Keep Your Balance

Offering a holistic & natural service that helps identify and remove imbalances (stress) in your body



Kinesiology helps with anxiety by:

💪 Muscle testing to obtain information from the unconscious. The unconscious mind and body is where the root cause of your anxiety is.

🧠 Guiding and encouraging you to look at the 'root cause' from a different perspective. We may need to challenge your belief systems about yourself and the world.

🧘‍♀️ Shifting stored emotion (from your body) and supporting your nervous system to bring you back into balance or sense of 'safety'. We do this by working with the acupuncture meridian system.

If you want to know more about how I can help you with your anxiety, please shoot me a message! 🤳


You don't have to 'put up' with it.


We are born into this world as a blank canvas.
We came in believing that we’re ‘enough’ and that the world is ‘safe’ because nothing yet has proved to us otherwise. It’s not until we go through life’s challenges and adversities, without been given the right tools and environment, that we start to think and feel differently about ourselves, others and the world.

The lens in which we see the world now is not by choice or by fault, though in order to heal or live how we want to live - we need to understand and take responsibility for how our mind creates our world now ✨


Happy International Women's Day 💞 To the women that read this - you are beautiful, strong, unique and ENOUGH....just as you are. Don't EVER let the world or anyone tell you any different
💚 Thankyou for being you 💚

Photos from Keep Your Balance's post 06/03/2024

The human minds primary job is to protect us though if we didn't have our needs met as children, this protective mechanism can prevent us from living up to our true potential now. It's never too late to do the work, heal and feel the wholeness and magic in our own lives.


I have noticed in clinic that so many of us hold back, don’t show up as ourselves or don't express our wants and needs because of fear of hurting someone else.

You cannot make others feel pain or feel a certain way. It’s the other person’s thought processes and interpretation of you or the situation which causes them to feel a certain way.

Their interpretation of you is based on their OWN belief systems and how THEY FEEL about THEMSELVES 💁‍♀️

It generally has nothing to do with you so you can’t take it personally or let it dictate how YOU show up.

Let’s look at this from your perspective. If someone judges or criticises you – you can choose to believe them and let it bother you OR you can choose to not let it in and perhaps laugh, shrug it off and be totally fine.

This is not to say that you should be careless about what you do and say to others. This is purely about not letting other people’s feelings get in the way of you being your best and most authentic self 💪🙌

Photos from Keep Your Balance's post 26/02/2024

It's not what happens to us that hurts us - it's the stories we tell ourselves that do 💫


Your body will always choose what is safest, rather than what makes you feel good.

Safe can mean doing what is familiar, like staying in a toxic relationship.
Safe can mean blaming or making yourself wrong, in order to feel a sense of control.
Safe can mean rejecting others love and connection so that no one can hurt you.

But what if I was to tell you that by keeping yourself 'safe' is slowly killing your spirit and soul in the long term

In a kinesiology session, our goal together is to MAKE WHAT YOU WANT SAFE AGAIN. If safe, you are more likely to achieve your goals AND to feel good.


One of the best talks I have seen on GUILT. If you struggle to say no, believe it's selfish to take time for yourself, or find it hard to prioritize your wants and needs because of guilt - I suggest you watch this video 👉🎥 Gabor Mate - confronting guilt - journey of self discovery.



The root cause was fear. Fear changes our physiology hence body / muscle tension.

When we sense threat or danger, the brain tells the muscles to either activate in order to fight the threat or de- activate / turn off (freeze response).

If nothing tells us that the 'threat' or 'stressor' has passed - our muscles may stay activated or tensed causing tension. This can be happening without you even being conscious or aware of it!!!

SO, to help with this clients pain, we needed to look at and work through THE UNDERLYING FEAR which was having an impact on their muscular system. Not the muscular system itself.


When you are in survival, the logical and rational part of your brain shuts down. Your emotional brain takes control and does what it can to protect you. This protection mechanism however doesn’t always serve you in the moment, or in the long term.

This means that you did your best with what you knew at the time. So instead of holding yourself back by judging, criticising or shaming yourself for the choices you have made in the past - forgive yourself. Let the past go and do what you can do now 💚


“Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time” - Gerald Jampolsky

I fear public speaking but I LOVE what I do and I LOVE educating and supporting all of you. Blessed to have a platform that allows me to do this.

