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V bol'shinstve sluchayev prichinoy lishnego vesa yavlyayetsya nepravil'noye pitaniye. Lyudi s lishnim vesom chashche vsego potreblyayut bol'she energii, chem raskhoduyut. Yest' prostoy na pervyy vzglyad vykhod – nachat' yest' rovno stol'ko kaloriy, skol'ko raskhoduyet organizm, libo uvelichit' fizicheskiye nagruzki. No dlya togo, chtoby eto osushchestvit', mnogim prikhoditsya v korne izmenit' svoy obraz zhizni, perestat' yest' lyubimuyu zharenuyu kartoshku i mayonez, a mnogiye dazhe ne imeyut ni maleyshego predstavleniya o tom, skol'ko kaloriy oni s"yedayut yezhednevno. Itog placheven – lyudi stalkivayutsya s problemoy ozhireniya i ryadom soputstvuyushchikh bolezney. Sovremennoye proizvodstvo produktov pitaniya predlagayet ogromnyy vybor vkusnoy yedy, kotoraya nravitsya mnogim, no polezna li ona? Inogda dostatochno vzglyanut' na sostav, chtoby ponyat', chto yest' eto ne stoit. Diyeta i pravil'noye pitaniye – v chem otlichiye? Diyeta – eto kratkovremennoye yavleniye. Dostatochno posmotret' informatsiyu v internete na etu temu, chtoby ponyat', chto sovremennyy mir soshel s uma na pochve izbavleniya ot lishnego vesa. No deystvitel'no li diyety pomogayut izbavit'sya ot lishnikh kilogrammov? Delo v tom, chto nashe telo vosprinimayet rezkoye ogranicheniye v yede kak stress. Snachala teryayutsya kakiye – to zapasy, no potom, kogda diyeta zakanchivayetsya, ves mozhet vernut'sya nazad ochen' bystro. Khudeyushchiy snova i snova pytayetsya primenit' tu ili inuyu diyetu, popadaya v zamknutyy krug. Vykhod iz etoy slozhnoy situatsii ocheviden – diyety mogut dat' tol'ko kratkovremennyy effekt. Dlya togo chtoby sbrosit' ves i uderzhivat' sebya v khoroshey forme neobkhodimo polnost'yu peresmotret' svoy ratsion, izmenit' pishchevoye povedeniye, zanyat'sya fizicheskimi nagruzkami. Osnovy pokhudeniya bez diyet Umen'sheniye kolichestva zharenogo, sladkogo, muchnogo. Osobogo vnimaniya zasluzhivayut slivochnoye maslo i mayonez – eto ochen' kaloriynyye i, k tomu zhe, bespoleznyye produkty, ot nikh luchshe izbavit'sya vovse. Dobavleniye v ratsion bol'shogo kolichestva ovoshchey i fruktov. Pitaniye kazhdyye 3 chasa nebol'shimi portsiyami. Upotrebleniye chistoy vody po 1,5-2 litra yezhednevno. Fizicheskaya aktivnost'. Eto vazhno! Mozhno pokhudet' i bez fizicheskikh uprazhneniy, no sbros vesa idet, v tom chisle, i za schet myshechnoy tkani. Poetomu, yesli ne nagruzhat' myshtsy rabotoy, oni budut vyalymi, a khudeyushchiy budet ispytyvat' ustalost'. Eti prostyye pravila pozvolyat pokhudet' bez diyet. Odnako nuzhno byt' gotovym k izmeneniyu obraza zhizni na dlitel'noye vremya. Tol'ko togda sbroshennyy ves ne vernetsya.
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Результаты перевода
In most cases, unhealthy diet is the cause of excess weight. Overweight people tend to consume more energy than they expend.

There is a seemingly simple way out - to start eating exactly as many calories as the body consumes, or to increase physical activity. But in order to do this, many have to radically change their lifestyle, stop eating their favorite fried potatoes and mayonnaise, and many do not even have the slightest idea how many calories they eat daily. The bottom line is deplorable - people are faced with the problem of obesity and a number of associated diseases.

Modern food production offers a huge selection of delicious food that many people like, but is it healthy? Sometimes it is enough to look at the composition to understand that it is not worth eating.

Diet and nutrition - what's the difference?
Diet is a short-term phenomenon. It is enough to look at the information on the Internet on this topic to understand that the modern world has gone crazy on the basis of losing weight. But do diets really help you shed those extra pounds? The fact is that our body perceives a sharp restriction in food as stress. First, some reserves are lost, but then, when the diet ends, the weight can return very quickly. Losing weight again and again tries to apply this or that diet, falling into a vicious circle.

The way out of this difficult situation is obvious - diets can only have a short-term effect. In order to lose weight and keep yourself in good shape, you need to completely revise your diet, change your eating behavior, and engage in physical activity.

The basics of losing weight without dieting
Reducing the amount of fried, sweet, starchy foods. Special attention should be paid to butter and mayonnaise - these are very high-calorie and, moreover, useless products, it is better to get rid of them altogether.
Adding a large amount of vegetables and fruits to the diet.
Meals every 3 hours in small portions.
Drinking clean water, 1.5-2 liters daily.
Physical activity. It is important! You can lose weight without exercise, but weight loss is also due to muscle tissue. Therefore, if you do not load the muscles with work, they will be lethargic, and the person losing weight will experience fatigue.
These simple rules will allow you to lose weight without dieting. However, you need to be prepared for long-term lifestyle changes. Only then will the lost weight not return.



Prorizna Street
Worlds End, NSW