Kabir Digital Initiative
A Place for Transformation of Human Capital
Prepare yourself now !
Coursera এর ৩১ মিলিয়ন ইউজার এর একটি বিশেষ প্রতিবেদন থেকে এটি জানা গেছে। তবে ভয়ের কিছু নেই সেই সাথে যুক্ত হবে ৯৭ লাখ নতুন জব। কিন্তু ভাবনার বিষয় হচ্ছে এর জন্য যে ডিজিটাল লিটারেসি এবং যে স্কিল দরকার তার জন্য আপনি রেডি কিনা ?
আর সেই জব পেতে অথবা সেই জবের সাথে আপানার বর্তমান জবকে কানেক্ট , ইনটিগ্রেট করতে Kabir Digital Initiative নিয়ে এসেছে অবিশ্বাস্য অফার।
আপনি আইটি কিংবা নন-আইটি হন অইটা কোনো ব্যাপার না। সবার জন্যই আমরা স্কিলস এর ব্যবস্থা রেখেছি।
আমাদের এখন সবার টেকনোলজি জানাটা কতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ , পৃথিবী যেদিকে আগাচ্ছে ,আমরা সবাই কোডিং বা আইটি টেকনলজি, ডিজিটাল টেকনোলজি যত জানব নিজের ক্যারিয়ার তত বেশি দক্ষ হবে।
একটু ভেবে দেখুন আপনার সামান্য একটি উদ্যোগ আপনার ক্যারিয়ার চেঞ্জ করে দিতে পারে। Join With Us Now!
আর সেই সাথে আমরা আপনাকে আর এক্সট্রা ভ্যালু এড করার জন্য আমরা আপনাকে্ ব্যবস্থা করে দিবো ইন্টারন্যাশনাল গ্লোবাল সাটিফিকেশন।
আপনি গ্লোবাল স্কিল্লস কে জানেন, যে গ্লোবাল স্কিলস এর যেই অফার আপনি একবার মিস করবেন তা আর ফিরে আসে না। আমরা দীর্ঘদিন যাবত ইন্টারন্যাশনাল সারটিফিকেশন নিয়ে কাজ করায় আমরা জানি গ্লোবাল অথোরিটি কখন কোন অফার এক্সপায়ার করে দেয়
সুতরাং যেই অফার আমরা দিতে চাচ্ছি এটা যদি আপনি মিস করেন এটাও আপনি কোনোদিন পাবেন না। এখন আপনি আইটি অথবা নন-আইটি ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড যাই হোন শুধু ডেডিকেটলি আমরা যে সময় টুকু বলেছি অই সময়টুকু দেন ,আমরা আপনাকে ফুল স্ট্যাক ডেভেলপমেন্ট শিখিয়ে ছাড়বো ,এটা আমাদের প্রমিস।
আপনার বিজনেস এবং আপনার ডাটা স্কিলস যদি একসাথে যুক্ত হয় তাহলে পুরো পৃথিবী আপনার হাতের মুঠোয়।
Take initiatives to develop yourself
Personal growth is another term for personal development. When you embark on a personal development journey, you want to focus on acknowledging your strengths, improving your weaknesses, assessing your goals and core values, and identifying growth opportunities.
Personal development, while distinct from professional development, can have an impact on your career and is an important component of professional advancement.
One cannot be truly attained without the other.
For example, if one of your short-term career goals is to expand your network, this is considered professional development. However, you may need to first focus on improving your interpersonal skills.
If you get nervous in large crowds or are uncomfortable approaching strangers, personal development will help you overcome these barriers and expand your network.
Are you frustrated with your current job?
Do you want to learn more about entrepreneurship for personal development, but don't feel like you have the time? Then come join Dgen Academy!
For more details please visit: 👇👇
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It is now easier than ever to learn a new skill in today's world. Whether you want to advance in your field or be taken seriously as a thought leader, digital tools put a wealth of information at your fingertips. Having said that, a quick online search reveals a plethora of people claiming to be industry experts and gurus. Is this even possible? Are all of these people making an impact in their fields?
Unfortunately, the same digital tools that make learning simple also make it simple to project an aura of expertise. Achieving a high level of performance is defined as expertise. In other words, this is someone performing at their peak. Putting in time for practice and research isn't enough to establish yourself as a true, trusted industry expert. A deliberate, goal-oriented practice that pushes you outside of your comfort zone is required.
