Greg Fitzgerald's Health For Life Centre

Health through Healthy Living The clinic conducts osteopathic, chiropractic, counselling & naturopathic treatments for all ages.

We are a friendly, multi-disciplinary natural health centre helping people with a wide range of health & musculo-skeletal problems. All Health for Life practitioners share a common philosophy: that each person has the capacity & potential to improve their current health situation with the right treatment & advice. This philosophy is based on the fact that healing is a biological process. If certai

Events – Health For Life 14/05/2024

If you are interested in improving your health or your family's health, OR you are keen to expand your knowledge and understanding of the REAL causes of disease and the the true requirements of health, then this 3 Webinar series commencing Friday the 17th, featuring myself and Dr Mark Donohoe, one of Australia's most prominent Integrative Medical doctors, is not to be missed. All webinars are recorded and the links sent to you if you cannot make the live webinars, providing wonderful future reference material. Details and registration here:

Events – Health For Life Events Take Control of Your Health in 21 Days!If you are not happy with your current state of health or are simply wanting to expand your knowledge of true health, then this 3 webinar, 7 Email program spanning 21 days is not to be missed. Please Note: ALL 3 presentations are Webinars, and they are r...


A few people throughout history are truly exceptional. Henry David Thoreau was one.

/ Henry D Thoreau /
"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this."
"Henry David Thoreau was an American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher. A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay "Civil Disobedience", an argument for disobedience to an unjust state. Thoreau's books, articles, essays, journals, and poetry amount to more than 20 volumes. Among his lasting contributions are his writings on natural history and philosophy, in which he anticipated the methods and findings of ecology and environmental history, two sources of modern-day environmentalism. His literary style interweaves close observation of nature, personal experience, pointed rhetoric, symbolic meanings, and historical lore, while displaying a poetic sensibility, philosophical austerity, and attention to practical detail."
Born: David Henry Thoreau, July 12, 1817, Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.
Died: May 06, 1862, Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.
Alma mater: Harvard College
Henry David Thoreau, Jeffrey S. Cramer (2007). “I to Myself: An Annotated Selection from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau”, p.395, Yale University Press


The man in this photo was taken in 1946. This guy is Ken Shimizu. He is 35 years old. He has 2 children. Shimizu never runs. Sleeps late. Eat whatever he wants. Even drink beer instead of water. Eat dinner with many kinds of food every night...
What does Shimizu do to get such a body?
Shimizu doesn't have any secrets.
Shimizu is the person sitting in the bottom left corner of the photo... As for the man standing in the middle, I'm not sure.


"Defy the crowd. The crowd isn't always wise. It can also lead you down a path of silliness, sub-optimal choices and downright destruction"
Guy Kawaski

Never has this been more evident than the past 4 years!


For over 100 years the term POW stood for "prisoner of war". Today it also means "Prisoner of Worry!"
We can all do well to keep in mind what the great author Mark Twain once said:
" I have been through some terrible things in my lifetime, some of which actually happened".


"You cannot be poisoned into good health"
Dr Herbert Shelton

Age is Not Toxic! 02/02/2024

It is widely accepted that ageing is accompanied by falling apart and an increasing reliance on prescribed pharmaceutical medication. "What do you expect at 75?", is the refrain. Well, I once thought the moon was made of cheese, too!

Age is Not Toxic! "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  Robert Frost: "The Road Less Traveled"


It's been 4 years since the Covid Caravan arrived from the WEF, seducing most people to comply with things like lockdowns, mask mandates and coerced, experimental genetic injections, all of which lacked scientific rigor.
To me, the most egregious and unforgivable act of all was sacking hard-working men and women for refusing to take part in a medical experiment, all over a flu-like illness.
The fact that most Aussies said nothing about their fellow-countrymen getting sacked was to me the lowest point in our 200-year history.
Lest we forget!

