Strength First

Strength First

Physical strength is the most important things in life. Our strength, more than any other things we p Simplicity is the key to success


The main difference between a chin up and a pull up is the position of your hand and the width in relation to the bar.
In a chin up you use a supinate grip which means you will grab the bar whit your palm facing up and grip shoulder width apart.
In a pull up your your grip will be much wider and your hands facing away from you.
In a chin up you will have a lots of biceps involved in the movement on top of your back muscles, which will make it a great exercise for build a lots of strength.
In the pull up the involvement of the bicep is reduce and you will have more tension in your back make it more of a “bodybuilding “ variation
Both of this variation are awesome and should be a staple in you workout routine 👍💪💪


3 whole eggs 🍳
3 eggs white 🥚
3 slice of bread 🍞
1 spoon of olive oil
Protein: 38 g
Fat: 24g
Carbs: 33g
Total calorie:522
Baby Groot approve it!!!


Been saying this forever that’s why I call this page strength first!! Strength is the base of all fitness component.
Obviously this doesn’t work well with the common beliefs that hypertrophy is 8 to 12 reps, time under tension, superset, dropsets and whatever else!!!
All this technique are valid and effective IF YOU HAVE A SOLID BASE OF STRENGTH TO BEGINN WITH!!
If you can’t deadlift double your body weight you shouldn’t waste time looking for fancy technique, just get stronger regardless of what your goal is!!
Moving 10 kg dumbell for 12 reps because is “muscle building range” will not make you bigger and stronger.sorry.


I think in some cases textbooks and conventional wisdom doesn’t work. Let me explain better: is not that it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work for everyone maybe
Example with traps in my case: you should do high reps, slow eccentric, hold on the top ecc ecc. which is all good and correct
Unfortunately It doesn’t do nothing for me. Then I start to do sn**ch grip high pull: and my traps development skyrocket!!
“But is an explosive movement!!!” “There is no time under tension!!” “There is no eccentric component!!”
All good and fair point that unfortunately just don’t work with me.
What I’m trying to say here is that sometime don’t be afraid of try something different and unconventional, even if it goes against all the common beliefs 👍👍👍
Always think for yourself

**ch **chgrip


So today I’ve should have done my usual Romanian deadlift but my back was a little bit dodgy. By knowing that I have to squat tomorrow I didn’t want to mess up with it.
So let’s take it a little bit easier and just train hamstring on a machine, but the gym where I train doesn’t have an hamstring curl machine.
No problem we are going to make one! You can use the leg extension in reverse: hold on the seat tight, brace your core and curl your hamstring the same way you would do in an hamstring curl machine. You can do it standing straight in hips extension, and Also bending forward in hips flexion
I know that probably is not the best or most effective way, but will do the job👍👍


Couple of days ago I was watching YouTube and I’ve came across Ben Pakulski’s channel in which he was showing this triceps variation.
Very effective movement to target your triceps: it also following the natural path of your elbow joint reducing risk of injury.
I’m also thinking (as a fitness enthusiast) that we should be very grateful to people like Ben pakulski and many other on the internet (athlean x, juggernaut training, Dave Tate and many other ) for sharing all this very helpful content and information for FREE with everyone.
I wrote a post last week about what’s wrong with the fitness industry in my opinion, but I also wanna point out how many awesome pages and channels are out there that really and genuinely wants to helps people.
If you really are passionate about fitness you can find all the information you need this days on the internet. Just make sure you filter trough the MILLIONS of bu****its that are out there: don’t follow someone just because he/she have abs/ass and thousands of follower. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to learn and improve 💪💪


If you are trying to build mass in your back this little workout can help you a lot!
As usually stick to the the basic, nothing fancy, awesome gainz!!!
Meadows rows: this variation of rows is named after John meadows, a IFFB pro bodybuilder. The guy is very knowledgeable and no bu****it. Look for him on YouTube lost of good information.
Conventional deadlift: you never go wrong with deadlift
Bend over rows: I’m using a v attachment in this case. As for any other rows variation make sure you fully stretch your lats in the bottom position and pinch your shoulder blade together before pulling
Give this a try👍