Don’t worry!! We have a pool of industry experts, both local and international, to provide you with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to become a successful 🎯🎯DIGITAL ENTREPRENEUR.
For more details please visit: 👇👇
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Fear Less!! Accept The Challenge To Grow Digitally,
Assess new business opportunities, harness innovation, and transform ideas into sustainable ventures. But it cannot be done just like that! Training, fixing mindset and planning are needed along with acquiring proper skill.
Digital Entrepreneurs Hub is a platform for aspiring business leaders who want a global experience.
With 6 centers operating throughout Bangladesh, we have had the privilege to work with budding entrepreneurs with full enthusiasm, and have successfully developed over 100 Digital Entrepreneurs who are working in international projects.
This platform offers :
● > International Trainers
● > Capstone Projects
● > Practical Exercises
● > And Much More!
We also have this inspiring proximity where our students and mentors always remain connected to learn skills and share knowledge with each other and get the chance to work on global projects.
You can be one of the members of this remarkable proximity.
People who possess the proactive personality trait tend to strive for a specific goal. They make things happen and are generally good and maneuver situations (and people) towards their desired outcome.
What are the characteristics of a proactive person?
● They ask questions, suggest ideas, and comment on things beyond the scope of their day-to-day tasks.
● They anticipate potential problems and work to solve underlying issues before trouble starts.
● “Wait and see” is not in their vocabulary.
● They tend to be good at working with (or sometimes manipulating) other people to get the outcome they want.
To enjoy such experience and freedom in life, we welcome you to Digital Entrepreneurs Hub to learn skills from International and locally recognized mentors.
জীবন কঠিন. আপনি স্ট্রেস এবং ব্যস্ত, এবং আপনি জানেন না কিভাবে আপনার জীবনকে পরিবর্তন করার জন্য আপনার যা যা করা দরকার তা করতে হবে। জীবন-পরিবর্তনকারী প্ল্যাটফর্ম ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা হাব এমন ব্যক্তিদের জন্য প্রশিক্ষণ দেয় এবং ডিজিটাল দক্ষতা বিকাশ করে যারা বিশ্বের ডিজিটাল ইকোসিস্টেমের অংশ হতে চায়।
ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা হাব হল একটি গ্লোবাল ফ্র্যাঞ্চাইজি প্ল্যাটফর্ম যা ডিজিটাল ইকোসিস্টেমের অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ হয়ে উঠতে আগ্রহী যে কেউ ডিজিটাল দক্ষতা উন্নয়ন প্রোগ্রাম অফার করে। এই বিশ্বব্যাপী ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা আন্দোলন, যা তিনটি মহাদেশে বিস্তৃত এবং সারা বিশ্বের ক্লায়েন্টদের অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে, সেইসাথে এর নিজস্ব ডিজিটাল মার্কেটপ্লেস, পেশাদারভাবে প্রতিভাবান উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তাদের সাথে সঠিক ক্লায়েন্টদের সংযোগের পুনরাবৃত্তি সমস্যা সমাধানের আকাঙ্ক্ষা করে।
আমরা সেরা গ্লোবাল এডু টেক প্ল্যাটফর্ম হতে চাই। আমাদের লক্ষ্য হল একটি বিশাল ডিজিটাল বিপ্লব ঘটানো যা নেতা এবং উদ্যোক্তাদের ডিজিটালাইজেশনের চ্যালেঞ্জগুলি নেভিগেট করতে এবং ভবিষ্যতের সুযোগগুলির জন্য তাদের মনকে প্রসারিত করতে সক্ষম করবে৷
আমরা এক ধরনের ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা নির্দেশিকা অফার করি যা আপনাকে আপনার যাত্রা সফল করতে সাহায্য করবে। বাংলাদেশে শুরু করে, আমাদের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি হল বিশ্বের 100টি দেশে বিস্তৃত করা, এক মিলিয়ন ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা তৈরি করা এবং প্রতিষ্ঠানের প্রতিটি স্তরে উদ্যোক্তাদের নিয়ে একটি এন্টারপ্রাইজ স্কেল করা: আমাদের কৌশলগত অংশীদার, কান্ট্রি মাস্টার ফ্র্যাঞ্চাইজার, স্থানীয় একাডেমি হোস্ট, ডিজিটাল উদ্যোক্তা এবং মার্কেটপ্লেস ক্লায়েন্ট।
৪র্থ শিল্পবিপ্লবের সাথে তাল মিলিয়ে চাকরীর বাজারে নিজের পজিশন ধরে রাখতে যে স্কিল দরকার, তা কি ডেভেলপ করা শুরু করেছেন?? যদি না করে থাকেন, এখনি ভাবুন এবং শেখাটা শুরু করে দিন!!