‘I apologize to God for feeling this way’ 23/09/2020

Analysis of data commissioned by the Washington Post in the States shows over 13,200 deaths in Nursing Homes and Aged Care Facilities have been caused by the isolation of the elderly from their loved ones. It states:
"Overlooked amid America’s war against the coronavirus is this reality: People with dementia are dying not just from the virus but from the very strategy of isolation that’s supposed to protect them. In recent months, doctors have reported increased falls, pulmonary infections, depression and sudden frailty in patients who had been stable for years."
We are witnessing a similar tragedy in Australia.
All over a flu-like virus!

‘I apologize to God for feeling this way’ A 75-year-old woman on coronavirus, being alone, and being thought of as expendable

Van Morrison to Release Protest Songs Against Covid-19 Lockdown 21/09/2020

One of the true greats of music since the 1960's when he originally performed with "Them", singing hits like Gloria, Baby Please Don't Go and Here Comes the Night, Van the Man has now further elevated himself in my eyes with his latest songs criticizing the very unscientific lockdown laws.

Van Morrison to Release Protest Songs Against Covid-19 Lockdown Northern Ireland health minister says new songs are “dangerous”


Along with Alan Jones, who made this point on Sky News, I do not want, nor need, any politician or Chief Medical Officer to "keep me safe".

I do not want them to look after my health!

Politicians and Chief Medical Officers around Australia, thanks for your very kind offer to take charge of my health, but NO THANKS!

My health, like my happiness and my relationships, like my financial situation and indeed like my attitude, is MY RESPONSIBILITY!

I do not want nor need your help. I am a sovereign citizen who values my body autonomy.

Look after your own health and leave me alone.


Please listen to the first 4 minutes of Andrew Bolt's and Rowan Dean's scathing attack on the Andrews' Government's "totalitarian" policies, which saw a 28 year-old pregnant mother arrested and handcuffed in her own home in front of her 2 young children for the egregious crime of putting a post on Facebook!
When I watched that video, like countless others here and overseas, I felt ashamed to be an Australian for the first time in my life. I felt ashamed that our Australian society has allowed this situation to develop without barely a whimper. I felt ashamed of the Labor Party, the Greens, the Animal Justice Party and all those sycophantic politicians who voted to extend the State of Emergency in Victoria for another 6 months, allowing police to enter any home and repeat their bully-boy tactics of a few days ago, handcuffing a heavily pregnant, defenseless and harmless woman.
C'mon Aussies, c'mon... speak up! Protest, peacefully! Talk to your friends and relatives about this and other injustices. Write letters and emails to politicians, TV stations and other media outlets.
We do not consent to any further lockdowns, border closures, or any coercion to be vaccinated against our will.
Let's make Australia great again!

GP launches campaign to silence 'terrifying' Pete Evans 30/08/2020

Dr Stephen Massey has started a petition to convince Pete Evans' publishers not to publish any more of his books because he, Pete Evans is a conspiracy theorist whose ideas are "terrifying", in the words of the good doctor. He has exhorted the publishers to "chop the head off the snake". Well, Stephen Massey, I will never be a signatory to your "witch-hunt" petition. Surely you have better ways to spend your time rather than advocating a loss of freedom of speech!

GP launches campaign to silence 'terrifying' Pete Evans A GP is urging one of Australia’s largest publishers to “chop the head off the snake” and stop printing celebrity chef Pete Evans’ cookbooks. Dr Stephen Massey’s online petition aimed at Pan MacMillan Australia has so far gathered more than 3400 signatures in the last two weeks. "From chef...


Robert F Kennedy Jnr is expecting more than 1 million people to gather in Berlin, the largest crowd in German History, from every nation in Europe protesting Bill Gates’s bio security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy.

In Berlin launching Children's Health Defense Europe. In photo with organizers Dr. Heiko Schoening, M.D. and Attorneys Markus Haintz and Rolf Karpenstein in front of Brandenburg Gate where my uncle President John F. Kennedy gave his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech in 1963. Tomorrow, I will speak to the largest crowd in German history. We are expecting more than 1 million people from every nation in Europe protesting Bill Gates’s bio security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy. Berlin, Berlin wir fahren nach Berlin!