Photos from Keep Your Balance's post 23/11/2023

A major contributor to illness and disease is emotional trauma, induced by subconscious limiting beliefs.

I see this with most of my clients. Dr Gabor Mate (a famous world-renowned trauma specialist and physician) also has seen this with most of his patients over the last 30+ years.

As our beliefs influence our stress response, it's CRUCIAL that we don't just look at the 'stressor' or the 'problem', we look at your limiting beliefs which you adopted very early in life.

Many people who present with hormonal, digestive and immune concerns as well struggle to navigate the challenges of life may perceive themselves as alone, unlovable, unworthy and undeserving. This prevents them from opening up to growth and healing.

To encourage growth and healing, we must become aware and rethink the way we see ourselves, our lives and the world around us ✨


When I first started Keep your Balance, I believed that emotions were a small part of the picture - always puzzled to see that a lot of the underlying causes to hormonal, digestive and auto-immune symptoms came down to suppressed and unprocessed emotion…

Now that I have learnt how the emotional centers of the brain are tied into every other single system of the body, it makes sense how the two can clearly not be separated.

We CANNOT keep treating symptoms alone. We HAVE to continue to look at every aspect of a person - so your diet, your history with head knocks, your exposure to environmental toxins and how you were raised as a child, shaping the way you cope with stress and navigate the world now.



Photos from Keep Your Balance's post 08/11/2023

You are always ENOUGH.


Children mostly learn by watching you. Next time your too scared to do something for yourself, feel guilty for doing something for yourself or can’t do something for yourself because you are afraid of how that will impact your children, think about what you are teaching them. Prioritizing yourself IS NOT selfish, it’s self-love. When you can show yourself love, you can teach and show your children how to do the same.


Jumped on a podcast recently with M26FIT
Thanks so much for having me Magnus. It was fun! ☺️

For those who are new to Kinesiology and would like to know a little more, I have attached the link below.

Below are a few of the topics we chatted about:

🔆 My journey and how I found Kinesiology
🔆 The importance of addressing ALL aspects of health to relieve and manage conditions like anxiety and depression. 🔆 The importance of having a ‘why’
🔆 The key to overcoming suffering (what I believe)
🔆 The 5 fundamentals to good health and well-being
🔆 The impacts and consequences of poor emotional regulation
🔆 The importance of self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love in order to heal and become whole (you)
🔆 Practical steps on how you can start nurturing and supporting yourself


Another testimonial from a client suffering from chronic pain. The underlying root cause of this clients pain was not feeling safe in their own body because of past events. The body was stuck in ‘flight or fight’ and it was also stuck in the past. What we did in the session, was take the time to listen and understand their pain on both a physiological and psychological level so that we could give the body a chance to heal 🙌🍃


Past unresolved emotional stress and trauma can cause chronic physical pain.

When we perceive a stress or threat to our safety, whether that be in our present environment or in our minds, we move into ‘survival mode’.

In survival, our body draws energy and resources away from our immune, limbic, digestive and reproductive system, in order to fight or deal with the stress.

Think about the body’s physiology of a ‘fighter’ or a boxer. They are always on alert, only focused on the problem that’s in front of them. They also protect and brace themselves by holding up their arms whilst tensing their head, neck, shoulders and back. This is how some of us live 24/7.

So how do you get out of this state and let your arms (guard) down so that your body can come back into balance?

By dealing and processing the perceived ‘threat’ or stress, most of which is unresolved stress from the past. The body can’t move forward unless dealt with.

As a Kinesiologist, we can tap into your subconscious, access the exact memory of where this stress occurred so that we can either process it, make peace with it, or let it go.


I have seen quite a few clients who have struggled with chronic head, neck, shoulder and back pain.

They have suffered for years though NOTHING seemed to give them short or long-term relief.

This isn’t to say GP’s, physical, muscular or skeletal therapists aren't doing their job, they absolutely are, though it may not be what some people need.

