Leithal & Co. Design

From where your branding would rather be. Graphic Designer & Maker of things. x

Photos from Leithal & Co. Design's post 23/08/2024

The Art of Bleisure book launch was a vibe ✨

🥂 Congratulations once again to Emma, your energy and zest for life are infectious!

I cannot wait to learn your secrets to running a business, having a family and travelling the world, all while making money at the same time.

This project holds a special place in my heart and soon, on my bookshelf 🥹🥰

Even after nearly four years designing, it is still such a thrill to be able to hold in my hands something that started as an idea, then found its way onto my screen before making its way in the big, wide world. There’s no better feeling!

You can purchase your copy here👉🏼 .au


So excited to share that I’ve been working on a special project! 🎉 I designed the cover for Emma Lovell’s upcoming book, “The Art of Bleisure.”

As a self-confessed bookworm, getting to design my first book cover was a dream come true! ✨

This book is a game-changer for entrepreneurs who want to break free from the traditional 9-5 grind and create a life of balance and adventure. Stay tuned for the launch!


A brand that truly reflects its owner is a powerful thing ✨

Nathan Schmidt, owner of Zamal Projects, perfectly captures the essence of what we do in his recent review.

We believe that a strong brand is built on authenticity and personality. So much more than a buzz word, authenticity helps establish trust and build genuine connections.

So grateful for this amazing testimonial 🙏 Thanks for trusting me with your brand Nathan!

Photos from Leithal & Co. Design's post 01/08/2024

I’ve been diving deep into my strategy and I’m excited to share what’s to come!

Swipe through to discover my vision for this space. Let’s build a community of brand enthusiasts together! 🚀


💬 Fill in the blank!
Be honest.

What’s the biggest “UGH” for you when it comes to your branding and website?

Photos from Leithal & Co. Design's post 26/07/2024

So, I’m a little overdue posting this 😅 am I right?

Designing a brand is like crafting a story - it’s about more than just a logo. It’s about capturing the essence of a business and bringing it to life in every visual touchpoint.

That’s why I love creating mockups for my clients - they’re like little windows into the brand’s world 🪟✨

As a real estate agent, can you imagine gifting your clients a custom-scented candle with a “New Home” fragrance? Or a bespoke bottle of wine to celebrate their settlement? Let’s chat about your dream client gifts! 🥂

What do you think of the new look? ✨


🌅 As the sun sets on another financial year, let’s talk real. We all know the past nine months haven’t been easy for small businesses.

A staggering 7,742 Australian companies entered external administration between July 2023 and March 2024 - a 36.2% increase compared to the same period last year according to ASIC.

🙌🏻 But hey, a HUGE shout out to those who weathered the storm and made it to the finish line!

Here’s the thing: It doesn’t matter if you landed your branding goals this year, or ended up on the wrong flight path. What matters is where you go from here.

👩🏻‍✈️ So, tell me, co-pilot! How are you feeling about your business goals? And, what are your intentions for the second half of 2024?

💬 Let’s chat in the comments, what are your biggest branding struggles right now?



✨ The complete billboard reveals Jo & Chas, the real husband and wife real estate team helping you achieve that dream.

Their warm smiles and “Delivering on the Dream” tagline create a powerful connection and employs a phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance.

💭 Imagining the idyllic lifestyle and status that buying their dream bayside home creates a tension with viewers’ current reality. This motivates them to close the gap, turning their dream into a reality.


🌱 Bayside Bliss: Planting the Seed of Desire

This billboard for Jo & Chas isn’t just a pretty picture! As a branding designer, I know the psychological potency and power of pairing the right visuals with an aspirational message.

❓ But why does it work? It’s about sparking a desire! People crave a life by the water, and this image taps into that deep aspiration.

❗️ But there’s more to the story... (Stay tuned for Part 2!)


🖐🏻 Hold Up, Main Character! Is Your Brand Story Stealing the Spotlight? ✨

💁🏻‍♀️ We all love being the main character, right? As evidenced by my rather extra choice of hat 🤣

But when it comes to sales, that “hero” energy might actually be pushing your audience away.

🦸🏻‍♀️ Here’s the truth: people aren’t interested in your brand as the hero. They want to be the hero of their own story!

👯‍♀️ So, how do you win them over? Become their guide.

