Suzy Miller

Suzy Miller

Accelerates people's leadership trajectory by slaying boundaries and being their agent for change. Interested? Let’s talk.

We are a team of boundary slayers and change agents for professionals who want more for themselves and their careers. Our leadership specialists are gifted at supporting you with all the right tools and a framework to make it happen. Join us and our community of like-minded professionals in one of our self-guided courses or let us challenge you 1 on 1. We are also known for creating bespoke leader



Seriously my clients think I'm weird that I get this excited about coming back to work. But for me work & my hobbies are very closely aligned - they go together like a jar of Nutella and a spoon.

I got interviewed once about my work life balance, and the interviewer thought I was crazy when I said that I had great balance. Yes I work long hours, but what I do fills my cup so much, it doesn't seem hard. But I do work hard and it's not always easy!

S**t I am excited to be back.

We've got lots to do.

Can't wait to share it with you.


Let's do this 2024!

Sm xx


Not gunna lie, I love Jenga 😁

The planning, watching where the gaps are, piece by piece a balancing act of courage, confidence and strategy (and a little bit of shaking the table).

It's a risky game. The blocks could come crashing down. When they do you learn. The biggest risk is not taking any risks.

Risk taking is a skill. A skill that can be learnt.

Start small. Think big. Take action. The rewards will follow.

We teach you to Relish Risk in our Women's Leadership Development Program. The 2024 Newcastle and Central Coast intakes must close soon. Full deets here:

If you need support reach out.

Sm xx


Have you got a mentor? Not just someone who blows smoke - someone who will challenge you because they want you to grow.

Surrounding yourself with a network of like-minded and authentic professionals is the quickest path to growth and sustainable leadership development.

Not only do you learn from the challenges and experiences of others but you have someone in your corner, with sole focus on supporting you with what YOU want to achieve!

This quote was from one of our Mentors in our Women's Leadership Development Program. The 2024 Newcastle and Central Coast intakes must close soon - let us support you to live it and learn it. Full deets here:

We'd love to have you involved. Reach out for more info.


Before you head back to work, use this time to get your ducks in a row.

➡Take time out to reset.
➡Take time out for life admin.
➡Take time out to think differently.
➡Take time out to look at your tribe.
➡Take time out to strategise your career.

Often it is easier to feel alone when you are figuring it all out.

If you need support there are many ways you can work with us to support you to achieve what you want this year.

We’ll teach you great habits and tools that will see you achieve what you want out of 2024. Get in touch to find out more.

Sm xx


🌅It's your time to soar in 2024🌅 I'm not just saying it cause it rhymes.

This moment is the only one you have for sure.

What do you want to do with that? It's all up to you.

Do you want to stay the same? Same frustrations, same challenges, same procrastination, same disappointment.

Or do you want to try different.

Maybe you win, maybe you learn - either way you win.

Have a crack 💪

If you need support we'd love to be in your corner. Just reach out.

Sm xx


Happy New Goal 🎯

Those who know me know that I’m big on goal setting - they boost confidence, give you are targeted focus and helps you get shizz done! 💪

My gift to you this New Year is the below tips to help you decide what you want to achieve in your life in the next year and hone your energy and attention to progress towards it.

Set yourself up for success in 2024 by having a focus, a target and someone who will celebrate with you as you grow and achieve!

1️⃣Step One: What would you like to be happening, that's not happening now? What one thing if improved, would have a big impact in the next year? Think it & Ink it - in other words... write it down!

2️⃣Step Two: Now make the goal SMART!
- Specific (referring to Step 1 - What would the result be of you achieving that? Get it specific)
- Measurable (Where are you now? What does success look like? How could you measure this goal?)
- Achievable (Is it in your control? Do you have the resources to make it happen?)
- Relevant (Why is it important for you to achieve this? How will achieving this goal add value to your life and align with your dreams?)
- Timely (What time frame do you want to achieve it in? Make sure it’s realistic and check in on your progress regularly)

3️⃣Step Three: Get an accountability partner who will support you and keep you focused! This might be a friend, partner, mentor or a coach.

Obviously this is a simplified version but the key here is, as always, focus on PROGRESS not PERFECTION!

You’ve got this…2024 is your year to shine.


🤘But seriously ... what day is it?🤘

Such a weird and wonderful time of sleep ins, laughing hard and celebrating with your peeps. 🥂🥳

We hope you are enjoying it❣️

Sm xx


The team and I are taking some time out 😍🥂

Don't worry we aren't leaving you high and dry. Thanks to the wonders of tech we'll have some cracking content dripping into your feed.

We'll be back soon, until then, rest, relax and recover.

Enjoy your quality time with your peeps.

