Fitez Natural

I help busy professional men (age 30-50) to lose unwanted fat & gain lean muscle, so they can have m


How Much Weight Should You Be Lifting?

I get this question a lot from eager lifters who want to build muscle, as well as losing fat.

You see in winter as it gets cooler…

It’s the perfect opportunity to build lean muscle!

And focus on your strength training.

Lifting enough weights, is critical to growth.

But it’s not the only factor that you should be focusing on.

Also this depends on the individual and type pf exercise.

For compound lifts (large / multiple muscle groups) - you always wanna go as heavy as possible with decent form. No crazy swinging / jerking.

For isolation exercises (small /single muscle groups) - You want to go slightly lighter but focus even more on your form and mind to muscle connection.

Always start off each exercise with 2 sets of warm up and to discover your working weight.

Your working weight should be your max weight you can do for 8 reps - so that the last 2 reps are tough but doable.

That’s how you can figure out how much weight you should be lifting.

Pretty simple yeh?

Once you figure out this baseline, you can use progressive overload and increase your training weight each month at least by 10% minimum.

When you follow these rules above?

Your gains will go to the next level!

Try it out and let’s get those results blowing up💪🔥


💥 Boom! Massive Results! 💥

I wanted to give a quick shoutout to my client Hasan on his incredible results over the last 12 weeks of coaching with me.

Hasan reached out to my online coaching when he saw another transformation from a past client… and thought if he can do it I can too.

He’s a 38 years old manager and a busy family man having 2 kids under the age of 3.

So hectic family and work life as you can imagine. Which lead to him gaining a bunch of body fat in the process.

From a health perspective he was diagnosed with high cholesterol levels so that was a big issue he wanted to fix by losing the fat.

He wanted to be a good role model for his kids and wanted to feel good about himself.

His goals were to shred the belly fat and gain lean muscle.

He reached a point where enough was enough and he decided to make a change…

Reached out to my coaching, pulled the trigger fast and that’s when the gains begun:

We dropped Hassan from 68.2kg down to 61kg

And waist from 36 down to 31 inches 💥

All within just 12 weeks of consistency and following the right plan.

Hasan initially wanted to gain weight…

But I explained to him that the first step is shredding the body fat and losing weight.

Which is what we’ve done in the first 12 weeks.

Next step is to start the lean muscle gains process - keeping fat levels down and building a bunch of muscle reversing the weight loss.

Hassan was very vigilant in tracking his foods daily and eating exactly to the plan.

With a big help from his wife who helped with a lot of the meal prep. Props to her!

Always helps to have a supportive partner 😊

Even though Hasan works crazy hours - even finishing super late at night…

He still made the time to do his workouts in the morning and make this transformation happen!

Really goes to show that if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish anything!

You CAN sculpt the body of your dreams!

You just gotta make it a priority and push through every challenge in your way to make it happen 💪

🔥 Want Results Like Hasan? 🔥

You can apply for my online coaching by clicking the link below (limited spots available):



Do Meal Timings Really Matter For Your Fat Loss? 🤔

Growing up and learning about nutrition - I always heard things like:

“Don’t eat late at night or you will gain fat”

“Eating bread at night will make you gain belly fat”

“You should drink your protein shake straight after your workout to avoid muscle loss”

Maybe you’ve heard some of the above also?

… But are they really true?

… Do your meal timings really make a difference???

Well I’m here to say based on experience:

YES they absolutely do!

After 10 years of testing everything on my own body and 100’s of clients here what I’ve found:

✅Certain foods digest and work well only at specific times and not so well at others.

❗️Eg oats work amazingly well in the morning as a breakfast… but later at night not so much.

❗️Protein shakes work amazingly well straight after your workout, but again at night before bed can cause you to gain weight.

❗️Beef once per week early in the week can work quite well - but more than once per week and closer to your results day… can cause water retention / fat storage due to the higher saturated fats making it harder to digest.

❗️Protein bars once per day early on can work really well - but when you have 2 or more protein bars and sometimes even at night before bed.. can bloat you and cause weight gain due to the high amount of processed ingredients.

These are some very interesting trends I’ve observed over years of experience.

Even if all the above is within your calories!

