Laura Johnson

Laura Johnson

human behaviour and intuitive business strategist - master in bringing out the things we hide within.

Laura Johnson is a intuitive behaviour and wealth strategist, business coach and master in bringing out the things we hide within. She has this unique ability to effortlessly see how things need to unfold and expand before her: whether it is business or personal, she sees through the filters that people hide behind and unravels the threads leading them towards their highest potential. Laura absolu


This is me before all the programming and conditioning stole my shine... Before I forgot what I’m truly here for and had to fight to be loved unconditionally

Well this ones a little deep but here goes
Clearly I am being called to step into a whole other level of vulnerability and well I know I've held back
I've been in the fire, quite literally and coming out the other side with an inferno inside me to share the things

I struggle to ask for what I really need, want and desire - actually I’d much prefer to walk away
In every single area! There I said it!
It's been an interesting observation of settling, losing control, regaining a semblance of balance, only to completely demystify everything I thought I knew

The biggest realisation: I have been scared 'what if I can't have it! Or what if it can just be taken away because I don’t comply?
What if I'm not worthy and deserving of what I really want!’
In business, life, relationships etc
(Ok that one HURT!)
Oh don't worry I was judging myself too!

As confronting as it is to admit that you don't have all your s**t together
It was THIS kind of work that made me dive DEEP
I had been accepting what wasn't even close to what I desired!
But it ALL makes sense NOW
It made me see just how the programming and conditioning around money was a direct correlation to the level of wealth in every single area of life
Why we feel stagnant and unable to bring things to fruition and more importantly why we allow ourselves to settle for so much less than we know we are capable of!
S**t I had even doubted that I was deserving of the things that I wanted because of these elemental imbalances!

I can't even begin to describe the expansion that is evolving before my eyes as I prepare to unleash
The Mystagogy - into the world
As I delved into bringing this to life I quickly seen the sheer power of what I’d been called too
Only to retreat to allow her to find her feet
You know you need this if you are literally feeling constriction around life
I am calling a very small group of people who want to uplevel their ability to receive and know that they are here for so much more
So all I really have to say is if you know you have been half arsing what you desire when it comes to wealth then this is not to be missed

It is a journey to FULL alignment and elemental alchemisation of your personal programming and conditions around wealth creation.

More details incoming but first check out this sweet princess who seen the world very differently from the very beginning.


The pendulum swings uncontrollably
You’ve lost your way
Weighed down by pressures to be there by now
Who decided where there was anyway?
To show up in a certain way
To be making a level of income
To be creating an impact in the way you dreamed
What if it’s all irrelevant
What if you’re here to disrupt everything you thought you knew
to BE here and present right now
And your purpose is to create outside
What you once perceived as the norm!
Doing it everyone else’s way
Depletes us

I was operating on autopilot
Robotic even
Deeply entrenched in the right way to do things
Until I realised the imbalance it created within
Operating behind the veil I couldn’t see
I’d mistrusted my internal guidance
Until I delved deep within, it no longer felt right
time and time again being shown just how detrimental the illusions were
Yet how to break free?
What was the path forward…..
I knew there was a more aligned way
I was left depleted giving all to everything and everyone else
The strings holding me back started to break
Everything unraveling as I pulled the threads
Veiled misconceptions masked as spirituality
Misconstrued idealism tainted as divinity
none of it truth
I had to ask- is that what it takes?

Desperation is the very thing that kills purpose
Often causing those to seek solitude in sources unbecoming of self or service
Often we find ourselves tolerating more than we should, longer than we should
Accepting things that are not congruent
Giving our power outside of ourselves

Everything always falls into place
Maybe this time it’s YOU who lands on your feet
I get it, it’s like you’ve been
Knocked off your perch
The one you thought was comfortable…
Yet let’s face it
You’ve been holding back through fear and doubt
This is YOUR precipice point
Will you trust in your ability to spread your wings
Learn to fly and take this moment right now
It IS the moment!
A choice to fall or fly
You’ve held up those pedestals for so long
What’s left when you look around and see them falling like dominoes
Your only way forward is to BACK to self!

