Business Sense Consulting

Business Sense Consulting

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☆ I help Businesses Owners make Business Sense and Achieve their own Success! ☆


✴️ Your business journey will be a unique one.✴️

👉🏻 You can expect both the highs and the lows and some very eventful and may I say colourful experiences on your journey. Regardless of what you encounter and what you decide to do in your business as you build, just ensure that you 'mek it mek sense'!

That's to say, every choice you make, should ultimately make business sense for the future of your business.

Don't forget that!

🌟 See My Previous Post 》》"Business Sense With Juliet" to Read More about how to make business sense for your business!

And don't forget if you ever need assistance with staying current in your business especially in these progressive times or help making sense of it all contact me today!


🌟Does your Business make business sense?

You might be asking the question, 'how can one tell if their business makes business sense?'

Well, it's quite simple.. are you making business decisions that align with your business goals?

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, making sound business decisions is essential for the success and growth of your company.

By analyzing market trends, understanding your target audience, and identifying key opportunities, you can make strategic moves that will propel your business forward.

It's crucial to stay adaptable and open to innovation, constantly seeking ways to improve and evolve; and with a clear vision and a focused strategy, you can ensure that every decision you make aligns with your long-term goals and objectives.

Remember, every choice you make should ultimately make business sense for the future of your business.

🌟Need help making sense of it all? Sign up for my Free Discovery Session and let's get started on helping you and your business thrive!🌟 SEE LINK IN BIO.


As a busines owner I known first hand how easy it is to neglect your own selfcare and burn out. Here are some practical and effective tips for small business owners to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance:

🌟Set Boundaries: You will need to establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life to avoid burnout and overwhelm

🌟Delegate Tasks: Don't be afraid to delegate tasks to free up time for yourself and focus on what truly matters.

🌟Take breaks: Schedule regular breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge, even if it's just a short walk or a quick stretch.

🌟Eat Well & Stay Active: Now this should go without saying , but I'd still like to stress the key point that you must fuel your body with nutritious meals and snacks to support your health and sustain your energy levels. I also recommend making time for physical activity to boost your energy levels and enhance your overall well-being

🌟Celebrate your wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to boost your confidence and motivation.

🌟Get Enough Sleep: Ensure that you prioritize getting enough quality sleep. It will help you to improve your cognitive function, your mood, and your overall productivity.

🌟Practice Mindful Activities: It would really benefit you if you incorporate mindful activities such as mindmapping, prayer, journally or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and improve focus.

🌟Learn to say no: Practice saying no to additional commitments that may overwhelm you and detract from your well-being.

🌟Stay connected: Make time for social connections with friends and family to maintain a support system and prevent feelings of isolation.

Tell me how these tips have helped you to get back on track with your selfcare routine as a business owner .


Choose technology that matches your business needs and objectives, whether it's to streamline operations, enhance customer interactions, boost efficiency, or foster innovation. Assess the advantages and implications to make well-informed choices that align with your business goals and lead to success. Utilizing technology effectively can fuel business expansion and development


These 5 Tips will help you accelerate growth in your business. Take notes! ⬇️

🌟Deliver Value To Your Clients
Providing value to clients builds trust and relationships, leading to long-lasting partnerships and business success. Understanding client needs, exceeding expectations, and delivering value in every interaction are key to fostering flourishing client relationships.

🌟Educate & Empower Your Team
To ensure team success, educate and empower them through training, development, and autonomy. This boosts skills, confidence, motivation, and fosters innovation and job satisfaction in a positive work environment.

🌟Focus on Your Client's Needs
Understanding and prioritizing client needs is crucial for building strong relationships. Active listening, empathy, clear communication, and personalized solutions are key. Aligning with expectations, exceeding expectations, and showing genuine care fosters trust and long-term partnerships in business.

🌟Make Digital Sense
Embracing digital strategies can significantly benefit your business in this modern era. By incorporating digital solutions, you can increase efficiency, reach a wider audience, and stay competitive in the market. From building a strong online presence to utilizing data analytics for informed decision-making, making digital sense for your business is the key to driving growth and success. Remember, adapting to the digital landscape is not just an option but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in today's fast-paced world.

🌟Encourage Innovation Among Your Team.
Fostering a culture of innovation within your team can lead to creative solutions, increased productivity, and a more engaged workforce. Encouraging team members to think outside the box, share ideas freely, and experiment with new approaches can spark innovation. Providing opportunities for brainstorming sessions, collaboration, and professional development can help cultivate a mindset of creativity and continuous improvement. By valuing and supporting innovation, you can empower your team to push boundaries, take risks, and ultimately achieve great success.


I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter Sunday and here's to a even lovelier bank holiday!

Photos from Business Sense Consulting's post 26/03/2024

It's been an honour being an advisor for the last decade and a judge in this year's Model UN 8 Week Mentorship Programme Activity.

This year 4th and 5th formers represented 31 countries on the theme, The Rights of The Child Convention. I love the opportunity to help shape young minds for positive impact. ☆☆☆


🌟 It's never too late for your business to start its journey to total digital transformation! 🌟


Happy International Womens day 2024!

