Joshy Willo

Joshy Willo



Garlic Game was shhhhrong this year. 💪🧄🧄🧄 The short plait is my seed stock for next year. All my biggest bulbs. Easily my biggest bulbs in 10 years of doing my first garlic trial with a heap of different variety’s from Diggers to see what worked best where I am. Not sure exactly what I’ve ended up with after all these years 😂😂 but I’m thinking it was either Mammoth Purple or Melbourne Purple from memory… I just kept keeping the biggest bulbs every year for seed stock. Everything just sort of happened how it should this year but the two major contributing factors I think were a new position with full sun all winter and then consistent watering through to the end of the lifecycle to allow the bulbs to fatten right up. ✅✅ yew!!

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 17/12/2023

Beast!! (Warning - bad boat words) I was ridiculously lucky to jump on a mates boat a couple months ago and be a part of a team chasing these mythical creatures. I thought we were just going to chase top-water GT’s.😂 We put in some solid days. Magic!! Never failed to amuse me watching flying fish dash into the air and glide to the next wave. Sharks. Wahoo. Awesome experience. We leadered this big girl a couple times and got a good look at her and at about the 50min mark of the fight the leader got bitten through and she was free. ❤️ Thank you for letting me lay eyes on you, you magnificent creature. Thanks again to Tony and Ash. Fish of a lifetime. Thinking of everyone in Far North Queensland at the moment with this crazy flooding. Hope everyone is staying safe. Magical part of the world.


Red carpet at last week. Always great seeing these guys. I was bloody stoked to see and nail an award with . Myself, and didn’t take home any chocolates but it was a great evening to be a part of. Got to cross paths again and watch weave his magic on stage. And the other acts on the night , and all produced captivating performances. Check em out if you ever get the chance. You won’t be disappointed. It was great to see a snap shot of all the movers and shakers in the SA music industry for 2023. Aaaand of course😂 was frikken awesome. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻… I want to extend a very, very heart-felt Thankyou to all of you, listeners and supporters of my music. Many of you, since I was a little tacker. You literally held me up for that finalist spot. I felt like a winner anyway with so many really genuine messages of love for my music. Warm fuzzies. So Thankyou so much. It can be very hard work at times. Albums require so much effort and resources, I nearly cringe, when it’s time to book-end another body of work. 😂 but it is quickly replaced by excitement and satisfaction when the jobs done. I’ve always been strangely comfortable with the whole idea music was going to be with me for life, I just needed to work out how to balance it and manage it WITH life. Protect it when it was required and let it fly when the opportunity presented itself… Put it down when it needed… put it down when I needed… and to be always ready and prepared for the quiet whispers and hints of a new song, to tempt me into its creation… follow the bread crumbs… Music has always been a blessing in my life and as I’ve grown older I’ve realised just how many people I’ve met because of it. And those people have become blessings too. And no greater example than the mates who help me present in band mode. The mates I get to jam with. The mates I get to watch perform. It’s all about the music and it’s all about the feelings. Thankyou to for all of her support and encouragement when my battery light has come on and I need to be told to rest. 😂❤️

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 01/11/2023

😳 - Thankyou!!! 🙏🏻 Massive thanks to everyone who voted for me in the “People’s Choice Award”, in the Folk Category, for this years . I’m about x10 as stoked as I look in the above photo. 😂 I was notified today that I’m a finalist!! So I’ll be attending the awards next Wednesday night at the Woodville Town Hall. Little bit excited actually. As you’d expect, there’s going to be plenty of music to enjoy. I’ll get to catch up with a heap of people I don’t see often enough, celebrate the state’s music industry, AND!!!… get to watch Paul Kelly play and be inducted into the South Australian Music Hall of fame!!!… that’s going to be a cool moment in time to witness. ❤️❤️… there are still General Admission tickets available if you want to check it all out… can’t imagine tickets will last long with the Paul Kelly announcement… Yew! Yew! 📸 -