I've always had the ability to see through a persons words/actions
Disciphering fact from fiction
I'll log it as a point of reference with a knowing smile
Bringing an awareness within
This is evolution, expansion even
It requires us to get real with ourselves
Sometimes bringing light to the things we need to see, feel and express
I’ve said it a million times
If I’d known what a rollercoaster this ride was I’m not sure I would have strapped in 🥴
And I doubt I’d have chosen some of these gifts
Yet I have a complete inability to settle,
Admit defeat and back down
Here we are riding through the storms
I see through the bulls**t we tell ourselves and the facade we try to portray

What do you really want and what are you willing to do to get it?

There is a level of expansion within you
Your truth
Your purpose
The very things that fire you up
Not what is right or expected
It simply IS
The reality is YOU can’t hide behind the veil
what’s in your heart demands to be seen and heard
Unveiling the depths of passion within your soul
I’ve said it so many damn times and I’ll say it again
Most of us just want to skip to the good part
But you can’t circumnavigate the inner work!
It simply won’t let you!!

Where are you sabotaging your ability to see through your own s**t?
Portraying a certain reality yet leaving a trail of destruction in your wake
I watched “The fall from grace” more times than I care to divulge
Being sold a fabrication of what it takes to be successful
What do you really want and what are you doing to keep yourself accountable?

Is that what it takes to succeed?
A level of arrogance and spiritual narcissim at the cost of others!
Surely NOT
I wondered if I should speak out
my experiences have shaped me
What people would say if they knew
The perception vs the reality
What is portrayed to the world yet in reality is far from it
The great deception
But I’m also immensely grateful to have my eyes wide open and be connected to the deepest intuitive knowing within me that actually NO that’s not what it’s all about
The experiences I’ve had are to bring light to the shadows
It’s time to get honest with what it takes
Why aren’t we talking about this?

It takes a level of support, knowledge and maturity to commit to build your own business without losing your morales and ethics along the way
We’ve all heard the stories about it being mindset, strategy, implementation, Coach-ability or your training
Truthfully it IS about all of those things
And so much MORE
It takes YOU
It takes a multitude of things to uncover the core essence of who you’re here to be
It takes a willingness to get fu***ng real and ask yourself the hard questions, without accepting half answers
It takes an ability to dig deep within and allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to admit you’ve got something more to share
And to share it freely
Where are you trying to circumnavigate the inner work?

What I’m seeing is this attitude of
‘Just keep swimming, just keep swimming’
I call it the dory approach in an effort to just keep going yet have no map or place of reference for where you started
Often even forgetting why you even want to do all of this ‘stuff’
I’m not talking about your big why or a curated elevator pitch
I’m talking about YOU what motivates you
What’s it all for and how’s it serving you
It sure as hell isn’t for the fun of taking yourself through the dirt time and time again
What if the ego is to hold up your emotional boundaries instead of the thing that keeps you stuck?

What if the way forward was to step into a level of certainty within yourself and fully express your gifts without holding back….

It’s this moment now
To uncover your unique expression, recalibrate your business AND step into a level of flow which cherishes you
It doesn’t have to be hard
It gets to be easy when we are clear on what we want
I have 3x 1:1 spots opening up at the end of this month
You and me 3 months
This is not your typical space where I come in with a pre designed strategy and you implement Together we look at what is working for you and what isn’t
What areas are stagnant and need a little shake up so that you feel aligned again
Bridging the gap between where you are and who you desire to be in life and business
I have a unique way of seeing the gaps in to bring in the very essence of you while recalibrating the emotional body to create what YOU’RE desiring
I’d said I wasn’t stepping back into the ‘intuitive business coaching’ space but clearly the universe had other ideas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it feels sexy and very different to be bringing in intuitive business guidance with a little strategy and structure
Personally I live by structured flexibility in that I can flow with what my soul wants and desires while having the systems in place to know what to tick off the list

If you want to know more let’s chat
This experience is unique to YOU
And I’m flipping excited to see what we can create together

Be You Be Unique

Laura Johnson


Written a year ago and yet still packs a punch when you need the reminder of just how far you’ve come
The plans didn’t go to plan and the reality shifted quickly but the chance to evoke massive change comes from within when you face it all without the veil to hide behind

There will always be stories
There will always be the truth
There will be those who can take responsibility for their actions and those who don't, some things can be manipulated and other things are blatantly obvious right in front of you but we don't want to see it
Often delusions will tell a story which have no capacity to receive the truth

When it comes to business there are literally very few rules that are non negotiable everything else is up to YOU...

