Hypnosis & Emotional Freedom Centre

You see often we get stuck living our lives constantly looking back through our rear-view mirror. Call 0418183080 now to discuss how we can assist.

Counselling, Quit Smoking, Quit Va**ng, Weight Loss, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Quit Gambling, Reduce/Quit Alcohol Programs, Anger Management and Life Coaching. Are you facing a challenge in one or more of the following areas of your life?

• Stress & Anxiety
• Weight Loss
• Post Traumatic Stress
• Quitting Smoking
• Reducing or Quitting Alcohol
• Depression
• Panic Attacks
• Trauma
• Gambling


Lucie had persistent anxiety for over 18 months, after seeing Colin for just 3 months it is gone and many areas of her life improved. Is anxiety something that stresses you?

“I had seen a few psychologists for just over 12 months for Relationship issues and some Career counselling. I found it a little helpful but didn’t see any real changes within myself.

A friend recommended me to Colin at the Hypnosis & Emotional Freedom Centre at this time as I had persistent anxiety for over 18 months and was quite stressed in my job.

After only 3 months using EFT, I now find myself with renewed confidence, I feel better about myself and have an awareness of who I am as a person. Colin helped me to be relaxed and confident in my job and released the Anxiety I had for the previous 18 months.

He gave me the encouragement and motivation to reach for my Goals. He showed me how to think to overcome any situation. I now have purpose and direction in my life, my relationship has improved and I feel I continue to get happier.”
And I am also starting a new course part time in January next year that leads me towards my future Goals.


Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/anxiety/


Susan’s diagnosed abscess disappeared completely after working with Colin at HEFC – Amazing
“I have a WOW moment to share. Recently I had an abscess form in my left hip joint (according to diagnosis). I was advised by a friend to try EFT; he uses EFT to regain balance when he has certain things affecting his life. I limped into the treatment room to see Colin and after almost 2 hours of EFT I walked out without a limp.

I discovered that I was afraid to move forward with my life and the goals and dreams I had set for myself. I was too rigid in my thinking to be open to other options.

I also had an appointment that same day at the physiotherapist. He asked me why I was there, because it appeared that I had nothing wrong with me.”
0418 183 080

Achieving Your Dreams Won't Solve All Your Problems - Matthew Perry 21/08/2024

So true. Happiness is how we feel inside no matter the circumstances on the outside.

Achieving Your Dreams Won't Solve All Your Problems - Matthew Perry Subscribe and Turn on Post Notifications! 📣 .📷 Other Socials:instagram.com/groomforwealthhttps://www.tiktok.co...


Anyone wanting to lose weight the easy way, check out what happened for Pauline below:
“I am a new client of Colin and Wendy’s and am extremely happy with my progress so far. I have weight issues and am happy to report a 6 kg loss within the first six weeks of the Virtual Gastric Band program. Everything is so easy! I have adapted quickly and easily to a healthy eating program and the elimination of certain foods and habits has been effortless. They provide excellent support, and I can’t recommend their services enough. I look forward to reaching my goals in the not-too-distant future and say to anyone, if you want results, don’t hesitate, they are AMAZING!”

TO FIND OUT MORE: www.hefc.com.au


Something went very wrong after having dental surgery, this is what happened for RC, EFT Tapping removed all the trauma links and got RC sleeping again. Do you know someone who has experienced something like this?

“I had to go into hospital to have four wisdom teeth out and a mole removed. When I came out of the anaesthetic and went home, I felt alright.

However, by the third night I had not slept for more than one to two hours in total. I was feeling shaky and anxious, I was terrified of needles, I had a phobia of swallowing blood, and anxious about not sleeping. A Doctor gave me sleeping pills which I wouldn’t take.

I booked in to see Colin in a terrible state. He worked on all of the above issues with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and got the intensity down of each issue from as high as 8 down to zero (0 to 10 scale, 10 being worst).