Do you know GROWTH MINDSET is a MUST needed attribute for being a SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur!! 💰💰
Growth mindset people view intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort, whereas a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.
Can you expect to face NEW CHALLENGES in your entrepreneurship journey without cope up yourself with different situations?? Without learning new skills or brushing up your intelligence, talent, and abilities!! Having a fixed mindset, you cannot expect to learn new things, build yourself to your best version, and ultimately be unable to achieve your desired goal.🎯🎯
But no need to worry!! Now you can shift your mindset from FIXED to GROWTH easily by following some specific process. And Digital Entrepreneur Hub is always there to do it for you… 👌👌
For more detail: 👇👇
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আমার অফিসে রানা পারভেজ ভাইয়ের আগমন!!!
We are delighted to inform you that all of them were students of Digital Entrepreneurs Hub from different batches. They started their entrepreneurship journey earlier with this GLOBAL PLATFORM 🌏✈️ by learning different digital skills.
After completing the course and gaining experience by proving their expertise in assigned Internship projects for different global clients, they have become a core part of the Digital Entrepreneurs Hub Strategic entrepreneurship journey.
The TEAM is now professionally delivering top-notch services. They have an entrepreneurial mindset to tackle the modern digital marketplace. They are growing as a rising entrepreneur. They have set their mind to accomplish the highest possible position in their career.
Yes, if you are dedicated to learning new skills and coping with the fastest-changing digital world, you can also be a proud member by joining this highly enthusiastic and skilled team!! 👌👌
Explore your opportunity and join us to find yourself to be the next rising star in the Digital World 🌟💥, the arena of the next industrial revolution.
Join this thriving platform.
It is the platform to transform.
Visit here to Know More: 👇👇
You've been considering starting your own business, but you're afraid to make the commitment.
Want to go from employee to digital entrepreneur?
07 Essential Steps to transform from Employee to Digital Entrepreneur that is given below:
✅Build your foundation for success.
✅Assess yourself for success.
✅Cultivate a Moving-Forward-Mindset.
✅Maximize your Time and Worth.
✅Use the Proximity Principle.
✅Use the Power of Digital Marketing.
✅Transform and Perform. Use the 9p Business Strategy.
Do you know who you spend your time with is who you become !!
You are a reflection of those people you spend the most time with and associate with, and your net worth is a reflection of the average of those same people. 💥💥
Decide where you want to go and who you want to become..
Dream BIG, put yourself around those much further than you, find mentors and role models, model their behavior, their successes and their path 🚀🚀.
Believe it or not, the best way to realize your dream goals faster is by surrounding yourself with the PROXIMITY of good souls who have already REACHED their goals, people who you admire and are doing better than you are at the moment.
Constant personal and professional development, improving your mind, body and spirit and investing time, money and effort into becoming the best version of yourself will be much EASIER for you only by hanging out with people of that proximity.
Don’t worry, here in Digital Entrepreneur Hub you will get a group of amazing people and your desired proximity in order to touch your dream and get successful in the profession and family life... 👌👌
For more detail: 👇👇
From having a corporate career to gaining expertise in team management.
Yes, that's how your life can be changed.
If you have the dedication and enthusiasm to learn new skills and cope with the digital world, you can be the next rising star.
Md.Shah Paran Saadhin, is a burning example of success.
He has a corporate career..
He got admitted to Digital Entrepreneurs Hub to learn more digital skills.
After completing the course, he took part in The Australian Internship Project. He successfully delivered his assigned tasks and gathered enough experience.
By evaluating his excellent performance, he got the opportunity to operate our DI Team as a Team Leader.
Digital Entrepreneurs Hub is a platform that enables all of the resources and opportunities to polish skills.
আমার আহ্বান!!!!!
An offer to join in a platform where you can transform your present!
This is the high time now to GROW 10X !!
You will be excited to know that Digital Entrepreneurs Hub has already created Global Franchises and engaged to develop some highly enthusiastic entrepreneurs throughout the world 🌏✈️.