Personally a few of my non negotiables are:
✨ How you treat your people - good staff who are treated well will stay with a business
Another is about business viability
✨ Your business is NOT viable if your expenses outweigh your revenue
✨ Be in integrity with the work you put to the world
✨ Be impeccable with your word
✨ Set a standard that surpasses what you expect of others
✨ Under promise Over deliver

I've allowed myself to be severely affected by a couple of these out of compassion and misplaced trust!

Yes even in spiritual businesses SOME business facts remain!

You can’t say that!
Actually yeah I can…
Why - because it has reminded me of my strengths in business and how impactful I have been over the years in businesses both mine and others, in bridging the gap that's often there between spiritual and business!

So I will say a couple of things that I tend to ask some clients:

Where are you deceiving yourself?
Pretending that you've got your s**t together
Yet the reality is you're operating from lack and scarcity bulls**tting yourself into believing you're working on your s**t!
Deluding yourself that the way you are operating IS in integrity and everyONE else is to BLAME
Playing the victim of circumstance

If you have an evil laugh
or think things you just 'shouldn't' say out loud


I’m embracing my inner deviant
Playing devils advocate and literally having fun doing it
I’m done holding back
There are things that need to be said
I'd thought much of what I've seen would blow over
and truthfully I'd once held a fear of the repercussions
I hold myself to an extremely high level of integrity
But the deception has gone too far
It's all completely superficial and people are buying further into the victim story!

I'm giving myself FULL permission
To say what I really think
As I was coming up with titles for something coming
My initial thought was - 'you can't call it that'
Then I remembered something

Expressing myself authentically IS non negotiable

More importantly I started caring about what I needed say in order to heal and the impact I desired to make with the work I do
My inner heretic is vibing with the development

We aren’t here to play into the victim s**t, to hold back while this scenario plays out time and time again
Actually I don't care for it at all
Those who claim they are done wrong when actually they are the perpetrators in their drama
It often takes me a bit to snap but well the rubber band is irreparable

I'm DONE with the BU****IT

It's actually been the unveiling of severe delusion masking reality over perception
I've experienced complete polarities in business and life
As I delved into my story, why I allowed it all to happen and more importantly what is my part
Nothing has meaning until we give it meaning...

I realised how deeply I was embodying 5 element theory and the ability to recalibrate through emotional regulation
The deepening cultivation of embracing Yin and Yang
My gratitude for the work I have done on myself and to hold this body of work within me
It's been the very thing that’s allowed me to heal
From an experience that was not just crippling but brought up a level of trauma I'd not experienced before which impacted so many in its wake emotionally and in business!

What you resist, persists

Sometimes emotional intelligence wins over vengeance
BEing in integrity and choosing what to share and what to keep to yourself
I see your journey
I see the scars that trauma leaves behind
The impact it has created within you
You aren't alone

There is an awakening of the spiritual aspects of letting go of the deception and deceit that's held power over you
De-armouring the glamour
Deceit only serves those who have something to gain
I felt like the entire reality was hidden by a veil of deception
As the spell threads loosened the the inner truth revealed
Something UGLY- the reality of just how toxic it was
The reality was that past life patterns emerged
And the core collapse became obvious

Paving the way for opportunity in immense gratitude and healing
Without this body of knowledge and the experiences I wouldn't be where I am today
It's because of those experiences last year that I see the evolution AND the lack of congruency in the collective
I'm blessed to be beyond the delusion, disintegrating life long patterns of supporting those who didn't deserve my support, compassion or understanding

There is a movement happening globally
We get to create harmony
Come back to self
Certain behaviours are no longer acceptable
There will be those who play the victim
Creating drama in order to thrive in chaos

I choose PEACE
I choose GRACE
The mud just doesn't stick anymore
People will continue to delude themselves into believing THEY are the victims to their own stories
Yet in truth they are the perpetrators claiming that they did everything right!

