Back to Basics Health Solutions

Many of my clients think they are eating healthy, until they discover how much sugar is really hidde Losing weight is easy once you know how!

Start losing weight today with the Back to Basics Healthy Living Program using normal everyday foods you probably have at home already. The Back to Basics Healthy Living Program is designed to help you understand more about your digestion and show you the right foods to get your body into the fat burning zone. Stop paying for brand name's, meal replacements and gimmick items...enjoy eating normal


"Your body hears everything your mind says."

Did you know there’s science behind this?! 🤔

There is a link between positive self-talk and better well-being, lower stress, and increased resilience.

👉 The only problem is, we’re usually our own worst critics.

So many of us pick at our appearance…
Beat ourselves up when we make mistakes…
And we doubt our abilities and our worth.
Still, our bodies hear everything our mind says!

Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean it doesn’t count…

So today, choose to be kind to yourself 🙌

Need reminders like these from time to time?

Save this post and follow me for more health and wellbeing tips!

Photos from Back to Basics Health Solutions's post 11/09/2024

Did you know 40% of Alzheimer’s cases are preventable? 🤯

That’s why in honour of World Alzheimer’s Month this month, I’m shining a spotlight on brain-healthy habits 🧠

Not just because these are the same habits that support a healthy you…

But also, because these simple lifestyle changes can have a massive impact on your quality of life.

Here are 6 ways you can show your brain (& body) some love this month ⬇️

1️⃣ Cover your basics, like staying up-to-date with health screenings, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking

2️⃣ Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week

3️⃣ Manage your blood sugar and eat a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats

4️⃣ Sleep for 7-8 hours a night to help your brain rest and repair

5️⃣ Engage in activities that challenge your brain and stay socially active (like puzzles and coffee dates!)

6️⃣ Reduce stress with mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing

Look familiar? 😉

Remember — it’s never too late (or too early) to start thinking about prevention.

Save this and share it with someone you care about!


Are you too busy chasing the “future version” of yourself? 👇

Focusing on the future and on where you’re headed is KEY to growing and hitting your goals…

But not if it’s at the expense of living in the present moment.

I learned this the hard way…

I remember when I first decided to lose weight, I was hung up on focusing on the number on the scales to go down. I used to get frustrated with myself and if I was honest with myself, the scales really were determining if I was going to be in a good or bad mood for the whole day!

After a while, I realized I was missing the whole point.

I was so caught up in “getting there” that I missed how far I had already come!

So, I asked myself things like…

😴 Is it getting easier to sleep through the night?
🧘 Are my joints feeling better?
🍏 Am I craving less junk?
💁‍♀️How much better I feel and no longer have a bloated stomach and it even feel flatter.

More importantly, I now have more energy during the day and no longer feel flat and tired all the time! I am happier within myself, and my clothes are getting looser!!!

Thinking like this completely changed my perspective.

More importantly? It made me feel better “in the present moment” instead of waiting for some far-off future to feel good.

We have to celebrate those little wins!

Tell me — did you need to hear this today?

If you want more inspiration like this on your way to finding good health?

Save this and follow me for more! 🙌


🌟 30 Years of Healthy Living! 🌟

Can you believe it?

The picture on the left was me 30 years ago, struggling with my weight, trying diet after diet with no success.

The picture on the right is one year later—healthier, more energetic, and finally living the lifestyle I had always dreamed of. But what’s even better?

I’ve maintained it for 30 years!

It wasn’t about another fad diet—it was about getting back to basics. I realized I was doing it all wrong and needed to change my approach completely.

That’s why I created the Back to Basics Healthy Living Program—to help people like you who feel stuck in the same cycle. It’s never too late to change your habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If I could do it, so can you! 💪

👉 Ready to transform your health?

Let’s chat!

Book your free consultation with me today.


Are you ready to unlock your full potential?

Book a no-obligation consultation, and together, we’ll uncover what’s been holding you back. I’ll help you activate your metabolism so you can finally achieve the results you’ve been striving for!