✅ Instead of showcasing how amazing your brand is, focus on how you can help them achieve THEIR goals. How can you be the Obi-Wan Kenobi to their Luke Skywalker?

Shifting your brand story from “Look at me!” to “Let me help you win!” is the key to real conversion magic. ✨

Ready to center your brand on your ideal client’s journey?

Let’s chat about how to make them the main character in your sales story!


💥 Big Signs, Big Impact: Why Billboards Still Matter in the Digital Age

In a world of scrolling feeds and fleeting ads, you might wonder if billboards are a relic of the past. But hold on! ✋🏻

Billboards and signage still pack a powerful punch. Here’s why:

✅ Credibility Boost: Seeing a brand plastered across a giant billboard subconsciously tells viewers, “Hey, these guys must be doing something right if they’re willing to invest this much in getting their message out there.” This adds a layer of legitimacy, especially when coupled with...

✅ Social Proof Power: Take Carol Spalding from Remax Results, for example. Her glowing, verified reviews splashed across a billboard alongside her brand, solidify the trust factor. People see others vouching for her services, further strengthening the message.

✅ Unforgettable Impact: Unlike fleeting online ads, a strategically placed billboard catches your eye and stays with you. It’s a constant reminder of the brand, especially in high-traffic areas.

💡 So, the next time you see a billboard, remember: It’s not just an outdated method. It’s a strategic investment in building brand awareness, credibility, and ultimately, driving results.

⚡️ Looking for a powerful way to reach your audience? Let’s chat about how billboards and signage can fit into your marketing strategy!


🫠 Feeling stuck in “So-So” Branding?

We hear you. You’re here, and your vision is waaaaay over there.

You’re probably telling yourself your current branding is getting you by, but deep down, you know it could be SO much more.

🤩 A brand that truly connects with your ideal client, makes you stand out from the crowd, and showcases your amazing offers.

🗺️ Here’s the problem: reaching your Branding Destination can feel like navigating a foreign land without a map. ️

✨ That’s where Leithal & Co. Design comes in!

🛫 Having explored 28 countries (and counting) in real life, and countless branding adventures, we’ve learned the secrets to crafting brands that resonate and avoid the pitfalls of generic design.

🏝️ Ready to ditch the “Meh” and land in your dream branding vacay?

📲 A 15 minute discovery call could change it all! Book yours and start the adventure!


Mums are the glue that hold it all together 🥰

Happy Mother’s Day 💐✨💖


Does Branding Actually Matter? 🤔

Spoiler alert: YES! Here’s why 👇🏻

👀 Visuals are king: 92.6% of people say the visual aspects of a product are the #1 factor influencing their purchase decision (sorry, tastebuds!).
🎨 First impressions matter: People judge a product within 90 seconds of seeing it, and up to 90% of that judgment is based on COLOUR alone.
👊🏻 Colour packs a punch: Studies show that full-color ads are recognised 26% more often than black and white.
🥫 Green sells (sometimes): Heinz famously changed their ketchup to green and sold over 10 million bottles in just 7 months!

Branding is your visual first impression. Make it count! ✨


🙅🏻‍♀️ Ready to debunk a design myth with me?

Word on the street when talking to clients, the perception is that your logo IS your brand identity.

🎫 But… that’s a whole lot of pressure to put on one design! Think of your logo more like your boarding pass - clear, concise, and gets you where you need to go (Read: an earworm that your ideal clients just can’t get out of their heads, without adding to cart).

💥 Truth bomb: Your logo doesn’t need your entire life story crammed in! Visual identity (think: colours, fonts, imagery, messaging) will support your logo, painting the fuller picture.

❓ So, what truly matters for your logo’s success?

✨ Simplicity: A clean design that travels well with longevity.
✨ Distinctiveness: Stand out from the crowd, don’t blend in with generic baggage at the luggage carousel and be lost in the noise.
✨ Suitability: Does it reflect your brand, industry and resonate with your dream clients?

🛫 Ready to craft a logo that speaks volumes (without needing subtitles)? We’re your pre-flight check for a successful brand journey!


Unveiling the Elysian Glow: A Website Designed for Busy Professionals ✨

I’m thrilled to share our latest project - the stunning website for The Elysian Facialist!