Whatever your story
Whatever your journey
Know you have a choice to move past the chaos and embody YOUR truth
NoBody gets to rule over YOUR inner authority

Be You - Be Unique

Laura Johnson


oh how the tides have shifted
There was a point that I thought I needed permission
Only to reclaim my inner authority
I was looking for the secret formula to properity and happiness
Having several modalities under my belt
I literally had no idea how to embody the 'processes'
There was a moment that I realised that the 'rules' didn’t apply to me
because I am not going to follow them anyway

Time and time again I would be inspired
only to share it with a coach/mentor
and then feel completely deflated
The internalisation of this being 'clearly I am not good enough' or 'well that was s**t'
I stopped sharing!
Constricting my voice and ultimately went into a state of self censorship
I managed to deflect my inner demons while focusing on how I helped everyone else
Subconsciously I had programmed myself to stop believing in my dreams
and put all my focus into everyone elses

I am so good at what I do that I'd created a void within myself that even I had to dig back out
I was more attuned to creating the magic and simplicity for everyone around me
while asking if it was allowed to use my gifts, training and credentials
I became comfortable wearing a mask

People would tell me how much I'd helped them or how amazing I was at igniting their passion and pleasure while pulling out the hidden magic in business and life
I'd usually get all awkward
but this time it hit differently
This time the tears flowed
I could see the impact I'd created like never before
I really seen ME through their eyes

Rules are meant to be broken
Give yourself the permission you’ve been seeking
The validation you’re asking for comes from your internal knowing
once I would have sort permission
Asked if it was ok
Now I KNOW I don't need it nor do I desire it

I know the power of the work and the magic in the full embodiment of our gifts, passion, pleasure and training to create prosperity, real change and pleasure like we’ve never known
In business
In life
In relationships
This is emotional recalibration
This is the embodiment of elemental wisdom
And this is building an internal muscle that can’t be broken by external validation
No one gets to take that away

Right now I’m releasing the second season of my signature program The Elaborath which is a hybrid of all I’ve learned.
Spend 8 weeks together as we break the mold and release your voice, your magic and your story

Go within & trust who you be
Delve into the vortex of self discovery like never before
Connect withIN, see what you TRULY desire
What you DESIRE is your deepest truth
When we tap into this desire we UNLOCK a state of BEing
From here we CREATE
The time is NOW
Your opportunity to create EXACTLY the life that you desire

Ultimate Self mastery is the key
Self reflection is a must
But SURRENDERING to your inner knowing is the ultimate GOAL
Trusting your interpretation of what you NEED in this moment and opening yourself up to that ONE step, that ONE thing that moves you FORWARD

I take you from this place of BEing to truly Embodying all that you desire within a place that it is ALREADY DONE
A place where all of your dreams are reality
You simply decide and ask for what you want
Are you ready to claim all that you desire?

The Elaborath starts April 22nd with
1:1 spots starting in May
If you want to go on the wait list be sure to message me I’ll only be taking a few people at a time right now.

Be You - Be unapologetically unique

Laura Johnson

Photos from Laura Johnson's post 05/02/2024

Energy Check....
Life is all about a set of decisions, choices and experiences that don't arbitrarily depict the life that we desire
The circumstances that are surrounding yourself with are all a reflection of the agreements you are making with the universe...
What are you allowing yourself to be available for right now?
What do you really want?
Like what is that burning desire within you that you have suppressed

Here is the thing we choose how we react,
we choose our response to the things going on in OUR world
Nothing that is happening in our external world or in the world around us needs to infiltrate our inner world.

Through lockdowns, isolation and at times being emotionally exhausted when I let the external BS get to me... I found ME
I realised that everything that I needed was WITHIN
and that I get to choose what I desire
I stepped into my power and purpose in BIGGER ways than ever before
I found my passion and drive for business again
While finding Self mastery in every area of my life
Saying Yes to myself,
I stepped fully into my strengths and helped support a team fast
The beginning of 2024 has been no different
A new challenge and a new opportunity to rebirth
THIS enabled me to rediscover the fires within that were no longer willing to just smoulder away
That were no longer available to remain hidden, or be a bystander or supporter growing everyone elses dreams and ignoring my own
I actually dreamed again
This isn't about anything that you think you know but everything that you wished you believed about yourself.

The time to really embrace YOU in every area of your life is now
You never know when you impact just one person in the world that their whole life changes through that interaction
You never know how you change through that interaction
So where is your energy at?
What decisions to you need to make right now for YOUR highest and best good?
What's stopping you from saying YES to yourself....