Click here to find a time that suits you >>>>>


The funny thing about balance is that as soon as you feel like you’ve achieved it…

P**f! It’s gone! 😆

The truth is that perfect balance doesn't exist. It's more about making small adjustments every day.

Some days you might:
● Nail that workout 🏋️‍♀️
● Other days, life happens and you grab a quick walk 🚶‍♀️
● Sometimes you meal prep like a boss 🥗
● Other times, it's whatever's in the fridge (so make sure it’s healthy!) 🍽️

The key? Focus on consistency, not perfection. Small steps add up!

What's one small thing you do to keep some balance in your routine?

If you’re a 30+ female focused on losing weight, follow for real-life tips on building a sustainable healthy lifestyle! 🙌


🔥What you tell yourself matters!

Your inner dialogue creates your outer reality…

And when you tell yourself you CAN reach your goals, making it happen is a whole lot easier.

Today, pay attention to the little voice in your head and what it’s telling you — and make sure it’s something POSITIVE.

You’ve got this!

Positive thoughts, positive life!

Was this helpful?

Save this and follow me for health tips!

Most Australian baby foods fail health test 13/08/2024

I did a video on this a couple of years ago. Some of these foods are like giving your baby a Mars bar to eat loaded in sugar.

And we wonder why there are bigger children and fidgety ones that ADHD gets more blame for than it should.

Most Australian baby foods fail health test


Here is a simple and easy way to create a healthy lunch in minutes.


“What can I do about emotional eating?”
This comes up a lot especially when you are watching your waist line.

The simplest way to address it?

See it for what it is: a habit — NOT a personal shortcoming.
Once you see it that way, the key is to find a more helpful habit to replace it with.
You can do this by creating what I call a “self-care menu.”
Come up with a list of healthy or fun actions that make you feel good — things you can do BEFORE you reach for food to soothe or celebrate your feelings.

You can…
● Play with your pet for 5 minutes
● Listen to one of your favourite songs
● Go outside for some fresh air
● Do some quick stretches
● Meditate for 5 minutes

Doing these things can help disrupt your old “trigger → behaviour” cycle with something that feels good and that you enjoy.
AND… this short interruption can help give you some breathing space so you can be more mindful about your next food decisions.

Follow for more health tips.


🤗 What would happen if you started eating healthy because you
LOVE yourself?

This simple reframe can be game-changing! Instead of feeling like you "have to" work out or eat more veggies, they become acts of self-care.

Try this: Focus on how your new habits make you feel.
● More energized after a healthy meal?
● More restful sleep during the night ?

That mindfulness might just turn your "have to" into "want to"! 😉

Follow me if you’re ready to achieve a balanced lifestyle. 🙌


Here is a trick to spread your salad a little further with a bit of extra flavour!


Making changes to your lifestyle can make a big difference to your overall health and wellbeing.

What is holding you back to being the healthiest version of yourself?

Book in for a Complementary Consultation with Jo to find out how you could start seeing results today.

Click here to book in for your FREE 1:1 Session with Jo


The things that make you go mmmm.

When a person books in for a complementary diet and nutrition session to help them lose 30 kg then proceeds to tell you that you don't know what you are taking about when it comes to how much sugar they are consuming!!!!

If this said person actually took a moment and really listened to what I had to say versus telling me that I am the only nutritionist/dietitian they have spoken to who has talked about how much fuel they are consuming in a day and that their consumption of sugar/glucose/starch/carbohydrates was equivalent to about 30 teaspoons of sugar.

Yes my way is different and I have been doing my way for 30 years. I have helped 1000's of ladies to lose weight and have a better understanding on the foods they where consuming and why there metabolism was switched off and why they have been finding it hard to lose weight.

My intentions to help this person where in the right place and I have to remember that I can not help people are are not ready to help themselves.


If not now WHEN?


😲 Hate to break it to you, but there are some things you HAVE to do every day…
Things like brushing your teeth, making the bed, going to work, cooking meals, loading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, etc.