After I went home, I went to bed and slept for seven hours straight and woke up the next morning feeling a whole lot better. I had no shakiness or anxiety, and it was a huge weight off my shoulders.”

To Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/success-stories-townsville/reduce-anxiety/


Do you struggle with releasing anxiety and traumatic memories? JB learned how to conquer her past with EFT.

“I am only in my mid 20’s and yet I have had a tough last 15 years. I needed to leave a light on to sleep, had nightmares, busy dreams and very low self esteem and confidence.

With Colin at the Hypnosis & Emotional Freedom Centre we worked through traumas within my family life, relationship issues, and a serious horse-riding accident. My sessions have also been interspersed with some relaxing massages.

Within 3 months I can now say that I no longer need a light to sleep, my nightmares have diminished significantly, I am calmer and stabler emotionally, feel more confident and I am handling everyday life more easily.”


Include Hypnotherapy in the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) 24/07/2024

We can make a bigger difference. Please help by signing and sharing

Include Hypnotherapy in the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) Hypnotherapy is a safe, fast, effective form of natural therapy.  Including hypnotherapy in the Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) is a strategic decision that benefits the Government, families, the community, and Hypnotherapists.  For the Government, it means addressing the escalating mental....


Are you ready for Anxiety Relief Townsville to restore your self-confidence and learn to think like a calm, relaxed, rational and confident person?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping is Shown to Be a Fast, Long-Lasting Treatment for Anxiety

76% of Patients Treated with EFT Experienced Complete Remission & Brain Scans Confirm Changes. The brain scans show a shift toward normal levels of brain activity in patients treated with acupoint (EFT). The images shift from red (highly dysfunctional waves) to blue (calmer state), and this corresponded with a decrease in the frequency and intensity of anxiety symptoms.


The Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Centre has been successfully helping clients break the cycle of anxiety using EFT Tapping for 25 years now. If you would like to find out more, please call 0418 183 080.


“Before booking an appointment with Colin for Weight Loss Hypnotherapy (VGB), my weight had continued to steadily increase, to almost 120 kg.

I’d booked my appointment and was very hopeful about this approach, when my doctor diagnosed hyperglycaemia, and the likelihood of developing full blown diabetes soon.

So by the time of my first appointment, I had an even bigger incentive. I was hopeful, but unsure if I would be able to carry out what Colin was talking about – then the hypnosis started.

I could feel the difference in both my stomach and my mind right then! By the end of the session, I walked out, seeing myself already at my goal, and my mind absolutely knew this would happen.

And it is happening. I am noticeably smaller, and steadily heading towards my own goal.

I get to enjoy healthy food of my own choosing, that I know I can sustain for the rest of my life.

All this, plus feeling healthier and more energetic without ever feeling deprived or having to go through the more tedious aspects of other weight loss programs such as weighing foods, journaling foods, counting calories and so on.

Thanks to this program, I now understand the factors and choices from the past that led to my weight problems, and that these factors no longer bind me.

The caring follow-up to make sure I am on track and answer questions is also helpful and much appreciated, since I have quite a lot of weight to lose.”

To find out more call: 0418 183 080


“I can’t thank Wendy and Colin enough for the numerous ways they have helped me over the years. Wendy and Colin played a major part in helping me to become the confident and well rounded person I have become.

Colin and Wendy have helped me overcome numerous and various challenges, traumas, fears and phobia’s using the Emotional Freedom Technique. They are highly skilled veterans of this field.

Because of their experience, they are able to skillfully assess and discern how to best to help each client. It’s not a one size fits all approach with Wendy and Colin.

I am now able to use EFT on my own when required because Wendy and Colin taught me how to use this life changing technique for myself.

EFT is a great technique to use because it helps to remove the associated feelings and thoughts linked previous traumas and events. I have found it was able able to dramatically ‘free me’ where ‘talk therapy’ couldn’t in my cases.

I would highly recommend Colin and Wendy to anyone struggling with any issue no matter how long you’ve had the issue or how serious it is. Colin and Wendy are EFT masters and are highly professional and extremely effective.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Colin and Wendy.”

