A. K. Khan Telecom Limited

An ISO 9001:2008 certified Information Technology solution and service provider. We provide all IT r


A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure. Happy May Day.


May the occasion of Eid be full of brightness of success and glory of achievements… Greetings on Eid to all our amazing clients, business partners, associates and well Wishers.



Our Managing Director who is also Director, FBCCI seen in discussion with Hon'ble Finance Minister and FBCCI President during meeting on National Budget held on 22nd March, 2022.

‘People who have already made big investments should be turned into brand ambassadors’ 24/03/2022

The Business Standard spoke to former Chairperson of Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) Abul Kasem Khan, Managing Director of A K Khan Telecom Ltd to understand how can Bangladesh accelerate Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). You can read the full article here: https://www.tbsnews.net/interviews/people-who-have-already-made-big-investments-should-be-turned-brand-ambassadors-389670

‘People who have already made big investments should be turned into brand ambassadors’ As an emerging economy, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an essential source of investment. The Business Standard spoke to former Chairperson of Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) Abul Kasem Khan, Managing Director of AK Khan Telecom Ltd to understand how can Bangladesh accelerate FDI...

Photos from A. K. Khan Telecom Limited's post 23/03/2022

CONGRATULATIONS Team TIGERS! What an amazing maiden series win against South Africa on their home soil. You made us proud on the month of independence! 💕💕💕💞💞💐💐💐🎉🎉🎉


Hurrah!!! Yes we have done it. It’s exactly a new milestones for our cricket history. It’s a victory that never fade. This victory will take Bangladesh a long way. Winning against New Zealand, the reigning World Test Champion, in their own backyard is truly amazing. Again congratulations and Good luck Tigers. 💖💖👌


A.K. Khan Telecom Limited wishes all it's valued Clients, Partners and Well-wishers a very happy New Year 2022!!!💗💗💗

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. (AKTL) - Google My Maps 06/12/2021

You can always find us here. We are proud to serve you.

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. (AKTL) - Google My Maps IT Service & Solution Provider Security and Video Surveillance Solution & Service Provider PABX Service Provider Networking Service Provider Internet Service Provider Broadband Internet Service Provider Address: Uday Tower (9th floor), 57 & 57/A Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. Pho...


A. K. Khan Telecom Ltd. (AKTL), having its office at Uday Tower (9th floor), 57 & 57/A Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan – 1, Dhaka - 1212 invites all interested buyers in the Stock Sale of the following IT equipments.

Interested bidders may inspect the equipment/items at AKTL office facility located at Uday Tower (9th floor), 57 & 57/A Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan – 1, Dhaka - 1212 from October 17, 2021, 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Sunday to Thursday.
The bid shall be for the “whole lot” and on “as-is” and “where-is” basis. Complete bid offer to be submitted on Official Letter Head Pad by 4:30 PM on October 21, 2021 at AKTL office.

For further details, please contact Mr. Ariful Islam at telephone number 01844 159397 or Mr. Shafiul Islam at telephone number 01844 159398.

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. would love your feedback 10/10/2021

Appreciate if you take time from your busy schedule to review our business page on google. Thank you for your valuable support. AKTL always respect your feedback.

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. would love your feedback Post a review to our profile on Google


May Allah(SWA) accept all our sacrifices. Eid Ul Adha Mubarak to you and everyone in your family.