To all women: value what you bring to the table, the ability to see things from both sides and the essential skills needed to deliver to a diverse audience. You see the whole picture!


💫Take the plunge and Tansform your small/medium sized business today with these 3 important steps. You won't be sorry. 😀


It's funny how fast things can change during the christmas rush. 😆 The mental load isn’t easy sometimes, that's why it's important for you and your staff/team to take the necessary breaks throughout each busy day.

Hold onto yourselves now, and don't loose it out there... Christmas Day 2023 is almost here! 🎄


How are you handling the rush this year?


It's funny how fast things can change during the christmas rush. 😆 Take necessary breaks and hold onto yourselves, don't loose it out there... Christmas is almost here! 🎄


Don't you just hate when that happens?


You read correctly...

The stone age didn’t end because they ran out of stones, trees were just easier to build with and look how it created expansion. If you want to stay relevant in 2024 and beyond, you will need to embrace new technologies and new ways of doing things.



Check the list and check it twice! It'll surely show if you've been building (your business) wrong or right!

Need some help implementing these 5 Success Keys?

⭐️ Be Client Centered
⭐️ Cultivate Innovation
⭐️ Train Your Team
⭐️ Serve With Vaule
⭐️ Make Digital Sense

If so, I'll be more than happy to help you journey to your business' success to have a grand start for the new year!

Book Your FREE Discovery Session with me! Get Started at the link in my bio!

Save This For Later ⬇️

⬆️ Follow for more insightful tips and helpful resources to lead, build and grow your business with business sense.

Photos from Business Sense Consulting's post 06/11/2023

Work With Me in 4 easy steps!

But first see if we'd be a great fit!

If you're new to fairly new here and have been wondering 'IF' or 'HOW' you can work with me... then this is EACTLY what you need to know before getting started 👆🏻

⭐️ Read both slides 👆🏻 and follow the steps! It's that simple! ⭐️

👇🏻 Your First Step Starts Here 👇🏻

Photos from Business Sense Consulting's post 06/11/2023

Work With Me in 4 easy steps!

But first see if we'd be a great fit!

If you're new to fairly new here and have been wondering 'IF' or 'HOW' you can work with me... then this is EACTLY what you need to know before getting started 👆🏻

⭐️ Read both slides 👆🏻 and follow the steps! It's that simple! ⭐️

👇🏻 Your First Step Starts Here 👇🏻


Here are the 5 keys you'll need on your Roadmap journey to business success.

Without them you'll continue to exhaust your resources and yourself, and your business simply wont thrive! 🙁

Over the years as a business consultant and innovation coach, I've generated the best formula for business success and I'm just about ready to share it with all of you through my new upcoming project, so that you too can find your own business success. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Very soon, I'll be sharing more about this project, so keep your eyes and ears open for that announcement. 😃


Work With Me in 4 easy steps!

If you're new to fairly new here and have been wondering just how you can work with me... then this is how to get started 👆🏻

⭐️ Read the post 👆🏻 and follow the steps! It's that simple! ⭐️

First Step Starts Here 👇🏻


🤦‍♀️True story...

And I'm sure it's a story that can be told way too many times.

Comment "yup me" below 👇🏻 if this has ever been your experience as a customer somewhere.


🤦‍♀️True story...

And I'm sure it's a story that can be told way too many times.

Comment "yup me" below 👇🏻 if this has ever been your experience as a customer somewhere.


🤦‍♀️True story...

And I'm sure it's a story that can be told way to many times.

Comment "yup me" below 👇🏻 if this has ever been your shopping experience .

Photos from Business Sense Consulting's post 30/08/2023

How informed are you? Have you been paying attention to the latest technologies that could possibly be game changers for your business? Well I have and here are my top 3 👇🏻:


⭐️Quantum Computing: Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize computing as we know it. Unlike classical computers which use bits to process information, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This allows quantum computers to solve complex problems that classical computers would take years to solve. We can expect to see more development in the field of quantum computing and its applications before the end of the year.

⭐️5G Technology: The fifth generation of wireless technology, or 5G, promises to be faster and more reliable than its predecessor, 4G. This technology will enable faster download and upload speeds, lower latency, and more connected devices. 5G technology will also enable the use of emerging technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

⭐️Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI has been around for a while, but in recent years, it has become more advanced and accessible. This year we have been seeing even more development in AI and its applications, including in healthcare, finance, transportation, customer service and design. AI has the potential to automate many tasks, improve decision-making, and enhance productivity.

What are your thoughts about these 3 advancing technologies? Feel free to share in the comments section below.👇🏻


How do you keep on top of it all and still provide value to customers and support your team as well?

Let me help you put the correct structures and processes in place to always offer great value in 2023!

~ Juliet ☆☆☆


🔊 "You are either green and growing or ripe and rotting - choose the former, innovate!"

If you hold on to how things have always been done in your business, then that leaves no space for new thinking that inspires new growth.

You WILL be left behind.

Follow me for more tips.