Suzy, The Sm HQ Team & Chewy 🐾


🌱 The gift that keeps giving; positivity!! Don’t get yourself dragged into drama, silly things like “OMG can you believe that he only brought the small overseas prawns, what a cheap skate. And did you see how he parked in the driveway – I mean he literally drove right over the bloody cricket pitch”.

Realising that you can’t change people – family, friends, team members, leaders is a game changer. All you can change is how you react to them. That is where your power is.

Develop a Growth Mindset - one that takes ownership, accountability and responsibility, rather than a fixed mindset which uses blame, excuses and denial.

The reality is that you are responsible for your thoughts and how you show up - you are what you think;
- If you think you are going to have a terrible time, you’re right!
- If you think you are going to have a good time, you’re right!

It’s really easy to go into these times thinking negative thoughts about places, people and situations. But try to look for the best in the situation. If you go in with dread, frustration and resentment it will impact on how you show up.

Stay clear of the drama, keep it positive, choose where you put your energy and just focus on what you can change, and that is you! 🌟🤝

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


💬 Setbacks? Let’s get you on track! Sometimes setbacks create opportunities for new traditions and innovations. You never know, you might decide that you like a burnt Pav after all (how do you think smores were created!). Rubbery pork crackle could be repurposed to play handball with after lunch! 🏀

Learning is a lifelong journey, whether in family dynamics or professional growth. Leaders who encourage continuous learning create a culture of improvement, fostering innovation and adaptability.

Problem-solving isn't just for family game nights. Leaders who encourage innovative thinking in the workplace build a team capable of navigating challenges with creativity and resilience.

So rather than fearing and leaning away from the stuff up, have a laugh, lean into it, learn and grow. Focus on progress not perfection, because none of us are perfect.

📚🔍 And remember, failures often create the best memories!

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


🍽️ How to be vulnerable and share your stuff!

Rather than rolling your eyes when your overachieving cousin shares a win that they had, this year, try joining in and share what you're most proud of in the past year.

Go deeper than the LinkedIn highlights package, and encourage them to share their failures too. Let’s be honest it will be refreshing to hear that they have struggles too!

In family and leadership, reflection and sharing both successes and failures creates a culture of openness, it’s an opportunity to share your vulnerability and fosters growth and resilience.

Leaders who encourage reflection, share challenges and celebrate achievements, foster a positive work culture, boosting team morale and motivation.

So challenge yourself to share more of you this break and really connect with where you are at. Shift from the standard surface level response “Yeh I’m all good thanks” to “I’ll be honest, it’s been a challenging year, I’ve made stuff ups, but I’ve learnt a lot”.

Have a crack at this hack and let others in🏆📉

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


🤝 Show how you value others! It doesn’t matter if you didn’t get your way and your in-laws are insisting that lunch is cold meat and salad, when you’ve always done a hot lunch - let’s face it… warmish is more the reality anyway!

Be flexible, instead of judgemental and just go with it.

Embracing flexibility and diversity is so key in work and life, but often we let our own agenda get in the way. Adapting to changes during the festive break mirrors the agility needed in the workplace.

Leaders who embrace flexibility and diversity, navigate challenges with resilience, foster collaboration and create a sense of belonging. They inspire their teams to do the same. So be prepared to do the same within your family – give and take is the key.

Also keep in mind that not everyone celebrates at this time of year - for some, this time of year isn’t a happy time at all. To be truly inclusive create an environment where it’s ok to say “no thanks”, “I’m felling sad”, or “I don’t celebrate that”.

Don’t force your reason for the season on anyone, instead meet them where they are at. Skip being right or judgey and just be kind!🌍❤️

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


💌 Boost others with authenticity! You might be saying “Seriously Suzy, if I say something positive to boost my brother, I’ll get a cricket bat to the head.” But give it a go (maybe put a helmet on first 😉) it really makes a difference and will be appreciated, even if it is initially laughed off.

Expressing gratitude or thanks authentically, fuels positivity at home and at work. Taking time to express your appreciation boosts morale, increases individuals’ confidence and strengthens relationships.

Leaders who acknowledge and appreciate their team members create a positive and motivating work environment. This is the same within families, it really works.

Be authentic and challenge yourself to give it a go! 🙏❤️

PS: If you love this post - share it!


🤸‍♀️ Fast track your Work-Life Balance! This time of year is not just about endless Mariah Carey Carols that make your ears bleed; it's about rocking out with the fam, sliding around the house in your socks, teaching the next generation the sprinkler and wetting your pants laughing at everyone’s cool dance moves!

