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বন্ধুরা কেমন আছো সবাই । এবার বই মেলায় পাওয়া যাচ্ছে অংকিত মন।। স্টল নাম্বার ২২৬ প্রিয় মুখ প্রকাকশন । যারা বই মেলায় জাবা বইটা সংগ্রহ করতে ভুলবা না । বইটা ৭ টা আকর্ষণীয় গল্পের সমন্বয়ে প্রকাশিত ...। জীবনের সব রূপ দেখা যাবে এক একটি গল্পে্ যেমন, হাসি, কান্না, রোমাঞ্চ, ভীতি, রাজনীতি, জীবন সংগ্রাম, প্রেম, ভালবাসা, লোভ-লালসা, সততা, বিশ্বাস, মোহ, ত্যাগ, বন্ধুত্ত, এবং আরও অনেক কিছু ..... হরতাল অবরোধে মেলায় আসতে পারছেন না?
সমস্যা নেই। ঘরে বসেই বই সংগ্রহ করুন online
PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page,one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google:
PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites.
It is not the only algorithm used by Google to order search engine results, but it is the first algorithm that was used by the company, and it is the best-known.Google uses an automated web spider called Googlebot to actually count links and gather other information on web pages.
আগে সবাই এতো পরিমাণ ব্যাক লিঙ্ক ক্রিয়েট করতাম সাইটের জন্য যা আমরা নিজেই স্বীকার করতাম যে এটা স্পামের পর্যায়ে ।
তবে এখন স্পাম করলে আপনার খবর আছে যাই করবেন ন্যাচারেলি করবেন ভুলেও স্পাম আকারে ব্যাক লিঙ্ক করতে যাবেন না ।
ব্যাক লিঙ্ক করার জন্য আপনি যা যা করতে পারেন আমি Social Bookmark, Forum Posting, Guest Blogging, Link While, Relevant Blog Comment, RSS Submission, Directory Submission ইত্যাদি তবে স্পামের মত অতিরিক্ত করবেন নাহ ।
আর অনেকেই আছে সফটওয়্যার ব্যবহার করে ব্যাক লিঙ্ক করে এটাতো অবশ্যই এড়িয়ে চলবেন সাথে অনেক সাইট আছে যারা ফ্রী ব্যাক লিঙ্ক দেয় ঔ সব সাইটকেও এড়িয়ে চলবেন। তাছাড়াও অনেকেই পেইড ব্যাক লিঙ্ক ক্রিয়েট করে কিন্তূ আপনি কি জানেন এই পেইড ব্যাক লিঙ্ক গুলো কিভাবে করে ?
যদি না জেনে থাকনে তাহলে নিজ দায়িত্তে জেনে নিবেন । আপনার ব্যাক্তিগত সাজেশান হল আপনার যদি ব্যাক লিঙ্ক ক্রিয়েট করতে এতো আলসে লাগে আমাদের দেশে অনেকই আছে যারা আপনাকে অল্প টাকায় ন্যাচারেল ব্যাক লিঙ্ক ক্রিয়েট করে দিবে তাতে আপনারও লাভ হবে সাথে তাঁদেরও ।
আর একটি কাজ যেটি ব্যাক্তিগত ভাবে আমি করি এবং এটা যে কত কাজের তা আমিই জানি তাই আপনি ট্রাই করে দেখতে পারেন জানিনা আর কে করে
আপনার ব্লগে নতুন পোস্ট পাবলিশড করার পর পরই চেষ্টা করবেন সেই পোস্টের পারমালিংকের উপর অন্তত ৪-৫ টি হাই কোয়ালিটি অথোরিটি ব্যাক লিঙ্ক তৈরি করা সেটা যেভাবেই হোক ।
হতে পারে গেস্ট ব্লগিং করে অথবা অন্য যে কোন উপায়ে ।
হাই কোয়ালিটি ইউনিক কন্টেন্ট::
এক কথায় বলতেই হয় কন্টেন্ট ইজ কিং অলঅয়েস :)
একটা সময় ছিল যখন আপনি শুধু মাত্র ব্যাকলিঙ্ক করে আপনার সাইটকে র্যাঙ্ক করাতে পারতেন যদি আপনার কন্টেন্ট কপি পেস্টও হত ।
কিন্তূ এখন কি তা সম্ভব ?
না , সম্ভব না , তাইনা ?
