Move Freely, Sydney, NSW Videos

Videos by Move Freely in Sydney. Kerstin is a therapist since 1986, working the first 17 Years as a physiotherapist in Germany, befor

biodynamic cranio sacral balancing and integrative bodywork at 'all things spiritual' market day in Seven Hills... I know a hike but I truly loved the experience last year to be there amongst friends and wonderful new people with great conversation to share!
So I'm back. For those who like to see me for the 30 min. session on Saturday the 17th, please just pm me here and I will reserve you a time slot - also let me know if you have a preferred time.
I also use other light touch modalities according to your body's needs: treating our bodies as we would treat our most beloved friend: Listening deeply, avoiding telling what would be best and certainly not pushing the body to a posture we believe might be the right one! Upset people often simply want to be heard and understood, not told how to get over 'it' and move on!
Much love to all

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Other Move Freely videos

biodynamic cranio sacral balancing and integrative bodywork at 'all things spiritual' market day in Seven Hills... I know a hike but I truly loved the experience last year to be there amongst friends and wonderful new people with great conversation to share! So I'm back. For those who like to see me for the 30 min. session on Saturday the 17th, please just pm me here and I will reserve you a time slot - also let me know if you have a preferred time. I also use other light touch modalities according to your body's needs: treating our bodies as we would treat our most beloved friend: Listening deeply, avoiding telling what would be best and certainly not pushing the body to a posture we believe might be the right one! Upset people often simply want to be heard and understood, not told how to get over 'it' and move on! Much love to all

Woman’s Wednesdays Invites to join a beautiful and enriching opportunity for growth, through offering a holistic experience, combining mindfulness, movement, meditation and soulful exploration, aiming to strengthen the connection between body, mind and soul whilst celebrating the natural strength, sensitiveness and mysticism in each individual. Our theme for the first session is the pelvic floor and very common dysfunctions, especially after pregnancy and childbirth, before introducing some gentle awareness and breathing exercises before extending to conscious movements and expressions. We will end with a guided mediation. We will be 4 max 5 women meeting on the 8/11/ at 6:30 for the first time. Please let me know if you like to come and I will book you. Looking forward to the start of the feminine expression series.

Still enjoying a lovely break, discovering a more relaxed way of dog walks... well it didn't lasted for long🤩, so we went on to enjoy the blossoms ending with a mud bath, so far for relaxing, now a dog was is coming up😂

After all the joyful posts about our upcoming vision keepers expo, I thought it is time to share what I'm offering. Firstly it had been a true co-creating journey, in which I had been part of the visioning team, connecting to the purpose and timing of our online expo which led to looking at what we can offer and who would like to present, etc. before handing our work over to our production team. I loved the challenge to create a super short little reel to simplify what I, as an integrative bodyworker: like to present: Connecting to mother earth dreaming on a very physical - bodily level through our gut brain ... if you like to read more, have a look in the program:

As it is already this month that the visions keeper expo is on, I like to share some short videos and will begin to introduce our facilitators. I am looking very much forward to be streaming in from Berlin Much Love to all

My extra day in Milan! Lucky with striking people everywhere: first the train strike in France-, now the strike of the ground personal at Berlin airport hold me back one day.. lucky I miss the announced general strike in Italy... Yeah, well let's lift of quickly: checked in and sitting at my gate, looking good ❤️ much love to all

Dear Lovely people, A new price range option is now available! Yes, the prices start soaring and so I still like to receive $120 if this is an option for you. However, there will be no questions asked if this is NOT an option for you and you are welcome to pay less. The absolute minimum I need to receive is $85 per session, feel free to pay anything in between this price range. I believe in the power of community and I know that allowing for a price range will contribute in bringing about some positive changes to our society. Much Love to all 🦢🐲🌞

Dear beautiful people, this is a very brief insight to very common Biodynamic craniosacral holds, there are certainly a lot more to choose from Much love to all

with love from Barrengarry
With love from Barrengarry, the southern highlands My heart goes out to those who suffered greatly in any way, physical, mental - grief and heartache – isolation and loneliness, losing loved ones, losing income, losing business – allow to feel what is and reach out if needed – you are not alone – even if I can’t support with everything, I am part of a greater team to refer to someone with the needed skill set to guide you through regardless of the choices you made – all remain welcome and keep remembering: you are not alone and I wish you a peaceful holiday time to give you space to feel and just be, even curled up on your bed, if that’s what you feel like doing! I also love to sincerely congratulate everyone who made it through this year with their heart, health and soul intact and wish you a peaceful downtime too with joy and replenishment. My experience of this year had been truly challenging too and I ended up with an overload of work at the end. I answered the call and are grateful for the almost overwhelming trust everyone had shown to me, either with encouragement “you got this’ or opening up to me during treatments/ sessions, which indeed was a true honour, THANK YOU. I am deeply grateful for having been invited at the beginning of the year to join the vision keeper, initiated and held with wisdom by Heather Price (shamanic pathways and practice) I don’t know how I would have made it through this year without the growing connections and the amazing online vision keeper retreat, we created for ourselves, so we all could stand strong in the storm. Spoiler alert – we are planning an expo, for everyone to join. It truly had been a time to establish new communities – My favourite communities are all interwoven: Hearth-ground, bone women foundation (already began in 2020), leading up to the wonderful ceremonies I recently had and posted here, created by the incredible ceremony woman Yia of Hearth ground … followed by the Unity festival