Learn More: www.hefc.com.au


"Many people want to get rid of their painful feelings, but not of the beliefs and viewpoints that are the very root of their feelings.

After recognizing a painful feeling, becoming one with it, calming it down, and releasing it, we can look deeply into its causes, which may be based on inaccurate perceptions.

When we understand the causes and nature of our feelings, they will begin to transform. When we misperceive a person or an object, we may feel anger, disappointment, or annoyance. We need to remember that most of our perceptions are wrong.

Practicing full awareness means to look deeply and go beyond our inaccurate perceptions, to see the true nature of everything."

-Thich Nhat Hanh (How to Smile)


Transform Your Relationship with Food, Create Your Best Self by Eliminating:

• Emotional Eating
• Cravings
• Binge Eating
• Comfort Eating
• Other Unhealthy Eating & Drinking Behaviours
• Release Negative Body Image Talk
• Enhance your Internal Image of Yourself
• Clear limiting beliefs about yourself……

Learn how to clear the root cause of these damaging behaviours.

Our bodies have a weight gain drug cocktail inside of us. This drug is STRESS, stress hormones such as cortisol & adrenaline hitting us many times each day. Studies have linked this to sugar cravings, increased appetite and abdominal fat.
This causes Adrenal stimulation, muscles tightening, a rise in Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Blood Sugar to fight or flee the stressor.
While all this is happening…
• Less essential functions slow down or shut down like digestion
• Metabolism slows down and prevents nutrient absorption
• When we become deficient in essential nutrients, we get hungrier
• Cortisol increases appetite, sugar cravings & abdominal fat
• This can disrupt or completely halt our weight loss
• Another way stress promotes weight gain and stops weight loss is that it changes and controls our behaviour with food
• We lose our ability to make good decisions
• Food becomes our tranquiliser for the stress in that moment until the guilt kicks in then the stress is triggered again.

We have tools to help you change all of this in our NEW Virtual Gastric Band Program.

To Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/weight-loss-townsville/

Potential cancer-causing chemicals found in Australia's tap water | 9 News Australia 22/06/2024

Filtering your Water is a wise thing to do.

Potential cancer-causing chemicals found in Australia's tap water | 9 News Australia New revelations tap water across Australia has been found to contain toxic carcinogens. Subscribe and 🔔: http://9Soci.al/KM6e50GjSK9 | Get more breaking new...


"Early this year I was at a crisis point in my life. I had recently moved to Townsville to join a local company in a new role and was experiencing a great deal of stress and anxiety at work. The stress and strain were starting to affect my personal and home life and was threatening to overwhelm me to the point where I was frequently not able to think clearly or feel secure in my abilities to handle my day-to-day work responsibilities.

Within minutes of meeting Wendy, she was able to touch on a very important personal issue that had been unresolved for decades. Using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) she allowed me to release some very deep and powerful emotions that I had been carrying around for almost forty years. Over the following weeks other feelings that had been submerged deep inside emerged spontaneously to be released.

Immediately after my first EFT session and then cumulatively over the following weeks I found that I had noticeably lower level of stress and anxiety. The two EFT treatments have made a lasting and profound difference to my sense of comfort and well-being.

I am very appreciative of the help that I received from both Colin and Wendy and would certainly recommend EFT to anybody who wanted to improve their health and peace of mind.”

Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/success-stories-townsville/


Struggling with a gambling problem, Hypnotherapy can help you become a winner by helping you Quit Gambling.

“I cannot thank Colin enough for the help and direction he has given me. I suffered from anxiety and a gambling habit resulting in large debt. It is absolutely because of Colin that I now no longer gamble, and the anxiety I struggled with is now under control.

I am still amazed that those horrible feelings that once consumed me are gone. I now have a financial plan in place and happily look forward to the future.”


Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/success-stories-townsville/


“I came to the Virtual Gastric Program after seeing an ad on Facebook and, for me, this was the last resort before surgery. I have been overweight my entire life and have tried every diet there is.

