Heel Pain Doctor

A specialized heel pain service provided by a qualified health professionals. Do you have pain? Pain that gets worse through the day? Does the pain come and go?

Pain when you first get up or out of a chair after sitting for some time? Occasionally and strangely better after walking sometimes? Tried other health practitioners with no success, just given a few stretches and told it will go away? Are you frustrated at not being able to be active? Is this stopping you working? Completing the things you love? Did you know that this condition is frequently misd


So Doc do you think my orthotic need replacing yet? Ummmmm 🤣😂🤣😂

Much like your reading glasses we recommend most people need to replace their orthotics at 2-3 years, there are of course caveats to that rule - if you’re a kid and you grow out of them and if you’re super active or you’re super hard on your orthotics!

Many times you won’t notice that you’re orthotics look very different. So your reading glasses? NO 🤔

The change is not about the wear and tear it’s most often about the changes that occur to our bodies over that time. Again much like prescription glasses it’s not the glasses it’s your eyes!

We put on weight, we loose weight, our joints change, muscles change and the list goes on.

And then there is the fact that sometimes, some people, kinda like this really really wear their orthotics out !

Ummmm yes the answer was “YES it’s time to replace them” 😃😃😃


Have you been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis? Did you know there are actually dozens of conditions that can cause pain in your heel!
Have you got the right diagnosis?

Cocktail Party Ticket - Cure The Future 14/08/2018

Cocktail Party Ticket - Cure The Future Buy your tickets to the Cure The Future Cocktail Party 2018 at Luke's Kitchen in Waterloo.   Ticket includes Drinks & Canapés Come and join us at one of our favourite events of the year, as we gather to enjoy the fine food of Luke Mangan and some beautiful wines from Pierro - this year we are at t...


Aniket a Patient of Dr Ken’s has previously had a 5th metatarsal fracture from an accident! OUCH!

He has always had a very pes planus foot type (Flat feet). Ever since the fracture he feels pain down the side of the foot. Despite seeing other practitioners no one has looked at optimising his poor foot posture to reduce the excessive loading on the muscles that connect to the same area!

We worked with this lovely man and assist his foot mechanics developing a pair of custom-made orthotics to optimise his walking and standing.

He works in an environment where he needs to wear business style shoes to work. The question was can I do this? The answer yes of course you can!

The customised orthotics we make can be fitted into almost (almost!!!!) any type of footwear which some harder orthotics find difficult.

If your orthotics have very wide heal areas or forethought areas or are incredibly hard rigid and large making it difficult to fit into regular shoes there is an alternative! If you are concerned or you have questions about fitting orthotics into shoes why not pop us a comment or question below. Do you have a friend or loved one that has the same problem? Tag them below or share the post with them. We would love to get you back to happy healthy and active!


You wouldn’t be here just window shopping! Have you got questions we can help with? There are fabulous post to read here and on our website - got another question ?

We are treating Phil with shockwave therapy actually more specifically Phil’s Achilles, as he has been diagnosed with having Achilles tendinosis. A painful, degenerative conditions to the back of his heel. 👣👣

Phil is on his feet ALL DAY and the pain was starting to impact his ability to work as he has
been dealing with this for about 3 months now. This was frustrating for him so he needed
something done to fix this issue! Phil knew of shockwave therapy, so he knew he needed to
see the professionals straight away!

We would love to say everyone is pain-free, but Phil is not yet. Phil’s pain has dropped
50%.... but did we mention he has only had one sessions so far (this video is his second
session). We have also got Phil into a good pair of ASICs Nimbus shoes for casual wear and a
pair of Blundstone LACE UP boots for work. We have provided him with some heel lifts to offload the tendon.

MOST importantly though, we have also begun doing some
strengthening work with Phil so that we can get this tendon very, very strong so it can handle all of Phil’s time on his feet.

Phil is stoked. He knows shockwave works, and will proceed to see us for treatment so we can get him completely pain-free. Stay tuned - we will keep you up to date!

More questions ? Have you headed to our heelpaindoctor.com.au website ? Great spot to get more answers !


Do you have a loved one who has pain!Would you like to help ? Would you just like to hear the end of it?? 🤣 This is the post to SHARE!

This is Debbie (getting treated) and Karen (wishing she could inflict the treatment on her sister). Yup sisters who are both our patients!

Both have another thing in common and that is that they both have had some very sore heels!

Karen found us through Facebook after watching a few of our videos. Karen came to see us about a painful Achilles issue that she had been battling with for around 12 months. She was really frustrated as she couldn’t even walk up stairs without pain!

