Little Tree Yoga Videos

Videos by Little Tree Yoga. Little Tree Yoga is about sharing peaceful, loving and joyous practices to children and women.

It has been so long since my last update. I was pregnant with my third boy and now he is 2.5 months old.

I will be only teaching at SSPS children yoga class for now. Just to let parents know that my baby will be with me when I teach. But don’t worry. We have been a very good team since he was in my tummy😎

To my adults students: I will take a much longer break than I thought. Please remember: practice, practice and all is coming!

#ashtangapregnancy #39w5d #yogateacher

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Other Little Tree Yoga videos

It has been so long since my last update. I was pregnant with my third boy and now he is 2.5 months old. I will be only teaching at SSPS children yoga class for now. Just to let parents know that my baby will be with me when I teach. But don’t worry. We have been a very good team since he was in my tummy😎 To my adults students: I will take a much longer break than I thought. Please remember: practice, practice and all is coming! #ashtangapregnancy #39w5d #yogateacher

Today, in our children yoga class, we talked about the thoughts in our mind. Everyone thinks random thoughts. Some of them are positive and some are not. And that is ok. Because thoughts are like clouds, they come and they go. We played parachute game to get awareness of positive thoughts and negative thoughts. We call out a thought and if it is positive, children take it by going under the parachute. If it’s not, then we stand by and watch it to fly away. ☁️☁️☁️ #childrenyoga #funtime #thoughts #sydneyyogateacher #afterschoolclub #childrenloveit #thoughtscomeandgo

Stretching exercises during menstruation.