Again Alan Jones is laser accurate in his 4 minute tirade against the total over-reaction to this flu-like virus.
Personally, I know not one person who has tested positive, let alone anyone who has died. Similarly, my wife Dawn knows no-one who has tested positive. Most people I speak to are the same. This is a pandemic in name only. Even the death counts are inflated and the testing unreliable.
Yet we have a paralyzed nation and lives torn asunder.
I am beyond appalled at what I am witnessing to our once-great country.

'No jab, no play' the wrong approach to COVID-19 vaccine, doctors warn 23/08/2020

Today Sunday the 23rd of August, the peak body of medical doctors in Australia - the AMA- stated it could not support mandatory Covid vaccinations which the PM and Health Minister Greg Hunt had said their government would do. What an embarrassment for both politicians. Scott Morrison stated only last week that his government would make the Covid-19 vaccine "as mandatory as possible" (his own words!) with things like travel bans, and social services being tied to the vaccine. Greg Hunt stated he agreed with some form of travel ban coercion if people failed to bend the knee and get vaccinated. Now they have lost the support of the Australian Medical Association and what wonderful news this is. What an embarrassment for the PM and his Health Minister and their proposed "unjustifiable" (in the AMA's words) threat of draconian, coercive legislation of a pharmaceutical product which has NOT even been developed:

'No jab, no play' the wrong approach to COVID-19 vaccine, doctors warn Doctors are urging governments to abandon talk of measures aimed at compelling Australians to accept a COVID-19 vaccine, saying the fast-tracked approval process will create a risk of harmful side effects.

PETITION: No to radical mandatory mask mandates 21/08/2020

There are just as many studies showing masks are either of no benefit or deleterious to breathing function, as there are studies showing benefit. While there is no scientific consensus, there must be choice, not force.

PETITION: No to radical mandatory mask mandates Healthy adults and children should not be forced - by the state - to wear masks when the risk of infection is low and the benefit of wearing a mask is highly questionable.


I believe we should have a Royal Commission into the policies officially implemented against this supposed "evil" virus, which according to NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant was " a mild disease". Under question should also be the fear-mongering statement of then Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly over 5 months ago where he said we can expect between 50,000 and 150,000 Australians dying of Covid-19. This alone set the off the panic button throughout the entire country, from which we have never recovered. The Commission should also look into the far-too liberal coding of the disease, and the huge difference between dying "with" it and dying "from" it. The questionable validity of the testing with RT-PCR tests should also be examined. The successful methods of Sweden and Switzerland in dealing with the virus without incurring economic and social destruction is another area to be looked at. Further, we need answers why hardly any health or nutritional advice to support general health and immunity was forthcoming to a fearful p***c by any medical officers. Finally, the media and its role in selective reporting and fear-mongering should be investigated.
This would be money far better spent than the inquiry into the cruise ship fiascos, in my opinion. Anyone have thoughts on this?.

Is there a politician ‘with the spine to tell the truth’ on COVID-19: Alan Jones | Sky News Australia 14/08/2020

Please, please listen to this, one and all. Four minutes of your time to hear the most succinct and accurate description of this Feardemic, Panicdemic Coronageddon ever. No matter what you have thought of Alan Jones or Fox News in the past, this is a must hear:

Is there a politician ‘with the spine to tell the truth’ on COVID-19: Alan Jones | Sky News Australia Australians are sick and tired of dictatorial politicians promoting a climate of fear and alarmism over the coronavirus says Sky News host Alan Jones. Mr Jones said politicians “never cite the figures, which prove they are either ignorant or duplicitous”. “Today, Daniel Andrews seems unhappy w...