Even if all the above is within your macros!!

And no one actually speaks about this.

Everyone just says things like:

“As long as it’s within your calories”


“As long as it’s within your macros”

But I actually call BS on that.

I believe it has to also have the right foods and at the right times!!

Because quality of foods and timings make a heck of a difference in my experience.

There’s sooo much misinformation…

So it’s super common for many people including myself to make these common mistakes.

So timings of foods themselves absolutely CAN make a big difference…

Which is why the way I design my clients diet plans in a very particular, structured way.

It’s based on science… but also what works based on years of experience!

So stick to your diet religiously, eat the exact foods in the right order / time and watch the gains explode to another level 💪🔥🚀


Sustainability Is Key 🔑

I see many guys trying to starve themselves when it comes to losing fat… which never works well in the long term.

And I’ve been in that boat many times.

I’ve tried the Keto diet at 50g carbs daily…

Lost 2.5% body fat in 2 weeks…

Then I got soooo ravishly hungry, that I binge ate 10,000 calories of junk food in one meal…

And I put on 3% body fat in 1 day 🤣🤣

Makes zero sense when you think about it.

But sometimes you gotta do some stupid stuff in life to figure out what NOT to do next time 😅

Which is why I believe when you try to diet you should always have the following:

-Have a balanced meal plan that keeps you full and satisfied

-Lose weight / fat at a sustainable and healthy rate of 0.5-1kg per week max

-Never skip meals and always try to eat every 4-5 hours to prevent hunger and cravings

-Don’t rely on supplements / detoxes / juice cleanses / shakes / ready made meals… as they never work long term

-Have a cheat meal ONLY when you’ve seen results and hit your goals … as a reward for your hard work and dedication

When you have some of above keys?

You unlock a whole different level of sustainability in your plan…

Making your fitness journey super enjoyable and really a complete lifestyle change!

Which is when you’ll achieve AND maintain your results for the long term 💪


🔥Form Correction: How to do one arm dumbbell rows, to build a solid and symmetrical back. Check it out 👇


💪 It Ain’t Easy, But The Results Are Freakin’ Worth It

Getting into a great shape comes with a price.

Just like everything else in life.

And the price of admission?

Yup, you guessed it.

Hard work, consistency and discipline.

Just like succeeding in your career.

The same applies with your health.

You gotta put the sweat equity.

You gotta work your butt off to climb the ranks.

And you will reap the rewards.

Things like looking in the mirror…

And feeling ecstatic with what you see.

Or going down to the beach or pools…

And proudly taking your shirt off…

To reveal a flat toned stomach..

And rippling muscles 💪

Being admired by everyone around you 👀

YES it may sound like a pipe dream right now..

But believe me in due time…

With the right amount of effort and consistency..

Following the right plan and strategy…

This could become a reality for you.

And it’s a damn good feeling..

to become successful not just in business..
.but in health as well 😊


🔥 Happy Monday! I CAN, I WILL, I MUST! The 3 words that can change your life 🔥


💥Boom! Massive Results!💥

Wanted to give a quick shoutout to my client Aaron on his impressive transformation over the last 18 weeks in my online program.

The guy has been an absolute champion to coach. Incredible discipline… so I just had to share his journey with you 😃

Aaron mentioned he’s been overweight most of his life. And with the Covid lockdowns I think it didn’t make it easy as well 😅

He was already training and doing F45 and lost a whole bunch of weight.

But after doing a body fat scan, it turned out that he lost most of the weight from muscle.

Aaron really wanted to lose the body fat, get a six pack and gain some more muscle.

So he reached out to me and decided to invest in himself quickly… and that’s when the magic begun 🪄

In just 18 weeks we took him from 87kg to 78.5kg… losing a solid 8.5kg of body fat.

And waist dropping from 36.2 waist down to 31.3 inches - losing a massive 4.9 inches off his stomach!

All during the Covid lockdowns… and for the majority of time using nothing but a simple pair of dumbbells!

We had a few weeks that we plateaued and small setbacks like weight gain after a short holiday…

But we just pushed through and kept things cranking!

And results kept pouring in 💪

What was Aaron’s secret to results?

He stuck to the nutrition plan I tailored for him every week and tracked his food daily.