Balance in your life is critical. In family and at work, quality time matters. Investing time in meaningful activities fosters strong bonds and helps you recover. Leaders who prioritise quality interactions with their team build trust and loyalty.

Switching off is so important for you. You might be physically present, but the greatest gift you can give yourself and others is your mental presence and undivided attention. Tune into yourself and catch when your mind starts to wander to a deadline or the “to do” list for the new year and tell it to shhhhh!

Quality time = Quality memories = Quality YOU - so schedule it this break. 🎸🤸‍♀️

PS: If you love this post - share it!


📱 Let’s recharge your batteries! Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how Insta-worthy your dinner table looks, a crash tackle hug from little Harry is way more satisfying! So step away from the Gram, LinkedIn or Wordle and be present with those around you.

Imagine if we placed as much importance on recharging ourselves as we did on recharging our phones. Implementing a digital detox during the holidays mirrors the importance of maintaining a work-life balance. Leaders who encourage this balance cultivate a healthier, more productive workplace.

Our brains are so wired all the time, so use this as an opportunity to unplug and recover. Life is happening outside of our screens and you’ll regret it if you miss it! 🎭📵

PS: If you love this hack - share it!
PSS: Don't worry I'm practicing what I preach - this post has been scheduled!


✨How to improve relationships? Let’s be honest, you might not be interested in Uncle Edwin’s hip replacement, his neighbours dog being desexed, or that Mavis from down the road is sh****ng someone from Bingo... but it’s a great opportunity to practice your active listening skills for the workplace.

Active Listening done well, is a gift in both family and professional settings. It strengthens relationships, enhances understanding and creates collaboration.

Tune in and listen to understand, instead of listening to respond.

We have 2 ears and one mouth, so be sure to listen twice as much as you talk 👂👄👂

PS: If you love this hack - share it!



🤝It’s time to decrease overload

No one will care if the glaze isn’t evenly spread or if your brother doesn’t cook the peas the same way as you - Aunty Betty flicks them on the floor for the dog anyway. So, take the pressure off yourself - focus on progress not perfection and delegate!

Delegation is a key part of leading a family holiday and managing a team. Distributing tasks ensures everyone plays a part. It reduces stress on yourself and others and reduces overload, frustration, burnout and ultimately resentment. Win Win!

In the workplace, effective delegation empowers team members to grow, build new skills and enhances overall productivity. The same applies within families – old and young!

Take off the superhero cape, stop trying to do it all, let go! Give it a crack 🚀💼 🦸‍♀️

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


🌟 Let’s help you reduce stress

Having a shared vision and clear expectations of who is doing what, results in less stress and less double up. This is a win for you, the budget and the fridge space that’s full of left-over ham that you’ll be sick of cooking 99 ways in the aftermath.

This will not only make gatherings smoother, providing clear guidance in the workplace fosters efficiency and teamwork.

Here’s our hacks for providing clarity:

➡️Encourage discussions around your dinner table (or workplace) to maintain open communication, and support others to share thoughts and concerns freely, without judgement.

➡️Just as your fam comes together for a shared vision of lunch or a holiday, a team collaborates better when everyone aligns with the common goals and expectations, so input.

➡️Whether in families or professional relationships, having clarity builds trust and that is the glue that holds everything together.

More clarity = More fun!✨🤝

PS: If you love this hack - share it!


Forget a partridge in a pear tree 🍐 let’s get you prep’d for the countdown to connection with our "10 Days of Festive Leadership Hacks"

This time of year brings about the opportunity to connect with diverse people - many of whom you don’t see often, or perhaps don’t know so well. For some, this time is celebrated and fun but for others it fills them with dread, bringing about stress, conflict and sadness (much like leadership 😊).

There’s so much of what we do as leaders in the workplace that is transferable to life. So my gift to you to end an amazing year is 10 Days of Festive Leadership Hacks (and a giggle or two).

It’s time to stop comparing your decorations and start exploring just how transferable those leadership skills really are!

Keep an eye out for the first Day dropping later today! 👀

Sm xx


I've never experienced true growth whilst sitting in my comfort zone.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Let's discuss in the comments...


We thrive on creating really productive and intuitive mentor partnerships in our programs.

It helps our participants grow and develop their learned skills in a safe, well supported environment.

Our Women's Leadership Program is open for applicants for the 2024 intake.

If learning in an environment like this sounds like the professional development you'd like, take a quick look via the link below or DM us and we can send you out all the info.


There's about 4 weeks left of 2023 😳

So here are our top 4 tips for ending with a bang and starting 2024 with a buzz!

▶Celebrate all the good stuff that happened. Yes you may choose to clink glasses with your colleagues but we also suggest actually writing it all down. Visual cues help us really appreciate how far we've come!