✅ A User-Centric Approach for Busy Professionals:

The Elysian Facialist’s vision was to cater to busy professionals seeking a seamless way to achieve healthy skin. We translated this vision into a clean and user-friendly e-commerce Shopify website. This streamlined experience allows users to effortlessly browse The Elysian Facialist’s bespoke facial treatments and extensive skincare product range, all in one convenient location.

✅ Beyond Shopping, Building Brand Connection & Education:

We didn’t stop at just product sales. The website delves into the captivating story behind The Elysian Facialist, fostering brand connection. Additionally, we incorporated educational resources that empower visitors with the science of achieving healthy skin, even amidst hectic schedules.

✅ Technical Expertise Meets Client Needs:

Seamless Integration: We ensured a flawless integration of services and products within the e-commerce platform.
Secure Client Management: To prioritise client safety and optimal results when using medical-grade skincare, we implemented a system requiring account creation and pre-approval by The Elysian Facialist’s experts before product purchases.

✅ Enhanced Convenience:

Gift cards can now be conveniently added to the recipient’s Apple Wallet, and real-time inventory management with visible stock levels empowers informed purchasing decisions.

❓ Ready to Showcase Your Brand Story?

This project exemplifies Leithal & Co. Design’s commitment to crafting story-driven, visually stunning websites that ALSO streamline day-to-day operations for our clients.

Experience the Elysian glow for yourself ✨

Visit The Elysian Facialist at their stunning new clinic located on Salon Lane, West End! They’re currently offering some amazing opening specials you won’t want to miss.

📲 Head over to their website www.theelysianfacialist.com.au to learn more and book your appointment today!


👋 Hey there, Insta fam!

For those of you new to the party, I'm Leith, but my design alter ego is Leithal! I'm the founder and designer behind Leithal & Co. Design, and your one-stop shop for all things branding.

📚 Since I was a kid, I've been hooked on stories. Thanks to my bookworm Mum, fairytales and adventures became aa playground for my imagination, where I could be anyone or anything I wanted to be.

Guess what fuelled this obsession? Yep, you guessed it – drawing! Fun fact, I literally wore out my VHS copy of The Little Mermaid from watching it on repeat and the very first thing I remember wanting to be when I grew up was a Disney animator.

🤔 But here's the thing, as I got older, I could never settle on just one path.

🦖 Archaeologist? Maybe. (Year two dreams)
🩰 Dancer? Definitely!
🎨 Writer, artist, fashion designer – you name it, I wanted to try it all.

School was my happy place, a constant learning adventure where I could explore everything. And the truth is, I didn't want to leave because I just couldn't see one career path that made sense for me...

💡 my epic lightbulb moment, in science class (of all places!). A girlfriend saw me doodling a new and improved cheerleading uniform and marched me straight up to our coach.

Next thing I know, the entire squad is rallying to bring my design to life! Seeing my idea transform from a doodle in a notebook to something real, worn by my squad, was pure magic and I was hooked ✨

💗 You see, that's what I love most about branding. Taking your ideas, your vision, and turning them into something tangible – whether it's a logo, a website or marketing materials that make your business shine. It's like real-life magic for entrepreneurs, and that's what gets me going every day!

So, if you're ready to turn your brand vision into something incredible, let's chat!



Let's be real, folks. This economy is a bit wobbly, and Q1 hasn't exactly been a record-breaker for many small businesses. Clients are tightening their belts, and it can feel scary to invest in yourself and your brand when leads aren't exactly flying in.

But here's the secret weapon you might be overlooking: Investing in your brand can be the very thing that sets you apart in these uncertain times.

Take Lisa, a recent client who's a family photographer. Before working with Leithal & Co. Design, Lisa was converting only about 16% of her clients to upgrade to the full gallery after they saw their photos.

That all changed after Lisa invested in a branding and website upgrade, along with a new client management system. ✨

Suddenly, her brand was polished, professional, and resonated with her ideal clients. On top of that, the streamlined processes made the upgrade experience smooth and seamless. No more length email exchanges or hidden fees – just a clear, easy way for happy clients to invest in their memories.

The result? Her conversion rate flipped! Now, only about 16% of her clients don't upgrade to the full gallery – a huge shift and a direct impact on her bottom line.
Just think what that kind of ROI could do for your business!

Ready to stand out in a crowded market and see real results? Let's chat about how Leithal & Co. Design can help you create a brand that attracts, converts, and keeps your clients coming back for more.

💬 Drop a comment below and tell us: What's your biggest branding challenge right now?