He smashed out his workouts 5 days a week based on the routine I prescribed.

He started drinking 3-3.5L of water daily going from only 2L…

This had a MASSIVE impact on his weight loss and even dropped 4kg in a single week from this change alone 😳

Most importantly he focused on staying consistent and disciplined throughout this journey.

Aaron is now seeing a physique he didn’t believe he could achieve.

But with the right guidance we got him here! And now he’s feeling great about it 😊

Even getting some great compliments from the ladies… hey hey, not complaining 😜

He’s got a massive potential for further results, six pack super cut abs and gaining more muscle.. and that’s something we’re gonna work on next.

Aaron’s current results are super inspiring to see and really goes to show that you can achieve far beyond what you think is possible…

Especially when you have the right guidance, accountability and plan in place!!

🔥 Want Results Like Aaron? 🔥

You can apply for my online coaching by clicking the link below (limited spots available):



No Fancy Machines, No Crazy Cardio… Just a Pair Of Dumbbells Is All You Need

Many people believe that in order to lose fat and gain muscle… they need a whole bunch of machines and gimmicks to do it.

When in fact the complete opposite is true 😀

In the past 6 months I’ve done ZERO cardio…

I’ve done mostly dumbbell workouts…

And I’ve gotten myself to a decent shape.

What’s my secret?

It’s dead simple:

Consistent dumbbell training and a solid focus on my nutrition.

I see a lot of guys doing too much cardio and actually hurting results.

Doing running - worst form of cardio in my book when it comes to muscle preservation.

And destroying their metabolism and even causing injuries.

While I’m here with a pair of dumbbells…

Pumping em out 5 times a week of just 30 mins.

Getting the best results I’ve seen in ages.

Seeing my weight drop to a record low.

I believe in doing LESS workouts, while achieving more results!

I believe in eating the MOST food you can, while losing the most fat you can.

It’s the complete opposite of what you’ve heard before and what the fitness industry wants you to believe.

This may sound super weird, but it works!

My approach is focused on longevity and sustainability.

Because I’m in this for life.

And I hope you are too.

So focus on the simple stuff. Stay super consistent and watch the gains explode 💪🔥


“Tez What Motivates You?”

I get many people asking me this question.

And my answer has a few facets to it.

1. I love the feeling of progress.

Simply I love seeing my body progressing, even if it’s small amounts each week. The key is to focus on progress and not perfection.

2. I want to be a great role model.

I love the feeling of having others look up to me. I’m sure I’m not the only one 😅

Eventually when I have kids, I want to be an amazing role model for them. For now my kids are my clients, so I feel obligated to look the part at all times.

3. Looking good makes me perform better in all areas of life and business.

I’ve noticed whenever I’ve gotten to a solid physique, all the other areas of my life have progressed as well. My finances, relationships, my mindset, everything has 10xed.

Those are my main reasons for pushing my own natural physique boundaries and always striving for the next level!

11 years later and I’m still loving every minute of training and nutrition 😊

So the KEY is to focus on YOUR reasons for change.

Focus on creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Focus on enjoying the process and journey.

The results will come as a byproduct of the above!!

PS. Enjoy your weekend and remember to practice mindful eating! Friday is super important to keep close tabs on your nutrition 💪


Diet Vs Exercise - Where Should Your Main Focus Be?

I see many guys misunderstand where their focus should be when it comes to training and nutrition…

Many people believe things like

“I should exercise more” to lose more weight..

“I should take more supplements”…

“I should do this trick / hack”…

When in reality all the above produce less than 20% of your results.

After studying my own physique trends and 100’s of clients that I’ve helped over the last 7 years of coaching…

Most of the results come from this one thing:

Your diet!

It’s literally the number one ☝️ thing that will make or break your results.

Most people don’t understand their body type and metabolism…

Eating the wrong foods / amounts for their body and finding it tough to lose weight.

For me personally?

I’ve got an endomorph body type.

I’ve always naturally had a very slow metabolism.

(Most of my clients are in the same boat)

This means that I gotta work hard for 14 days to lose just 0.5kg or so at this stage.

And if I have a cheat day - in many cases I will put on about 1-1.5kg easily.

I understand my genetic limitations.