▶Reflect on the hard stuff. Again write it down if you like. We're not suggesting for a second that you dwell on it, but think about how it could have been handled differently and what you or your team learned from the process.

▶Think about where you are in your career at the moment and what little things you can start to do now that will help you build some new skills. Perhaps you can sit in on some senior meetings or have a coffee and chat with a senior leader, just to absorb the nuances of leadership behaviors you might like to adopt?

▶Where are you going in 2024 and how are you going to get there? Do you need to look at some outside professional development or look for some internal training opportunities? Talk to your leader and start those conversations now as planting the seed makes the conversation in planning sessions next year much easier.

Have a crack at doing these 4 things in the next 4 weeks and we know you'll end the year in a great position and start 2024 in an even better one!

Photos from Suzy Miller's post 26/11/2023

💪 The Secrets to Resilient Leadership 💪 was my keynote at the recent NSW Central Coast Emerging Leaders bootcamp at

Such a great Leadership Development event.

I loved seeing all my fellow facilitators do their thing and connecting with them. And of course loved meeting the attendees. A truly inspiring day.

As the year starts to come to a close in the next few weeks, I'm excited for more events like this in 2024. Reach out if you'd like to book us, the first quarter is almost booked out already.

It definitely doesn't feel like work when you're partnering with such great organisations.


Mic is on but no-one's listening ...

Ever feel like you are talking to a brick wall?

As leaders we can sometimes get stuck telling rather than communicating.

Here's an example ...

Manager - Can you get a report on the project numbers by tomorrow C.O.B.?


Manager - Simon, would you be able to find time in the next two days to take a look at where we are at on XX project? I need to get a handle on the numbers in particular as there is some concern we are overspending on it which will affect our budget. Let me know what I could do to help make that happen.

Now we know time is tight but if I actually timed that request it is 4.5 seconds V 12 seconds.

But to Simon it does the following:

1) Gives context to the request
2) Understands why it's important
3) Knows that his manager will support him to find the time to get it done if needed

Worth thinking about next time you are making a request of one of your team members.

Do you think this is viable for leaders to communicate like this regularly? Let's discuss it in the comments 🔽

Photos from Suzy Miller's post 20/11/2023

Just a few 📸 from one of our programs that means the world to me.

I've always wanted to create something that changes lives and supports career growth and brings immediate benefits to all stakeholders involved.

Our Women's Leadership Development Program is just that.

Every year I'm blown away by the impact it has.

If you wanted to learn more about it and what we do jump on here ...

Otherwise enjoy the snaps ...

Sm x


Want to get that buzz back for work?

1) Get curious about people in your team. Find out something new about them and look at how you can help them grow in their career

2) Write down everything you have achieved professionally this year

3) Create a weekly plan and make sure you stick to it

4) Still stuck? Get in touch we have some tricks up our sleeve that might help you ...

DM us or shoot us an email [email protected]


You can't be it if you don't see it.

Model the qualities you are looking for in your team.

The impact is mind blowing ....


Mentoring is crucial in the workplace and this is why👇

(settle in it's a long one)

▶Knowledge Transfer: Mentoring allows for the transfer of valuable knowledge, skills, and experiences from seasoned professionals to those who are eager to learn.

▶Personal Growth and Development: A mentor provides guidance, constructive feedback, and support, which help mentees set goals, navigate challenges, and reach their full potential.

▶Increased Engagement and Retention: Employees who have access to mentoring tend to be more engaged and committed to their roles. They feel valued and supported, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and increased retention rates.

▶Diversity and Inclusion: Mentoring programs can help promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They provide opportunities for individuals from underrepresented groups to connect with mentors who can offer insights and guidance.

▶Leadership Pipeline: Mentoring helps identify and nurture future leaders. It creates a pipeline of talent that is well-prepared to take on leadership roles when they become available.

▶Enhanced Problem-Solving: Mentors offer fresh perspectives and alternative approaches to problem-solving. This encourages innovative thinking and improved decision-making.

▶Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: Having a mentor who invests in their mentee and provides positive reinforcement significantly boosts confidence and self-esteem.

▶Creates a Learning Culture: A strong mentoring program fosters a culture of continuous learning and development . It encourages employees to seek out new knowledge and skills.

▶Knowledge of Organisational Culture: For new employees, especially, having a mentor can be invaluable in helping them understand the company culture, its values, and how things get done.

It's a lot we know - but that's why it is sooooo important in this modern working environment.

It's a powerful tool for both personal and professional growth both for the individual and the organisation


Think this is scary?

What would be more scary is if you are still in the same place next Halloween.

Embrace growth 👇

Lets go! 💪

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