Little Tree Yoga

Little Tree Yoga

Little Tree Yoga is about sharing peaceful, loving and joyous practices to children and women.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 21/06/2024

🎉Happy International Yoga Day! 🩵May our world be filled with peace, love, and joy, as well as many peaceful children! 🪷🪷🪷

🌟Next week will be our final class of this term and children will be provided a little Worry Warrior Pack, filled with tools to help students manage stress, worries or other big emotions. If your child doesn't need one, please let me know.

🌿The theme of next Term will be: Let’s Connect with Nature. Let’s explore its wonders and beauty, and appreciate our world just as it is. And,
as always, 8 classes are $120.

Term 3: 30th July to 17th September


🪷🪷🪷2024 children classes in SSPS!

Photos from Metro Assist's post 21/05/2024

I taught a few children yoga sessions in the “Sky is the limit” program. I found it is really meaningful and impactful. It is heart warming and rewarding experience to be in part of it. Our world is such a wonderful place just by thinking and seeing so many people working really hard for the children’s benefits!


I can’t believe I haven’t updated FB for almost a year! I am always teaching, especially at our children yoga classes😊. Attached picture is Our Worry Tree Project from the last two weeks🍁🍂🍃

Autumn is a great season to learn about letting go. That’s why our emotional and mental focus this term is about letting our WORRIES go.

According to the traditional Chinese medicine system, autumn is the season for the lung and large intestine meridians. So physically, apart from our normal postures routine, we focus a little bit more on respiratory and digestive system remedial postures.

Today we played with colourful feathers. We visualised that our worries/anything that distresses us was transferred into the feather, and we blowed it off our hands. The feathers flied away beautifully after we said “3,2,1, Let it go!” There was lots of giggles☺️

We will continue to practice letting go this term such as playing with bubbles, balloons, flying discs, flying butterflies, paper aeroplanes and most importantly our muscle relaxations and worry warrior breaths!

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 26/06/2023

Dear SSPS parents, please note that there will be no class tomorrow and our first class for next term will be on 25/07. Week 2-9, 3.05-4.05@U block, 8 classes $120.

3 highlights from this term (voted by our children):
✨Mother’s Day craft
✨Digestive system experiment
✨How meditation can help our brain
Well, they also think the biggest highlight is they get to see and high five with the yogi baby before our class🤭

To me, the biggest highlight is our students can stay longer in their meditative state, challenging the poses they were once afraid to try and their smile and energy after our class🌿

For next term we will do our Worry Warriors and postures focus on stress and anxiety relief🪷

* I can only take the active/creative vouchers from SSPS students.
Recently there are many enquires about our classes and claiming active/creative vouchers. Unfortunately I only have one regular class running at SSPS and one online craft class(fully booked) this year. To be honest, I do not plan to have other regular programs in a long while. So I can’t take any vouchers other than the vouchers from SSPS students. I do not like to accept them as a credit and not knowing when I can offer the classes back. Hope everyone can find a suitable place to claim their vouchers 🙂


In 2023, we will only have regular classes in SSPS as after school classes. 8 classes each term. $120.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 27/04/2023

Our Children Yoga Classes starts on next Tuesday 02 May! The skeleton: “I am ready to go!” 🤘

As the weather gets cooler, we will be focusing on more remedial yoga postures for cold and flu. We will also focus little more on meditation🪷 as the traditional Chinese 5 Element Theory suggests cooler months are for us to restore energies. We will learn about our organs and explore the positive and negative impacts on our organs from what we do, including what we eat, what activity we take and so on. 🌿

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 05/04/2023

“It will be ok. Just Breathe.”🌿Breathing exercise is a must do activity in our yoga classes as it is the most important tool to teach our children how to regulate emotions.

We practice the effective way to breathe regularly and in a fun way, so children learn it well and are equipped with this amazing tool. They can just do it naturally when they need it the most. It’s also a great mindfulness activity to help children build strong concentration skills.

Enrol in yoga classes to help your children to learn how to breathe effectively, regularly and happily!

🌸Term 2 yoga classes@ SSPS🌸
8 classes $120
Tuesdays 3.05-4.05@U Block
Week 2-9 (02 May - 20 June)

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 07/03/2023

🌿Children yoga is way more than just the postures or physical benefits. This week we talked about affirmations and bully.

