Jane Copeland

Big ideas #girlboss with even bigger hair. Wolf Pack Leader for The Business Made Beautiful Academy. Next Top Coach ™ creator.

Jane has been operating for 8 years and in that time she has helped hundreds of women to successfully package and sell their expertise and grow their businesses to 6 -7 figures. Jane is also an author of the book Boardroom to Baby and founder of the award winning blog ‘Coping with Jane’ which was named in the top 20 business blogs by Smart Company. Learn more at: www.copingwithjane.com

Grab some of my free training here>> http://www.copingwithjane.com/free-training-by-jane-copeland/


Are you currently using Zoom on overload like me?

If you’re doing video calls with Zoom, Skype, Google, FaceTime etc, for meetings, chats, training or coaching, I’ve got something cool for you today…

Here is 5 secrets to look good on Zoom.

I've been running my own online business for 8 years and am familiar with using virtual tools to communicate and present.

I've picked up some tips along the way that make a big difference.

I hope you find these tips helpful and please share with anyone you know who might also find these useful.

👉Recommended tools mentioned: http://www.copingwithjane.com/video-call-resources

👉Get a copy of this video: http://www.copingwithjane.com/look-good-on-zoom


The art and science of coming up with an irresistable offer 🔥🔥


Discover how to scale your coaching business faster...

Download a copy of The Next Top Coach™ Blueprint: The roadmap to having a $100K+ online coaching business. 🙋🏻💎💁🏾‍♀️🎓💃🏻🙏🏻

Click on this link and I’ll send it to your messenger for free 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=w2621356


⭐Are you looking to take your coaching, clinic or PT business online?⭐

Hear how Nik went from local fitness trainer to “The Next Top Coach™” - and now lives a jetsetter lifestyle where she sells out international Retreats and runs a thriving global online business.

Could you the Next Top Coach™? ⭐

I’m starting a brand new Pilot Program in July to find the Next Top Coach ™.

I’m after a few specific people who want to become a highly paid, full-time online coach in the next 60 days.

✨Could that be you?✨

If it could be, please click this link and I’ll send you a message with all the details:



The Next Top Coach™ rules to live by #1: ✨Don’t be a Jack-of-all-trades. ✨

Plus, take a peek inside the house that I’m building! First purchase, wine glasses because priorities. 😜😜


[Download a copy of my new book , The Next Top Coach™ Blueprint. Click on this link and I’ll send it to your messenger 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=w2621356 ]


Hello Lovely! ⭐BIG NEWS…

I’m starting a brand new Pilot Program in July.

I’m looking for a few specific people who want to become a highly paid, full-time coach in the next 60 days.

✨Could that be you?✨

1. Are you ready NOW to take your business to the next level?

2. Do you want to become one of the top paid coaches in your industry?

3. Do you have the capacity to take on new clients?

4. Can you can keep a secret?

If it could be, please click this link and I’ll send you a message with all the details: 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=PilotProgram

Timeline photos 13/04/2019
Timeline photos 08/04/2019

Stop acting like you live twice 😉😘

Timeline photos 02/04/2019

📞☎️Are you selling over the phone (Zoom, Skype, etc)?

NEVER in a gazillion years did I think that I would use my “phone selling” skills for my online business!

But I do…

In fact, the single most important skill that has enabled me to run my {online} business successfully for 8 years, has been confidence to sell over the phone.

My first mentor, John, once told me that if you can sell one-to-one you’ll never be out of business.

It’s true, if you can sell you will always be in business.

🔥Would you like my BEST training & sales scripts so you can close better?

You can grab them here http://www.copingwithjane.com/sales-scripts

Timeline photos 01/04/2019

Listen up, you totally have it in you to be ANYTHING you want. 💯

You already have everything you need inside you. What you do need is a good marketing strategy and to be able to sell what you do.

Need help with your marketing? Want to uplevel your business?...

I'll be opening up my Growth Accelerator for Female Entrepreneurs soon where that’s what you’ll learn how to do.

For more info please click this link and I’ll send you a message with all the details: 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=PilotProgram ✌️

Timeline photos 31/03/2019

How much do you want it? 🤗
An important question to ask yourself before starting a business is how badly do you want it? 💗
Because being in business isn’t a linear process. In fact, be prepared for a journey filled with ups and downs.
The only way to be able to ride the entrepreneurial waves, is to have unwavering determination to reach your goals.
And to do that you have to want it badly.
And do yourself a favour… make things easier for yourself by finding a good business coach.😉
🚨Grab a copy of my guide on the 5 steps to a high-growth online business. See link in profile


Timeline photos 27/03/2019

Could you be doing things an easier way? 🤔

When my son started school 3 years ago I shifted massively to AUTOMATION (in my business).

