
শিকড়ের সন্ধানে। বিবেক বাংলা। একটি অন?

আমাদের কথা
বিবেকবাংলা একটি অনলাইন নিউজ পোর্টাল কিন্তু এটিকে আমরা এমনটি দেখছি না। বিবেক দিয়ে সাজানো সব লেখনির অভিপ্রায় এখানে। যেখানে বিবেকের ঘাটতি সেখানেই আমরা উপস্থিত আর বিবেকের কাছে দায়বদ্ধ আর প্রত্যেক মানুষের কাছে প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ বিবেককে জাগানোর। সমাজের সকল শ্রেনীর সকল পেশার সকল গোত্রের মানুষের কাছে আমরা বিবেক হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে আছি, ছিলাম আর থাকবো। হোক বিবেকের জয়, ফিরে আসুক মনুষ্য বিবেক-এটাই আমাদের পথচলা।
সম্পাদক, বিবেকবাংলা


কলেজ শিক্ষার্থীর চোখ উৎপাটনকারী কৃষকদল নেতা গ্রেফতার না হওয়ায় নিরাপত্তাহীনতায় শিক্ষার্থীর পরিবার। পাটগ্রাম উপজেলার বাউড়া ইউনিয়নের নবীনগর গ্রামের ঘটনা।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 03/04/2024

গেল বছরের চেয়ে ফলনও কম, দামও কম...হতাশ চাষিরা... #কৃষি


Low price frustrates pumpkin growers

Our Correspondent, Lalmonirhat
Wed Apr 3, 2024 12:00 AM
Last update on: Wed Apr 3, 2024 01:14 AM

Good yield of pumpkin failed to make farmers happy as its prices are awfully low. The photo was taken from Mahipur area in Rangpur’s Gangachara upazila. Photo: Star
Pumpkin growers in different upazilas of five northern districts have been deprived of fair price of the vegetable as the price dropped significantly this season.
The price is too low this season, although it was much higher in the previous year, local growers said.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.
Although each kg of pumpkin is selling for Tk 25 at local markets, farmers are getting only Tk 12 to Tk 13 from the wholesalers for the item, they said.
Farmers said a major portion of the pumpkins produced in the five districts of the Rangpur region are usually cultivated in the sandy char lands along the Teesta, Brahmaputra, Dharla, Dudhkumar and Gangadhar rivers.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), pumpkin has been cultivated on a total of 12,300 hectares of land in Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Nilphamari, Gaibandha and Rangpur districts.
While the production target of vegetable has been fixed at 4.6 lakh tonnes.
While talking to this correspondent a number of pumpkin growers said due to prolonged cold and thick fog this season the yield of pumpkin is 25 to 30 percent less than that of the previous year.
Last year, farmers sold each kg of pumpkin for Tk 15 to Tk 16, but the vegetable is being selling for only Tk 12 to Tk 13 this year.
Farmer Rashedul Islam of Char Kalmati village in Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila said about 500 pumpkin saplings can be planted in each bigha of land.
Each plant can yield up to two to five pumpkins, each weighing around four to eight kg.
Farmers have to spend Tk 20,000 to Tk 25,000 for cultivating pumpkin on one bigha land.
If the yield is expected and the price is good, farmers can make a profit of Tk 60,000 to Tk 65,000 by cultivating pumpkin on one bigha land, he said.
Farmer Nazir Ali of Begumganj village along the Brahmaputra river in Kurigram's Ulipur upazila said 12 char farmers together cultivated pumpkin on 15 bighas of char land this year, but the yield is quite low due to persistent cold spell during the winter this season.
Ganesh Chandra Das, a vegetable vendor at a marker in Rangpur City, said they are buying pumpkin from wholesalers at Tk 18 to Tk 19 per kg and selling those at Tk 25. Rangpur DAE Additional Director Obaidur Rahman Mandal said many farmers in char areas are growing pumpkin in groups on sandy land and making good profits.


সুরভী রানীরা না পাবে বিচার, না থামবে অশ্রু...