✨Affirmations are positive statements that can help with our thoughts and feelings. We did a rainbow gardens visualisation with all the affirmations on rainbow stepping stones in a beautiful garden. It is important to remember that each one of us is special and unique. We are perfect just the way we are.

We need affirmations to keep remind ourselves that we are amazing, especially when we need it the most. For example, when we experienced bully.

🧡Please remember that there is nothing wrong with us when we experience being bullied. It’s the other one’s problem. They might having behaviour issues that need help with, they might experience really painful things or they might even never been treated kindly so they don’t know how to treat people with kindness. We can practice compassion to make ourselves feel better. However bully is never OK. Let your teachers know. Let your family know. Let your friends know. You are valuable, you are safe and you are loved.

🌈Practice affirmations with children can empower them so much. Give it a try!

Ps: Children take our worksheet/coloring pages home each week. Some chidlren choose to have this 5 minutes with their friends so they didn’t take any.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 14/02/2023

What can be better than a children yoga class being on the Valentine’s Day? A CLASS THAT IS FULL OF LOOOVVVVEEE! 🥰💖🧡

We did fill up my heart worksheet, we did heart tracing breathing exercise with belly breaths, we did heart opener yoga poses, we played games, we relaxed with starry nighty sky and we did a heart origami for the ones we love!

Message of the class today: it is important to LOVE and it is very important to know that we are LOVED too! During relaxation with the starry night, we visualised the moment we feel most loved and when we came out of relaxation, we wrote our message on the heart origami to the people that were in our visualisations! Hope everyone who receives the heart origami can have little extra love too!💖

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone (yesterday and everyday)!

May our world be filled with Love, Peace, Joy and Lots of Peaceful Children!!!🧡💚🧡💚


Come join me for the free Seniors yoga class at 9-10am Friday 3 February @ Woodstock Park🌴! Let’s breathe, move and relax together! 💚🧡Register here:

Ps: Follow Burwood Council and Burwood Library for all the programs they organised! They have wonderful and brilliant teams who are really passionate and care about the community💕! They organise all kinds of amazing programs for adults and kids all the time.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 22/12/2022

Happy holidays🎄🎅🏻 🎉 My dearest children students surely know how to melt my heart! Looking forward to exploring more yoga together next year!

SSPS Term 1 2023 - 8 classes - $120.
07/02/2023 - 28/03/2023
Tuesdays 3.05-4.05pm @ Demountable 1
🌟Physical Focus: Standing Postures to build strong legs/glutes/core to help us run faster, jump higher, support muscle flexibility and become more grounding etc
🌟Emotional & Mental Focus: WHO I AM (self worth, confidence and self esteem etc)
🌟Social Focus: Understanding the uniqueness and differences of everyone in our community
🌟And of course always so much fun!!!

Have a wonderful and safe holidays everyone! 💚🧡


Please note there is no class today and our classes will start from Week 2 in Term 4.
Tuesdays 3.05-4.05 @ SSPS. Week 2-9, 8 classes $120.

🌿Children have learnt the relations between our brain, emotions and mindfulness this term.
🌿Next term we will talk more about feelings and learn to build awareness of them.
🌿We will also practice techniques that help when the unpleasant feelings arise.
🌿Our class games will be focus on STOP BREATHE ACT to train our brain. So we can get used to stop and breathe before we choose to act when we are aware of our big feelings.
🌿And of course our postures for a strong, flexible and balanced body xx

Looking forward to seeing our lovely children again next term!


It has been so long since my last update. I was pregnant with my third boy and now he is 2.5 months old.

I will be only teaching at SSPS children yoga class for now. Just to let parents know that my baby will be with me when I teach. But don’t worry. We have been a very good team since he was in my tummy😎

To my adults students: I will take a much longer break than I thought. Please remember: practice, practice and all is coming!

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 29/03/2022

We just finished our last class for this term! And I will take a break next term. Hopefully I can return for term3!

In the last class, we did some test, had fun with obstacle course and finished with dance glow party 🎉 photos are not enough to express our happiness!

To summarise this term, we focused on postures that help with stress and anxiety. The main message for this term is about self awareness, acceptance and self affirmation. Knowing who we really are, everyone has different superpowers and only ourselves can define who we are can help greatly with children’s confidence and courage to deal with life challenges.