কারন গুগলের পান্ডা এবং পেঙ্গুইন আপডেডের ফলে সব কিছুই পরিবর্তন হয়ে গেছে ।
আগে যারা যেই সাইট থেকে প্রতি মাসে ২০,০০০-৩০,০০০ টাকাও কামাতো তারা এখন কোন টাকাই তাদের সাইট থেকে ইঙ্কাম করতে পারছেনা তাই কন্টেন্ট এর গুরুত্ত এটি দ্বারা বুঝা যায় ।
তাই বর্তমানে আপনার সাইটকে র্যাঙ্ক করতে হলে হাই কোয়ালিটি ইউনিক কন্টেন্টের ভ্যালু অপরিসীম ।
পোস্টিং করার অনেক নিয়মই আছে তবে আমার মতে ১০০% ইউনিক ৪০০-৬০০ ক্যারেক্টারের পোস্ট করলেই যথেষ্ট ।
অনেক ব্লগার তার সাইটকে ওভার অপ্টিমাইজ করে ধরা খায় , তারা মনে করে ওভার কী-ওয়ার্ড ডেনসিটি অথবা অন্য টেকনিক্স ফোলে করে র্যাঙ্কে এগিয়ে যেতে পারবে আসলে তা ভুল এতে নিজের সাইটের লাভের চেয়েও ক্ষতি বেশি হবে ।
একটা কথা যাই করেন ন্যাচারেলি করবেন !
লিঙ্ক বিল্ডিং এর দিন শেষ হয়ে যাচ্ছে। বড় বড় সাইট গুল কিন্তু এখন আর লিঙ্ক বিল্ডিং করে না। লিঙ্ক বেইটিং এর দিকে ওদের মনোযোগ বেশি। মানে, পাব্লিক কে দিয়ে লিঙ্ক বিল্ডিং করানো।
এর জন্য অরা বিভিন্ন ধরনের কন্টেন্ট মার্কেটিং স্ট্র্যাটেজি ব্যাবহার করছে। আর অন্য কম্পিটিটর দের থেকে ভাল ভাল কন্টেন্ট দিয়ে ওদের চেয়ে এগিয়ে থাকছে। এসইও তে ভাল করতে হলে আপনাকে লিঙ্ক বিল্ডিং নয়, অথারিটি অরজন করতে হয়। আর তা করতে হয় ভাল ভাল কন্টেন্ট দিয়ে।
আপনি যদি কন ফ্যাশান আইটেম সেল করেন আর প্রোডাক্ট এর বেপারে কন আইডিয়া না থাকে, তাহলে আপনি কম্পিটিটরদের থেকে ভাল কন্টেন্ট লিখবেন কি করে? কিন্তু, সবার তো সব বিষয়ে জ্ঞান ভাল থাকে না। আপনার যদি গানের ব্যাপারে জ্ঞান ভাল থাকে, আপনি হতে পারেনঃ Music SEO Expert, শেরকমঃ
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Meaning of URL = Uniform Resource Locator
Meaning of HTTP= Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Meaning of LSI= Latent Semantic Indexing
Meaning of HTML= HyperText Markup Language
The definition of Broken Link Building?
Broken (Means not working) link building (sometimes known as dead link building) may be a technique that involves stating a link on another web site that's now not operating and conjointly requesting a link to your web site. typically the broken link results in a 404 page. The link are on a page that's relevant to your niche and seems to be an honest appropriate inclusion of your website. You perform a solid by stating the broken link to the webmaster and reciprocally, recommend that your link be additional or be used as a replacement.
Hypnotherapy is helpful for losing your weight | Hypnotherapy is helpful for losing your weightby admin · July 25, 2013Are you addicted to overeating? The aroma of food makes your saliva drool more into the mouth and the cravings of those chocolates are making you fat day by day? If answer to the above questions is affirmative, then I must say you...
Shadman SOFT- Tech Portal
Do you even need a link building team?
The idea of having a team of link builders working for you is a pretty sweet one. Link building
is hard, so the idea of being able to delegate work to a specialised team is a nice thing to have.
But you need to think hard about whether you actually need a team and ask yourself
questions such as:
★ Do I have enough work to keep them busy month-to-month?
★ Do I need full-time people or can I use freelancers?
★ Do I have additional resources to support them i.e. designers and writers?
★ How are my existing team members coping with link building?
★ How would my existing team feel about handing over client work to someone else?