আবারো বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে বাংলাদেশি নিহত। সীমান্তে থামছেই না কান্নার আহাজারি।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


ভূটানের রাজা আসছেন কুড়িগ্রামে। ধরলাপাড়ে গড়ে উঠবে ‘বিশেষ অর্থনৈতিক অঞ্চল’। এতে বন্ধথাকা লালমনিরহাট বিমানবন্দর চালু হওয়ার সম্ভবনা দেখা দিতে পারে...িউন্নয়ন

Body of teen killed in BSF firing returned in the dark of night 28/03/2024

রাতের আঁধারে নিহত বাংলাদেশি যুবকের মরদেহ ফেরত দিলো বিএসএফ... #সীমান্তহত্যা

Body of teen killed in BSF firing returned in the dark of night India's Border Security Force (BSF) last night returned the body of a Bangladeshi teenager who died in BSF firing along the Dighaltari border in Lalmonirhat


দারিদ্রতাকে চিরতরে বিদায় জানানোর স্বপ্ন দেখছেন কুড়িগ্রামের মানুষ। আজ আসছেন ভূটানের রাজা... #অর্থনৈতিকঅঞ্চল


Kurigram to perk up with Bhutan’s economic zone

S Dilip Roy, Porimol Palma
Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:00 AM
Last update on: Thu Mar 28, 2024 02:51 AM

Nur Islam, 70, a marginal farmer in Kurigram, one of the most poverty-prone regions of Bangladesh, was overcome with excitement when he learnt on Monday that Bhutan would be setting up a special economic zone in the area.
The SEZ, which will be set up on 190 acres of land in Madhabram village, will see the flourishing of industries and connectivity between India's northeast, Nepal and Bhutan.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.
And with it, Nur and his two sons' days of venturing out to different places in search of work will come to an end. Like Nur, people in Kurigram, where job opportunities are few and far between, could not be more excited with the forthcoming SEZ.
"We are hard-working people. But we have to remain unemployed for much of the year. Thus, we cannot overcome the cycle of poverty. Now we think that the special economic zone will create jobs. Thus, we can improve our life," Nur said.
The construction work for the SEZ, which is 190 kilometres from the southern Bhutanese city of Gelephu, will begin soon, according to Mohammad Saidul Arif, Kurigram deputy commissioner.
The Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority has already gotten possession of most of the 190 acres of land at Madhabram, he said, adding that more land will be acquired if needed.
Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck will visit the site in Kurigram today before travelling back home through the Sonahat landport.
The Sonahat land port, which is connected to India's northeastern state of Assam, is 44 kilometres from the designated site of the Bhutanese SEZ, while the Chilmari river port, which is also close to Assam, is 34 kilometres away.
The Dharla river is just 500 metres away, while the Kurigram town is a kilometre away. Rangpur City is 52 kilometres from the SEZ and the Lalmonirhat airport is 31 kilometres away.
"The economic zone is well connected by road, rail, river and air," Arif said.
Kurigram will be known as an international trade zone with the opening of the SEZ, said Abdul Aziz Mia, president of the Kurigram Chamber of Commerce.
"Besides the Kurigram-Bhutan trade relations, there will also be opportunities for commercial communication with the northeastern region of India," he said.
Bangladesh also proposed importing hydroelectricity from Bhutan on the heels of its deal with Nepal to import 40MW of hydroelectricity.
Asked about the potential of regional trade and connectivity, Selim Raihan, a professor at the University of Dhaka's economics department, said: "India's cooperation will be crucial as India's land will be used for land connectivity with Bhutan and Nepal."
He cited the case of the motor vehicle agreement between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal.
That landmark arrangement could not be implemented because of the Bhutanese parliament's objection. "So, all countries need to have true political will for regional cooperation," he said.
"The economic zone will add a new horizon in the area of bilateral trade and investment between the two countries and also for achieving greater prosperity in the South Asia region," said the joint statement of Bangladesh and Bhutan.

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 28/03/2024

কবে শেষ হবে ভাটিবাড়ী-কোদালখাতা-ইটাপোতা-মোগলহাট সড়কের প্রশস্তকরণকাজ। চরম দূর্ভোগে পড়তে হচ্ছে পথচারিদের... #এলজিইডি


Locals suffer as work left incomplete

Our Correspondent, Lalmonirhat
Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:00 AM
Last update on: Thu Mar 28, 2024 01:41 AM