We advised Karen to be in a pair of ASICs shoes 24/7 and suggested some soft tissue rehabilitation. We have undertaken 3 sessions with her and she is now practically pain-free! 😀😄😀😄 She is back to dancing and is getting no pain – AWESOME!

Debbie found us through her sister Karen. Debbie has been suffering from some Abductor Hallucis and Tibialis Posterior pain (guess what this are often misdiagnosed as HEEL PAIN) - for around 12 months as well. She has tried the whole “shebang” – rest, stretching, icing – but to no avail. We are not 100% there with Debbie yet though but we are on the road to recovery and she is making progress! So far (time of writing) we have had 3 sessions of shockwave, got her in a new pair of ASICs shoes, and begun some strengthening exercises with her as well. We will be fitting her up with a set of orthotics very shortly as well! We will keep you posted on Debbie’s progress. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

So if you know a loved one that needs help - SHARE OUR POST!

PS - Don’t worry, Karen didn’t actually do the shockwave on her sister much to her
disappointment. 😒😒🙁😕☹️


Will cortisone fix my heel pain?
There isn’t a day that goes by where We don’t hear from a patient telling our team that they have either a had a cortisone injection for a “heel spur” 🤨 or they have just been to A MD / GP + an injection has been recommended

Let’s Face it the allure of an injection -magically will fix your heel, in little time + with almost no effort on your part is amazingly attractive! Magic pills step aside we have your better looking sister coming through!

The amazing thing about research is that you can present many of its findings in particular ways to make those findings seem more attractive than they are. Lets look at Cortizone injections for plantar heel pain.

Article in the Oxford Journal of rheumatology Oct 1999 - the short-term effectiveness of steroid injections for heel pain in a randomised controlled trial, reported a statistically significant reduction in pain at 1 month. Awesome! Now read the detail on Cortizone and it becomes a little bit more murky in the end - 19 people still had heel pain, 16 had sought help from other health practitioners = they did not get a result that means 56% of those in the trial DID NOT get relief from THE INJECTION!

Another suggested NO significant difference between treatment group of cortisone vs heel cushion vs saline inj. So kids Pop a heel pad in its as good as cortisone!!!

The vast majority of patients that I see on a day-to-day basis who have had Cortizone injections are either, no better or report to be worse after the injection then before 😣

So what should you do?
Our suggestion for chronic heel pain -address the following.
▪️footwear - while in pain - firm base and heel counter
▪️address your foot posture - high arches need shock absorption. Low arches often require soft pliable arch support
▪️address your soft tissue - look to isometric exercises - evidence base is mounting. Anecdotally We see improvements in our patients with this quickly!


Are you looking for temporary relief? Looking for something you can try at home? Taping techniques for flat feet! If you have flat feet you may suffer from Heel Pain!

Our founding clinic A step ahead foot + Ankle care ran a information session teaching these techniques. In the video they run through 2 really valuable techniques - check it out below!



Achilles pain? Told you need to stretch? Told you need to stop running? - hmmmm read on!

Inge is a nurse and is on her feet ALL DAY LONG. Inge loves to run as well! Unfortunately for Inge, she suffers from Achilles Tendinosis and this painful condition is really hindering her
day-to-day activities. But don’t worry we have Inge on the mend!!!!

She has seen other practitioners before and she was told to stretch, stretch, and stretch
even more. This hurt to do though and only provided very temporary relief. 😫😩😫🤔

Here Inge shows us what NOT TO do (left) and what TO DO (right). We are now aware that
isometric strength exercises and not isotonics (going up and down) are the way to go for
Achilles pain.

Inge was experiencing a 9/10 pain after running. However, upon doing 5x45sec after her running, this immediately bought her pain down to almost pain-free.

LESSON - you can run - maybe it’s time to give up stretching!


So let’s face it, if you are here it’s because you are looking for an answer for your Heel pain!
Shockwave is one of the successful tools we use for Heel pain. Our Founding clinic A step Ahead ran a workshop on Facebook Live last night all about how this treatment works.
Well worth watching 😀


Tuesday Night (TONIGHT) our founder clinic will host another Facebook Live on the Plantar Fascia
Hope you can join us!


Plantar Fascia is a large band of soft tissue on the base of the foot
In this video our team show you how to do a temporary taping to help with discomfort



What is your Plantar Fascia? What is it made of? Our Dr's give their top 3 hacks to keep yours happy!
Our founder clinic ran a Facebook Live broadcast last night - over 7000 joined us 😀

Let us know if you have questions!

Check it out on the below link!


So you're struggling ! You're looking for answers! You've tried other practitioners with mixed information, but no result! How do you get better?
Our website has stacks of helpful information to get you back on track.
Maybe try our Myths page dedicated to BUSTING the myths!