… believe it or not, I usually prefer to fly under the radar… stay a bit blurry… I’ve never been very comfortable with attention… I’ve always loved music for as long as I can remember. Listening to it. Playing it. Writing. Watching and being inspired by other musicians. I’ve met some amazing people because of music… I managed to solve my stage shyness by being a drummer for much of my early years. I could hide behind my cymbals, harmonise lead vocals… just focus on the music… block out the crowd, as rude as that sounds.😂 But music actually forced me to grow to deal with being looked at… anyway long story short… the nomination for the People’s Choice Award in the Folk section is anything but flying under the radar. 😂😂 … but music is magical… and I’m actually already really, truely, stoked with how many of you have already voted and sent me messages. Really, really appreciate it. Creating music can be a very tough slog at times… so… voting closes at midnight, Sunday night. So this is the final call! Thanks heaps for all the votes already. 👍👍Hope everyone is having a great weekend. ❤️

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 11/10/2023

😳 It’s been a big 12 months!! On reflection, probably my biggest in music ever. And it just got bloody bigger and the potential to be completely off the charts!!! I’m a nominee for “People’s Choice Award” in the 2023 SA Music Award’s!!! Thats huge for me… it kind of… pains me to ask a favour… but it comes down to votes from you guys at the end of the day. So if you got along to a gig this year, viewed one of my recent film-clips or my music brought you some enjoyment, click on the link in my bio and please drop me a vote. It would mean the world to me. Much thanks in advance. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 📸 -


Playing at the Italian Club, Coober Pedy tomorrow! I won’t be singing the national anthem or anything for the Grandfinal but I will be half time entertainment and a couple brackets after the final siren. Yeeewwww!!! Had an awesome day checking out the sights. 👌🏻👌🏻
📸 - Super Mooning at The Break-Aways with tour guide and 52 million flys. Actual Outback Australian Magic.


Kimba Show this weekend! Then I’m off on a little road trip to Coober Pedy on the long weekend to play some tunes on AFL Grand-final Day more details on that soon. Oh! and thanks again for helping me launch “Coffee” the other day. ❤️🙏🏻


Hey guys! How’s everyone going?! I’ve got a little filmclip I’m going to drop for another tune off the recent album. Can ya guess which one?… I make out I can speak Indonesian for one word… that’s the hint. 😂😂… as usual… to help with the algae-rhythms I’ll run a little comp, to help with visibility and help get the video out there. Probably just like a “Tag a mate”, share, scenario… Thanks for all the help and once again thanks for supporting my musical endeavours. A couple public gigs later this month that I’ll announce soon. But until then… stand-by for filmclip drop. 🙏🏻👍😁


🩵 First time back in the water in ages… got a great “welcome back” too!! 🐬 The giggles say it all. 😂😂 We are so lucky. 🙏🏻 🎥 - Got a new filmclip bubbling away that I’ll be releasing soon. So keep your eyes peeled, I might run a little give-away comp. so you can help me give it a good launch. 🩵🙏🏻


Love playing this song with the full band. It gets big… but solo its a favourite of mine too. LOVE the strings on the recording. “Inhale” off my second album, “Joshy Willo and The Kestrals. Streaky Sounds


Fundraising Event next month at for , raising funds for . A free Community Event but bookings are essential, so if you want a table get in quick and book it. 👌🏻👌🏻


I drive much smaller tractors in my day job, gardening, these days😂 … but they’re still fun… a bit like if you’re a Holden person or a Ford person, farm equipment is usually a bit the same. Red(Case), Green (John Deere) etc… but I’m a bit of both… I drove Green tractors and I use to drive a Red (Case), Header(Harvester). Started in a 17foot open front, 725 when I was about 16… so I don’t mind either makes really… but I will say, when it comes to trucks, I’m Mack. 😁💪🐶… came up with plenty of lyrics doing bulk hours in trucks and on tractors and headers… lots of time to yourself… chuffed with this little ride on mower. Mainly private gigs the next couple months… but I’ll try video a couple songs here and there to send some tunes your way. 👌🏻❤️ Few newys on the cooker that I need to buckle down on… stripped back nylon string tunes seem to be the flavour that are emerging at the moment. Loving the breathy, woodiness of the nylon string guitar. “Nothing Runs Like a Deere”😂👌🏻