UK Cuts COVID Death Count by Over 10% 13/08/2020

More evidence that the death counts attributed to Covid-19 have been over-exaggerated. I mentioned the USA yesterday where many deaths have been incorrectly attributed to Covid-19 , and have previously mentioned that in Italy the Science Advisor to the Health Minister admitted only 12% of deaths originally attributed to Covid-19 were in fact caused by Covid-19. Now we see that the UK Oxford experts have called out the hyper-inflated death counts in the UK, and the Health Minister has called for a re-evaluation.

I wonder why this does not get main-stream media exposure? No, I don't wonder why. Fear sells!

UK Cuts COVID Death Count by Over 10% Health officials in the UK announced a change in their method of recording COVID-19 deaths, resulting in a 10% drop in the country's death toll.

Adopted Child the Mainstream Media Says Died Of COVID Had So Many More Ailments They Didn't Highlight 12/08/2020

This article in the USA's Western Journal 2 days ago is an excellent expose of why we cannot trust main-stream media. A six-year old girl was reported as having died from Covid-19 by 4 newspapers, with not one of them giving the proper context. The media as an established institution is worthy of our contempt, and should be held accountable for inciting fear, hatred and division within our communities. Thinking for yourself is a dying quality!

Adopted Child the Mainstream Media Says Died Of COVID Had So Many More Ailments They Didn't Highlight The girl's health problems weren't part of the media's point.

PPIs appear to increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 07/08/2020

Apart from unhealthy food (macro-nutrient rich but micro-nutrient poor) provided in Aged Care facilities, the other main factor which contributes to their increased vulnerability is rampant polypharmacy.
The elderly are the most drugged cohort in western society. And often they have no choice. Every drug has effects and side-effects. And then side effects are treated with more drugs!
Combining poor food with polypharmacy results in increasing vulnerability to infection, co-morbidities and mortality! Aged Care residents are tragically drowning in drugs!
Even anti-reflux drugs (PPI's like nexium) have been recently associated with increased risk of contracting Covid-19, and this class of drugs is one of the most prescribed among the elderly (see link). The profligate use of antibiotics is also associated with increased co-morbidities. And anti-depressant and anti- psychotic drugs are often inappropriately prescribed.
Add to this a lack of sunlight (vit D) and fresh air, media-driven fear and lockdown-loneliness, and we have a recipe for sadness, illness and death, which is what we are witnessing.
There are a few doctors specializing in de-prescribing but we need more of these enlightened professionals.
The caveat, of course, is that some medications are absolutely necessary, but the overall theme remains true: poor food plus polypharmacy does not a healthy population make!

PPIs appear to increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 Patients taking PPIs are more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 than the general population, a study of 90,000 Americans has found. The study, based on an online survey conducted from May to June, found once-daily PPI treatment was associated with a 115% increased risk of a COVID-19 diagnosis. An...


"In a decade, this (reaction to the pandemic) will be looked back on as one of the most colossal public health fiascos of the century. This massive over-reaction and love of lock-downs is bonkers and a monumental screw-up!".
Professor James Allan, Garrick Professor of Law at University of Queensland, stated yesterday on The Alan Jones show.

I could not agree more, and strongly believe, along with my wife and many of my friends and colleagues, that the situation is exacerbated by the medical and political fear-mongering over nothing more than a bad flu for a few people.

Unlike countless health and economics professionals who have disagreed with the massive world-wide over-reaction but who have been censored from airing their views, at least Alan Jones has a vehicle to keep speaking out against this "massive screw up", to quote Professor James Allan.

Go Alan Jones!


To start the week off on a happy note, have a chuckle at this 10 second video, and forget temporarily how insane the world has gone over this flu-like illness!


NSW Chief Medical Officer Dr Kerry Chant admits in public that Covid-19 "is a mild disease"- you can hear her exact words from minute 39. I wonder what they would do to our economy and society if ever we get a serious disease?