Digital Entrepreneur Hub is introducing you with ASHANA >>>
🧿 The world’s TOP MARKETPLACE for small businesses to find high-quality leads to increase their influence, impact, and money.
⭕ A unique premium marketplace that facilitates developing countries' entrepreneurs to work with developing countries' entrepreneurs by ensuring GUARANTEED results.
🧿 ASHANA Corp. is a start-up partnered with Grant Cardone & collaboration with 10X incubator.
⭕ Allow the rising entrepreneurs to monetize their new skills while building a sustainable enterprise.
🧿 Here we are helping our students to meet potential clients by creating a triple-win platform.
So what deters you from taking a bold step to unfold your entrepreneurial skills to navigate the World of DIGITAL BUSINESS !!
Just choose us as your guiding partner to lead you to your ultimate destination 👌👌
For more detail: 👇👇
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Listen a real life story from a great mentor Hemi Hossain!!!
Passion to Grow || Episode-34 || Kamrul Hassan || Hemi Hossain || The Corporate Coach Program: Passion to Grow || প্যাশন টু গ্রোEpisode: 34Host: Kamrul Hasan Group Chief Executive Officer, IGLOO ice cream, Food Dairy Ltd.Guest: Hemi H...
ছাত্র-শিক্ষক সবাই ঝুঁকছে ফ্রিল্যান্সিংয়ে | Freelancer | Somoy TV ার মত সব বয়সী মানুষ এখন যুক্ত হচ্ছেন ফ্রিল্যান্সিং কাজের সাথে। গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন, থ্রি-ডি, টুডি মডেলিংস....
Take the opportunity of global learning to earn from your home...
Guidelines from a great mentor which can change our lives
Digital Entrepreneur Hub- Hemi Hossain Every Successful story has a struggling past.Sometimes people don't get the taste of happiness even though they achieved everything. It's the inner freedom a...
Hemi Hossain | Grow With Hemi | Digital Entrepreneurship Program 𝐇𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐧, the man who has built an entire domain as a Business Coach and Digital Entrepreneur. 𝐇𝐞𝐦𝐢 is an international speaker, author, i...
Digital Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing | Hemi Ignite speaking in 2020 Life doesn't go according to the plan!! Life is challenging and struggle. We need to be positive when challenges come to us.I hope this 5 mins video will giv...
Dean Publishing & Author Hemi Hossain DO YOU WANT TO FIRE YOUR BOSS?Been thinking about going into business for yourself but feel too scared to take the leap?Want to go from employee to entrepren...
From a freelancing career to a prestigious job opportunity.
Yes, that's how your life can be changed.
If you have the dedication and enthusiasm to learn new skills and cope with the digital world, you can be the next rising star.
Rumu Rehman Chowdhry, is a burning example of success.
He started his early career as a freelancer.
He got admitted to Digital Entrepreneurs Hub to learn more digital skills.
After completing the course, he took part in The Australian Internship Project. He successfully delivered his assigned tasks and gathered enough experience.
By evaluating his excellent performance, he got a permanent job offer.
Digital Entrepreneurs Hub is a platform that enables all of the resources and opportunities to polish skills.
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Contact the school
Daffodil Plaza, 4/2 Sobhanbag (6th & 7th Floor) Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi
Dhaka, 1207
Daffodil Institute of IT runs professional BBA, CSE, BTHM, MBA & MTHM programs under the NU.
Empowering you with Excel tips & tricks to supercharge your data skills! #ExcelMastery #ExcelJourney
Khalpar, Galimpur, Nawabgonj
Dhaka, 1324
Hi, Welcome to my page. Are you looking for a learning & Earning page. Here it is. You can learn here English, Basic Computer, Freelancing, Outsourcing, how to online income and ...
Sreebardi Sadar, Sreebardi, Sherpur
Dhaka, 2130
This is a Govt Educational Institution. Here the Govt Certificate is awarded at the end of Course.
Candel IT Bangladesh , (Opposite Of IBN Sina Hospital), Shonkhor Bus Stand
Dhaka, 1209
We are providing various IT service like website development ,web hosting, digital marketing thanks.
Dhaka, 1216
Computer Training School You can post any solution here OR You can want any solution here ;-)
24, Mosjid Goli, Naya Paltan
Digital Learning Institute is a one of the best freelancing training centre in Bangladesh.