I’ve got a little break from music this weekend… so I’ve been in gardening mode. ❤️ I’ll take you for a little walk tomorrow if I get organised… haven’t shared any gardening for a bit. Hope everyone’s staying warm this weekend and tuning into the netball tonight. Yeeeww!!! Get em !! 📸 -


…well… what… ummm… what to say… that was a magical few days. Getting to watch a bunch of genuine and lovely, and phenomenally talented musicians, enjoy and experience the Eyre Peninsula that I love. Getting to watch my fellow EP humans absorb the various styles and artists, in their home towns. I got to be a local, a musician, a sound tech and a tour guide and I loved it. As a musician I always find myself inspired and in awe, watching fellow musicians go about their business. It’s an education, as much as it is a thrill. Parting ways this morning was actually really hard, but we all got souvenirs. 😁❤️ massive thankyou to literally everyone. Special.


is everywhere on Eyre Peninsula this weekend! A weekend I look forward to every year now. We’ve been super lucky that it has become a regular event and that it drags so many amazing artists out to our home towns. We are well accustomed to travelling large distances to catch festivals and our favourite artists… it’s great to have them on our doorstep! So vote with your feet and get down and support a show near you to help maintain the momentum… Elliston is all go Saturday night with an awesome array of music so let’s get around all the visiting artists and show em how much we love our music here. ❤️❤️❤️ I’ll catch you for some diddly’s Friday night, Cleve. 👌🏻 I’ll have some beanies and maybe a spoon or two in tow. 😂👍


Full Version of “Goin’ Wide”. Language warning. 😂 Fresh off the top of my cranium this one... these 2 fishing tunes have pirate words and are rough as guts really but they are kinda fun so wanted to share them. Good chance they won’t make it onto an album. So this is their little time to shine. “The King” song, I’ll pop up tomorrow night... there’s been a few people asking for that one.😂

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 23/06/2023

…pretty solid night. 😂😂 🎣 🐟🐡🍤🐠🍣 … I was successfully inducted into a fishing association this year. One of my life’s finer achievements… I…. think.🤔… not sure… my application was basically a song about catching Kingfish. 😂😂

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 22/06/2023

It’s that time of year again!!! Yeeww!… is coming to Eyre Peninsula. Visiting heaps of towns. Ceduna, Streaky Bay, Elliston, Tumby Bay, Cleve and Port Lincoln! And I’m stoked to be playing in Cleve on the 30th of June with a heap of artists. A Massive line up is hitting the road and can’t wait to watch , (just to name a few!!), rip a hole in it!!! Get amongst it guys. It’s gonna be bloody awesome!!! ❤️ 📸 -


Whooooooweeee!!!! was off the charts!!! I was thinking 600-700 tickets would be a great outcome… 1100 through the door!! Fantastic result! There is so much risk and effort put into these sorts of events and the organisers, volunteers, punters, food vans, all the backstage crew, sound engineers… all nailed it. It was a super relaxed vibe backstage and you can just feel everyone’s on their game. , Sharon Moore, and bloody smashed it!! I loved it from both sides of the stage. Thankyou to everyone who got behind it and supported the event. I’ve been so fortunate this year to get a guernsey to a few events like this and I’m always really grateful for the opportunity. It’s an absolute honour to play in front of such crowds and I never take it for granted. It’s one of the best and most unexpected feelings in the world to feel that your music is welcomed into peoples lives and that people utilise it in sometimes medicinal ways. It takes on a completely different meaning when you create something that might help someone you might never meet in person. That’s the magic of music. It has a way of finding you, when you need it. So thank you for the memorable weekend and see you all again very soon… ❤️😉


Beanies have rocked up!! Yeeewwww!! Quite a few are spoken for, but if you want one yell out asap as the rest are going into the Merch tent at Sunday! They are 100% Australian Merino Wool. Super warm. And $50 each. Hope everyone has a great Long Weekend and I’ll be seeing quite a lot you Sunday at Streaky Bay. 👌🏻👌🏻


Sorry for the delay in drawing the comp!! Thanks for your support and enthusiasm! Heaps of entries!! The winner of the x2 tickets and a Joshy Willo vinyl or CD are…… (who tagged in Emma Dolling as her number 2). Congratulations guys!! I’ll be in touch with how you can grab your tickets. Thank you all and see ya soon!