As you can see, there are a number of things to think about, and the decision isn’t one that
you should take lightly. Let’s look at them in a bit more detail to try and help you if the time
comes to make a decision.
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Shadman Soft – 94Fifty- The First Smart Sensor Basketball The 94Fifty sensible sensing component Basketball actions LTM that the person eye can’t observe, learns the forces and weaknesses of players at any stage, adapts for the reason that the performer improves, and offers basic, transitional and complicated level coaching to produce higher shooting and b...
Shadman Soft – 94Fifty- The First Smart Sensor Basketball The 94Fifty sensible sensing component Basketball actions LTM that the person eye can’t observe, learns the forces and weaknesses of players at any stage, adapts for the reason that the performer improves, and offers basic, transitional and complicated level coaching to produce higher shooting and b...
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Shadman SOFT- Tech Portal
PageRank allowed Google to determine the quality of links using a consistent metric. However, Google wanted more signals to help give users the best search results and realized it could extract a signal of relevance from the links it was already recording. Anchor text as a ranking signal was born.
Page and Brin realized that the keywords used within the anchor text of a link could be used to determine relevance of the page being linked to. They explained this in the following way:
“The text of links is treated in a special way in our search
engine. Most search engines associate the text of a link with the
page that the link is on. In addition, we associate it with the
page the link points to.” As an example, if Google found that a particular page had links pointing to it with the anchor
text “wooden toys”, it may be more likely to show that page to users who searched for “wooden toys”.
However, it soon became apparent that anchor text was being used as a very strong signal to Google, and SEOs of the time capitalized on this by building lots of links using the keyword
they wanted to rank for as the exact anchor text. At the time, because Google was relatively new and there weren’t that many other signals, this was usually enough to get a number 1
position in Google. Even up to today, anchor text is still a very strong signal although 2012 has seen the Penguin
update which sought to penalize for over-optimization of various signals. One of the signals believed to be affected was anchor text, and many SEOs reporting seeing penalties on websites that had a high percentage of commercial anchor text in their link profile.
Planning for Success: Three Essential Consulting Project Plans
Being a consultant can be an intense experience. Every client (and every day!) presents a new challenge. In my experience that isn't a product of the ever-changing state of affairs in SEO or inbound marketing. In fact, I don't lose sleep over every algorithm change—there are plenty of smarter people from whom I can draw that sort of information.
What keeps me awake at night is how I can shape my projects to make them successful. A lot of people work together with me every day: my clients, my teammates, and teams in other offices. Everyone needs to collaborate to even have a shot at success. How will we pull that off? How will they communicate? What do they need to do this week? Next month? Next quarter?
In short, I focus on planning, and I focus on it in three specific scopes:
Pitching (how do we estimate project size in advance?)
Strategy (how do we know what we are going to do, and when?)
Ex*****on (how do we ensure that these things actually get done?)
Three different tasks with three different plans, each with its own unique purpose. A list of tasks to execute is not a sales pitch any more than it is a high-level summary of the course of a project that helps you decide what to do today. Each of these plans must be treated differently, and with appropriate respect. The most important thing I've discovered as a consultant is this:
You can disagree about what's in a plan, but you must agree about what the plan is intended to accomplish.
Let me walk you through these three types of plans, what the purpose of each is, and what warning signs may crop up if something isn't going smoothly in each stage. I firmly believe that a little conscious effort can improve how we handle each of them, and tune our instincts to spot when something is going wrong. On the other hand, I won't go into techniques for how to create these plans—at that point I'd be writing a book instead of a blog post.
I've definitely not mastered all of this yet, so if you have any lessons of your own to share in the comments I'd love to hear them! All of these planning phases interact with each other, and I can only talk about them from my point of view. In your experience the lines may be fuzzier or more defined. You may treat them very differently. Do share!
Why do we have a plan at this stage?
To understand the scope of a project, that we are the right choice for the client, and that the client is the right choice for us.
What should this plan do?
Address the client's needs (as far as they are understood)
Reflect the limitations of what we can offer and what the client can execute
Get the right order of magnitude for project size
What should we watch out for?
Anyone talking about scheduling deadlines for deliverables—"We need the keyword deliverable week one, the technical audit week two…"
What I've noticed:
The first time we have to deal with a plan for a new client is when we're trying to convince them to work with us. Obviously we are asking someone to trust us to help them get a good return on their investment, and part of building that trust is to let them know what sort of work we are going to be doing. A good plan during the "pitch" phase helps us do that.