টিভি নিউজ আর পেপার ব্ল‍্যাক ফাঙ্গাসে ভরে গেছে। 🙄 এই রোগের সায়েন্টিফিক নাম Mucormycosis. এটা কোনো নতুন রোগ নয়। বাতাসে এই ফাঙ্গাসের জীবাণু (Spore) ঘুরে বেড়ায় ; নোংরা পানি আর মাটিতেও থাকে। নিঃশ্বাসের সাথে অথবা ত্বকের কোনো ক্ষত দিয়ে এটা আমাদের শরীরে প্রবেশ করে। আমাদের নিজস্ব রোগপ্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা ভালো হলে এই ফাঙ্গাস কিছু করতে পারে না। কিন্তু যাদের ডায়বেটিস অনিয়ন্ত্রিত, অথবা কর্কট রোগাক্রান্ত, অথবা কেমোথেরাপি পাচ্ছে, অথবা দীর্ঘদিন স্টেরয়েড খাচ্ছে- এদের শরীরে রোগপ্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা কমে যায়। তাদের শরীরে এই ফাঙ্গাস সহজেই ফুসফুস, নাক, চোখ, মস্তিষ্ক, ত্বক, পাকস্থলীসহ যেকোনো অঙ্গকে আক্রান্ত করতে পারে। সঠিক সময়ে সঠিক চিকিৎসায় এই রোগ ভালো হবার সম্ভাবনা বেশি। আমাদের হাসপাতালে যেহেতু ডায়বেটিস রোগীরাই বেশি আসে, তাই দীর্ঘদিন ধরেই আমাদের Microbiology dept এর সহায়তায় এই রোগ নির্ণয় করে আমরা- Critical Care Medicine dept, Medicine dept, Respiratoey medicine dept, ENT dept, Ophthalmology, Dental surgery dept ও অন‍্যান‍্যেরা এই রোগের চিকিৎসা দিয়ে আসছি। আমাদের জন‍্য এই রোগ খুব বেশি rare নয়।
এই প্ল‍্যাটফর্মের সব চিকিৎসকের প্রতি বিনীত অনুরোধ- আপনার প্রিয়জনদের, পরিচিতদের আর রোগীদের নীচের নিয়ম মেনে চলতে বলুন:
√ ডায়বেটিস নিয়ন্ত্রণ করুন
√ ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ ছাড়া কোনো antibiotic, antifungal, antimicrobial, steroid অথবা অন‍্য কোনো ঔষধ খেতে নিরুৎসাহিত করুন। একইসাথে clear indication ছাড়া আমরাও যেন অযথা কোনো antimicrobial prescribe না করি
√ পরিষ্কার মাস্ক পরতে হবে
√ সবসময় পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্নতা মেনে চলতে হবে
√ এই রোগ ছোঁয়াচে নয়। সুতরাং আতঙ্কিত হবেন না। গুজবে কান দিবেন না।
May Allah protect us & bless us all.

ডা কানিজ। শেবাচিম ২৫.
(ক্রিটিক‍্যাল কেয়ার মেডিসিন স্পেশালিস্ট। Associate Professor, BIRDEM)
#সংগৃহীত তথ্য ও পোস্ট


May the full moon of Buddha Purnima take away the darkness of ignorance, bigotry and hatred and herald the era of contentment, peace and enlightenment for the world! Heartiest greetings on this day!

WHO EMRO | Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak | COVID-19 | Nutrition site 25/05/2021

WHO provides Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. Eat healthy, live long.

WHO EMRO | Nutrition advice for adults during the COVID-19 outbreak | COVID-19 | Nutrition site Proper nutrition and hydration are vital. People who eat a well-balanced diet tend to be healthier with stronger immune systems and lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. So you should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get the vitamins, minerals, dietary fib...


. Stay physically fit. Exercise regularly . Eat a nutritious diet 🍎🥚🍗🥛 . Don’t smoke🚭.


🚗🚕🚙Milesight is introducing the Radar AI LPR Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera.
Milesight Radar AI LPR Pro Bullet Plus Network Camera, as a powerful security monitoring camera, is ideal for traffic surveillance and ANPR solution.
How does it optimize traffic monitoring?
✔️Advanced 3D Radar Technology
✔️Intelligent AI-powered LPR Algorithm
✔️Superior Image Quality
✔️Easy Deployment and Compact Structure
Amazing isn't it? 😎To learn more, please visit here:https://www.milesight.com/.../ai-radar-lpr-af-motorized...

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. on Google 01/05/2021

A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. on Google Did you know? Mitel's new 6920t and 6930t IP phones are built from plastics that inhibit the growth of certain viruses and bacteria by up to 99.9%. Watch the video: https://bddy.me/32sFI90


SIP VoIP Solution
Milesight Network Cameras are able to make a call and transmit the live-view as well as real-time sound to the user’s VoIP telephone or any connected device once an event is triggered,

BCOLBD 2021 26/02/2021

A. K. Khan Telecom Limited (AKTL) is a proud Partner of The Blockchain Olympiad Bangladesh (BCOLBD). This year is the first edition of BCOLBD.

Blockchain Olympiad Bangladesh 2021 brings you a seminar on "Self-Sovereign Identity and Privacy of Data".
Keynote speaker-
Dr. Lawrence Ma
President, Hongkong Blockchain Society
Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Dhaka
Date & time:
27th February 2021, (11:30 am – 1:30 pm)
Registration link- bcolbd.org/2021

BCOLBD 2021 The Blockchain Olympiad Bangladesh (BCOLBD) 2021 invites current university students and recent graduates to solve real-world problems with decentralized applications, built with blockchain or distributed ledger technology. This year is the first edition of BCOLBD.


Mr. Abul Kasem Khan, the honorable Managing Director of A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. appears as the Panel Discussants in SANEM Shongzog, Episode: 11 on February 16, 2021 at 11.00 am.