It’s been a great move and I regret not doing it sooner.

By automating my business, I’ve been able to reduce my working hours to while keeping a consistent income.

This has enabled me to spend more quality time with my son and take time off when I need to - like for school holidays.

When I was an early stage business owner, having free time would have been a pipe dream because I was a slave to my business.

I worked All. The. Time.

If you are a new or aspiring business owner yourself, you really do need to be careful that you’re not creating a tough job for yourself.

Are you interested in taking your business to the next level by using automation and sales funnels?

I'll be opening up my Growth Accelerator for Female Entrepreneurs soon where that’s what you’ll learn how to do.

For more info please click this link and I’ll send you a message with all the details: 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=PilotProgram ✌️

Timeline photos 26/03/2019

Are you a business owner, personality brand, coach or consultant who sells programs?

If you are at some stage you’ll need to come up with MAGNETIC program names and it can be hard! 😭

Here's a quick and dirty 3-step process to naming your programs.

Let’s start by looking at what makes up an ideal program name...

✅NUMBER ONE: It should be short
✅NUMBER TWO: It should say what it is (and who it’s for)
✅NUMBER THREE: IT should ideally contain the program outcome.

Here’s some examples: The Lean Body Formula, From Crappy to Happy, Happiness for Worrywarts.

Okay, here’s the quick and dirty 3-step process to naming your programs...

🔥Step 1.
Brainstorm a list of power words and their synonyms (for your offer name). Once you have these words find the synonym of that word.
🔥Step 2.
Continue brainstorming emotional and outcome based words. List words that describe the outcome of your program. I also like to use verbs and adjectives in program names so I google things like “beautiful 4 letter verbs”.

🔥Step 3.
Now you should have a good list of potential words to include in your offer name. Try combining any of the words on your list.

Now you want to try DIFFERENT combinations of your words and try to come up with some beautiful word combinations that could possibly work as a program name.

Are any word combinations working?
A tool I like to use to help with this is the website “leandomainsearch.com.” It also lets you know if your potential program name is available as a domain name.

💡Bonus tip. Keep an ongoing list of all of the above. Ideally you don’t want to be creating your program names from scratch. From today start compiling a list of power words for your future projects.

I hope you found this useful! Please tag anyone who might find also it helpful xo

Timeline photos 25/03/2019

Lots of people don't actually know what they are truly selling. This is often why they have difficulties marketing themselves or their business. 🤔
Fact, people buy something because they want a result - so your marketing should focus on outcomes and not actually the "thing" you are selling.
When you get this and start applying this to your "message to market" and brand positioning, things become a whole lot easier. 💰💰💰

I'll be opening up my Growth Accelerator for Female Entrepreneurs soon. For more info and to get on my waitlist, dm me at [email protected] ✌️

Timeline photos 24/03/2019

Reminder, you are doing an excellent job. 👏👏👏

Mums know best don't they? I've found that my own mum gives the best business advise - simple and practical and she's always right - even though she's never had a business or worked in a typical job!


Timeline photos 22/03/2019

This is what we love... sticking it to the man & giving up our "day job" to run our own gig and do what ever makes us happy. Bye Felicia ✌️✌️👏
I'll be opening up my Growth Accelerator for Female Entrepreneurs soon. For more info and to get on my waitlist, dm me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 20/03/2019

It's amazing how quickly you can uplevel when you surround yourself with the right people. 👯
Are you looking for your business family? I will be opening up spots on my mastermind soon. To find out more, hop on my email list (see link in profile ) or DM me 😊