An example plan for a pitch from Distilled. Activities are scheduled chronologically left to right.
You can see from the illustration I've included that for a lot of projects this plan can be quite broad. Basically it amounts to a straightforward summary of what needs to happen and in what order. It's where everything begins, before the engagement has even started.
The other piece of data that is presented concurrently with the plan shown is a budget, which is essentially the size of the project or the proposed bandwidth that Distilled will dedicate to it. To know that a budget should be X dollars per month or that a contract should last for some amount of time seems quite amazing if you think about it—so many variables are involved! But while every project is different, there are a lot of things we can estimate with a good degree of accuracy. The things we have a handle on might be different from yours—there might be areas where your estimation is a lot better than ours, or vice versa. Consider:
Weekly meetings
Project management (time spent scheduling)
Monthly reports
Some common research reports (this may vary wildly, but it helps to have an average we can point to)
These are all elements which can be used to anchor an estimate. There may also be some other administrative tasks or fixed price elements (tools, copy writing) that can be leveraged as well.
But it is ambiguous. The pitches you deal with might be more or less ambiguous than ours, but there is no possible way that a proposal created in the sales process can accurately reflect what will actually happen. No one can predict the future, and the sales process is too far removed from actual work to be treated as definitive when it comes to planning.
And that's what I watch out for. It's not uncommon for leads to demand that we offer them strict calendars for delivery of reports. It's one thing to build in regular meetings and status updates—those are great, at appropriate intervals—but if we are talking about rigorously scheduling deliverables like technical audits, or are devising a content strategy, there are too many variables present to know exactly when all that is going to happen. Demands in the sales process for the abstract to be made concrete should be handled very carefully in the sales process. The needs of the client must be addressed, but acquiescing to unreasonable scheduling is likely going to hurt your relationship with a client rather than help it. In other words:
A prospective client can disagree with what is included in the proposed project, but they can't insist on a level of detail that is inappropriate.
In my own experience, there have been a couple of clients in particular who needed help with website redesigns or complete domain migrations. One insisted on an extremely delineated schedule provided in the pitch, with arbitrary deadlines for various deliverables and a project duration which would coincide with the launch of a new site. The justifications for this (on the client's end) were both to get a better understanding of the work being done and to make sure that we would be around to monitor the site's launch. Needless to say, the site didn't launch on time—few websites ever do. And because of the strict language of our arrangement, we had no flexibility to adapt our strategy or extend the duration to accommodate. I didn't feel good about that outcome.
If I were put in the same position again, working with our sales team on the pitch for this project, would I take a hard line against this style of planning? It's hard to say. But I would be very aware of the potential risks, and at the very least make sure that there were contingencies in place if the scheduling of work turned out to be inappropriate.
Fortunately, we only have to deal with this sort of ambiguity once or twice in each project—once the engagement has begun, things become more tangible. Once the project has kicked off, we don't talk at such a general level. It's time to take charge, get more information, and figure out how to make things happen. It's time for proper strategy.
Why do we have a plan at this stage?
To figure out what work should be done and when it should be done.
What should this plan do?
Prioritize work
Defer work that can't be done within time constraints
What should we watch out for?
Big chunks of time that don't have any tasks assigned to them
Too many tasks to accomplish in the time available
What I've noticed:
Once a client has retained our services we need to figure out what we're going to do. Consider: there are a tremendous number of constraints on the work we commit to doing every day. We have a finite number of working hours in a day, week, or month. We may be dependent upon other projects finishing in a timely manner—will the client's website launch in time? Will the team working on the content finish?
In the face of that uncertainty we still manage to accomplish something. We just have to limit the scope of what we do. Estimate the amount of time various elements of the projects will take, decide what will fit into this month, and commit to executing them. It's that commitment and specificity that distinguishes this phase from the sales pitch phase. And that's why we can't start thinking at this level before we've engaged a client—we need more information from them, we need their commitment to a project, and we need to know as much as possible about our own bandwidth in a given month.
A screenshot of Distilled's internal scheduling system. The "size" of tasks is defined by how many hours they are anticipated to take. These tasks are kept fairly broad: project management, weekly meetings, etc.