You know when you have those days when you really can be bother to go to the gym??
Well today was one of those days: had a busy night yesterday at work, went sleep late, feel lazy couldn’t be bother this morning.
Would like to stay home playing dark soul on ps4 instead!!!😂
Went to the gym anyway and magic happen: awesome training, even manage to do a little pr on weighted dips with 5 sets of 8 with 40 kg!!
Instantly change the mood of the day!! If you have one of those days, or in general, go to gym and train it REALLY IS THE BEST FORM OF THERAPY!!!!💪💪💪
Let me know what do you think


Ok it look like a silly exercise but is a awesome way to build your calf muscles especially your gastrocnemius (the “ball” shape muscle at the ends of your hamstring)
Because our gastrocnemius attachment cross the knee joint, in order to fully working it you have to extended your legs. If you do calves raise with you need bend (seated) you will target more the soleus which is a deeper muscle that doesn’t cross your knee joint
Training your calves not only have an aesthetic purpose, but also helps to strengthening your ankle joint.
Give this exercise a try 👍


I’m struggling this days to figure out what is the perception that people have of Fitness or the Fitness industry in general.
If you look at any social media platform, Fitness is synonymous of b***s, asses, half naked people (man and female) and for the most part no content about actual fitness (on top of all the photoshop, fake weight and selling gimmick crap)
Now I might sound like a old, bitter and grumpy person, but this for me is complete bu****it!! If you call yourself a fitness channel/page you have the RESPONSIBILITY AND INTELLECTUAL HONESTY to provide your follower with content that can help them with their fitness journey. Period.
If you are really “passionate” (everybody use this word this days) about HELPING people, well, help people!!! I don’t think that constantly showing your ass is helpful. And don’t tell that is “motivational “ g**o!!!
I know that social media are a free platform and everybody is free to publish whatever content they want, I get it.
And I understand That people are proud of the hard work that they put in the gym and they wanna show it off. FINE.
But again where is the integrity and honesty gone??
It seems to me that all this people that claim that want to help other people, in reality, they only want to help themselves
This was a little bit of a rant but is something that really bothers me. Let me know what you think maybe I’m wrong
By the way this are random pictures take from the internet


Flyes (I still don’t know if is the correct spelling, please let me know😂) have a bad reputation because of the risk involved in the exercise: and I agree that if performed incorrectly they can be harmful, but this concept can apply with all exercise.
I do think that if you can’t control your upper back properly, you have any shoulder condition or you are extremely kyphotic, you probably better avoid this exercise.
But if you are a healthy human beings flyes are awesome for pecs development: couples of consideration when doing it:
•as for any pushing or chest exercise keep your shoulder blade pinch together
•a slight arch in your back is fine, and squeeze glutes and core tight
•make sure you you keep your elbow slightly bent: lots of people keep their arms to straight. In my opinion is not very good because put to much pressure on the shoulder and elbow joint.
•when pressing the weight up make sure you push from your ELBOW and not from your hands. Your pecs muscles attach to your upper arm bone so make sure you think of moving your elbow together
•cable are also very good to keep constant tension: use dumbbell to go heavy and overload, and cable to go lighter and squeezing the s**t out of your chest 👍
Incline dumbbell press 5x10
Dumbbell flyes 4x12
High bar squat 4x10
Leg press 4x10
Skull crusher 4x10
Cable push down 4x12
Dumbbell lateral raise 4x10


When you do reverse curl (palm facing down) try to use 2 separate handle rather than a straight bar. I find it more comfortable on the wrist and also get some extra rotation of the forearm
Give it a go and let me know how you feel it
Today session
Romanian deadlift 4x12
Lat pulldown 4x12
Cable row 3x12
Spider curl 4x12
Reverse cable curl 4x12
Calf raises 5x12
Dumbbell shrugs 4x12


