Pictures from the artist's studio

Welcome! I'm Serhii Sokyrskyi. This is a gallery of my oil paintings. Enjoy watching! My name is Sergiy, I'm an artist from Ukraine. My Facebook / Sergiy Sokirskiy

This gallery presents my paintings in oil on canvas. All paintings are handmade with the author's signature. If you like my work and you have desire to buy my paintings or have any questions, then write me an email. Usually, the delivery time in the US, Europe or Australia for 12 - 20 days.

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Worlds End, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 10pm
Tuesday 7am - 10pm
Wednesday 7am - 10pm
Thursday 7am - 10pm
Friday 7am - 10am
Saturday 7am - 10pm
Sunday 7am - 10pm

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