The need for better planning and investment in logistics and infrastructure 28/01/2021

An article by the Honourable Chairperson of Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) and the Managing Director of A.K. Khan Telecom Ltd. (AKTL), Mr. Abul Kasem Khan has been published on the The Business Standard today, Thursday, January 28, 2021. The title of the article is “The need for better planning and investment in logistics and infrastructure”.


The need for better planning and investment in logistics and infrastructure Mega infrastructure projects such as the Padma Bridge, the Matarbari Hub, and the deep sea-port will open up new opportunities and accelerate our GDP growth. To keep up the momentum, Bangladesh needs to be mindful of the shifting landscape of logistics development and mark the emerging trends.


Wish all our valued clients, partners & benefactors a pandemic free & prosperous HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Wishing all our valued clients, partners, benefactors joy at Christmas and prosperity in the coming year. Thank you for being such an important part of what we do.


“We are committed to providing products and services to our valued customers at all times that fully meet, satisfy and exceed their expectations”

Experience the first-ever biggest virtual tech fest in Bangladesh.
Visit AKTL virtual stall in Digital World 2020 event.
Register Now :
Visit: www.digitalworld.org.bd
Visit: www.aktelecom.net

“Digital World” is the biggest & flagship ICT event of Bangladesh organized by ICT Division. It is one of the largest ICT expositions and knowledge sharing platforms in South Asia.


Experience the first-ever biggest virtual tech fest in Bangladesh.
Visit AKTL virtual stall in Digital World 2020 event.

Register Now :

Visit: www.digitalworld.org.bd
Visit: www.aktelecom.net

“Digital World” is the biggest & flagship ICT event of Bangladesh organized by ICT Division. It is one of the largest ICT expositions and knowledge sharing platforms in South Asia.


Real-time Occupancy
1.People counting, detect the number of people enter and exit in high-density areas
2.Occupancy dashboard, display the number of people in a facility to indicate occupancy limits
3.Highly accuracy, filter out misinformation that enters or leaves a certain area many times
4. Timely inform control measures around single or multiple entrances

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 | Dhaka-1212
Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext - 222

Milesight Bank Solution - Camera Choosing & Installation 22/10/2020

In this video, we would like to share our experience in choosing, setting up, and installing network cameras in a bank project with you.

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 | Dhaka-1212
Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext - 222

Milesight Bank Solution - Camera Choosing & Installation In this video, we would like to share our experience in choosing, setting up and installing network cameras in a bank project with you. ...


MSMoment I Refined taste, reliable quality. Enjoy the splendid view in the Alps.

Contact us for any queries related to :
Video surveillance and Security
• IP Surveillance Camera/CCTV
• Video Management System, Video Analytics,
• Suspect Search, Situation Management, Operational Intelligence Center

A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 |Dhaka-1212 Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext- 222

I Refined taste, reliable quality. Enjoy the splendid view in the Alps.


Worry about your Security and Surveillance?
For any questions regarding Video Surveillance.

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 | Dhaka-1212
Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext - 222


How parking management supports a safe and livable city ?

Parking: a seemingly small factor, but with a big impact on livability
Transportation in general is an important factor in the perceived livability of a city, and for those using cars, accessible parking is essential. This is true for permanent residents, visitors and drivers of delivery vehicles. Poor parking management results in stress, inefficiencies, and a broader impact on traffic congestion as vehicles drive slowly through streets looking for a vacant space. Ultimately, this may mean that people park illegally. Not only is this an inconvenience: if emergency service vehicles are blocked, it can be life-threatening.

There are also negative environmental impacts to poor parking management. Cars moving slowly through streets and delivery drivers leaving engines running while parked illegally, causing additional congestion and traffic incidents all add to issues with pollution, air quality and noise levels.

A recipe for parking-success
The solution to urban parking management comes in the form of video surveillance, analytics and data.

Network surveillance cameras – often those that are already implemented in many cities – can be enhanced through specific analytics applications to both alert officers to parking violations and guide drivers to vacant spaces.

Pre-defined detection zones can trigger automated alerts should an unauthorised vehicle stop in the zone for too long. The alerts are sent to authorities or enforcement agents so they can verify the incident and clear potentially important areas. The cameras not only detect violations but also help to prevent congestion and disruptions.

A combination of surveillance cameras and analytics can be used to identify free parking spaces and when connected with, for example, a navigation app can efficiently guide drivers to them. It saves time, avoids traffic jams and improves the residents’ or visitors’ experience.

