Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney

Welcome to the official page of the Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney. The Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney has a very long history.

The Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney has jurisdiction over the Northern Territory and New South Wales with its state capital Sydney, Australia's largest city. Our main mission is the protection of Japanese residents and Japanese tourists in these areas, as well as the collection of political and economic related information and organising cultural activities. The first Japanese diplomatic miss


Congratulations to Ms Wendy Holdenson and Ms Debra Hazelton!

Last Friday evening (30 August) in Sydney, Ms Wendy Holdenson (left) and Ms Debra Hazelton were presented with Foreign Minister's Commendations for their contributions to the promotion of economic relations between Japan and Australia, at the Inaugural Australia-Japan Business Dinner, which was co-hosted by the Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committe (AJBCC) & Australia-Japan Society of NSW (AJS-NSW).


Origami at Strathfield Council's Strathfield Spring Festival this Saturday 7 September

We'll be there with origami artist Midori Furze from 2pm-6pm for an origami workshop! Why not join us?

Head down to Strathfield Park THIS SATURDAY 2pm - 9pm for a fun-filled day of food, family and festivities.

🎶Free Entertainment
🌞Free Family Friendly Activities
🎉From 6pm, enjoy the entertainment lineup featuring Stacey Street and headliner Kaleidoscope Dream for an evening of live music that will get you dancing the night away.

Cost: Entry is FREE!

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 03/09/2024

If you've ever wanted to live and work in Japan, come to one of our information sessions about the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme! ✨🗾✨

Attend online or see if we'll be visiting your uni 🎓

For online sessions, remember to register:

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 02/09/2024

Last week (29 August), Consul IKEGAYA Mayumi had the pleasure of attending the opening reception and exhibition preview of "Lee Ufan - Quiet Resonance" at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and had the honour of meeting the artist himself. In the 1960s, Mr Lee was a co-founder of Japan’s Mono-ha (School of Things) movement. Mono-ha (もの派) emphasised relationships between natural and industrial materials, and between objects and their viewers. The AGNSW exhibition includes new works by the artist.

Learn more about this free exhibition at



1 領事情報(領事出張サービス実施の案内、在留状況確認調査、オンライン申請とオンライン決済、マイナンバーカード交付、DV被害者支援、在留届と「たびレジ」、在外選挙人名簿登録、衆議院小選挙区の区割り改訂)
2 治安・安全情報(詐欺への注意喚起)
3 日本文化関連行事
4 日本語補習授業校の教員募集
5 総領事通信・総領事館公式SNS
6 休館日のお知らせ(9月及び10月)


1 領事情報




(5)「DV 被害者支援のための相談窓口」のお知らせ ―DV 被害でお悩みの方へー
当館は、当地でDV被害者等を支援する団体「Bonnie Support Service Ltd」と提携し、ドメスティック・バイオレンス (DV)で悩んでいる邦人のための相談窓口を開設しています。 対象は、NSW 州にお住まいの邦人女性(及び子供)で、相談者は、日本語によるサービスを受けることができます。DV被害でお悩みの方は、まずは下記相談窓口までご相談ください(NSW州以外の地域にお住まいの方については、情報提供やお近くの相談機関のご紹介を行います。) 詳細は以下のリンク先からご確認ください。




2 治安・安全情報




1 詐欺の可能性を常に意識すること
2 取引相手を調査すること
3 疑わしいテキストやポップアップウィンドウ、またはメールを開封しないこと
4 個人情報を確実に保管すること
5 異常な決済方法に注意すること
6 パソコン(スマートフォン含む)を安全に管理すること
7 パスワードは慎重に選択すること


3 日本文化関連行事
大好評の”Spirit of Art Nouveau”(Naala Badu地下2階にて)は、残すところ9月8日の1回のみです。日曜日午前10時30分開始。(予約不要、入場券を持参して会場入り口に集合)

北新館(Naala Badu 水辺を臨む) 毎週日曜日午後1時開始
南本館(Naala Nura 大地を臨む) 毎週金曜日午前11時開始 ツアーでは8月31日から始まる李禹煥展(入場無料)の作品のいくつかもご紹介いたします。