You are more powerful than you ever could have imagined
Own it
DECIDE and take action NOW

*We start February 29th*

BEing YOU..... Unapologetically
My purpose is to Awaken YOU to the next level of who YOU BE.
I AM expansion itselF
Are you aware of your Power?
And you came for such a time as this.
Your Power lives within you.
You have a strength that you breath INTO THIS world and as you do everything moves, there is MORE, YOU ARE MORE!!

That’s All I’m interested in.
The YOU that you came to Be.
The YOU that is MORE
No forces outside of You.
Who are you truly in Your Being.
You are needed in this world.

These sessions catapult You, your desires and all your dreams. Society has diminished these dreams.
We are here to Awaken Your Soul’s Desires
What can change in 4 weeks?
If you focused on YOU!
How you show up in all that you do
What you REALLY desire and what you have been suppressing through fear?
We will deep dive into what you need to expand and ground yourself over the coming months
to be Unapologetically YOU

$333USD *easy payment plans available (3x $122USD) (link in comments)

Pre launch Price
Message me to see if this is singing to your soul
Weekly clearing, drops ins and Voxer support and a weekly drip of where you need to focus to unpack the baggage you've been lugging around and expand into this new version of yourself already
It's here, its up to you and it is time...
Link is in the comments

The time is NOW to STEP fully to BEing MORE

Be YOU Be Unapologetically Unique

Laura Johnson


We've never known a time to be as frank with where we are at and what is really going on for us.

𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙮 𝙞𝙩, 𝙊𝙬𝙣 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙩..

Quit holding onto the past as though it is your badge of honour
and your ONLY path forward, is if everyone knows your value, knows you have paid your dues and sees your worth!

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝘼𝙇𝙇 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙪𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛, 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚!

In my early days of coaching and mentoring we would joke that my inner Thor would come out often - I don't hold back...
But it is always with Love.

I have probably cultivated it a bit over the years in knowing when someone is ready and when they aren't but honestly....
My methodology is simple - dig into the issue and pull it out
I don't skirt around s**t....
I am all for being nurturing but I am not available to argue for the limitations that we impose on ourselves
AND I love that mentors are the same,
even if at the time it doesn't 'feel' that way...
AND I curse myself for asking for that in the first place!

Everything you need is already there, there is a part of you who knows what you need, want and desire as you have already created it
But this version of you is scared to go ALL IN and say

'𝙁𝙐𝘾𝙆 𝙞𝙩, 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙞𝙩!' Because WHAT IF?

This morning I said to someone...
'You are seeking certainty, what if every path you could take, led you where you needed to be? What if no matter what action you took right now, just determined the journey along the way or the scenery as you walked but ultimately - each path led to the place that you desired to be? The place you were meant to be? Regardless of the road you take...'

Here is the thing the majority of people wont take action until they know that this action will get this result!!

𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣

You can have your life mapped out for you on a piece of paper and still HAVE to take action on it!
We can spend every single day..
Plugging into the matrix
Focusing on everything external
and looking to be Angry, Pi**ed and Annoyed, living in Fear
Yet you STILL give your attention to it
Tune IN
and TRUST yourself to know what is right for YOU
To know when you are sabotaging and when you are simple just stuck
Your GUT instinct is ALWAYS right...
Listen to it, without doubt or judgment...

The time to be REAL is NOW
NOW is the TIME for you to embrace YOU
All of YOU
In Everything that you are here to BE
No more excuses
No more BU****IT
You BEing YOU..... Unapologetically
Something is coming
stay tuned around all of this
and I couldn't be more excited to see THIS come to light..

For now I will sign off with..
What do you need to do today to connect to YOU?

Be You Be Unique,

Laura Johnson


It’s all a figment of your imagination
Perceived through life experiences, expectations and emotions…
Delving deeply into the psychology of BEing, how our emotions present at a physical level depicts our neurological process, ultimately everything comes back to how our nervous systems processes information.

