Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School, Mullewa. Videos

Videos by Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School, Mullewa.. Our Lady of Mt Carmel School is situated in the small, rural farming community of Mullewa (renowned

This term the year 4/5/6 boys have been working with Taryn from Ngala doing a "Social Development Drumbeat Program". This afternoon the boys held a concert for the rest of the students. Ngala Midwest & Gascoyne

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Only one day to go till holidays!

Other Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School, Mullewa. videos

This term the year 4/5/6 boys have been working with Taryn from Ngala doing a "Social Development Drumbeat Program". This afternoon the boys held a concert for the rest of the students. Ngala Midwest & Gascoyne We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! Only one day to go till holidays!

A big thank you to Mrs Steele and Mrs M. Tunbridge for setting up the art display in the hall. It looked absolutely fantastic.

We would like to wish Bishop Michael a very happy 70th birthday.

Camp 2021

Camp 2021

Graduation hymn singing practise in a lovely cool Town Hall. Thanks Mrs Fulker for organising our venue.

Last Thursday the Kindy -Pre/Primary and Year 1 Students had their assembly. The song they sang was to do with the subjects they are leaning about in the classroom.