〇「Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema」展(9月13日(金)-2025年3月1日(土))
国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センターギャラリーにて、美術作家・志村信裕氏による山口の映画館史にフォーカスした最新作『Afternote』を紹介します。山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]のコミッションワークとして制作され同氏が監督を務めた本作品とともに、撮影された山口の映画館にまつわる記録や資料を展示し、同市内から姿を消した映画「館」の歴史を辿ります。 詳細は下記リンクをご参照ください。

〇『わたし語ポートフォリオ』ワークショップ2024(9月14日(土)午後6時-午後8時 )

○Matsuri Japan Festival in Chatswood 2024(9月14日(土)午前11時-午後6時)
シドニー日本クラブ(JCS)の主催により、Chatswood Mall(Chatswood駅前遊歩道)にて「Matsuri Japan Festival in Chatswood 2024」を開催されます。JCSは、2015年からChatswoodで日本祭りを開催しており、毎年多くの方々にご来場いただいています。文化交流イベントとしてシドニー北部地域では最大規模のイベントです。会場では、日本食などの屋台をはじめ、華道、茶道、書道のワークショップ、ヨーヨー釣りや金魚すくいなども楽しめます。また、特設ステージでは、ソーラン踊りをはじめとした多彩なパフォーマンスが行われます。詳細は以下のリンク先からご確認ください。


4 日本語補習授業校の教員募集
当館管轄地域にある以下の学校では教員を募集しています。ご関心のある方は、以下の学校 のリンクやメール照会先を参照の上、各学校に直接ご連絡・ご応募ください。
○JCS 日本語学校シティ校
○JCS 日本語学校エッジクリフ校
連絡先:[email protected]

5 総領事通信・総領事館公式SNS

6 休館日のお知らせ(9月及び10月)

Level 12,1 O'Connell Street,
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Fax: (61-2)9252-6600
Email: [email protected]

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 29/08/2024

Acting Consul-General Nishida Yuichiro attended the Japan Road Show held in Sydney earlier this week. Organised by JNTO (Visit Japan AU), many prefectures and private tourism companies had booths at the event to attract Australian buyers. Also in attendance was who stopped by some of the booths - working hard to promote the Expo2025 大阪・関西万博 😍!

Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema 28/08/2024

📽️ Explore the history of movie theatres in the city of Yamaguchi, Japan, with The Japan Foundation, Sydney ’s upcoming exhibition "Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema"
📽️ 13 September 2024 ~ 1 March 2025
Together with records and materials related to the city's cinemas, the display includes the latest work by contemporary Japanese artist Nobuhiro Shimura, a 79-minute documentary also titled ‘Afternote’, which was commissioned by YCAM, the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media. By unearthing the memories of local residents and what the cinema meant to them, 'Afternote' reminisces on the days when movie theatres were considered the cultural centre, a part of daily life and the cityscape.⁠

'Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema' will be on display in the Japan Foundation Gallery from 13 September 2024 to 1 March 2025.

Find out more:

Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema JPF > Events > Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema Exhibition September 13, 2024 – March 1, 2025 Afternote: In the Shade of Cinema is an exhibition focusing on the history of movie theatres in the provincial city of Yamaguchi, Japan. Curated by Yu Iseki (Curator of ...

Aligning Values and Interests: Japanese and Australian support for democracy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia | Humanitix 26/08/2024

Are you interested in learning more about the relationship between Australia and Japan? On August 28 (Wed), The Japan Foundation, Sydney and the Department of Security Studies and Criminology at Macquarie University will host a public panel focusing on the countries' deepening cooperation on trade, diplomacy, security and defence in recent years, specifically in the context of the Pacific and Southeast Asian regions.

On August 28 (Wed) from 7:30pm at Macquarie University City Campus. Bookings are now open:

Aligning Values and Interests: Japanese and Australian support for democracy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia | Humanitix Register on Humanitix - Aligning Values and Interests: Japanese and Australian support for democracy in the Pacific and Southeast Asia hosted by Dept of Security Studies and Criminology . Macquarie University City Campus - Level 24, level 24/123 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. Wednesday 28th Au...