Ensuring your staff/team recognizes their true vaule and that they are in tip top shape and functioning at their highest potential is one of the best things you can do for your business. Here are 3 tips to help you achieve just this!

⭐️ Implement a consistent On-boarding Programme

This will allow new staff members to avoid unproductivity and help employers to evade confusion caused by poor handover processes by predecessors.

⭐️⭐️ Prioritize Ongoing Training for all employees

This can be done on numerous occasions from a formal staff meeting that incorporates a training component to an informal opportunity to provide tips in areas that will help your staff to learn new methods or systems or even update their knowledge in old areas.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Train your staff in Useful Technologies

Use technology to the advantage of your team's improved productivity and success. Don't forget to provide adequate training on how to use each system whether it is online of offline.

Follow me for more great content like this.

~ Juliet ☆☆☆


Ensuring your staff/team recognizes their true vaule and that they are in tip top shape and functioning at their highest potential is one of the best things you can do for your business. Here are 3 tips to help you achieve just this!

⭐️ Implement a consistent On-boarding Programme

This will allow new staff members to avoid unproductivity and help employers to evade confusion caused by poor handover processes by predecessors.

⭐️⭐️ Prioritize Ongoing Training for all employees

This can be done on numerous occasions from a formal staff meeting that incorporates a training component to an informal opportunity to provide tips in areas that will help your staff to learn new methods or systems or even update their knowledge in old areas.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Train your staff in Useful Technologies

Use technology to the advantage of your team's improved productivity and success. Don't forget to provide adequate training on how to use each system whether it is online of offline.

Follow me for more great content like this.


As I reflect on the passing of World Mental Health Day 2022, I felt a strong need to challenge all business leaders and owners who manage a team or staff members with a few questions, first starting with this vital one...

☆ Is your staff/team functioning at their best?

☆ When last have you checked in on or have observed how your staff/team members are doing?

☆ Do you believe you can honestly and accurately answer these questions?

When looking at building your team's capacity through training, you must consider training your members not only in the technical skills they need to function in their professional roles, but also in the areas that would help them to be resilient, endure and rise above, should they find themselves under pressure in these same roles, e.i. Psychosocial skills.

Your team/staff's mental health and emotional well-being should ALWAYS be key aspects considered, when it comes to the purposeful work they do in your business whether in or out of office.

If there's anything we've learnt from COVID-19, it's that good mental healthcare leads to a good working professional. Therefore, training in areas like Stress Management, Coping Skills for Fast-paced Environments, Coping During Adversity, Emotional Intelligence, are just some of the important areas that you can focus on in training, to help your team build capacity.

Paying attention to your team/staff's needs shouldn't be neglected especially if you want to see your team rise above challenges and operate as an effective team. The marvelous act of organizing an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) that emphasizes mental health through the provision of therapeutic services to your team/staff, would certainly go a long way and have lasting results on the success of your business.


Are you a business owner or business leader?

Do you want to transform your business?

If so, then this is definitely for you!

Join me, Juliet, tomorrow at 7PM, for the first video release from my new original IG Series, called "Mek it Mek Sense!", where I'll be exploring the common pitfalls in business and provide you with simple practical solutions that'll help you build your business successfully!

I'll see you there!


Hellooo sunshine!

I hope you are having a productive week so far. There's no time like the present to accomplish your goals.

I've been a bit quiet on the gram but all for good reason; as I've been accomplishing a big educational goal of mine and I am so proud to say that I've finally reached the finish line. 🥳

It doesn't matter the length of time you take, but what does, is your persistence and patience with yourself as you stay the course to the finish line.

Keep going guys, work hard, rest when you need to in the process and watch out for distractions and energy suckers along the way.

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Videos (show all)

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💫 Some time back, I sat down in studio with my team @thecontenthubcreativestudio to go a little deeper into my business,...
We truly hope that you are having a happy and a wonderful holiday Christmas season!#christmasholiday2023 #businesssensec...
We all know that Christmas is a magical time of the year when people come together to celebrate and share the joy of the...
It's here!The FINALE of our 3rd Season of "Mek It Mek Sense" IG Series. Let's talk Targeted Marketing Campaigns!TAKE A L...
It was so nice we had to post it twice!!Here is our 3rd Episode of Season 3 of "Mek it Mek Sense" once again!Last week w...
It's Finally Here!Season 3 of our Mek it Mek Sense IG Series!!Take a Look and leave us a comment at the end!#businesssen...
There's never a dull moment when we're on the set making content with @thecontenthubcreativestudio for our "Mek it Mek S...
💫 It's a new year so let's connect!Here's how you can connect with me via social media!...#letsconnect #letsnetwork #bus...
Sending you lots of love and light and best wishes for this new year of business!Here to:⭐️ Stepping out of our comfort ...
Sending you lots of love and light and best wishes for this new year of business!Here to:⭐️ Stepping out of our comfort ...
It's the Season Finale of Season 2 of Mek it Mek Sense the Holiday Edition! Join us as we get a head start on  your plan...


22 Cane Garden Heights, Street Thomas

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