St Patrick's Catholic Primary School Mortlake, Sydney, NSW Videos

Videos by St Patrick's Catholic Primary School Mortlake in Sydney. St Patrick's Catholic Primary School is a place of excellence and collaboration. Valuing constant en

Interested in a career in law? Who better to hear from than the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC herself. Join us as we welcome Her Excellency to the studio. 🎙️Listen now here:

Other St Patrick's Catholic Primary School Mortlake videos

Interested in a career in law? Who better to hear from than the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC herself. Join us as we welcome Her Excellency to the studio. 🎙️Listen now here:

The School Report Episode 3
🎉LIVE NOW: The latest episode of The School Report is here! As we soon enter into the school holidays, hear from our expert guests about what families can do to help protect their children online and how we promote healthy digital habits at home. 💻 📱Watch the full episode here: #SchoolReport #esafety #OnlineSafety #parenting

The School Report
📱💻 As we head into the school holidays, hear from our expert guests about what parents and carers can do to help protect their children online and promote healthy digital habits at home. Stay tuned as our new episode launches Wednesday 10 April! 🌐 #SchoolReport #esafety #OnlineSafety #parenting

Sydney Catholic Schools Week
This week is Sydney Catholic Schools week! It all starts here when the school gates open across our 147 Primary and Secondary schools. Check out Open Day dates and times and share this post with family and friends looking to enrol next year and beyond. 🍎📚Find out more: #sydneycatholicschools #SCSW2024 #openday

Sydney Catholic Schools Week
Did you know? 📚⭐ Sydney Catholic Schools week is just around the corner! ‘It all starts here’ at Open Days, with each of our 147 Primary and Secondary schools across Sydney opening their gates to welcome families just like yours. Check out Open Day dates/times here and share this post with friends looking to enrol next year and beyond. It’s a great opportunity to see what makes our school unique: #sydneycatholicschools #SCSW2024 #openday

Celebrating our Choir Singer! 🎙 Olivia in Year 5 was one of the successful choir performers and made it an enjoyable and memorable event for both the performers and the audience at the Architects of Change forum hosted by Sydney Catholic Schools

St Patrick's Mortlake Celebrates a Talented Piano Player🎹! We are thrilled to celebrate the exceptional talent of one of our students, Henry in Year 6, a remarkable pianist who captived the audience with his extraordinary piano skills at the Architects of Change Forum hosted by Sydney Catholic Schools. #architectsofchange2023


Swarovski Waterschool Project Filming 🎥 Yesterday the Enrichment Students from St Patrick's who were involved in the Swarovski Waterschool Project 💧 last year did such an amazing job with their presentation, it left an impression on organisers from Earthwatch Australia and SWAROVSKI. The students were invited back to present their initiative which is to be showcased on their official website. They will be featured as National peer-teaching superstars! 🎬

What to expect at our Children's vaccination hubs!

'An Irish Lullaby' By Year 3/4/5 (Credit: Emmet Cahill - An Irish Lullaby- YouTube)

Fr Usher
We are truly blessed to have such a beautiful man as our Parish Priest - Fr Usher. We all adore him here at St Patrick's!

Grandparent's Liturgy

Wangal Reserve
Another short video from our Day at Wangal Reserve

Wangal Reserve