Mask up or man up: Economics professor suggests 'business as usual' to combat coronavirus 26/07/2020

Professor Foster speaks the truth. She states the virus has not caused the economic devastation, it has been the irrational reaction to it. Truer words have never been spoken. We need more like Professor Foster - she is a breath of fresh air, pun intended:

Mask up or man up: Economics professor suggests 'business as usual' to combat coronavirus Economics Professor Gigi Foster has a rather shocking plan. She believes that instead of trying to beat the...

The Technocratic Coup is Advancing Rapidly – Is this the America You Want? 26/07/2020

The following video "The CoronaVirus Coup d 'Etat" is compelling viewing for people who are at least partly awake.

It is not for those who implicitly trust authority simply because they are in authority. Never mistake authority for truth!

It is not for those who think wearing masks and social distancing and the other distractions foisted upon us are all necessary for excellent health in these dark times. Health comes about not through playing Zorro, but through healthful living- nutrition, activity, sleep, rest, fasting if sick, poise, love and fresh air!

It is not for those who are terrified of the virus. Viruses are not evil, nor your enemy! We cannot live without them!

Some people accuse me of being anti-science.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Please read this carefully:



The Technocratic Coup is Advancing Rapidly – Is this the America You Want? Do you know what "technocracy" means? If not, it is time you learn about it, because we are currently going through what technocracy expert Patrick Wood says is a Coup D'état as the technocrats take o


Alan Jones is again unafraid to speak the truth about Covid-19 in Australia. It's worth the 4 minutes to view video below.

As well consider this:

A total of 1.5 million people died from tuberculosis (TB) in 2018. Worldwide, TB is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent.
In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with TB worldwide. 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children. There were cases in all countries and age groups.

There were 205, 000 child deaths due to TB in 2018.

No mention of this in the media.

And lastly, IF the benefits of wearing masks are a no-brainer, why has it taken 6 months for the medical profession and politicians to present a united voice in mask wearing? I know one reason why: the benefits of wearing masks is far from a no-brainer!

Wake up World: Plea For A Troubled Planet! – Health For Life 07/06/2020

The economies of the world have been thrown under a train for what? Businesses have been ruined, with the worst yet to come. Domestic violence has risen, as have depression, anxiety, loneliness, and alcohol and drug abuse. Suicides are rising, predicted to accelerate once the government handouts cease. The elderly have been cruelly forced to die alone with wailing relatives locked out from sharing their final moments. Relatives of loved ones in nursing homes cannot visit them unless they are coerced to accept the flu shot, which has the worst efficacy of any medical procedure. Children have been indoctrinated to fear microbes that are no threat to them or healthy people. Children have also been taught to have no faith in their own bodies, from parents and doctors who are equally faithless. The medical profession and government have caused a dangerous fever-phobia which will lead to even more deaths, as fevers are an important survival process seen in all animals. We are witnessing a pandemic of neuroticism, the damage long-term of which will be incalculable.
All this for what? A flu-like illness which was predicted to kill between 50,000 and 150,000 by Australia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly 4 months ago. So far, 102 have died, less than the flu. His calculations were based on flawed modeling, as was Professor Neil Ferguson in the UK who predicted 500,000 would die, and who resigned because he himself was caught flouting social-distancing. Not one word of advice has been given as to how to improve individual immunity through nutritional and life-style measures. This would be a joke if it wasn't so tragic!
We have riots and pillaging in the States, the trigger being the death of George Floyd but a strong underlying cause being the forced economic meltdown (30 million put off work) setting up a social powder-keg.
We are in big trouble, unless we wake up.
Do not fear the virus, my friends, fear the reaction to it!

Wake up World: Plea For A Troubled Planet! – Health For Life As I stated a few days ago, my deepest concerns are not about Covid-19, as I honestly do not fear for my own safety in any way from these pathogens. Why, I will explain later. Having said that, I know the virus is real and a huge problem world-wide. It has contributed to many people’s deaths, just...


On this occasion Andrew Bolt is 100% correct. Spend 5 minutes watching and ask yourself if you still trust the authorities and popular media? More reason to march this Saturday the 30th May. Our health freedom is at stake

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