So I KNOW that I gotta be more cautious.

Especially around weekends and cheat meals.

This allows me to get into a decent shape.

And soon enough getting to my goal of 10% body fat while maintaining solid muscle 😊

So ALWAYS be focusing on your diet and believe the power that it has.

Because it’s changed my life, and I’m 100% confident it will have the same effect on you 💪


💥Technique Tuesday! How to make light weights seem heavy… and improve your lean muscle gains! Check it out 👇


You CAN Enjoy Yourself And Still Get Great Fat Loss Results - Here’s How

Normally Sundays being my “couples day” it’s super tempting to eat some junk food…

But I have a rule!

And that’s having my cheat meal every 14 days.

Now this doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy myself.

Today we went out for a good walk and exercise in the park - did some good pull ups and abs (really missed those in lockdown lol)

Then got super hungry and decided to grab some food.

But instead of opting in for junk food?

We went and grabbed some nice salads.

Salmon wasabi salad with cabbage.

And a miso chicken salad.

Super low carb and high protein.

After that?

Grabbed a skim iced coffee to cool down.

And boom, Bob’s your uncle 😊

I’m a happy Chappy.

Satisfied and ready to crack on a solid week.

This week I was 65.9kg at my lowest.

Next Saturday I need to be 65.5kg or so to be able to deserve my cheat meal.

No results = no cheat meal. That’s my philosophy so far and works a treat 💪

Let’s use this same mindset and watch your results explode alongside me 🙌

Enjoy your Sunday and let’s get ready for a killer week ahead!


Sacrifice What You Want Today, To Achieve The Results You Want Tomorrow

I’ve got a massive sweet tooth.

I’ve always had it my whole life.

It runs deep in my family.

I used to eat daily sweets.

Bread, butter with sugar on top 😂

Became the fattest kid at school.

So for me to get into the shape you see today?

I’ve had to sacrifice the sweets.

Which I’ve grown up with.

Because that was the only way forward.

“But Tez, you’re supposed to look good! You’re a fitness coach right??”

Well my friend here is the truth:

Between 18-23 for 5 years I wasn’t a coach…

But I still made the sacrifices needed.

Went to the gym 5 days a week, through my sick days and good days.

I’ve given up drinks on the weekends with the boys.

I’ve chosen to eat healthy at restaurants while everyone else was eating pizza!


Because I believed that having a great physique would feel a heck of a lot better…

Than the short term satisfaction of food.

And don’t get me wrong…

I still have my fortnightly cheat meals atm…

I’m not a “zero cheat meals” fanatic…

I’m not preaching any of that…

But what I AM saying here is this:

To get into the shape you want…

You’ve gotta make a certain level of sacrifice so that you can see the results you want.

Cause when you do?

A whole different window of opportunity will be presented to you.

A physique you never thought possible.

With sky high confidence levels…

…waiting for you just around the corner!

But it’s up to you to make it happen 💪


It’s Not About What Others Think About You, It’s About What YOU Think About You

This is one my biggest beliefs. I get many people hating on my physique lol…

Even got a guy yesterday commenting on my Facebook ads saying how:

My physique “doesn’t look good” on me…

To which I say LOL 😂

You see I don’t give 2 💩 💩

About what others think about me…

Because I feel damn awesome with my physique..

I’ve built a successful business off how I look…

But most importantly I feel amazing when I look in the mirror and feel happy with what I see.

I perform like a beast in all areas of life.

Just because I look and feel great!

And the same applies with YOU as well!

In life you’re always gonna get critics…

Who will try to hate on your progress…

They will try to bring you down…

Saying stuff like:

“You’re getting too skinny”

“You should eat more”

When in reality they just feel crap about themselves and lack of effort and wanna make themselves feel better.

So I believe you should always focus on yourself and ignore those people completely.

Focus on creating the best version of yourself.

Focus on your habits and lifestyle.

Let the results speak for themselves.

One day your haters will become your biggest admirers.

So keep crushin’ it and let nothing hold you back. 💪💪🔥🔥🚀🚀


Boom! First COVID jab done yesterday, today already back on the grind!

It’s never about how hard life hits you…

But how hard you can bounce back and keep moving forward!