For many the first few steps out of bed are the worst! A rest through the day and WOW it's back again!!

This is a story about how one of our Patients beat this condition!
Dr Brenden our Principal Podiatrist from A step ahead has written this helpful article all about this difficult problem - check it out!

Get out of bed and go ouch? Do you have a friend or loved one who does? Pain on rising, first step pain? Have you been told there is nothing you can do?
Dr Brenden our Principal podiatrist wrote a blog that 1000's of people have found helpful.
SHARE THIS POST with a friend or loved one and help them back on track to happy healthy + active.



What's the best strength exercise for This problem?


Did you catch our founder clinics Facebook live all about orthotics last night? The Doctors lead by our principal Podiatrist Dr Brenden chat about how when and why you need orthotics, should they be hard or soft to name just a few of the topics.
We have linked the chat below hope you enjoy!


Timeline photos 24/05/2017

Ok so anyone want to take a guess what's happening for this patient?

Timeline photos 21/05/2017

Dr Ryan + Dr Brenden two of our Podiatrists spent their Friday educating GP's about the many different types of heel pain that may affect patients.

One of the things we love is that what we do helps people out of pain. It's not a secret and it's not something others can't do. So given the opportunity we spread the word and educate other practitioners about how to help others. It's simple leverage!

They taught the practitioners who came from all over Australia everything from footwear selection to soft tissue therapy to how orthotics are designed and made.

We see literally DOZENS of patients a day with heel pain! We love what we do because it's about getting people back to "Loving what you do!"

If we can ever help please let us know. Our expertise is in complex and hard to treat heel pain. We believe people should be happy healthy and active. We would love to work with you to get YOU back to "Loving what you do" again!

Our number is +61 2 9673 2987 please let us know if we can help


To stretch or not to stretch?
Did you know that the latest research says that stretching is not only painful but maybe causing more damage?

We see around 30 patients a day with pain just like yours. Pain on rising, sometimes after activity, pain after exercise or even a day at work!

Have you tried stretching but found it made it worse? Tried the ice water bottle but with no success? Worse still be sold hard uncomfortable orthoses or insoles? It can be enormously frustrating!

We are helping people from right across Sydney walk pain free! No more hobbling out of bed. No more avoiding walking due to discomfort!

Our team will work with you to develop a plan to beat heel pain using the latest treatments and advances in medical care of painful difficult heel pain!

We will look at using treatments that actually beat Heel Pain! Not endless sessions of getting you in to stretch or "check ups" Our Doctors will look at the most advanced therapies available in the market, so we can get you back doing the things you love!

We LOVE helping people get back to Happy Healthy and Active. If you have questions or would like more information please call our helpful front desk team! Our team have spoken to literally 1000's of patients with complex painful heels. They will work through with you what is the best type of appointment for you, costing and talk to you about what your health fund may cover and then reserve the best appointment time for you.
Our number is +612 96732987 we hope to hear from you. We would LOVE to help!

Timeline photos 05/04/2017

So do you stretch? Please DONT!
Want to know why? Perhaps it's time to head to our website www.heelpaindoctor.com.au
Learn why the advice you got about stretching may actually be causing you more damage

Timeline photos 04/04/2017

Meet our principal Podiatrist Dr Brenden Brown. BB as he is known originally founded our sister clinic A Step Ahead Foot + Ankle Care way back in 1997.

BB has a wealth of experience and has been at the forefront of clinical care of Heel Pain for the last 15 years.

BB is here being interviewed after being invited to lecture on Heel Pain at Australia's largest general Practice conference. He is also a regular in the media appearing on shows like Sunrise, The Today Show and is a regular on ABC radio as a medical expert.

If you are looking for an experienced highly qualified practitioner BB maybe the person for you.

If you have Heel Pain and would like to make an appointment - We would love to be able to help! Please call us on 96732987 to reserve your appointment.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Timeline photos 03/04/2017

8am Dr Ryan our Podiatrist is treating Heel Pain because that's what we do!
Have a fabulous pain free day!

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Videos (show all)

You wouldn’t be here just window shopping! Have you got questions we can help with? There are fabulous post to read here...
Will cortisone fix my heel pain? There isn’t a day that goes by where We don’t hear from a patient telling our team that...
Achilles pain? Told you need to stretch? Told you need to stop running? - hmmmm read on! Inge is a nurse and is on her f...
Should you stretch for Heel Pain?
What does Shockwave look like? 👣Dr Ken our Podiatrist applying Shockwave therapy to one of our patients today. 👣Most ses...



Sydney Metro Area
Sydney, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 3pm

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