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 26/08/2024

Last week, Nihon University officially opened its first overseas campus in Newcastle. The former Newcastle Court House is now the venue for Nihon University's students to undertake short-term study in Australia. In collaborating with The University of Newcastle there is also the potential for some amazing cross-cultural exchange to take place between Japanese and Australian students! 🇯🇵🇦🇺🎓

The University of Newcastle, Australia

Grand Bonsai and Ikebana Exhibition | Botanic Gardens of Sydney 23/08/2024

Bonsai and ikebana lovers take note!

A free exhibition at the Botanic Gardens of Sydney celebrating Megumi Bennett’s 50th anniversary of Bonsai and Ikebana in Australia, the 25th anniversary of the Bonsai Society of Sydney, and the 5th anniversary of the ikebana Koryu Shoyo-kai School.

Where & when? The Garden Gallery, the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney - 13-15 September 2024

For more information: and

Grand Bonsai and Ikebana Exhibition | Botanic Gardens of Sydney An exhibition celebrating Megumi Bennett’s.

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 21/08/2024

🦄 UNICORN: The unofficial title earned by someone who has been on the JET Programme for the full five years. Sydney's own Thanh Pham achieved his unicorn status as an ALT in Saga. He shares some of his photos as well as his reflections on his time there:

“Five years on JET in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture. Each day was an adventure and a new opportunity to forge connections and inspire others. There was never a day when I regretted being on the JET Programme.

When asked to recontract, each year, I’d come to the same conclusion: ‘This opportunity won’t come again. I should make the most of it.’

I've made new lifelong friends, achieved a dream of mine, and even fell in love at one point. Any sacrifices have been worth the price because my personal growth was immense for having been on JET.

Best decision of my life so far."

#佐賀県 #唐津市 JETAA NSW

The Tōkaidō: Japan’s Most Famous Road 20/08/2024

'Flying legs' and an elephant on the Tokaido ...
How times have changed! Walking Japan's ancient highway from Nihonbashi in Edo (Tokyo) to Sanjo Ohashi in Kyoto would have taken about 13 to 17 days on foot. Imagine the travellers of yesteryear time-travelling to today when the shinkansen can whisk people between the two cities in under 2.5 hours!

The Tōkaidō: Japan’s Most Famous Road The Tōkaidō was once Japan’s most important road, connecting the capital of Edo with the imperial seat of Kyoto. It was used by daimyō and samurai going to the capital along with merchants and commoners on pilgrimages.

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 19/08/2024

Acting Consul-General Nishida Yuichiro attended the Bonsai Society of Sydney (BSS)'s 23rd Annual Exhibition on Saturday (17 August), at Forestville Community Art Centre. Congratulating BSS members on realising the exhibition, he was one of many visitors to enjoy the wonderful bonsai and ikebana on display.

Japanese Storytime for Children 19/08/2024

The Japan Foundation, Sydney's next Yomikikase 日本語読み聞かせ for kids has dads in mind ahead of Father's Day in Australia ... which is on a different date in Japan. Do you know when it falls in Japan?

It's the third Sunday in June 😊

Japanese Storytime for Children Yomikikase : Japanese Storytime for Children JPF > Events > Japanese Storytime for Children August 31, 2024 Event InfoEvent Info Bring your children for a fun session of storytelling and craft-making at our library. We will feature Chichi no Hi (Father’s Day in Australia because the rest of the wo...

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 16/08/2024

This week, we said farewell to Consul-General Tokuda and his wife who have called Sydney their home for the past two years. Wishing them the best at his next posting in Russia 👋

Finding Art in Everyday Objects 14/08/2024

Meet model maker/artist YASUI Tomohiro and his creations in the latest Japan Video Topics upload.

Japan Video Topics, part of Web Japan, has a range of short videos on all manner of things to allow viewers to "discover the charm of Japan on video".

Find the JVT index here:

Finding Art in Everyday Objects https://web-japan.orgFrom anime characters to robots, buildings and animals, Japanese figurines and plastic models are popular worldwide. The secret lies in ...