So rowing is a excellent exercise for developing your back musculature: lats, rhomboid mid traps rotator cuff.
First anatomy lesson: so the lats origin all the way down into your iliac crest (only one of his many origin point) and insert all the way up to your humerus (upper arm)
Knowing that for fully working a muscle we have to go trough fully lengthening and fully shortening position, we have to stretch our lower back when performing a row exercise.
In that been said you dont want to just relax your back (you will end up hurting yourself) but performing a control movement by keeping your core tight. You can use this technique with any type of rowing exercise, but pay extra attention when you do barbell or dumbbell row because your back is not supported.
Extra tips: remember that the lats attach to your humerus, so when pulling think about moving your ELBOW BACK, don’t worry about your hands. This will ensure that you activate your back and not your biceps 💪


Make sure that when you do flyes for your chest, you always have your back supported.
Regardless if you do an high, medium or low cable always have you back supported on a bench: every time you are supported you can produce more force therefore increasing the tension in the muscles that are you trying to work (your pecs in this case)
Lots of people doing standing cable flyes, but I think is not the most effective way of doing it. And the: “but if I standing I need to activate my core more” doesn’t make much sense to me. If you are training your chest just train your chest, don’t worry about your “core” (whatever the core is)
Lastly a good tips is to place a foam roller on the bench behind your back: this will allowed you to really pinch those shoulder blade together and also get extra stretch to your pecs.
Give it a try. If you like this post please like it and comment your thoughts 👍


I like to incorporate sometime some slow tempo exercise just to give a different stimulus to your muscles
It work well with all exercise but especially in my opinion with body weight movement such as chin up, dips even push up
By slowing the tempo you obviously increasing time under tension but you are also improve your proprioception. That’s why I like it the most with body weight movement


Ooo boy this is gonna be risky!!! I don’t know how many debate I had with other trainer and therapist about this topic.
Ok before I start let me get this straight: massage and stretching ARE USEFULL!!
BUT....are tools that have to be use WHEN AND IF NEEDED!! Their are NOT the solution of all your problem.
So imaginary person A complain about knees pain: we asses posture, imbalances, possible structural problem. Perfect.
Next we ask more specific question:
”when does it hurts?”.
”well when I squats”
“Ok show me how you squat”
“Person A squat”
We probably find the cause of your knees pain!! You see a lots of people assume that they know what they doing in the gym, and trying to find solution of their problem with massage or stretching, when in reality their form sucks!!!! SIMPLE AS THAT
Now let’s assume that we start massaging(or stretching)person A: we go trough quads,hamstring, glutes, hips flexor.
What we are doing is releasing the muscles around the joint, therefore WEAKENING the joint!!! Now person A feel better (mainly because is relaxed) and carry on squatting like s**t(probably doing 200 air squats in a class because, you know, is “safer”)with an EVEN WEAKER PAIR OF KNEES!!! Maybe is not the best treatment that we can provide...
Again massage and stretching HAVE their place but like any other tools they have to be use properly and when needed.
Prescribe massage and stretching for everyone is simply showing lack of understanding for individual needs
Hope you find this post interesting and let me know what are your thoughts on the topic


Ok so if you google “how to squat” you will probably find at least 30000 pages on the topic: some as simple as “put the bar on your back, squat down, come up” and some the length of the bible!!
As usual I like to keep things simple and straight forward and meet somewhere in the middle.
IMPORTANT: squats are the most difficult movement to master in my opinion, lots of variables involved so this will just touch the very BASIC, but I think will be a good start to improve your technique.
All this point refer to a HIGH BAR SQUAT
1. THE SET UP: get a narrower grip. This will lift your traps and create a cushioning for the bar. Get BOTH your feet directly under the bar and quarter squat the bar up.
2.THE WALK OUT: keep your core tight and walk 3 little step backwards. Feel the pressure in the MIDDLE OF YOUR FOOT!!!
Now take a very deep breath in and hold it (imagine someone is about to punch you in the stomach)
3.THE DESCENT: while holding your breath, break knees AND hips at same time. Push your knees FORWARD AND OUTWARD. Squeeze the upper Back tight
4.COMING UP FROM THE HOLE: still holding your breath push trough your WHOLE foots: your knees should stay forward for as long as possible then squeeze your glutes.DO NOT SHOOT YOUR BUM UP!!!!
5.RACKING THE BAR: WALK TOWARD THE RACK (I see so many people walk backward god knows why!!) and bang the bar against the the rack to be sure you will hit the hook
Again this is a very simplistic tutorial for the squats but I hope can be helpful!! Please like if you find it helpful 👍