I really didn’t want to resort to surgery so coming into this program I was hopeful but also skeptical as I had never been hypnotised before.

My initial discussion with Wendy was very helpful and allowed me to understand the underlying causes of my bad eating habits.

After the first session of hypnosis, I immediately noticed in myself an urge to drink water and I had hated to drink water prior to my session.

I usually drank 2-3 cans of diet coke per day and would often reach for diet coke rather than water when I was thirsty. Within the first couple of days, I had quit a 30-year addiction to drinking diet coke and was now drinking water frequently.

My portion sizes and my number of meals per day have both decreased over the course of the program. I’m still unable to do strenuous exercise due to pain from a pre-existing condition however I have begun to do light exercise 3-4 times a week. I no longer feel the need to eat bad food, I don’t have cravings anymore.

This is the first weight loss method I have tried where I’m not craving unhealthy food. I noticed that when I stopped listening to the hypnosis track, I had been given a few weeks into the program.

I started to have some cravings again especially for diet coke, so it is very important to follow the directions from Wendy and Colin. I’ve lost 7kgs in the first 6 weeks and all I can say is, this works and I’m really happy with this program.”


Hypnosis & Emotional Freedom Centre Counselling, Quit Smoking, Quit Va**ng, Weight Loss, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Quit Gambling, Reduce/Quit Alcohol Programs, Anger Management and Life Coaching.


My Anxiety and angry yelling at people who had hurt me in a work accident 4.5 years ago.
Not wanting to leave the house for 3 years for the risk of being seen. My horrific injuries I had for 4 years with pain, anxiety, constant anger at people that caused my accident. So, I stayed inside at home, my safe place, drinking every day until I passed out to put to the pain and blaming them for what they did, they turned my fit able body and the loving person I was, into a drunk angry man.
Wanting to hurt everyone that has hurt ME.

So, my wife rang Colin and pleaded with him to help me or we were done as a couple. In 4 visits with EFT tapping and hypnosis with Colin. A lot of working on at home daily for 3 weeks EFT Tapping. Removing all hurtful, painful, and bad experiences to remove them from my Life.

1 at a time, using EFT Tapping & hypnosis until that experience is gone. As hard it was to release traumatic history events in my head.

Colin has stopped me drinking straight away I have plenty of times I could have ..But I choose not to any more. With EFT Tapping, I was burning 🔥 all past history.1 at a time it HAS changed ME. I have a long way to go to get better and I am working at it every day.

I would like to say Thank you to my wife Angie who has seen me so hurt, in constant pain. Angry at everything everyone. Too you I am so grateful 🙏 for convincing me to see Colin Soper.

All you have to do is ask for Help which no man will. And, to both Colin, my wife Angie -Thank you.

Learn More: https://www.hefc.com.au/trauma-deletion-therapy/



A highly educated and somewhat arrogant man lived in the city and held an important position, being in charge of the Imperial Archives.

He was always on the lookout for ways to improve his social status and intellectual knowledge and one day he heard of an old wise sage who lived in the nearby forest.

He found out where he lived and decided to visit him with the hope of becoming more learned and to show off his own wisdom so that he could return to his post and boast that he had studied with an
enlightened Taoist Master.

When he arrived at the home of the sage he was surprised to find that it was a small mud brick hut.

After ringing the bell he was invited inside by an old man with bright eyes and a long beard. The sage invited him to sit down in the place of honour on a large, embroidered cushion by a fire.

The sage was brewing a pot of tea and asked the man to join him. The man began telling the sage about his position, status and his studies and boasted about his many accomplishments.

While he was listening the sage began pouring the tea into his guest’s cup. The sage kept pouring the tea as the guest continued to brag, until his cup overflowed with hot tea and ran across the table and onto the lap of the guest.

He immediately jumped to his feet in surprise and began complaining about his wet pants. He scolded the sage by yelling, ‘What have you done, you idiot? You have spilt the tea everywhere and ruined my silk pants!