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 12/08/2024

Yesterday, Consul-General Tokuda shared photos of a favourite weekend walk during his time in Sydney - the coastal cliff walk at Watson's Bay. Can't fault his choice 😍!


A Farewell Message from Consul-General Tokuda | 德田総領事からの離任のご挨拶


This Consulate is open today, 12 August. In 🇯🇵, it's a public holiday for Mountain Day (山の日) which fell on a Sunday this year.

Mountain Day is observed annually on 11 August, but if it falls on a Sunday, the following day is a public holiday.


Something "bitter, sweet, and filled with love" for this Friday afternoon 💛 This 2-minute NHK WORLD-JAPAN clip introduces a grandmother and grandson producing lemon marmalade. Which ingredient adds an extra something? Watch and see.

😋 This writer happily imagining lemon marmalade on toast 💛!


Have you discovered our Instagram yet?
Here's the latest post - Japan in colours 🌈😍

You can find us at

#単語 #色 #きれいな景色

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 07/08/2024

Representatives from Fukuoka, Japan, were in Sydney yesterday promoting Visit Fukuoka Japan and its many attractions as a top destination for education tourism.

Photos 2-4 © Fukuoka Prefecture Tourism Association

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 06/08/2024

Consul-General Tokuda was honoured to be a part of the Cowra Breakout 80th Anniversary events, describing it as "an occasion for remembrance and reaffirmation of the deep and abiding connection between 🇯🇵🇦🇺."

Cowra Council

JFF Theater 06/08/2024

A new online streaming platform to bring you more Japanese film 😍! And it's free!! Learn more 👇

JFF Theater Bringing more Japanese films to the world. The Japan Foundation, an independent administrative institution, not only provides information about Japanese Film Festivals (JFF) around the world, but also promotes the appeal of Japanese films.

Photos from Embassy of Japan in Australia's post 05/08/2024

Remembering - Cowra Breakout 80th Anniversary

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 02/08/2024

Now on at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia in Sydney - Hiroshi Sugimoto: Time Machine

Last night (1 August), Consul Ikegaya Mayumi had the great pleasure of attending the exhibition opening and had the honour of meeting the artist himself. If you enjoy contemporary art, this is an exhibition you will want to catch if you can!
See details at


🔹 2024 Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation Recipients Announced 🔹 令和6年度外務大臣表彰 🔹

Today, 1 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan announced the recipients of the Foreign Minister’s Commendations for FY 2024.

Among this year’s recipients are four individuals from New South Wales, who are being recognised for their contributions to the promotion of economic relations between Japan and Australia, or for their contributions to the promotion of mutual understanding between Japan and Australia.

English media release:'s_Commendations.pdf

The recipients from NSW are:
🔹 Graham Apthorpe | Chair of the 75th Anniversary of the Cowra Breakout - For the promotion of mutual understanding between Japan and Australia

🔹 Lawrance Ryan | Chair of the 60th and 70th Anniversaries of the Cowra Breakout - For the promotion of mutual understanding between Japan and Australia

🔹 Debra Hazelton | Vice President, Australia Japan Business Cooperation Committee (AJBCC) - For the promotion of economic relations between Japan and Australia

🔹 Wendy Holdenson | Director of Mitsui & Co.Australia - For the promotion of economic relations between Japan and Australia

Photos from Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney's post 01/08/2024

Well done, everyone! よくできました!

Last Friday (26 July), the school visit team visited International Grammar School in Ultimo for their International Day to give calligraphy workshops to Year 9 and 10 students studying Japanese. Students explored a range of characters, working from models for 愛 (love), 心 (heart), 親友 (best friend), 平和 (peace), 夢 (dream), 祭り (festival), 空 (sky), 花 (flower), 光 (light), 道 (path/way) and 天 (heaven). Some students even tried their hand at characters they'd remembered by heart, including 家 (house/home) and 卵 (egg)!