Timeline photos 19/03/2019

🔥1. Getting the right message-to-market match will sell millions of dollars of a mediocre product.
So as startup or early stage business owner, you’re not trying to create the “perfect” product for the market.
Instead, you want to develop one that resonates with a market. Focus on message-to-market match.
🔥2. Find accountability.👭
Over the last 7 years of working with hundreds of people in the process of building their business, there is ONE surprising thing that correlates directly to speed of success...
It’s motivation closely followed by having a deadline. See, having a deadline can create strong motivation.
Give yourself a deadline to achieve a milestone in your business and hold yourself accountable to it.
🔥3. Understand the real business you’re getting into.
It’s not enough to be good at what you do. You my friend are now entering the business of selling.
Business is about making sales so it’s essential that you get good at selling and marketing.
🔥4. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Tapping into someone’s knowledge who’s already been where you’d like to go, can be a game-changer.
But here’s the thing, investing in someone who has been there and done that can save you a truckload of time and money.
Make things easier for yourself by finding a good business coach.
🔥5. How much do you want it? 💗Finally, an important question to ask yourself and a crucial point to consider before going out on your own, is how badly do you want it? Because being in business isn’t a linear process.
In fact, be prepared for a journey filled with ups and downs.The only way to be able to ride the entrepreneurial waves, is to have unwavering determination to reach your goals.
And to do that you have to want it badly.
💓Grab a copy of my guide on the 5 steps to a high-growth online business. See link in profile

Timeline photos 18/03/2019

If you're multi-talented often when you're starting a business it can be difficult to know what exactly you should offer people. 🤔

This happened to me too 🙋. My business, which is a marketing and business school for women, evolved from my blog (copingwithjane).
It wasn't until I worked with a coach that I was able to see how I could monetise my blog. She said to me "Why don't you become a blog coach?"
The funny thing was that I had never even thought of doing that!
It turned out to be a very good idea. I make an offer to my email list and had monetised within 24 hours of that conversation. 😀
Do you need help with your business?
Sam was able to combine her natural talents and previous career as at TV presenter, to now running her own speaking and presenting school where she's making a huge difference to people's lives.

I'll be opening up my Growth Accelerator for Female Entrepreneurs soon where that’s what you’ll learn how to do.

For more info please click this link and I’ll send you a message with all the details: 👉https://m.me/copingwithjane?ref=PilotProgram ✌️


Need to improve your Facebook ads? 🙋🙋

Be a fly on the wall and hear me coach one of my students on how to improve her Facebook ads to sell an online program.

Go here for more FB ads training: http://www.businessmadebeautiful.com/masterclass-3/

Timeline photos 17/03/2019

Focus for the week - E X E C U T I O N. There is absolutely a link between speed of implementation and success. Do NOT get caught up in perfectionism!
Fail fast, succeed sooner.

Timeline photos 15/03/2019

Launching a program soon?

I’ve done a truck load of "live" online program launches over the last 7 years…

🔥Here are 11 little known strategies to have a PROFITABLE program launch...

✅1. Improve your email open rates and sending frequency.Check your open rates on your sales/launch emails. Mix up the time of day you are sending your emails out.

✅2. Drip out a high value bonus. And then run an FB ad for your new bonus.

✅3. Leverage your networks.Leverage all your networks and current customers to help amp up the energy and momentum around the program.

✅4. Get more people into the funnel ASAP.For example, run ads to a webinar or new or existing lead magnet.

✅5. Do a series of FB live stream and Instagram live Q&A.

✅6. Put “live chat” on your sales page.

✅7. Invite people to hop on a call with you. Add a call to action to on your sales page and also in your emails, inviting prospects to hop on a call with you to learn more and answer their questions.

✅8. Use count down timers.Three days before cart closes ensure you are using count down timers in both the emails you are sending and on your sales page..

✅9. Push your money back guarantee.

✅10. Reopen cart (after it closes).

✅11. Offer an extended payment plan.Before you close the cart or if/when you reopen the cart. Also run FB ads on “extended payment plan”.

Phew that's a lot of things! Please share or tag someone who might need to hear this today 😊

Grab the Outsourcing Guide for Online Business here >> http://www.copingwithjane.com/team

Timeline photos 07/03/2019

Why do some people "make it" and others don't? Here's what I've learnt...


This is from the perspective of my experience of being a business coach and seeing first hand what can help a person achieve business success faster:

🌻1. They are highly motivated.

You would be surprised at how many people aren’t really actually that motivated to get what they desire.

On the other hand successful women will stop at nothing to get the lifestyle they want, the business they desire, or to share their life-changing work with others.

They get that timing will never be perfect, the stars will never align and chances are you won't have more money in your bank account next month, unless something changes.

Results come from taking action and successful women know that.

🌻2. They have a hot offer and signature system WITH a killer name.