This plan is the response to those needs. We know we need to do keyword research, a technical audit, and Analytics implementation—how long will each take, approximately? Which will we do this month? Which have to wait for information from the client? We answer these to the best of our ability and that becomes our roadmap.
The facts and the constraints that become apparent also become the boundaries of what we can sensibly plan. It's in this boundary that I've noticed most problems crop up. Some clients will present a barrage of questions that threatens to undermine the rest of the scheduled work you're trying to do. In the worst cases, results might be demanded when what you're trying to prioritize is which work should be done. So let's adjust the axiom above for the "strategy" phase:
A client can adjust the priorities of elements within this strategy, but they can't insist that you do more work than there are hours available.
Unless they give you a bunch of money. Just kidding. Sort of.
Consider the alternative to using this sort of strategic scheduling: Every month that a client has you on retainer, you just do whatever they ask until you use up the budget in week two and just stop for the rest of the month. Or you keep working and effectively cut your hourly rate in half. Neither of these solutions sound great, do they?
It took a while for me to get the hang of this "strategy" stuff. Early on in my tenure at Distilled, this manifested in projects that were extremely productive early on. There were tons of technical things to fix—so much low hanging fruit that we at Distilled seemed like miracle workers. No strategy needed, pure action—for a couple of months. But once that stuff dried up, the relationships sputtered out. I was so enthusiastic about those quick wins that I didn't establish a rapport with the client. I didn't figure out how to work together with them to make their business better. I just told them what to do.
Talking about strategy gave me a language I could speak with my clients that helped improve our relationship and has been much more effective in the long run.
Eventually, you'll work out a sequence of work that fits your schedule and addresses the needs of the client. Once you get to that point, you need to figure out how to execute the work.
Why do we have a plan at this stage?
To figure out how we're going to do the work that needs to get done.
What should this plan do?
Lay out exactly what actions need to be taken
Let everyone know who is accountable
What should we watch out for?
Tasks that aren't well-defined
Tasks that are defined by outcomes (e.g "get 10 links")
What I've noticed:
At this point we're finally we're dealing with something that actually looks like a proper schedule—a real to-do list. Tasks need to be chunked into pieces that are clearly delineated and actionable. The image below actually reflects a list of tasks for one of my clients.
An activity schedule in Google spreadsheet form from one of my projects.
The biggest problem that I've observed in working with clients in "ex*****on" mode —one that consultants often bring upon themselves—is the tendency to create tasks that aren't well-defined. For instance, if I have "keyword research report" as a line item in my to-do list, I know I'm doing it wrong. Get more specific: Pull data from Searchmetrics, the Google Keyword tool, and Analytics; do analysis in Excel; and so forth.
On the other hand, the issue that has arisen through my interaction with clients is not recognizing when something is being put in this "to-do" list that is outside the scope of what we laid out in the strategy. Once you know what you are doing in a given month, and you have broken that down into individual tasks, you have to be careful about committing to other things. It's very common to field random questions from a point of contact or their teammates, and it is usually best for the relationship for you to answer them. In order to do that, it is smart to schedule extra time for this kind of ad hoc support question—and if you starting going over that time you should be seriously concerned. To wit:
A client can negotiate the tasks in this schedule to complete the work you're setting out to do, but they can't add unrelated elements (i.e. change the strategy).
There are as many methods of keeping track of to-do lists as there are people doing to dos. How you actually accomplish these tasks is up to you—I prefer OmniFocus, while I know some at Moz have a bit of an Asana obsession. The important thing as that at some point, in order to go from a "strategy" phase to actually accomplishing something, you have to come up with a list of actions.
I know I've talked a lot about high-level planning in the "pitch" and "strategy" phases, but I should note that at the end of the day, getting better at scheduling the actual work is the most important element of the process. You can meditate all day on the structure of a perfect project, but unless you actually do something there is no chance for success. I consider it the Minimum Viable Plan, so to speak.
Planning isn't easy, but it gets better with practice. And that will, in turn, have a positive effect on all the projects you work on. Let me say it once again:
You can disagree about what's in a plan, but you must agree about what the plan is intended to accomplish.
This rule is something I intuitively use more and more when planning a project and when issues arise over the course of a project. Once you start thinking about these things in increasingly conscious ways, their value becomes exponentially more obvious in ways you can't anticipate.
Do you think about projects in these three phases? If so, what are the warning signs that you've spotted in your experiences?
