom and traditions that have been passed down through generations, particularly from our cherished elders.

In our own families and communities, we are incredibly fortunate to have senior loved ones who embody the richness of Indigenous culture. So, how can we tap into this knowledge and celebrate their culture with them?

First and foremost, engage in deep conversations with the Indigenous seniors in your life. Ask them about their culture, history, and it what it means to them. Take the time to listen to their stories, learn about their traditions, and understand the experiences that have shaped their lives.

Furthermore, encourage our seniors to share their stories and knowledge through storytelling sessions, family gatherings, or community events. By creating spaces for them to pass down their wisdom, we not only honour their traditions but also allow others to learn from their unique perspectives and carry on these traditions.

On this special day, let us honour the diverse cultures and invaluable contributions of Indigenous elders and communities worldwide. Join us in learning more about their rich cultures and embracing the traditions passed down by the Indigenous seniors in our community. Together, let’s celebrate and preserve their heritage for generations to come.


Today is World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day.
World MS Day brings to light the condition and the community affected by it. This year’s World MS Day theme is Connections, which is all about building community connections and ensuring those with MS feel connected with their community and the people around them.
Senior Helpers Support Workers undertake specified training in MS support, ensuring that the best level of care is provided to those with MS. Senior Helpers Support Workers can help with the day-to-day things and ensure your loved one is supported whilst retaining their independence.
To learn more about our MS support services, visit our website -

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Videos (show all)

What makes a great support worker? Is it trusted companionship? A positive attitude? A caring connection? We know it's a...
Have you seen our latest campaign?!📺At Senior Helpers, we are all about celebrating life and helping you and your loved ...



Suite 31/52 Bay Street, Rockdale
Sydney, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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