Further enhancements come through connected data and systems. For example, in combination with payment apps and license plate recognition, parking management systems could be used to pay parking fees automatically. This would also save time, for example when leaving a parking garage, and make processes smoother for drivers.

With license plate recognition it would also be possible to spot cars without appropriate permits for specific parking zones (given these permits are connected with a certain license plate) or if they park in other restricted spaces. Once detected, an officer can be sent to move the respective vehicle or inform the driver to leave.

Through analysis of real-time and historical data it would also be possible to predict peak-times in certain areas and prepare for it, for instance by opening an extra parking lot or informing drivers in time that there is no parking available and direct to other areas. Adding artificial intelligence to the analysis, parking management solutions can even predict where the chance is highest to find an available parking lot when you arrive. In this way, the distribution of cars could be better controlled ensure drivers don’t arrive at a parking garage only to find out it’s full, again causing frustration and further congestion.

An achievable goal
Effective parking management is essential in increasingly crowded and congested cities. It helps to reduce traffic incidents and parking violations, leads to increased safety and security of citizens, reduces stress and improves the environment: all factors which result in an improved quality of life. And it’s a goal well within reach, with many cities already having much of the infrastructure and technology in place to take advantage.

Please find more information about how AKTL contributes to livability in smart cities.

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 |Dhaka-1212 Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext- 222

Axis Smart City Magazine 2020 | Axis Communications 27/09/2020

Smart homes, smart cars, smart phones. Everything seems to be “smart” nowadays – including cities. Are you still wondering what is a smart city? Download our 2020 Smart City Magazine to learn what all this hype is all about. https://bit.ly/35SETJL.

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 | Dhaka-1212
Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext - 222

Axis Smart City Magazine 2020 | Axis Communications Cities are evolving and changing. And at Axis, we want to be a part of that journey, developing the urban areas of the future and creating cities that people love to live in.

MiCollab 27/09/2020

Collaboration is no longer limited to huddle rooms and conference tables. Hear how MiCollab keeps Mitel's Mahdi Chab connected to his coworkers, wherever they are: https://bddy.me/3j3i4GF

Contact us for more info :
A.K. Khan Telecom Limited
Enterprise Division
57 & 57/A Uday Tower (9th Floor) | Gulshan-1 | Dhaka-1212
Mobile: +8801844159398; Tel: +88-02-9892169; Ext - 222

MiCollab With MiCollab, your business has everything it needs to connect, communicate and collaborate across blended environments—driving the exchange of thoughts and improving the speed and quality of decision-making.

Milesight 180° Panoramic Mini Dome Network Camera - Cover More, Cost Less 27/09/2020

How to monitor wide areas of security with a cost-effective budget? Check out the video https://youtu.be/15yNLX06OdQ to see the answer.
Bid farewell to multiple traditional fixed-lens cameras, choose Milesight 180° Panoramic Mini Dome Camera.

Milesight 180° Panoramic Mini Dome Network Camera - Cover More, Cost Less As a single-sensor Panoramic Mini Dome Camera, it can greatly reduce your cost, as it’s able to replace multiple traditional fixed-lens cameras to cover wide...

Infrastructure: Need of the hour 14/09/2020

Our Honorable Managing Director and the Chairman of BUILD (Business Initiative Leading Development) and also the former President of DCCI, Mr. Abul Kasem Khan speaks on "Infrastructure: Need of the Hour" in an episode of "Informally Formal".

Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBTl87QAdlk&feature=youtu.be

Infrastructure: Need of the hour A great conversation with the Chairman of BUILD & the former President of DCCI, Mr. Abul Kasem Khan. #...

Smart Workspaces Work Smarter Not Harder 28/08/2020

Smart Workspaces Work Smarter Not Harder The traditional 9-5 workspace has given way to something more flexible and individualized. Here’s how technology can help your business work smarter.

Want your business to be the top-listed Computer & Electronics Service in Dhaka?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

SIP VoIP Solution - Milesight
A.K.Khan Telecom Ltd - Your Technology Solution Provider
Milesight IP Surveillance Solutions brought to you by AKTL


CCTV, IP Camera, Video Surveillance, Home & Office Security, Central Video Monitoring and Management, IP Telephony, IP PABX, PABX, Unified Communication, Call/Contact Center Solution and Service, Audio & Video Conference Solution, Access Control, Entrance Control, Time Attendance Solution, Smart Home and Smart Office Solution, Building Management Solution, Public Address/PA System, Network Audion System, Networking, Structure Cabling, LAN work, Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm


Uday Tower (9th Floor), 57 & 57/A Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan/1

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00

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