Bench press 4x8
Incline flyes 3x8
Back squat 4x8
Rear delts flyes 4x8
Skull crusher 3x8


The elbow is a hing joint which mean that it move only in the frontal plane. Although it have a slightly decrease of lateral movement, is primary function is to flex the elbow on the frontal plane.
If you standing up straight you will notice that your arm are not perfectly straight, but they “point” slightly out
So when you do your curl, especially wit dumbbell, don’t curl straight up but slightly out and up: pinch your shoulder blade together and you will notice that your elbow “turn” out. Keep it there when you curl 💪
One more tips when you do your reverse curl: when grabbing the bar don’t place your thumb around. This will strengthening your forearm like crazy. When you get really fatigued, then place your thumb around


Nothing better then a good sets of ten reps on squats!!! High reps squat are awesome for legs strength and size but also give you a good conditioning workout. Prepare to get out of breath
Make sure you use a weight that will not compromise your form when starting to get fatigue 💪💪



Alright I see soooo many people in the gym doing this movement so badly that I if would take my eyes off with a spoon will be less painful!!
Ok so the deadlift and all is variation are A HIPS HINGE!!!! Which mean that you need to bend at your HIPS NOT AT YOUR LOWER BACK!!
And on top off that a lot of people doing that on a elevated position, increasing even more the stress on the back!!
Remember that your back (lower and upper) should NOT BEND at all during this movement: focus on PUSHING YOUR ASS BACK and keep the bar close to your legs.
I’m using lifting shoes in this video, and probably is not the best option, but try to have the weight on your heel.
Lastly DO NOT increase range of motion at the expense of your lower back: as soon you feel the stretch in your hamstring, squeeze the glutes and contract hard.
Eventually with time your rom will increase
Remember be smart and don’t harm yourself 💪💪


If you want amazing results in the gym bump your frequency up!!! It makes wonder.
Make sure you work out your maximum volume that you can recover from and split it trough the week.
In my opinion 3 times a week for each body part work the best!
Just make sure that you work your way up to a high frequency training: I will suggest at least a month of 3 times a week full body workout, then you can add an extra day and continue for Another month and finally add an extra day.
I personally find that a push pull split work better: with this split you can hit each muscle group 3 times per week.
Triple the gainz bro!!!😂😂



Ok so if you train consistently and hard injury will be part of your journey. It is what it is. Obviously nobody want it, and we are going to do all the necessary to avoid it, but sometimes it will happen.
So today I finally manage to squat after I injured my lower back deadlifting: it took me more then a week but it’s getting better.
DISCLAIMER: we need to define injury: if you pull or sprain a muscle is a thing, if you torn ligaments or mess up with the joint different story.
Assuming that you don’t have a MAJOR injury, my advice is to keep moving: the worst thing you can do is simply stop!!!
Before go and see a doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor, priest or whoever you think that can help you, wait a little bit. Give yourself a week, 10 days, and if is not gonna get any better then go and see someone.
Our body is very resilient, and if you treat him well whit good sleep, good nutrition and avoiding stress, he will take care of himself.
Remember: if you injury yourself stay calm, don’t panic, keep moving and you gonna be fine👍👍


When training for hypertrophy I like to include some touch and go deadlifts.
By not resetting and the start of each repetition you will keep tension in your back, glutes and hamstring increasing time under tension and promote hypertrophy.
1. DONT do it if your deadlift form is not super perfect!!!
2. Use lighter weight that you use for your conventional deadlift
3. And For god sake DONT BOUNCE THE WEIGHT OF THE FLOOR!!! Touch and go means that you keep tension in your body doesn’t mean that you bounce the weight of the floor. That will not be efficient and can also lead to injury. Sorry CrossFit but you are guilty of that!!!