What these people need are to find out exactly what their body is trying to tell them ... not just on a structural or physical level, but on a phycological and emotional one.


Client testimonial 🫶🫶🫶


The link between psychological stress and illness is undeniable. In this talk, Dr Gabor Mate, a world renowned medical doctor and physician talks about the following:

⚛️ how suppressed healthy anger suppresses the immune system which then promotes chronic illnesses, neurological and immune disorders

⚛️ depression is the SUPPRESSION OF EMOTION (a subconscious and automatic coping skill developed in childhood)

⚛️ how caring for others to the detriment of yourself can age you 10 years

⚛️ how disconnecting from ourselves as children plays out in our adult life today

⚛️ what is means to heal

⚛️ the IMPORTANCE & CRUCIALITY of being authentic and listening to your body

…and there’s more

I see this in my clinic A LOT. All my clients with psoriasis, immune disorders and chronic illness ALL have a similar personality. They suppress their feelings, feel responsible for other people, try to conform and do everything ‘right’. This may not be the case for everyone however definitely a talk to consider



On Friday, I had the incredible opportunity to educate and present to other businesses about Kinesiology and the benefits 🙌

I never thought I’d be able to speak in front of 35 other successful business owners however fear almost feels irrelevant when you absolutely love and believe in what you do….AND when you know you have the opportunity to support so many more people.

Also, very grateful to the businesses and people who have all supported me so far…

If you are currently in business or just starting up, I highly recommend coming along to one of our weekly catch-ups. You’ll never who you’ll meet or what it can do for you and your business 👍🙌☺️

BNI Brisbane

Photos from Keep Your Balance's post 27/04/2023

Here are some benefits of Kinesiology and what it can do for you and your child! ✅🙌


A few words from another dear client of mine 💛💛 This beautiful Mother’s main focus was to lose weight. Throughout our time together, we discovered that her biggest motivation wasn’t about herself, it was to set an example and show her children how to take care of themselves, so they could grow up and live a healthy and abundant life. After we identified this, she has been able to make the necessary long term changes for both her family and for herself. I’m so proud of her!! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🏡


A few lovely words from a lovely parent 👩‍👧💕 If your child is suffering from symptoms of anxiety, frequent panic attacks and/or isn’t acting like themselves, they can’t afford to wait. It’s crucial that Children and Teens receive the right support as early as possible so they can feel safe, learn to connect and build stronger relationships with themselves and others.


Since starting my business in 2020, I have seen, guided and helped all walks of life overcome their emotional and physical health struggles. It has been such a privilege to do this.

As much as I love supporting adults and mothers on their journey (it’s been incredible and I will still continue to do so), there is one demographic which I feel most obliged to work with more – the younger generation. Why? Su***de is the number 1 leading cause of death among the young. It’s a full-blown epidemic and it isn’t getting better anytime soon.

Our children are not just going through the motions, they are suffering. As hard as we try as parents or carers to teach and cater to their needs, sometimes we struggle and get stuck for answers....and that is okay. There are just so many pressures and factors present in our fast-moving world.

So the reason I am reaching out today, is to ask for your support.

Do you know of a young person in your life who may be hurting?

Are there any parents or carers in your life who are also hurting...and stuck for answers?

⚡️⚡️⚡️This month, I am offering a 60-min FREE Kinesiology & coaching consults for those who refer someone between the ages of 5-24 years ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Tell your friends, family or loved ones to mention ‘your name’ in the referral tab when they book.

They must BOOK by MAY 5 for you to claim your FREE 60-min session.

For more information oh how I help and how you can support -



In a Kinesiology session, I guide and support each and every client to view their ‘problems’ or ‘issues’ or ‘blocks’ from a new and different perspective. When you shift your perspective, you change your emotional state. When you change your emotional state, you can heal and accomplish almost anything.

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Videos (show all)

PART 2 - What is involved in a Kinesiology session.
Ever seen a 30 minute Kinesiology balance? well here’s a 30 second version........#kinesiology #muscletesting #holistich...



Yeronga, QLD

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MLG Naturals MLG Naturals
Yeronga, 4104

I am a Ayurvedic Practitioner, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Doula and Massage Therapist.