Renovation work of this Bhatibari-Moghalhat road in Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila has remained suspended for long, depriving local residents of different facilities.
Several thousand people of different villages have been suffering immensely as renovation work of Bhatibari-Moghalhat road in Sadar upazila has remained incomplete for nearly two years.
About thirty-five percent of the road renovation work has been left unfinished, depriving commuters of different facilities, locals said.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.
The road widening work was supposed to be completed by February 2023, but only 65 percent of the work has been done so far, they said, adding that as a result, commuters, especially pedestrians, have been facing extreme difficulties in reaching their destinations using the incomplete road.
Locals said about 2,500 roadside trees on both side of the eight-kilometre-long road at Moghalhat union in Sadar upazila have been felled in the name of road widening work.
Since the contractor concerned left the parts of the road widening work incomplete, it has been pretty difficult for drivers to carry passengers and different goods using the half-done road.
Trader Nur Islam of Bhatibari area said many drivers do not want to use the road as numerous potholes have developed at different spots of the incomplete road.
He said local people will be greatly benefited if the road widening work would have been completed in scheduled time.
According to Lalmonirhat Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), LGED took the initiative to widen the eight-kilometre-long Bhatibari-Moghalhat under the 'Cyclone Ampan and Flood Damaged Road Rehabilitation Project' in 2021.
Contractors Belal Construction and Hamid Traders jointly got the Tk 6 crore work order to widen the road from 12-feet to 18-feet on August 12 the same year.
Though the road widening work was scheduled to be completed by February 2023, only 65 percent work has been done so far.
The contractors, however, already withdrawn about 53 percent of the total bill, LGED sources said.
Contacted, Contractor Badruzzaman Plaban said the WBM work of the road has already been completed, but complications arises when they were taking preparation of the carpeting work.
The work has been left incomplete as the sand filling, WBM and carpeting layers were not followed properly during the road construction work in 2002-2003 fiscal years.
"I have applied to the LGED authorities to increase the rate of the road widening work," he said, adding that he will not be able to complete the road unless the rate variation is approved.
Lalmonirhat LGED Assistant Engineer Shafiul Islam Rifat said it is true that there were some irregularities during the road construction work about two decades ago. Necessary measures will be taken as per instructions of the higher authorities, he said.


নিহত বাংলাদেশি যুবক লিটন মিয়ার মরদেহ ফেরত দিয়েছে বিএসএফ। বুধবার রাত সাড়ে ১০টার দিকে লাশ ফেরত দেয়।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


তামাক কোম্পানীর ফাঁদ হতে বেড়াতে পারছেন না কৃষকরা

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 27/03/2024

সাইজে ছোট ইট প্রস্তুত করে ক্রেতাদের সাথে প্রতারনা করা হচ্ছে


মৃত্যুর সাথে পাঞ্জা লড়ছেন সেই ডাঙ্গোয়াল... #বর্ডার


নির্বাক হয়ে কাঁদছেন বেড়পাঙ্গা গ্রামের সুরভী রানী। দূর্বৃত্তরা আগুন ধরিয়ে দিয়ে পুড়ে দিয়েছে তার ঘর ও ঘরের আসবাবপত্র। এখন স্বামী সন্তানকে নিয়ে দিন কাটছে খোলা আকাশের নিচে।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


সীমান্তে বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে বাংলাদেশি যুবক আহত হওয়ার ঘটনা যেভাবে বর্ণনা করলেন এক ডাঙ্গোয়াল। চলছে তার মায়ের আহাজারি

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


দূর্গাপুর সীমান্তে বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে আহত বাংলাদেশি যুবক লিটন মিয়া। বিএসএফ তাকে ভারতে নিয়ে গেছে। তবে পরিবার ও স্থানীয়দের দাবি লিটন মারা গেছেন। পরিবারে চলছে কান্না।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 26/03/2024

বিএসএফ’র গুলিতে আহত হয়েছেন বাংলাদেশি যুবক লিটন মিয়া


তিস্তাপাড়ে সংগ্রামী জীবন

ফুটেজ: দূর্জয় রায়


শুকিয়ে মরাখালে পরিনত হয়েছে খরস্রোতা তিস্তা নদী। কবে থামবে ‘তিস্তাপাড়ের কান্না’

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


কৃষকের বাড়তি আয়ের উৎস হয়ে উঠেছে সুপারি উৎপাদন। একবার সুপারি গাছ লাগালে ফলন পাওয়া যায় দীর্ঘদিন। এতে কৃষকের কোন খরচও নেই।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়


বাজার ব্যবস্থা নিশ্চিত না হওয়ায় সুপারফুড ‘কেনুয়া’ চাষে আগ্রহ হারিয়েছেন লালমনিরহাটের চাষিরা। বিদেশ থেকে আমদানি করতে হয় কেনুয়া। এ অঞ্চলে কেনুয়ার আশানুরুপ উৎপাদন সম্ভবনা রয়েছে।

রিপোর্ট: দূর্জয় রায়

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 22/03/2024

দিবসটির জন্য অপেক্ষা
ফের যাবো প্রতিবার যাবো যেতেই থাকবো


#দিব্য কে বল্লেম ‘বাপু ক্যামেরা আসক্তি ভালো না’ । শুনছেই না। উল্টো সুযোগ পেলে ক্যামেরা আসক্তি বাড়িয়ে দেয়। এ আসক্তি অন্য ইঙ্গিত দেয় যেটা আমি প্রত্যাশা করি না। ভাবছি ক্যামেরা না থাকলেই তো তার আসক্তিতে ভাটা পড়বে। বিক্রি করে দিবো এটি।