The stream of life
Laying in the stream of life After the er re-birthing ceremony, it was time to sit in the creation circle to align my ‘newborn’ self or better my Miwi, with my soul purpose from a new perspective. Yes, it was the only hot day of the last couple of weeks with rain and storms (returning straight there after) I heard the thunder growling in the distance – the small gusts of wind rustling through the trees all around – my awareness followed the birds call’s, ears wide open (yes ears can be actively closed and opened), the calling started with one particular group of birds to my right side… followed with silence, different birds from in front of me… quiet again…. Jet another different kind of bird call from my left. I got hot, suddenly I thought it may be self-harm to keep sitting much longer right under the sun…. the awareness of an old habbit – I sure can stand a storm, let’s await and face that approaching thunderstorm from within the circle – more grumbling in the sky, the dark, heavy clouds in my back – I turned to face them – why?!? I know I can withstand a storm! I’ve done so many times, it’s time to stop proving myself to be strong and worthy – the sun began to sting my skin – hey, time to get up and leave, what are you still trying to do?!? A giggle came up, oh nothing, just an image and finally seeing that there is a particular joy attached – pulling me into a need of a storm to feel alive… the seeking of the kick… oh dear… thank you circle, thank you for holding up the mirror, so I stood up and left. No more standing in the middle of the storm because I can, it’s enough of that … hmm I might have even created storms in my life to feel my strength in time of weakness – tricky paradox hey? So, all ceremony had finished and what a journey it was. My personal new way of walking began straight away: Due to being hot and sweaty, the biting flies began to bother me – Walking through the forest to just be there,

Where from here? Pick up, start, re-start: starting at ground 0 and take the teaching from here throughout all other stages: Connecting to crystal/ stone/ mineral world as the elements captured here, are the first ones to arrive on our beautiful planet and as such are directly connected to mother earth first dream of life. Yes, they are still holding this dream through the millions of years and are ready to share when you are ready to tune in. 1st stage of organic life: traveling to the plant world: tree people teach how to stand tall or finding a herb, root or plant based food, reconnecting to innocent and trust, being nurtured directly from mother earth herself. Just like she does, your digestive tract will mulch the food, in a way composting it and your body knows to only take the energy and essence from each food into your being before discarding the left-over matter. Venturing into the animal kingdom can support you to connect to who you really are, as the animals know without any doubt, who they are and what they are here to do, e.g., the eagle who is high flying supports seeing the bigger picture, the mouse teaches to sense everything which is touching it’s beard to experience what is close by, in front of the nose (they have very bad eye sight), the Koala is connected to the dreaming, and can support us in entering the dream world. The wolf, a path finder in times of feeling lost. Another way is finding your tribe, the 4th step in creation and may be your first in finding support and guidance in confusing times. As humans, we are about coming together in ceremony with an open heart to heart communication, journey together and dream the world we like to live in, into being. More important than ever in these peculiar times Of course, I love to say more about the 5th dimension, the homo luminous, but other then I had a tiny glimpse into the quantum leap through teachings, I don’t know jet. I belief an actual experience is most likely to be very different to

homo luminous - quantum leap
For a spin into the light: Shamans journey into each of the worlds and so, in fact, can everyone. From the first world they may return with a crystal/ stone/ mineral which may support to re-connect to a particular energy of a dreaming… or travel to the plant and tree people to find a healing herb/ root or plant based food to support a healing process… the animal world can support with their diverse medicine, e.g. the eagle who is high flying supports seeing the bigger picture, the mouse to see more clear what is close by, the Koala who is connected to the dreaming, can support us in entering the dream world. The wolf a path finder is a strong companion of mine. With fellow humans it is about coming together in ceremony in an open heart to heart communication, journey together and dream the world we like to live in, into being. Of course, I love to say more about the homo luminous, but other then I had heard about the quantum leap in teachings and read about this, I belief an actual experience is most likely to be very different as it had been with all the other journeys.

Using up some old paints from the kids... music on and, well expressive art, love it!

From spinal- into arms to full body- flow My favorited way to extending on flexibility

full moon dance
Hi everyone, We are back on: Friday 19/09/16 at the community room at the prince Alfred park Tennis centre Love odd? Odd starting: 7:15 with the odd ending 8:45!! Gives us 1 1/2 hrs of dance-joy! What a day this is: the early morning at coogee and the dance at night!! So please ignore that this has the old title video with the old date and time ... on that note: I am looking for people who like to create a new dance video for FB with me ... can't be good at everything!!!