Did you not notice that my cup was already full?’

The sage put the teapot down on the table and looked into his visitors eyes and replied, ‘Sir, your mind is like this teacup; it was already so full of your knowledge and pride before you arrived here and there was no room for any more wisdom’.


After 30 years of anxiety with flying, Rhonda Tapped away her Fear of Flying and now loves relaxes while flying. Tapping is a technique used and taught to clients at the Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Centre: www.hefc.com.au

“I’m an anxious flyer. I used the tapping method (Emotional Freedom Technique) and no medication or earplugs and I completed 4 flights. I just used the tapping before each flight and it worked so well. I’m really happy.

I haven’t been tapping for very long, but whenever I felt a little anxious, I just did some tapping and I was able to fly with no worries. I used to have to take medication and wear earplugs. I just couldn’t handle the noise. But for the first time, I was fine to fly. I looked out the window, looked around. I used to just sit there but now I felt relaxed and actually read a book.

A very different experience for me after 30 years of anxiety around flying.”



Are you struggling with a phobia, like a fear of fling or something else, we can help set you free to enjoy flying, just call 0418 183 080.

“In 2004 I had some fairly bad experiences with flying which resulted in me avoiding flying altogether. I could not even pick up the phone to go to book a flight, the thought of it would start to make me physically ill, anxious and panicky.

My Uncle knew about the Colin and Wendy and mentioned that maybe they could help. I was very skeptical that anything could help me.

I decided to give it a go and to my amazement after only 2 sessions in with Colin September 2008 I felt totally calm around the thought of flying.

I then decided to try it in the real world in late 2008. I had no problems at all, in fact I was absolutely calm throughout the entire flight.

Last time I flew before this I could not look out the window without my stomach just about jumping out of my throat. I flew from Townsville – Brisbane – Sydney and returned and did it easily and happily looked out the window. I was very comfortable and happy.”


“My anxiety was in such a bad state that I couldn’t drive any more, I was afraid of being in small spaces with the doors closed, my panic attacks where multiple times daily with no real reason.

My first session with Colin was intense but a few days after I started to feel more relaxed, minutes after my second session I started to drive again, I didn’t feel so panicked in smaller spaces and I use the tapping method every time I feel anxious and within minutes, I feel fine again. My third session showed me how far I had come in such a short amount of time.

I highly recommend Colin, he is easy to talk to and has zero judgment, he helped give me back my confidence and I’ll forever be grateful.”
Samantha Townsville


Hypnosis & Emotional Freedom Centre Counselling, Quit Smoking, Quit Va**ng, Weight Loss, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Quit Gambling, Reduce/Quit Alcohol Programs, Anger Management and Life Coaching.


A shout out to Nikki Strano Digital Marketing from Local Directories for the tickets to the Cowboys vs Panthers game. We didn't get the result but a great game.


Are you looking for a way to strip off those excess kilos? Read about Tina’s journey below. There is a much easier way, by working with your mind using Hypnotherapy.

“I started the Gastric Band Hypnosis 8 weeks ago. It’s been an interesting journey where I have learnt a lot about myself. It’s a very easy program to follow. You get lots of support and there is plenty of question time.

Where other programs focus on diet & exercise, this focuses more on your mindset, which is pivotal to doing anything, because unless your mind is in it, your body is not going to do it. I have tried to lose weight a lot of times before where I would start to lose weight, then go off it and put weight back on.

My goal is to lose 24kg, I’ve already lost 7kg. I feel this is something I will keep going with to reach my goal weight. There are no restrictions, you just eat smaller amounts of food easily because of how the hypnosis helps change how you feel about food. It also helps with you getting more physically active.

If you want to eat something you can. I feel I will easily achieve my goal now as it is definitely an easier program than I have ever done before. In the nutrition session I learnt a lot from different ways to tweak what I was already doing and there is also great support between sessions.”