গোচারণ ভূমিতে পরিনত হয়েছে পার্কটি...তবে এটি নিয়ে সুখবর শোনালেন রেলওয়ে কর্তৃপক্ষ... #বিনোদন


Children’s park now a grazing land

S Dilip Roy
Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:00 AM
Last update on: Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:00 AM

The lone park for children in Lalmonirhat town, established on a land of Bangladesh Railway beside Lalmonirhat Railway Station, is now being used for dumping garbage and grazing cattle.
The railway authorities built the park around 65 years ago to provide recreational facilities to children, especially those of the railway employees.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.
About 4,000 railway employees live in Lalmonirhat town with their families. The park used to serve as a recreational ground for their children, as well as children from different other areas of the town.
"My two sons and a daughter used to play in the park, but now I cannot take my grandsons there as the place has become filthy. Besides, it has become a den for drug addicts," said Mobarak Ali, 70, a retired railway staffer.
Nur Mohammad, 50, another railway employee, said, "Till 2000, the park was in good condition. Since then, in last 23 years, its condition deteriorated a lot due to lack of care and maintenance. At present the park no longer serves its purpose."
Abir Hossain, 12, son of a railway staffer said, "The rides in the park are in a shabby state. Meanwhile, cows and goats graze, and garbage is dumped there as well. I have nowhere to play."
Prabir Kumar Bishwas, head teacher of Railway Children's Park High School, said, "Proper recreation is essential for children's physical and mental well-being. I requested the railway authorities to take steps for reviving the park as it is the only one for children in Lalmonirhat town."
Ahsand Habib, divisional engineer of Bangladesh Railway in Lalmonirhat, said, "We have adopted an action plan to renovate the park. A tender will be called soon. We have also put up a notice so that no one can dump garbage there."

তথ্য চেয়ে সাংবাদিক যাতে হয়রানির শিকার না হয় নিশ্চিত করা হবে: তথ্য প্রতিমন্ত্রী 18/03/2024

তাই যেন হয়...

তথ্য চেয়ে সাংবাদিক যাতে হয়রানির শিকার না হয় নিশ্চিত করা হবে: তথ্য প্রতিমন্ত্রী নবম ওয়েজ বোর্ডের বকেয়া পাওনা দ্রুততম সময়ে পরিশোধ করতে গণমাধ্যমের মালিকপক্ষের প্রতি আহ্বান জানান তিনি।


সাংবাদিকদের কর্মপরিবেশ নিশ্চিত করতে হবে
Editorial Published in the Daily Star

Let journalists do their job

Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:57 AM
Last update on: Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:00 AM

Persecution by government officials deeply concerning

It is deeply disturbing to see how the rights of journalists to freely perform their duties, without fearing threats and violence, are repeatedly violated by departments of the state itself. For instance, in Lalmonirhat on Thursday, government employees confined five journalists to the office of an assistant commissioner (land) for about 40 minutes. The officials took this brutish measure because they did not want anyone to record videos of a hearing inside the premises. Earlier this month, a journalist was jailed in Sherpur through a mobile court for seeking information from the upazila nirbahi officer about the purchasing of computers and laptops. Thankfully, he was later freed and action was taken against the offending officer, but the fact remains that he was harassed for trying to hold state mechanisms to account.

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No industrial zones at the cost of rivers
And let's not forget that at least 18 journalists were assaulted or harassed while covering irregularities and violence during the January 7 general election, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. There is arguably no other group of professionals that is persecuted for just doing their job.
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel.
Several questions emerge out of such events. Is this how government employees are instructed to act in these situations? Or are they so drunk on power that the state cannot control them? More importantly, why are these officials so insecure about providing information for public welfare? These questions, regardless of the answers, do not bode well for the country's journalists—or its democracy. They point to the administration's unwillingness to remain accountable to the people and put the government's celebrated narrative of free press and media under fire.
Indeed, if journalists truly enjoyed a safe and free environment, Bangladesh would not have slipped another notch in the World Press Freedom Index 2023. The country is now ranked 163rd out of 180 countries.
It's clear that this professed freedom—touted by state officials who point to the proliferation of media houses to back their arguments—is disconnected from reality. If such liberty existed, would journalists repeatedly face such attacks? Time and again, we have seen how laws are twisted to threaten journalists or take revenge. In the Sherpur incident, the Mobile Court Act was abused to put a journalist in jail, giving him no scope to defend himself. And at this point, the country is well aware of how the Digital Security Act, now rebranded as the Cyber Security Act, has become a weapon against the free press.