1 領事情報(オンライン申請とオンライン決済、マイナンバーカード交付、DV被害者支援、在留届と「たびレジ」、在外選挙人名簿登録、衆議院小選挙区の区割り改訂)
2 治安・安全情報(4大犯罪増加)
3 日本文化関連行事
4 日本語補習授業校の教員募集
5 総領事通信・総領事館公式SNS
6 休館日のお知らせ(8月及び9月)


1 領事情報


(3)「DV 被害者支援のための相談窓口」のお知らせ ―DV 被害でお悩みの方へー
当館は、当地でDV被害者等を支援する団体「Bonnie Support Service Ltd」と提携し、ドメスティック・バイオレンス (DV)で悩んでいる邦人のための相談窓口を開設しています。 対象は、NSW 州にお住まいの邦人女性(及び子供)で、相談者は、日本語によるサービスを受けることができます。DV被害でお悩みの方は、まずは下記相談窓口までご相談ください(NSW州以外の地域にお住まいの方については、情報提供やお近くの相談機関のご紹介を行います。) 詳細は以下URL:




2 治安・安全情報

3 日本文化関連行事



北新館(新名称Naala Baduナーラ・バドゥ 水辺を臨む) 毎週日曜日午後1時開始
南本館(新名称Naala Nuraナーラ・ヌラ 大地を臨む) 毎週金曜日午前11時開始
ミュシャ展”Spirit of Art Nouveau”(Naala Badu地下2階にて)6月23日から9月8日まで毎週日曜日午前10時30分開始
アーチボルド展(Naala Nura地下2階にて)7月6日から8月17日まで毎週土曜日午前10時30分開始

4 日本語補習授業校の教員募集
当館管轄地域にある以下の学校では教員を募集しています。ご関心のある方は、以下の学校 のリンクやメール照会先をご参照の上、各学校に直接ご連絡・ご応募ください。
○JCS 日本語学校シティ校
○JCS 日本語学校エッジクリフ校
連絡先:[email protected]

5 総領事通信・総領事館公式SNS

6 休館日のお知らせ(8月及び9月)

Level 12,1 O'Connell Street,
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Fax: (61-2)9252-6600
Email: [email protected]

Fermented Favorite: Japan’s “Nattō” Exports Expand 31/07/2024

Nattō in 🇦🇺 - "Yes, please" or "No, thank you"?

If you are in the 'yes' camp, you're part of a growing market 😄. Japan’s nattō exports have doubled in both volume and value since statistics were first recorded in 2017, reports below, and 🇦🇺 is also importing more 🇯🇵 nattō. did an article about the origins of nattō a couple of years ago. See:

Fermented Favorite: Japan’s “Nattō” Exports Expand Japan’s “nattō” exports have doubled over the past six years to 3,300 tons in 2023, with particular growth in demand seen in China.

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Videos (show all)

Have you discovered our Instagram yet?Here's the latest post - Japan in colours 🌈😍You can find us at https://www.instagr...
🥢 There are times when pride is at stake. Consul Ikegaya and Vice-Consul Shimmura faced one such moment last week - the ...
Thinking of testing your Japanese language skills? The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test will be held on 1 December 202...
Last Friday (5 July), Consul-General Tokuda had the pleasure of hosting the Farewell Reception for this year's JET Progr...
This Sunday evening, 7 July, is Tanabata (七夕) or the Star Festival. Children and adults write wishes on narrow strips of...
The 20th edition of Consul-General Tokuda’s newsletter “Letters and Essays from Sydney 2.0” is now available on our webs...
NSW州において、4月7日(日)の午前3時から、夏時間(Daylight Saving Time)が終わります。時計を1時間戻しましょう!
The 19th edition of Consul-General Tokuda’s newsletter “Letters and Essays from Sydney 2.0” is now available on the home...
And lots of fish sprang to life on the sumie desk 😍!#innerwestkidsfest
Concentrating on that pussy cat face 😍!
We drove the devil 👹 out! Got your beans ready? Tomorrow is SETSUBUN in Japan and it's time for MAMEMAKI. Scare away the...



The Rocks, NSW

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2pm - 4pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 12pm
2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 12pm
2pm - 4pm
Thursday 9:30am - 12pm
2pm - 4pm
Friday 9:30am - 12pm
2pm - 4pm

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Spit Mask hood and Identity Protection Hood Spit Mask hood and Identity Protection Hood
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