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 01/06/2023

Sooo…. Did you want to win X2 tickets for on the June Long Weekend? We are running a competition where all you have to do is tag a friend on this post to be in the running. I’ll also be throwing in a copy of my new album, into the prize pack, in your choice of vinyl or cd…. So tag away!… and don’t forget to like the post… Thanks for the support and can’t wait to play. Cheers!


Looooong Lunch tomorrow in Port Lincoln! .
I’ll be playing an array of varied, food-themed, compositions including Harry Nilsson’s “Coconuts”, and a cover of the Joshy Willo newby “Pineapples and Coconuts”🤔😂, the Jens Lekman “Avocado Song” and the vintage “Froggy’s a Rockstar”, if amphibians are more your thing … Heaps on for the day!! Stay warm. Hope everyone prepares appropriately over the next 24hours, for an awesome day. Preparation Prevents —— Poor Performance. Yeeeww! 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

📸 -


Love it when ideas come together. ❤️ Very special project this one. Now in position, in a place close to my heart. 😢


Ahhh…. STORM in Coffins Bay feels like years ago now.🥲😂. 📸 👌🏻… BUT!! Yew!.. I’m having a strum at on Sunday the 28th of May. I’ll be playing at the again… it got super busy last year so get organised. Carb-load and hydrate appropriately for a rather loooong afternoon of mingling and all-round, general good times. Tactical H20’s are encouraged throughout the day. Look after your fellow humans and we will get through. 👌🏻👌🏻 In other news! We did miss out on the top gong for music videos at the recent Australian Cinematography Awards in Sydney with “Time Counts Differently”, but what a blast just getting there really!!
Also! Merino Wool Beanies, through have been ordered! Thanks to everyone for their preorders.👌🏻👌🏻 They should be bloody awesome! See you all soon. 💙👍


So I’m not wearing a beanie here… but I should be. It’s cold. 🥶😂 All my “Joshy Willo and The Kingfishers”, certified Australian Merino Wool beanies sold out recently so I’m looking into doing another run of them. Once again with the help of Emily of . Great quality. Looking at a light Khaki option and a dark navy option in a plain style. They will be $50 with postage added if that’s required. The plain ones last time were super warm. And I wear a plain, clay coloured one most days at the moment and don’t abuse myself too much for wearing my own merch😂. DM or comment if you’d like me to put your name on one. Like usual, if I get the interest straight up, I’ll pull the trigger on a minimum number order. Because I’ve got a sick obsession with quality(Australian Merino wool) and affordability, the profit margin on these kinda of exercises is tiny. I just like having good gear out there. 👌🏻👌🏻🔥❄️☃️🌨

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 04/05/2023

Please excuse the brag 😂, but the “Time Counts Differently” videoclip is a finalist for National Awards for Cinematography (Music Video) this Saturday night in the Crystal Ballroom at Sydney’s Luna Park, compèred by the irrepressible Ray Martin! of Alice Springs Film and Television, was the mastermind behind the video and I’m super thankful that he was keen to get on board with putting together a suitable clip for a little tune of mine. I’ve been so lucky with how this song has been received it’s already got a couple awards under it’s belt. It has been a favourite right from the start of the creation of the third album. It’s swimming with big fish Saturday night. Film Industry standard, cinematography, so really I’m taking a win out of it even getting there.😂😂whoop whoop!! Good luck Saturday night Chris. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