Yes, you *can* miss a day or two. But go too long and things can get uncomfortable… fast! 😵‍💫

It’s the same thing with your health.

If you want to feel your best, you must fuel your body with the right foods.


Because if you use the wrong fuel in your body, this is just like putting diesel into your petrol vehicle. The car may go for a little while, but it will soon start to show signs that you have burnt out the engine.

The way your body is responding to you that you are eating the wrong fuel is providing you with symptoms like heartburn, bloated stomach, irritable bowel, feeling sluggish and lacking in motivation

🧘 Doing a little bit every day is a whole lot easier — and a lot more attainable — than trying to do it all at once.

Even if you start by just taking a few minutes tonight to prep tomorrow’s breakfast and lunch, you’re taking a step in the right direction!


🗣️ LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK: Self-care is NOT selfish!

When you make the effort to work on YOU — your health, your goals, and your aspirations — think of it like polishing a diamond. 💍

All your day-to-day actions — like choosing foods that fuel your body or activities that boost your mood — add up, giving you more energy for everything that matters to you.

The better you feel, the more you can offer to those around you.

What can YOU do today to help you feel better tomorrow?

Are you ready to take the next step in your health journey?

I have helped 1000+ women to lose weight and get their health back on track by blending mindset, education, motivation with a complete food lifestyle plan.

If you want to start feeling good again on the inside and out... let’s talk.

Drop me a DM with the word TRANSFORM and we’ll set up a time.


🌱🍅RECIPE: Tomato-Basil Grilled Wild Salmon 🍅🌱

Love a quick, healthy lunch or dinner with NO dishes to clean?! 🙋‍♀️

This salmon recipe is packed with protein and healthy omega-3 fats, and whether you grill or bake it, it's ready in under 30 minutes!

It’s incredibly versatile, too…

If you like a lighter meal? Serve it with a garden salad.

If you want something heartier? Serve it over brown rice/cauliflower rice or swap for your favourite veggies

Plus, this salmon makes a perfect topper for a lunchtime salad if you have any leftovers!

Here’s the full recipe 👇

Tomato-Basil Grilled Wild Salmon
(serves 4)

● 2 cloves garlic, minced
● 1 tsp sea salt, divided
● 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
● 4 Salmon fillets
● ⅓ cup plus ¼ cup thinly sliced fresh basil, divided (about 15g + 10g, divided)
● 2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
● ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper

Preheat your grill to medium. (If using an oven, preheat to 220ºC).

Mash the minced garlic and half the salt on a cutting board to form a paste. Place in a small bowl and stir in the olive oil.

Check the salmon for bones and remove (using tweezers) if necessary.

Lay out a large piece of foil, and coat with cooking spray.

Place the salmon skin-side down on the foil, and spread the garlic mixture evenly over the fish. Sprinkle with ⅓ cup (15 g) of basil. Arrange the tomato slices on top, and season with the remaining salt and pepper.

Place the salmon on the grill or in the oven. Grill for 10-12 minutes (or bake for about 20 minutes), until the fish easily flakes.

When done, put the salmon on a serving platter and garnish with the remaining basil.

Nutritional info per serving:
Calories: 242, 10 grams fat, 3 grams carbs, 1 gram fibre, 35 grams protein

🤳 If you make this, make sure you take a pic and tag me with it!


💫 Every time you say "no" to an excuse and "yes" to a positive change, you're taking a big step towards feeling great.

Things like choosing to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, picking water over soft drink, deciding to go for a walk instead of playing an hour aimlessly scrolling on your phone. 🌟

It’s not about being perfect…

It *is* about finding small tweaks that will make a big difference in how you feel. And the best part? You don't have to do it alone.

If you’re looking for guidance and support, make sure you sign up for my email newsletter. It’s created to provide easy to follow health tips and advice on how to keep your health on track especially if you are watching your waistline.

You can join my email community here >>>>


What if it was as simple as changing the way you are eating.

It can be 🥰

Processed packaged foods, fatty cooked meals, and high sugary treats can leave you feeling flat and unmotivated.