That’s how champions are made!

That’s how winning is done!

If you had a challenging week last…

I want you to get back on the grind this week.

Focus hard…

Plan even harder…

And go out there and let’s have an amazing week of results ahead!

Summer is just around the corner…

Perfect weather ahead…

Now is the time to get ripped!

Join me on this journey and let’s do this 😎

Enjoy your Sunday 💪


🔥Lockdowns - The Perfect Opportunity To Get In Shape 🔥

With just over 4 weeks left of these lockdowns and the horizon near… yay 🌞

It’s even more important NOW to step foot on the pedal so we can achieve our goals!


So that when we walk out of lockdowns into the spring sun 🌼

We can enjoy it to the fullest!

Go to the beach and look amazing 🏖

Go clothes shopping and look bomb🕺

Socialise while being happy with yourself 😊

Taking some awesome photos 📸

Go hiking, trekking, swimming 🏊‍♀️

Doing all the fun stuff we really wanna do…

While feeling and looking amazing 💪

YES - training and eating healthy every day is hard work I won’t lie to you…

But in the end it will all be worth it, I guarantee you.

The feeling of accomplishment is 100% worth the price of admission.

Keep trying your hardest and enjoy your progress this summer 💪


🔥 What’s The Difference Between Compound and Isolation Movements and Why You Need Both! Check it out 👇


🔥Your Habits Dictate Your Outcomes 🔥

With the lockdowns in full swing at the moment, many professionals are working from home…

Feeling tired, fatigued and bloated.

And it’s super easy to start snacking or eating those extra carbs at night… am I right?

Then next day the weight balloons up…

And feeling guilty.

This happens especially on the weekends.

So here’s a few tips for ya to maintain your weight loss on the weekends:

✅ Start off your morning with 1L of lemon water 🍋 works great to detox your stomach and kickstart your digestion.

✅ Go for a 10-20min walk outside to freshen your mind! Movement is amazing for the mind!

✅ Meal prep / do your weekly shopping for the week. Print your diet plan. Plan your meals.

✅ Be mindful with your eating! Track what goes into your mouth before you eat it! This helps with accountability.

✅ Keep trying your best and remember to always stay positive. Because a positive attitude always attracts more positivity in your life 😊

Remember that with hard work and dedication you can achieve anything in life!

Enjoy your weekend 👍


🍋 When Life Gives You Lemons - Make Lemonade 🍋

After months of training at my home apartment gym daily, I got worrying news yesterday…

“Our facilities have been closed, you can no longer use the gym”…


What am I gonna do?

I kinda freaked out for a second.

Worrying about losing my muscle mass.

Worrying about my hard work going down the loo.

But then?

I though hey:

Let’s get me some dumbbells from eBay asap!

Jumped online and ordered a pair of 22KG’s.

I can do most major muscle groups and at least maintain my gains.

In fact probably even gain some muscle:

So the point is?

You’ve gotta be flexible 😊

When life throws you a curveball?


Create a solution fast.

These dumbbells may take 7 days to arrive.

So in the meantime I’ll be going 100% bodyweight and abs training.

Something is ALWAYS better than nothing.

And I’d bet?

After getting those dumbbells I’d still be making all kinds of gains.

Cause that’s what life is all about.

Stay positive and keep making those gains 💪


💪How to do dumbbell side shoulder raises correctly, to get those wide delts and V-tapered look. Check it out 👇


🔥 If You Want To Have A Body You’ve Never Had, You Gotta Do Some Stuff You’ve Never Done 🔥

Training every day is hard. Eating clean food every day is hard.

Putting the blood, sweat and hard work over the last 10 years hasn’t been easy…

I’ve failed a lot.

I’ve messed up my diet 100’s of times.

I’ve binged eaten dozens of times.

But you know why I’ve become successful?

Because I’ve committed to become my best version.

I realise that when I LOOK and FEEL great…

I operate 100x better in all of the other areas of my life:

My relationships, business, happiness and self worth improves.

Cause end of the day it’s not about what others think of you…

It’s what YOU think about you!

It’s about how YOU feel about you!

And when you look like a million bucks…

And perform like a beast…

Well your whole life changes.

You untap your true potential.