Quit Smoking Townsville 21/04/2024

** I HONESTLY FEEL LIKE I HAVE NEVER SMOKED ** September 2021 I contacted Colin and signed up to the Quit smoking hypnosis session. I had no idea what to expect, but I wanted to quit smoking so badly that I was willing to give it a go.

My hubby, a heavy smoker, was also interested and wanted to quit.. however, it was very clear that I was going to be the Guinea pig and my outcome would determine if he was going to make himself an appt with Colin.

So, with an open mind I attended my session with Colin… turns out this was undoubtedly the BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE!! I walked out of my session a non smoker….

From the time my appt ended I have never craved or even thought to have a smoke. It’s like a switch has been flicked - it’s like I was never a smoker. I wasn’t cranky or moody and I didn’t have withdrawals.

I could happily and comfortably be in the company of smokers without being tempted. Smoking was something that I just didn’t do anymore. My hubby couldn’t believe it…. No mood swings…. No cravings… and after nearly 2 months of me being smoke free he booked himself an appt with Colin.

I am so happy that as of today I am 6 months smoke free and my hubby is 4 months smoke free. We can’t believe how much more time we have in our lives… so much time we wasted sitting around and smoking. Our life has changed so much… our life is lighter, our wallets are heavier and our health is better.

I smoked for 20 years, and he smoked for 27+ years and it is such an achievement and we are so proud of ourselves and thankful to Colin for the help.

If you are wanting to quit smoking then I highly recommend seeing Colin - just imagine being able to add years to you life…we did and it is an amazing feeling!! Haylee (Townsville)

Quit Smoking Townsville Save thousands of dollars and add years to your life. Book now for our Townsville Hypnosis to Quit Smoking program. Guaranteed success!


Wow what a transformation on so many levels for Estelle. Are you tired of struggling with anxiety, trauma, ongoing health challenges? There is a way to recover and it is much easier than you think.

“I want to thank you Colin for the immeasurable impact you have had on my life. I never could imagine living with such joy and freedom. What I had accepted as normal with persistent anxiety and the sense that I was living in my own personal prison of stress and fear, is now completely gone.

I feel that the childhood trauma that had taken me to that place has no impact on me whatsoever and for the first time I am free to be fearless, at peace and to truly explore my potential and live life for the first time ever.

You have saved and enriched my marriage, you have allowed me to be a peaceful, present mother and a truly engaged friend. I feel like I am emotionally connecting with others and the world for the first time. You have also helped me overcome great physical challenges with my health which I believe were closely related to stress and emotional factors.

I honestly feel reborn after years of seeking help from psychologists, doctors and naturopaths and will never be able to thank you enough! I wish everyone had access to what you offer- true, complete healing on the deepest subconscious levels. You have given me effective tools for dealing with the challenges I face daily. I believe you are a gift from God and I will be forever grateful!”

To Learn more, go to www.hefc.com.au

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Videos (show all)

A shout out to Nikki Strano Digital Marketing from Local Directories for the tickets to the Cowboys vs Panthers game. We...
Are you ready to smash the yo-yo weight loss cycle and achieve and maintain your dream size and shape?Learn more: www.he...
Do you have aversions or cravings for certain foods?Listen to discover how you can change these behaviours to achieve yo...
How to change those "BAD" Habits!!!Listen to learn how you can successfully change without all the struggle...To find ou...
Do your struggle with Anxiety?Do you find yourself over-reacting to certain situations?Hypnotherapy can help you have a ...
Demo Video on EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) otherwise known as Tapping.  A method we have used for 23 years in our ...
Struggling to stay motivated to take off that excess weight?It can be easy when you know how....
Hypnosis 4 Weight Loss.  For our Free e-book Winning at Weight Loss just type in VGB below and we will send you the link...
Are you someone who struggles with Stress and Anxiety?
Cassie's Amazing Experience
Deb's Weight Loss Townsvillewww.VirtualGastricBandTownsville.com



44 Alice Street
Townsville, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm

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