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Why must journalists put their lives on the line?
Indeed, if journalists truly enjoyed a safe and free environment, Bangladesh would not have slipped another notch in the World Press Freedom Index 2023. The country is now ranked 163rd out of 180 countries. The statistics, the countless incidents, the prevailing atmosphere of self-censorship—all point to the fact that journalism is slowly being killed in this country. And no rhetoric, however eloquent it may be, will be able to cover this reality. Therefore, the government must stop being in denial and work towards protecting this profession, for the sake of accountability and people's rights.


পরিবেশ রক্ষা না হলে জীবন বাঁচবে না

Photos from Bibekbangla's post 16/03/2024

Bangladeshi Journalists in International Media yesterday condemned the confinement of the five journalists.
BJIM also demanded immediate actions against the officials concerned for their misbehaviour with the journalists.


’ব্যানা’ আর বাজে না...’কুষাণ’ গানের সেরা গিদাল অমূল্যের জীবন কাটছে খেয়ে-না খেয়ে

'Kushan Gaan' artiste Amulya Chandra spending days starving
25 bighas of land has gone to Dharla River womb

Once popular song in Rangpur region was 'Kushan Gaan'. Amulya Chandra (78) was a popular 'Kushan Gaan' artiste. He was called best Gidal (artiste) in the north. He was busy throughout the year performing 'Kushan Gaan' at different places. He also used to perform 'Kushan Gaan' in different areas of Cooch Behar of West Bengal in India. There were 15 artistes in his group. Amulya, the popular singer of 'Kushan Gaan', now has to live half-starved.

Amulya Chandra is a resident of Kurul village on the bank of Dharla River at Moghalhat union of Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila. He is the only child of late Chandra Mohan and Churonmayee Bala. He got 25 bighas of land by inheritance. All his lands are now on the womb of the river Dharla. He lives with his wife Gano Bala on the govt land next to the Water Development Board d**e. He has three sons and one daughter. Three sons Sudhanshu Chandra, Dinobandhu Chandra and Sabuj Chandra are living in separate homes. All of them are making a living by doing daily wages.

Amulya Chandra said that he last performed 'Kushan Gaan' at Sonahat area of Bhurungamari upazila in Kurigram in 2004. After that, the concert of this song was not organized anywhere. “I was very busy with 'Kushan Gaan' before and after the independence. At that time, I could not give time to family members,' he said. "Due to modern culture, the culture of traditional 'Kushan Gaan' has disappeared," he said. "We used to perform 'Kushan Gaan' based on mythological stories," said Amulya Chandra adding, ‘'Kushan Gaan' is ancient folk songs of 'Pala Gaan’ and ‘Bhawaiya’.

The main musical instrument used in 'Kushan Gaan' is 'Bana'. Besides, drums, flutes, harmonium and dotara were used in 'Kushan Gaan'. The people of the countryside used to be thrilled when the bamboo-wooden made musical instrument ‘Bana’ rose to the tune. The main gidal (artiste) had to play the ‘Bana’ and perform the 'Kushan Gaan'. Amulya Chandra still keeps a ‘Bana’ with him. Although the ‘Bana’ is worn out, he still plays it occasionally. Amulya played the ;Bana’ alone in silence and picked up the melody of the 'Kushan Gaan'.

Amulya Chandra said, "Now my days are spent starving and half-starved. The monthly old-age allowance of Tk 500 given by the govt is my living source. Our sons help us sometimes.’ “Many 'Kushan Gaan' artistes have died. More than half a hundred artistes are still alive. All of them are living an inhumane life in financial hardship,' he said.

Amulya Chandra passed class eight. His father had a lot of wealth. Amulya started singing kirtans at the age of 15 with the encouragement of his parents due to his melodious voice. He later formed the 'Kushan Gaan' Group. Singing became his profession from a hobby.

Amulya Chandra's wife Gano Bala said that her husband was famous and named in Bangladesh and India. Their family was well run. After the arable lands and homestead were devoured by the Dharla River erosions, they struggling with extreme poverty and surviving. “I am occasionally earning as a day labourer. We are in a lot of trouble,' she said.


সাংবাদিকদের জেলে পাঠানোর হুমকি ও মারধরের ঘটনায় কুড়িগ্রামে সাংবাদিকদের মানবন্ধন। কুড়িগ্রাম সাংবাদিক ফোরাম (কেজেএফ) মানবন্ধনের আযোজন করে আজ শুক্রবার সকালে... #সাংবাদিক

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