I’m doing a deficit deadlift here but you can do it with all deadlift variation
Let me know if you have any more questions 👍👍💪💪


B DUMBBELL FLYES: when you do this exercise is important to keeping your scapula pull together to keep tension in your chest and prevent shoulder injury
C LEG PRESS NARROW STANCE: if your mobility allows you, keep your feet lower on the platform and as narrow as you can. Make sure that when you lower the weight your heel doesn’t come of the platform
D REAR DELT FLYES: when doing this exercise maintain your scapula protract (let you shoulder fully extend). Then when you pull the cable try not to squeeze your middle back. The weight should be relatively light and the ROM will be very short
E DUMBBELL LATERAL RAISE : avoid to much swinging of the body and don’t lift your arm higher then your shoulder
F SKULL CRUSHER: elbow tuck in, and don’t keep you arm perpendicular to the floor but slightly extended back
G SUPINE CABLE PUSH DOWN: when doing this exercise I like to use single separate attachment: this will be wrist friendly and will ensure a more smooth ROM


A Romanian deadlift 3x12: focus on keeping a straight back and pushing your bum back. Also try not to look at the top of the movement so you keep tension in your hamstring
B lat pulldown v grip 3x12: make sure you fully stretch your shoulder at the top of the movement and old in the bottom position
C 45*pull machine 3x12: same principle of the lat pull down just in a different angle
D incline dumbbell curl 3x12:in this position your biceps is fully stretch by having your elbow behind your body. Keep the elbow there DONT move it forward as you curl the weight
E cable rope curl 3x12: stand upright and curl the rope up and old on the top. You might gonna feeling it more in your fi****ms
F seated calf raise 4x12: with calf slow everything down and make sure you old for a second at the top position. Also avoid to roll your feet out when lifting the weight
G trap bar shrug 4x12: pretty straight forward movement. Also for a second at the top

Hope this can be helpful let me know if you have any question


Starting new mesocycle (4 weeks) of hypertrophy.
6 days a week split with 3 pushing day and 3 pulling day: each day during the week will be also divide in 12 reps day, 10 reps day and 8 reps day. The intensity will increase while the repetition will decrease.
We will progress by adding volume each week making sure to not exceed the max amount of volume that we can tolerate. This can be vary by person to person so you need to consider all the variable such as nutrition, sleep, stress and so on
The program will look like this:
# Day 1 12 reps push
# Day 2 12 reps pull
# Day 3 10 reps push
# Day 4 10 reps pull
# Day 5 8 reps push
# Day 6 8 reps pull
Exercise selection is also more vary. With this method you will be able to hit each muscles group 3 times per week: the amount of sets that you are going to do depend by the muscles group: example triceps required less direct work due to pressing movement
Hope this can be helpful. Give this program a try and let me know if you have any question


So let’s start by saying that a lots of so called “healthy food” are actually bad for you: example soy milk/soy products, protein/cereal bar, everything low fat/carbs are just some example.
The true is that almost (and I specified almost) ALL food are healthy. Is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to have it in moderation and be aware of what you put in your mouth.
I agree that some food are worst than other, but I never see a big Mack or a kfc jumps in peoples mouth.
This days we blame everything: meat is bad, fish is bad, actually no bread is bad o no wait sugar is the devil!!! Please!!! The only think that we should blame is ourselves: take your responsibility and accept the consequences.
And more importantly enjoy your life: do you think that be constantly careful of what you should eat or not doesn’t create stress. And we all know that stress is not good isn’t it??!
So be aware, use some common sense, enjoy yourself and don’t fall for the latest bu****it fad 👍
Let me know what you think

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