How often do you wonder what the F is wrong,
Why isn’t your business working?
Inconsistent energy will bring inconsistent results
Aka if you aren’t creating consistent income and wondering what is ‘wrong’ with you!
It’s your inconsistent energy and ability to receive that’s the issue

Here is the thing…
Mindset and strategy are only A piece of the puzzle!
You can’t mindset yourself out of the funk
Yep I said it
I honestly thought there was something wrong with me
Something I wasn’t getting or understanding
My inner voice reminded me time and time again that 'this' was NOT what was in authenticity
I actually didn’t feel safe receiving and therefore would sabotage at every turn
And then it hit
I was asking for something I wasn’t giving myself
It made me stop!
I realised I no longer needed reassurance
that I wasn't asking permission
Guidance yes but permission no
I spent years outsourcing my inner authority
Everything is part of the story
Part of learning to know yourself deeply without fear of losing it all
Being truly able to move through your own triggers & patterns without projection

As I read the words
‘From the depths of my soul, I cannot hide anymore, I cannot pretend,
I will not alter who I am in fear of what people think’ (Renée Mayne - Hedonistic Holy & Human)
I could no longer deny the deep resonance
Why as women do we wait to be welcomed? Wait to be invited?
Embody the uncomfortable as though it’s ours and part of our growth
Leaving Ourselves feeling unappreciated as though it’s a sacred rite of martyrdom & all part of what ‘we deserve’
This stops NOW!

The moment I realized that I’d been censoring myself I dug deep
I made vows to myself like never before
Speak even though your voice trembles
Share your story despite fearing not being believed
Be, Do, Allow and Ask for the support you desire
Hold the flag out for the things that are no longer negotiable
Quit believing the BS your ego tells you
Break the rules when your soul calls you to
The only way to nourish my nervous system
Is to follow my gut
I didn’t realize this meant ‘living by design’ but clearly I do now
Because what it means to me is to find the edges of what’s my norm and dance between them
it means to listen to my soul even though at times I don’t want too
And it means to follow the guidance from within without outsourcing my thoughts, feelings or beliefs

there is no time like NOW
I’m literally watching the moves be made
The catapult
The truth shall be revealed
It’s humbling
To acknowledge what you deeply desire isn’t what you’ve led yourself to believe
But sooooooo much more

What do believe about yourself that has the power to cripple and catapult you simultaneously?


Beneath your doubts,
Beneath the questioning you have about your abilities
Everything that you NEED to know.. You KNOW..
Trust, Surrender and Let go of the need to CONTROL everything!

I never really cared much about the rules
Rules were made to be broken and ultimately
Who really gives a toss about what is ‘right or wrong’
Energy doesn’t lie
I’d stopped sharing through the chaos and realized
Rather than hide away through fear of projection or judgment
That actually none of that was relevant
Those who choose to judge couldn’t possibly understand the journey, those who project have a mirror to reflect upon and ultimately I choose this path that lights my fire not to extinguish it

As we walk into the energies of the coming days embody what ignites you, release what puts you out and ultimately surround yourself with the love that YOU desire if people don’t SEE you then set them free.

Laura Johnson


Beneath your doubts,
Beneath the questioning you have about your abilities
Everything that you NEED to know.. You KNOW..
Trust, Surrender and Let go of the need to CONTROL everything!

I never really cared much about the rules
Rules were made to be broken and ultimately
Who really gives a toss about what is 'right or wrong'
Energy doesn't lie
I’d stopped sharing through the chaos and realized
Rather than hide away through fear of projection or judgment
That actually none of that was relevant
Those who choose to judge couldn't possibly understand the journey, those who project have a mirror to reflect upon and ultimately I choose this path that lights my fire not to extinguish it

As we walk into the energies of the coming days embody what ignites you, release what puts you out and ultimately surround yourself with the love that YOU desire if people don't SEE you then set them free.

Laura Johnson

Videos (show all)

Embodying the energies of this 8/8 portal
I sat here this morning writing my wealth journeyWhen it all started... I was in complete survival modeI signed up for O...
These past few weeks in my wood element, it has highlighted where I am not holding my boundaries and ultimately negotiat...
From the moment I did the first round through Alchemical Wealth I had no choice but to step into a full expression of my...
We are energetically aligned at a certain level, a certain income  Breaking that glass ceiling feels like it will take '...
There is no turning back when you follow the path towards your purpose It will shake you and shift you until you decide ...
Lets talk about Money, Wealth and Intimacyand how each affects our ability to receive.Yep these are apparently TABOO top...