🛫 Big congrats to Lisa Schmidt Photography on her gorgeous, recent website launch!

✨ We helped Lisa take her brand to new heights & streamline her workflow with the full suite of Pixieset offerings.

👏🏻 Now Lisa is not only delivering beautiful photos, but also a seamless client experience!

Photographers, feeling inspired to overhaul your website and systems in Q2?

📲 Book a FREE discovery call with us to chat about YOUR dream website!


Dreaming of a brand that ignites passions and attracts ideal clients? ✨

👩‍✈️ Leithal & Co. Design is your co-pilot on your branding adventure! Follow these steps to prepare for take off as we turn your brand dreams into reality 🛫


❓ Ready to take the first step towards a brand that truly works for you?

Explore our amazing free resources and kick off your branding journey with Leithal & Co. Design!

✨ Download our Free Brand Strategy Workbook: Get valuable insights to kickstart your brand strategy (Link in bio!)
✨ Take our Brand Values Quiz: Visit our website to find out how calibrated your brand compass really is!
✨ Download our Free Guide on the 10 Website Design Blunders That Can Ground Your Small Business


✨ My Mum's wisdom still rings true: "No matter what you're doing, always do it to the best of your ability."

This advice has always stuck with me and served me well in life and business. Especially, when it comes to branding!

While cutting corners on design and messaging may seem like a quick fix, in the long run, a strong brand really is the best business strategy.

Think about it: unique, professional and engaging branding attracts ideal clients, fosters trust, and keeps your business top of mind.

🤔 What are your biggest brand building challenges? We'd love to know!

Photos from Leithal & Co. Design's post 17/01/2024

🥁 Drumroll, please! After months of whispered spices and late-night font debates, Kinara Indian Restaurant's brand identity is finally ready to explode onto the Brisbane restaurant scene!

This hasn't been a solo dance party, though. I've had the absolute pleasure of partnering with the visionary himself, Ranbir and his interior designer, Gunveen. We spent countless hours together, brainstorming, sketching, and debating the perfect shade of terracotta (spoiler alert: there is no perfect shade, okay?).

❤️ But through it all, one thing never wavered: our love for Kinara's heart and soul. You see, "Kinara" isn't just a name – it's a meeting place, a vibrant riverside gathering where stories and laughter flow as freely as the chai.

So, what's in store for you, dear viewers? A visual feast, of course! We've woven together bold colors, intricate patterns, and a dash of modern flair to reflect Kinara's contemporary approach to Indian cuisine. Think tandoor meets typography, spice markets collide with sleek lines – it's an explosion of flavour for your eyes!

📲 And trust me, if you're in the South Brisbane area you'll want to grab table - this restaurant is about to ignite all your senses!

🚀 P.S Check back later this week to see Kinara's new website.


🥳 New year, same me, with one key difference...

🎯 I'm on a mission to become more intentional and strategic about how I do business in 2024.

Don’t get me wrong, I think 2023 was a great year for Leithal & Co. Design, but one question I’m always asking: How can I make this even better?

Here’s what I’m thinking... If I'm being really honest, last year felt chaotic. While I was fortunate to receive steady new business, landing exciting projects and receiving support from an amazing community of women, championing my business.

The structures and processes that had gotten me to 2023, just weren't solid enough to support the pace and volume of work I needed to produce. So I stopped to evalute and take a hard look at how I was doing things.

And this year, I’m choosing not just one, but three words to represent my intention in 2024.

✨ Clarity
✨ Consistency
✨ Calm

🤓 I know, what an alliteration nerd. I've (finally) stopped pretending I can do it all and have invested in help and personal development.

🩷 And I'm loving it! Although, I will say that old habits die hard and planning things that I've always done on the fly is proving to be more of a challenge than I'd hoped.

❓ What's your intention/s for 2024?


🙅🏻‍♀️ If I had to do it all over again. Here’s what I wouldn’t do…

✨ I wouldn’t have doubted my instincts for years about being in the wrong job
✨ I wouldn’t have waited on a global pandemic to decide I was capable of making my dreams come true
✨ I wouldn’t have spent the first three years juggling EVERY. SINGLE. THING. In my business
✨ I wouldn’t have sat in indecision about scaling and introducing additional revenue streams to help me weather the financial ups and downs of business

So much of being a business owner requires us to be uncomfortable, to push past our boundaries and negative self talk, willing a different future that only you can see into existence.