What a night!! Thankyou to all the band. Macca, Benny, , , Miller, Womby and Beamzy. and on the merch table. Alan and all his mob for a great job on the sound. Lower Eyre Council and for putting together the weekend. Massive amounts of work goes into these things. Big shout out to from Lower Eyre Council, doing a great job of planning and executing the event with all her helpers. Thanks to all the volunteers too. And sponsors for helping get this sort of thing off the ground. And finally the punters!! I couldn’t believe it. 500 tickets sold out more than a week before the gig, then a further 50 were released. Gone… then another 100 were made available on the day of the event and they disappeared in a matter of hours. Plus around a 100 VIP tickets. So approximately 750 tickets sold! Madness! Thanks for getting behind it all with so much vigour. The light show was fantastic! I’m wrecked but still buzzing. 😂😂 Absolutely love playing in full band format and you guys, the crowd, really kept us in great spirits. Had heapsa fun!! We felt so appreciated. And all the vids, photos and messages I’ve received today have been amazing. Thankyou so much. Hopefully see you all soon. 👍👍 with the crazy photos of the night. 📸 I’ll post a few more as the week progresses. 👍👍❤️


… I’ve been trying to work out what to say about how overwhelmed and appreciative I am to be a part of “Baylight”, this Saturday night in Coffin’s Bay, in conjunction with Lower Eyre Council and Thankyou all so much for the support and enthusiasm with selling out the tickets to this night almost a week ago!!! Awesome commitment I’m actually completely blown away. 550 tickets and another 80-100 VIP tickets at last check(I think there are a few of these tickets still available.🤔). I love playing as a band with a whole heap of long time mates and muso’s I look up too. Benny Taylor. Beamzy, Womby and Miller on horns. And the fantastic on backing vocals. And also other awesome acts on the night, .
Can not wait!!! The “Storm”, light show is going to be amazing too. Thankyou soo so much for all of you who have grabbed tickets. I’m really sorry to many who have missed out, I didn’t see this happening either. 😳 And also a massive Thankyou again, to all the mates helping me present music from all 3 of my Albums. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Rug/layer up! It’s going to be cool. And bring a rug to sit on… we are going to start gently but there will definitely be some tunes to warm you up later in the set. I will have a merch table with albums on cd and vinyl, if you want a souvenir for the evening, and I’m throwing in some carved timber spatulas/spoons for those who have been following my timber-orientated adventures. Be quick on those. 👌🏻👌🏻 See you all soon! 😁😁🎵 Heapsa love. 🙏🏻❤️


COMPETITION…💥 Win yourself x2 Tickets to BAYLIGHT - Coffins Bay, Saturday the 29th of April and a signed copy of my latest Album “Joshy Willo and The Kingfishers”, on the Vinyls. I’m playing with full band which I’m super excited about. And there’s playing as well!!! Yeww!! All you have to do is like the post and tag a friend… and if you share it on your socials/storys that would be awesome too, to help me get the word out. Thanks heaps!!! Tickets are actually going really strong for Saturday night and it’s actually looking like it’s nearly gonna sell out which is fantastic. About 400 tickets sold already which is nearing capacity. If you want to go, get your tickets asap to avoid missing out. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 I’ll have merch available on the night if you want to get your hands on a hard copy (CD/Vinyl) of the latest album. Cheers!!! See yas soon!!


The inaugural is on this June long weekend in Streaky Bay!!! A few big names yet to be announced and it’s sounding very cool already. Give the festival page a like to keep updated on the latest drops. Photo credit to the man , always trying to get my good side. 😂👌🏻👌🏻 Lots on the go in the coming months. Local Committees all over Eyre Peninsula are working their guts out (🤔😂- 🐊 jumped up and bit me) to put events like this together. Get behind em, and we can help these sorts of endeavours gather momentum into the future. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Cheers for the invite . 👍❤️


No fish around. 😉… might as well come down to the . I’m starting at 2ish EST(Elliston Standard Time). Happy Easter everyone!