Ps: I know love is a strong word, but when I look at the children in our yoga class, and I just want to shout: I love you all so much!!!🥰🥰🥰

PPS: I have attached all the worksheets we did in our classes at the end.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 08/03/2022

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today got an assistant to help me and finally get a chance to take some photos 🙂 Our class theme today is all about feelings! Look how creative our children are and how concentrate they are with our little mindfulness game!


Today is a new moon day which represents a new phase. Traditionally we don’t practice yoga asanas(postures) on new moon or full moon day. I made this crystal singing bowl relaxation video to help people find grounding, releasing and harmony feeling. It is 30 minutes crystal singing bowl + 10 mins body relaxation at the end.

Before you start please test out the volume first as it can get really loud in the middle and might not enjoyable during the relaxation. Enjoy🌿


Yay! We are back to SSPS!
Same Time, Same Room, Same Cost and Same Fun!
There is an extra form to be signed and please find it behind our enrolment form or contact me.

PS: I will take a break for Term 2 and maybe Term 3 too. Hope to see our children before my break🥰

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 23/12/2021

Wish everyone a very wonderful and safe holiday!


Our holiday workshop.

*Due to very limited spots available at my home studio, it has been fully booked by our children students. Hopefully next holiday we will be able to hire a venue to have more spots.


Dear children and parents, the AFTERSCHOOL programs have been allowed in schools, however our yoga class will not be recommenced this term.

🌟Thanks for all your calls and sweet messages. I miss all the children in our class very much too. Hopefully we can see each other soon.🥰

Ps: picture below is one of our holiday workshop crafts😉


Hi everyone! There will be no children classes in term 4 at school or online!

I miss the children in our classes so much! So I did this little guide for them to practice at home. It is a simple routine and it only takes 10-15 minutes!

They can definitely complete this all by themselves and just need to remind them to practice as slow as possible with their biggest breaths for each movement! Have fun, stay safe and well🌿

Timeline photos 09/09/2021

💛Are you really ok? Ask them now.

The mental health plays a very important role in our daily life and specially for the children. Learn how to cope with feelings, emotions and thoughts can have lifelong benefits. And that is a big part of our children yoga and mindfulness.

Stay safe and healthy both physically and mentally🌿

Whatever they're carrying, show them they don't have to carry it alone. Are they really OK? Ask them today.

Learn how to ask at

Thanks to the talented Jangandfox for helping us share this important message ahead of R U OK?Day on Thursday 💛

[Image description: Cartoon elephant is carrying a bag with the word "stress" on it, telling himself he is OK. His fox friend asks him if he is really OK and comforts him]


Completed Peaceful Kids Facilitator training during this lock down. Can’t wait to share what I have learnt with our children when we go back to class🍀 Stay safe and well everyone.


Dear parents,

This is Katrina from Little Tree Yoga. We are just notified by the school that all afterschool programs are restricted from using the school until further notice. So this means our yoga program next term is on hold.

For parents who paid the fee with active kids vouchers, we will reserve the value as a credit for you as per NSW government guidelines.

And for parents who paid full amount, you can choose to keep it as a credit for future use or request for a refund.

Stay safe and well everyone🌿

Warmest Regards,
Katrina | Little Tree Yoga


Today I just got approved as REGISTERED LEVEL 2 YOGA TEACHER🥳Yay! So happy for myself.

Hard work will be paid off 🎉🎉🎉

If it’s not, it is just not yet!


Today, in our children yoga class, we talked about the thoughts in our mind. Everyone thinks random thoughts. Some of them are positive and some are not.

And that is ok. Because thoughts are like clouds, they come and they go.

We played parachute game to get awareness of positive thoughts and negative thoughts. We call out a thought and if it is positive, children take it by going under the parachute. If it’s not, then we stand by and watch it to fly away. ☁️☁️☁️


Happy Mother’s Day Awesome, Wonderful and Beautiful Mothers!


Stretching exercises during menstruation.

Photos from Little Tree Yoga's post 21/04/2021

Our term 2 children yoga classes at SSPS will start in week 2 and we still have a few spots available.
Let’s bring out the best in our children with yoga!✨

Videos (show all)

It has been so long since my last update. I was pregnant with my third boy and now he is 2.5 months old. I will be only ...
Today, in our children yoga class, we talked about the thoughts in our mind. Everyone thinks random thoughts. Some of th...
Stretching exercises during menstruation.