BUT if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that sitting in that discomfort on your own for too long, is really draining.

So, connect with other business owners, find your people, outsource what you can afford and build supports for yourself.

Because, no one else is going to do it for us… We’ve got to be our own fairy godmother and create our own brand of magic ✨

🫶🏻 What’s pushed you outside of your comfort zone lately?


😅 Are you guilty of this too?

📅 As we find ourselves creeping closer towards the end of the year, I decided to reflect on the goals I’d set for myself for 2023 and while I’d ticked off a few things…

There are definitely A LOT of things that are still on here from last year (or the year before that) 🥲😂

I mean, we can’t do it all right?! 🫠

And while good things do take time…

🧻 If rebranding is one of those things that’s been on your to do list since stashing toilet paper was a thing… There’s a good chance you’re not going to get around to it 🤷🏻‍♀️

📝 Our advice - either start charging your overdue to do list items rent, or connect with your trusty co-pilot and cross it off your list for good!

Photos from Leithal & Co. Design's post 30/11/2023

✨ BRAND REVEAL | Lisa Schmidt Photography

🫶🏻 Introducing the vibrant and heartfelt visual identity for Lisa Schmidt Photography!

🌊 Lisa’s vision was to create branding that communicates her love of family moments and representative of her signature shoot style: capturing tender moments against the breathtaking backdrop of the ocean, infused with soft pinky purple hues of sunset.

We developed a slogan which encapsulates the essence of creating beautiful memories that will be treasured for generations to come.

🚀 And set to launch early 2024 is Lisa’s new and improved website with an enhanced user experience and easier access to view and purchase your gallery!

Let us know what you think in the comments 💬


🎤 Mic drop... It's a big call! Here's why it's also true.⁣

Building a brand is about building associations. Showing prospective customers and clients what you stand for, signaling your value and helping them decide whether your brand aligns with their personally held set of beliefs and values.

When laying the foundations of your brand, it's so important to spend time considering:

✨ What you want to be known for?
🧠 What feelings you want to elicit?
🤝 And whether the connection is strong enough to cause your ideal clients or customers to act?

Does your brand represent the adrenaline rush of adventure, the rock-solid foundation of stability, is it a sought-after symbol of status, or the comforting embrace of security?

🧭 Every facet is a piece of your unique puzzle, calibrating your brand compass and ultimately pointing you in the direction of your branding destination.

What distinct traits will resonate most with your audience?


🎙️ This is the final boarding call for Black Friday Bliss!

If you’ve been on the fence about taking a branding expedition, then this is not a drill! Don’t miss your chance to save up to $500 on your branding and website!

🛫 We’re packed and ready for take off, you coming? Comment ‘CYBER MONDAY’ to hitch a ride to your branding destination!


✈️ Checked your inbox? Because we’ve got a ticket here with your name on it!

BUT, Leithal & Co. updating my website is a bit pricey?!

And we get it. It is absolutely an investment and we’re not the cheapest. But this is your brand we’re talking about, do we really want cheap?

And here’s the thing: opting for the cheaper option, is a one way ticket to sad,bad and mad when you’ve got to repeat the process (read: pay all over again) to get the result you’re really after.

Or worse yet, don’t do anything and continue throwing spaghetti at the wall, spending months in indecision, not moving closer to your goals.

We’re offering you the chance to:
✨ Free up your valuable time
✨ Feel more confident
✨ Fall back in love with your biz
✨ AND save money at the same time!

⏳Want to know all the juicy details? There’s still time!

Comment ‘BLACK FRIDAY BLISS’ to get the scoop delivered to your inbox.

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Website refresh magic ✨ After launching their website last year, The Jon Nat Team have seen big changes and they wanted ...
🛫 We all know branding journeys can be thrilling, but sometimes hit a bit of turbulence. 😌 Don’t worry, we’ve got you co...
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🫶🏻 Just in case you needed to hear this today… it’s ok not to get things right the first time around. Whether that’s you...
✈️ Ready to go from confused to clarity? Find out what it looks like working with us as your Co-Pilot in search of your ...
🛬 Heart Dogs have officially touched down at their branding destination! 🐶 Congratulations Kelly, Founder and Photograph...
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Steadfast Bookkeeping Glow Up


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