If you are looking to reignite your passion for life... it is time to go back to basics.

DM me if you are finding it hard to get your health back on track and you are ready to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

It really is as simple as changing the way you are eating.


💡 Your fitness formula when your schedule is busy:

Short workouts ➕Intensity = 💪

When you bring the intensity — e.g., short periods of hard work mixed with lighter activity, you don’t have to work out as long to get the same (or better!) results.

Here are just a few benefits of shorter, intense workouts:

💃 Efficient Weight Loss – you’ll get the same calorie-burning benefits as regular workouts, but in much less time.

❤️ Better Heart Health, Blood Pressure, and Blood Sugar Levels –it’ll boost your body’s ability to use energy in ways that can make your heart healthier

🧠 Good For Your Brain – it helps with learning, memory, and fighting the effects of aging

🏋️ Builds Bone Density – high-intensity resistance training beats moderate-intensity resistance training when it comes to improving bone health.


Is it time to change?


Imagine if every choice you made—like eating nourishing meals—was a testament to how much you value yourself. What if you started prioritizing your health because you deserve to feel amazing every day?

🌟 Here’s the beautiful truth: When you choose to eat well, you're nurturing your body with the best fuel possible. You're boosting your energy, supporting your immune system, and laying the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

💚 When you approach your overall health and wellbeing from a place of love, every step feels lighter, every choice more empowering.

✨ What's one small way you can show yourself love through your choices today? Maybe it's adding an extra serving of greens to your plate or taking a refreshing walk outside.

Embrace this journey with me.

Save this post and follow along if you’re ready to prioritize your well-being and discover a healthier, happier you.

🌿 It is time to create a healthy lifestyle not because you hate your body, but because you love it. 🌿


🤔“Do I have to look in the mirror when I work out?”

In a word: No.

But, watching your muscles in the mirror can help you maintain proper form and avoid injuries during your workouts.

When I watch my form in the mirror, I’m looking for things like:

✔️ Knee alignment during squats
✔️ Shoulders hunching during upper body exercises
✔️ Overextending my back during deadlifts

… Especially if I’m tired, sore, or finding it hard to focus that day.

Still, if you don’t love looking at yourself in the mirror while you’re working out, here’s a tip:

💡While you’re watching your form in the mirror, focus on how your muscles FEEL rather than just on how they look.

This helps you get more out of your workout AND takes away some of the discomfort you might feel when you watch yourself in the mirror.

Was this helpful?


⌚ It’s called “I’ll start tomorrow” syndrome.

And it’s a HUGE hurdle between you and your goals. 🚧

It’s exactly what it sounds like: it’s when you decide to start up a new health and fitness routine… TOMORROW.

Here’s what to do instead of waiting till tomorrow:


🚶Take a walk around the block instead of waiting to begin that fancy 12-week periodized workout plan
🥗 Make a healthy choice for dinner, instead of expecting yourself to dive full-force into a complete meal-planning program
💃 Move more and sit less

The whole point is to just START. You can always add those bigger actions later!



Feeling stuck with your weight loss journey? 🌟

Tired of guessing which foods to eat? 😩

Get started today with a personalized phone call with Jo from Back to Basics Health Solutions! 📞✨

✅ Discover the right foods that boost energy and motivation
✅ Receive personalized accountability and support
✅ Unlock what's holding you back from achieving your goals

Ready to feel your best?

Book your FREE call with me now, and let's create a plan to transform your health and energy levels. 💪

PM Free Session or jump the que and Book your Complementary Session TODAY !!!

What are you waiting for?

You could be fatburning and losing weight by the end of the week 💪 plus your body will get a boost in energy!

Copy the link to your browser to book your complimentary 1:1 Session with Jo


Are you living with your “mute” button on?

I’m not talking about putting your phone on silent…

I’m talking about when you mentally tune out uncomfortable truths you’re not ready to take action on.

Things like…

How every time you stand up, you have to shuffle for a few steps because your back and hips hurt…
Your pants being a little harder to zip up than they were a few months ago…
The way you feel out of breath after climbing a flight or two of stairs…
How you feel exhausted because you’re caught in a cycle of eating processed foods...