And live a long, happy and healthy life.

Full of amazing experiences 😊

And that’s why I love fitness.

But that’s just me, maybe I’m a different breed.

Have a great weekend and let’s plan for a big week of results ahead!! 💪🔥🚀


💪🔥You can’t control what goes around the world.. but you CAN control what happens in YOUR world! Use these lockdowns as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself! 💪🔥


Why Does Your Weight Loss Slow Down The Closer You Get To Your Goal?

Many of my clients ask me this question.

And it’s a fair point.

It seems like the closer you get to your ideal BMI weight, the less weight you’re getting.

Maybe you used to see 2-3Kg weight loss first week.

Then it dropped down to 1kg per week.

Then it went down to 0.5kg per week.

Some weeks even getting 0.3Kg per week.

This is completely normal.

Because the lower your body fat is, the less weight you’re gonna lose.

As you’re getting closer to your ideal BMI.

Because you’re now tapping into the “stubborn body fat”… it needs for survival.

Your body will resist you losing it.

Which is why it tries to make it harder for you.

A BIG reason why you will lose massive numbers of weight in the first 4-8 week is:

Because you have a lot of water retention.

This is stored in your muscles and liver.

So as soon as you lose the “easy” weight which is the water retention…

And start tapping into the real body fat…

That’s when things start to slow down:

At the normal 0.5kg of pure fat loss per week.

Hope that puts this into context for ya 😊

Your main focus should always be on FAT LOSS as opposed to just weight loss.

Always look at all the data.

Your physique photos, waist measurement, biceps / chest / legs measurements.

This will give you the complete picture of progress and where you need to be.

Always work hard towards changing you’re entire body composition - body fat and muscle mass…

As opposed to just focusing on weight loss.

This will get you looking and feeling amazing.

Have a great Sunday 👏


🔥If It Was Easy Everyone Would Be Doing It 🔥

Getting into a great shape takes hard work.

There I said it.

You won’t get six pack abs in 6 weeks.

Just like you won’t build a million dollar business in 6 weeks either 😜

It will take some time to launch.

To build great habits.

To dial in your routine.

To start moving the ball forward.

But when you start seeing the results?

It becomes a whole different level of motivation.

Seeing the progress, even small at times.

Inspires new discipline levels.

Which pushes you to work harder…

And achieve even better results!

It’s a chain reaction really.

Yes it will take hard work to get going.

But once you have the momentum…

Keep on top of it…

And watch the snowball effect kick in.

Exploding those results to the next level 💯


🔥 Not All Calories Are Made The Same 🔥

Many people try counting calories, yet still not seeing the results they want.

Maybe they’ve lost some weight.

But they’ve lost a heap of muscle.

Or their body just doesn’t look good.

You know the patient out of hospital look?

Yeh, doesn’t look pretty that’s for sure.

That’s because their diet is not up to scratch.

Say for example you’re eating 2000 calories.

But you’re not eating the right amount of protein

And eating too much carbs and sugar.

Your body composition won’t look good.

You’ll have belly fat and poor muscle mass.


Say you’re eating 2000 calories

AND eating the right amount of protein…

And just enough carbs and low sugar…

Then chances are you’ll be seeing:

A flat stomach and some muscle definition.

Same calories, two very different outcomes.

So waddya have to do?

Make sure to stick to your diet religiously.

Eat the right foods and amounts.

Eat at the right times.

Hit your goal macros daily.

And your calories too.

And BOOM that’s your 80% results.

Yes it does take work to prepare your meals.

But in the end it will all be worth it 💪


🔥Can You Really Build A Solid Physique Training From Home? 🔥

Over the last 7 weeks of lockdowns - I’ve been training 100% from home…

Trained every single day (except 1)

Stuck to my nutrition like a beast…

Having a small cheat meal every 2 weeks instead of weekly…

No magic supplements…

No short cuts…

No fancy machines…

Just a whole heap of hard work and discipline.

And following the right plan.

I started at 69.8kg around 16.5% body fat…

Today I’m at 67kg at around 12% body fat.

At this rate I’m very likely to hit my 66kg goal at 10-11% body fat by spring 😄

All because I committed 100% to my goals.