…. the long weekend went thatda way. 👈🏼…. Great Saturday gig at .tumby . Lots of friendly faces. Amazing venue location.. Even got a little jam in with an ole mate, Steven Murray, at the end of my third bracket. 😂👌🏻Haven’t seen him in years! I used to drum for him and another fella, Kev Lymn, yeeeeears ago. Both bloody phenomenal musos and good humans. A shocking pattern is occurring where I’m selling more carved timber spatulas than albums at gigs…😂 concerning? Maybe… 🤔😂 Got a long overdue paddle in at my favourite place this morning.💙 Nothing like a good soak. I hope everyone had a bloody fantastic long weekend getting amongst this gorgeous Autumn weather. I’ll admit I did try to minimise my exposure to socials as the annual Elliston migration to occurred over the weekend. 😂 and it hurt a little bit not partaking.
📸 -

Photos from Joshy Willo's post 10/03/2023

I’m playing at .tumby tomorrow! Heeeeaaps on! Fishing comp. Fun Run. Great Southern Reef Workshop. Fringe shows… flash cars. Art…. Music!… I’ve barely scratched the surface… I’ll be playing a couple brackets. See you there. Hope everyone has an awesome, refreshing and safe long weekend. 👍👍👍 Yeeww!!


Woke up early this morning and there was that beautiful light rain. No wind. Kinda mild…. Smelt amazing… moisture on dry earth… and the light scent of the ocean which told me the wind was already around in the West… damn I love Autumn. Went down to practice some songs and found myself practicing this song “Rain”, off the new album, and thought I’d see if I could capture the light rain on the tin roof… it’s there… but very faint. Still got morning voice… and look a bit haggard 😂 but ya get that. 😂 And you might hear a bird on the roof tap dancing at one point, my smirk gives it away. Beautiful morning. Hope you’ve had a great weekend. I’m having a strum at .tumby next weekend, which should be fun!! 😁😁 Cheers to Autumn!


Saturday was once again, a fantastic community event! Massive amounts of work go into these shows and it looked to be all hands on deck everywhere I looked. Well organised transport between venues. Good people. Beautiful little town. Congratulations to the community and committee for nailing yet another “Tasting Arno” and massive thanks to everyone who attended and got amongst the amazing food and festivities! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thanks for having me along with the myriad of other artists on the day. Big shout out to Ken and Michele for sharing their stage. 👌🏻👌🏻


is on tomorrow! I’ll be having a strum at Turnbull Park! Come down and say g’day! I’ll be playing some originals off the new album and will have all the usual albums CDs/vinyl available if you want to souvenir any of them. I may also have a handful of wooden spatulas/spoons with me too. Catchas there… I’ll be attempting to eat my way through a few venues in between my brackets. 😂👍 mmmm… food. Safe travels and have a great weekend! 👍👍 📸 - Robert Lang Photography

Videos (show all)

… ahhhhhhhhhhh… (looooong, slow, exhale)… new filmclip drop scheduled for Sunday Morning… set your alarms… actually nah ...
🩵 First time back in the water in ages… got a great “welcome back” too!! 🐬 The giggles say it all. 😂😂 We are so lucky. 🙏...
Love playing this song with the full band. It gets big… but solo its a favourite of mine too. LOVE the strings on the re...
Full Version of “Goin’ Wide”. Language warning. 😂 Fresh off the top of my cranium this one... these 2 fishing tunes have...
Whooooooweeee!!!! @streakysounds was off the charts!!! I was thinking 600-700 tickets would be a great outcome… 1100 thr...
Beanies have rocked up!! Yeeewwww!! Quite a few are spoken for, but if you want one yell out asap as the rest are going ...
Love it when ideas come together. ❤️ Very special project this one. Now in position, in a place close to my heart. 😢
Woke up early this morning and there was that beautiful light rain. No wind. Kinda mild…. Smelt amazing… moisture on dry...
“Old Man” - Neil Young
Alright… I promise I’ll do a music post soon. 😂😂 Tomorrow night, I promise I’ll record a music studio vid of a tune. But...
A handful of these spoons are available if you have left your Christmas shopping a little late. 😂🙋‍♂️ Send me a DM if yo...
“Dirty Love” by Mt Joy. This song was requested after my last cover song vid. Has just taken me a while to post it. 😂😂 T...