Putting those things on “mute” makes it easier to ignore them.

But doing that doesn’t get rid of the problems.

It just delays dealing with them.

But that’s not the worst of it.

It makes you MISS out on opportunities to enjoy life because you start to limit your choices.

Like not going for a walk on a beautiful day because you don’t have the energy or because your knee hurts…

or avoiding the beach because of two words: bathing suit.

If you’re ready to turn the volume back on in your life — in a way that feels safe, supported, and (best of all) personalized for YOU…

I have 3 spaces left in "Accelerate Your Results Program", and it’s the best place to start if you want to see weight loss results in the next 30 days, have more energy and get your health back on track to becoming the healthier version of you!

Book a call with me here


🔥What you put in is what you get out…

And at some point, you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup.
If you are:
✖️Constantly on edge
✖️Putting off your hobbies
✖️Struggling to find motivation
✖️Feeling disconnected from your passions
✖️Sacrificing your well-being for others

Then it might be time to fill up your cup with things like:
🧘 Meditating
🏋️‍♀️ Work out
📖 Reading
🤸‍♀️ Stretching
🧖‍♀️ Do a face mask
✏️ Writing a gratitude list

Or even sitting outside to get some fresh air and nature!

Even if you only have 10 minutes per day for self-care, I guarantee you’ll come back to your to-do list feeling more focused and more productive.
(All that “busyness” will still be there waiting for you when you’re done, I promise. 😉)
Need help creating more space for yourself?

Save this list!


How often do you feel 100% or at your best? 🚀

A lot of us settle for feeling just “OK”... and before we know it, we forget we’re designed for SO much more: energy, vitality, and strength.

It’s like we’re driving with the brakes on. We forget what we’re capable of!
The first step in releasing that brake: deciding NOW to prioritize your health every day. ⭐

Not sure what 100% would look like or feel like yet?

Then let’s talk.

I have helped 1000+ women to lose weight and get more energy back into their day in just weeks — which means there’s a good chance YOU can, too.
DM me the word MY HEALTH and let’s chat!


Join me as I chat with Paula on how she hit her weight loss goals and is feeling better!

No more aching joints and feeling uncomfortable with a bloated stomach.

Paula has more energy now and is even back to enjoying running.

Her clothes are now loose on her.

One of the things she realised is how much sugar was causing inflammation in her body, and it was making her feel unwell.

Full video coming out soon.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Townsville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Hi my name is Jo and I have been helping people all over Australia Get Back On Track and lose weight with the Back to Basics Program using normal everyday foods you probably have at home already.

The Back to Basics Healthy Living Program is designed to help you understand more about your digestion and show you the right foods to get your body into the fat burning zone.

Stop paying for brand name's, meal replacements and gimmick items...enjoy eating normal everyday foods like fruit, vegetables, salad and meat items.

Unlock the mystery on why you are struggling to lose weight and learn how to keep it off!.

What if I told you that you can really see when you are in the fat burning zone!

On the Back to Basics Health Living Program there is a simple test you can do and it will show you when you are eating the right balance of foods and converting your stored fat back into fuel and energy.

Losing weight is easy once you know how!

Send a message to Jo today to receive your FREE 1-on-1 Discovery Session valued at $140.00

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Here is a simple and easy way to create a healthy lunch in minutes. #healthylifestylecoach #weightlosstips #yourhealth #...
Feeling stuck with your weight loss journey? 🌟Tired of guessing which foods to eat? 😩Get started today with a personaliz...
Join me as I chat with Paula on how she hit her weight loss goals and is feeling better!No more aching joints and feelin...
You have probably heard the saying, " I have fallen off the wagon, and the horse has bolted"This is what happened to Mel...
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🔥 Tired of the burning sensation of heartburn? Sick of relying on antacids that only offer temporary relief? It's time t...
Brace yourself on how much sugar is lurking in your breakfast bowl!And 25% less is really not much difference when you r...
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