And decided I needed to use the lockdown period to improve myself.

And heck yeah I’ve done it.

Now I’m not sayin’ this to brag…

But rather to inspire you that you can do the same!

Yes you prolly won’t look like me…

But YES you’re gonna look 💯 times better than you do right now!

And THAT’S a beautiful thing.

I wanna walk out of lockdowns looking lean, mean and like a photoshopped machine.

But then again I’m a crazy kinda breed.

I’m super driven and self motivated.

And If you’re anything like me, then join me on this journey and let’s make it happen!

🚀 Do You Want To Become A Client & Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster? 🚀

You can apply for my online coaching by clicking the link below (limited spots available):



🔥Technique Tuesday! How To Lose Stubborn Fat - Belly Fat, Glute Fat, Chest Fat, Face Fat… The No BS Way! Check it out 👇


🔥How Busy Professionals Are Losing Belly Fat And Crushing Their Goals 🔥

I get many busy professional men coming to my coaching feeling very embarrassed about their belly fat in particular…

The years have gone by and they’ve noticed their stomach getting bigger each year…

Getting comments about how they’re looking “pregnant” from their boss or even colleagues..

Can be taken as a joke at first… but can really trigger you deep down.

I know I’ve been there before.

These guys start exercising:

Doing the walking / running…

Trying to count calories…

Going low carb…

But no matter how hard they train or how clean they seem to eat…

The belly fat just never goes away.

Many of them never had proper guidance…

They’ve always researched stuff on their own.

Dabbled with tracking calories and macros, but never really figured out exactly what to do.

After I taught them the right foods, calories and macros for their goals?

The right workouts and amounts of cardio to do?

And the laser focused guidance on exactly what and how do everything?

They saw amazing results they didn’t believe was possible.

Even in their late 40’s…

Even with an average metabolism…

Even when they failed many times in the past…

Finally seeing their belly fat flatten…

Getting abs for the first time in their life…

Seeing new muscle definition sculpting…

Feeling amazing looking in the mirror…

Getting compliments left, right and centre…

It can feel like a dream come true 😊

And it all started with taking ACTION towards their goals and dreams!

🔥 Need More Help With Your Fitness & Fat Loss Goals? 🔥

You can apply for my online coaching by clicking the link below (limited spots available):


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Videos (show all)

How Much Weight Should You Be Lifting?I get this question a lot from eager lifters who want to build muscle, as well as ...
🔥Form Correction: How to do one arm dumbbell rows, to build a solid and symmetrical back. Check it out 👇
🔥 Happy Monday! I CAN, I WILL, I MUST! The 3 words that can change your life 🔥
No Fancy Machines, No Crazy Cardio… Just a Pair Of Dumbbells Is All You NeedMany people believe that in order to lose fa...
💥Technique Tuesday! How to make light weights seem heavy… and improve your lean muscle gains! Check it out 👇
🔥 What’s The Difference Between Compound and Isolation Movements and Why You Need Both! Check it out 👇
💪How to do dumbbell side shoulder raises correctly, to get those wide delts and V-tapered look. Check it out 👇
💪🔥You can’t control what goes around the world.. but you CAN control what happens in YOUR world! Use these lockdowns as ...
🔥Technique Tuesday! How To Lose Stubborn Fat - Belly Fat, Glute Fat, Chest Fat, Face Fat… The No BS Way! Check it out 👇
🔥 Happy Monday! “If you want to get something you’ve never gotten, you’ve gotta do something you’ve never done” 🔥
🔥Watch this video to learn how to do lat pull downs correctly, to build a wide V-tapered back.Need More Help With Your F...
🚀🔥New week, new goals, time to go out there and crush it! 🔥🚀




Suncorp Place, 259 George St, Sydney
The Rocks, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 10pm
Wednesday 6am - 10pm
Thursday 6am - 10pm
Friday 6am - 10pm
Saturday 6am - 10pm

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Lorna Stewart MCC - Coaching and Mentoring at The Inner Edge Lorna Stewart MCC - Coaching and Mentoring at The Inner Edge
The Rocks

A leading personal and business coach, coach trainer and coach mentor, Lorna has partnered with more than a thousand coaches, wholistic practitioners and leaders across the globe.