By hot offer I mean, they are selling something that people want and have positioned it in a way that sells. Here’s what I mean by killer name:
Owners Collective, Passive Income Queen, The Lean Body Coach, The Success Circle and Video Fame Academy.

These are brand and offer names that I’ve come up with for clients that have the desired outcome in the name which is ideal and super powerful.

🌻3. They value mentorship.

Having a great mentor is one of the most powerful advantages an entrepreneur can have.

Let’s discuss that for a sec…

Take any successful entrepreneur, athlete or artist in the world and I guarantee you they’ll be able to point out at least one mentor who made a difference in their lives. Because when someone highly experienced and knowledgeable is in your corner, they can help you realise your potential and take your business to the next level.

Mentorships matter.

💓Grab a copy of my guide on the 5 steps to a high-growth online business. www.copingwithjane.com/team

Timeline photos 02/03/2019

Waiting for & Never too old for a good dance 💃💃💃💃especially when it’s a day dance party

Timeline photos 14/02/2019

My little Valentine. Love you baby 💘

Timeline photos 13/02/2019

Can you ever really have enough yoga pants when you work from home? 🤨

How to start a 6-figure business (and succeed) 08/02/2019


I’ve been doing a few interviews for Australian media and thought I’d share this because you might find it useful if you're an aspiring or early stage business owner:

🔥1. Your first order of business (it’s probably not what you think).

What problem are you solving? The bigger and more obvious the problem your product or services solves, the easier it will be to get your business off the ground.

However here’s something even more important that most people don’t know...

Getting the right message-to-market match will sell millions of dollars of a mediocre product.

As startup or early stage business owner, you’re not trying to create the “perfect” product for the market. Instead, you want to develop one that resonates with a market.

Your message has to resonate deeply with your market.

Focus on message-to-market match as your first order of business.

🔥2. Find accountability.👭

Over the last 7 years of working with hundreds of people in the process of building their business, there is ONE surprising thing that correlates directly to speed of success. Can you guess what it is?

It’s motivation closely followed by having a deadline.

See, having a deadline can create strong motivation. Give yourself a deadline to work through a project or achieve a milestone in your business and hold yourself accountable to it.

🔥3. Understand the real business you’re getting into.

It’s not enough to be good at what you do. You my friend are now entering the business of selling.

Every single business owner is also a sales person.

Business is about making sales so it’s essential that you get good at selling and marketing.

🔥4. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

Tapping into someone’s knowledge who’s already been where you’d like to go, can be a game-changer.

But here’s the thing, investing in someone who has been there and done that can save you a truckload of time and money.

Why reinvent the wheel when you could be turning it? The question shouldn’t be how much does this cost. Instead ask what’s my likely return?

Make things easier for yourself by finding a good business coach.

🔥5. How much do you want it? 💗

Finally, an important question to ask yourself and a crucial point to consider before going out on your own, is how badly do you want it?

Because being in business isn’t a linear process. In fact, be prepared for a journey filled with ups and downs.

The only way to be able to ride the entrepreneurial waves, is to have unwavering determination to reach your goals. And to do that you have to want it badly.

Read more here ➡️ http://www.copingwithjane.com/how-to-start-a-6-figure-business-and-succeed/

How to start a 6-figure business (and succeed) What nobody tells you about starting an online business.

Timeline photos 02/02/2019

Those Summer days when a lunch turns into a long lunch followed by dinner & dancing. 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️💘

Timeline photos 16/01/2019

Every dream starts with the first step. 👏🏽

Timeline photos 11/01/2019

Actually one of my clients whom I am on holidays with, living the dream👩🏼‍💻👩🏼‍💻☀️ 🌊We are on a mini-break with our 7 year old son’s in sunny Queensland, Australia. We have managed to make sales & grow our businesses while we’re having fun in the sun. Online businesses rock!

Timeline photos 08/01/2019

🙌 Tag someone who need to hear this.

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Our Story

Jane has been operating for 7 years and in that time she has helped hundreds of women to successfully package and sell their expertise and grow their businesses to 6 -7 figures.

Jane is also an author of the book Boardroom to Baby and founder of the award winning blog ‘Coping with Jane’ which was named in the top 20 business blogs by Smart Company.

Learn more at: www.copingwithjane.com

Grab some of my free training here>> http://www.copingwithjane.com/free-training-by-jane-copeland/

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