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The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet 2.0
It is my honor and privilege today to introduce the brand-new version of The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet. This free and downloadable document covers all of the important SEO code and best practices that are needed by online marketers and developers.
Benefits and features
Save the Google searches for your new inbound visitors: This cheat sheet covers all of the details you would normally spend hours researching online. This leaves you with more time for the important things (like laughing at JennaMarbles or pretending you don't watch Vine compilations).
Available both online and offline: You can store the free downloadable PDF wherever you want. Save a hard drive, kill a tree! (It's printable.)
Updated for the inbound marketer: With new sections like responsive design and rel="author", you can uphold your flawless nerd reputation by publicly shaming those who make syntax errors in their code (and are foolish enough not to download this cheat sheet!).
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Principles of Critical and Creative Thinking
There are a few fundamental keys to thinking critically. They involve questioning:
1) How the debate is framed. Often this means questioning definitions and paradigms.
2) Debaters’ motives.
[Other principles edited out from sample.]
Note: I’m using the notion of problem solving interchangeably here with winning a debate, since the critical
thinking rules are the same. But you don’t need an adversarial situation like a debate to be able to use these
1. Questioning the Frame of the Debate and Key Definitions
The first step in any problem-solving oriented critical thinking is to define the problem.
When faced with a given problem, people often frame the debate in terms of one particular cause or symptom of
the problem. The frame of the debate is a particular type of assumption that is worth discussing independently
of the section later on about finding and questioning assumptions, because it affects the whole rest of the debate.
For example, I was discussing wait times for health care with a friend. In arguing against extending
government-funded insurance to the poor, he framed the debate by saying that wait times were due to insurance
abuse. If I’d wanted, I could have accepted that frame and highlighted that such abuse – like theft of office
supplies – exists at all levels of wealth and education.
But having read in a newspaper that a big cause of the problem was systematic inefficiencies such as paperwork
bottlenecks, I pointed out that insurance fraud was at best indirectly tied to the wait times problem and that
more immediate causes should be analyzed first. This made eligibility for government insurance a moot point.
Principles of Critical and Creative Thinking
There are a few fundamental keys to thinking critically. They involve questioning:
1) How the debate is framed. Often this means questioning definitions and paradigms.
2) Debaters’ motives.
[Other principles edited out from sample.]
Note: I’m using the notion of problem solving interchangeably here with winning a debate, since the critical
thinking rules are the same. But you don’t need an adversarial situation like a debate to be able to use these
1. Questioning the Frame of the Debate and Key Definitions
The first step in any problem-solving oriented critical thinking is to define the problem.
When faced with a given problem, people often frame the debate in terms of one particular cause or symptom of
the problem. The frame of the debate is a particular type of assumption that is worth discussing independently
of the section later on about finding and questioning assumptions, because it affects the whole rest of the debate.
For example, I was discussing wait times for health care with a friend. In arguing against extending
government-funded insurance to the poor, he framed the debate by saying that wait times were due to insurance
abuse. If I’d wanted, I could have accepted that frame and highlighted that such abuse – like theft of office
supplies – exists at all levels of wealth and education.
But having read in a newspaper that a big cause of the problem was systematic inefficiencies such as paperwork
bottlenecks, I pointed out that insurance fraud was at best indirectly tied to the wait times problem and that
more immediate causes should be analyzed first. This made eligibility for government insurance a moot point.
Content marketing should be an integral part of your overall online marketing strategy. Guest blogging is just one of the many ways you can spread your message throughout the Internet. What is guest blogging? If you think it’s just another link building strategy, think again. That’s not the type of guest blogging this guide is talking about. While guest blogging can be a sustainable
link building strategy, you need to think beyond links. You need to have these three specific goals in mind when it comes to guest blogging.
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Do you even need a link building team?
The idea of having a team of link builders working for you is a pretty sweet one. Link building
is hard, so the idea of being able to delegate work to a specialised team is a nice thing to have.
But you need to think hard about whether you actually need a team and ask yourself
questions such as:
★ Do I have enough work to keep them busy month-to-month?
★ Do I need full-time people or can I use freelancers?
★ Do I have additional resources to support them i.e. designers and writers?
★ How are my existing team members coping with link building?
★ How would my existing team feel about handing over client work to someone else?
As you can see, there are a number of things to think about, and the decision isn’t one that
you should take lightly. Let’s look at them in a bit more detail to try and help you if the time
comes to make a decision.
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