Dr. Md. Ehtesham Khaled

Health Education and tips. Dental & Dentistry tips.


What is a root canal?
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. During the root canal process, the inflamed pulp is removed. The surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed to seal the space.

When is a root canal needed?
Root canal therapy is necessary when oral bacteria invade the pulp inside of your tooth. This usually happens when a cavity is left untreated for a long time. It can also occur if your tooth becomes cracked or damaged due to trauma.

How should I prepare for root canal treatment?
Before beginning your root canal, your healthcare provider can answer any questions you have about the procedure. Here are a few things you can do to prepare for your root canal treatment:

Take all medications as prescribed: You may be given antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications a few days before your appointment, especially if there is a lot of infection present.
Don’t smoke: To***co products interfere with your body’s ability to heal itself. Avoid smoking several days before your root canal appointment — and stop altogether if you’re able.
Eat a healthy meal: Since the local anesthesia used during root canal therapy will make your mouth numb for a few hours, it’s a good idea to eat before your appointment.
How long does a root canal take?
Depending on the amount of infection in your tooth, root canal therapy may require one or two appointments. On average, a root canal takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. If you are having treatment on a larger tooth with multiple roots, it can take up to an hour and a half.

দাঁতের সমস্যায় রুট ক্যানাল ট্রিটমেন্ট খুবই পরিচিত চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতি। লোকাল অ্যানাস্থেশিয়ার মাধ্যমে করা এই ট্রিটমেন্ট তুলনামূলক ভাবে যন্ত্রণাহীন। এই ট্রিটমেন্ট পৌঁছে যায় দাঁতের গোড়ার পাল্প পর্যন্ত। অনেক সময়ে দাঁত তুলে ফেলার চেয়ে তার গোড়ার সমস্যা সারিয়ে তা দীর্ঘস্থায়ী ভাবে রেখে দেওয়ার জন্যই বেছে নেওয়া হয় এই চিকিৎসা। বিশেষ করে ছোটদের ক্ষেত্রে বা সামনের দিকের দাঁতে সমস্যা তৈরি হলে সে ক্ষেত্রে দাঁত তুলে ফেলাটা শেষ অপশন। তার পরিবর্তে দেখা হয়, রুট ক্যানাল ট্রিটমেন্টের মাধ্যমে দাঁতের শিকড় পর্যন্ত গিয়ে সমস্যাটি নির্মূল করা যায় কি না।

দাঁতের গোড়া নানা কারণে সংক্রমিত বা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হতে পারে। যেমন—

• অনেক দিন ধরে অযত্নে থাকায় দাঁতে বেড়ে যাওয়া ক্যাভিটির ফলে নার্ভ এক্সপোজ়ড হয়ে পড়া।

• দাঁতে তৈরি হওয়া কোনও ফাটল বা গর্ত বেড়ে যাওয়ার সমস্যা।

• কোনও চোট বা আঘাতে দাঁতের গোড়া নড়ে যাওয়া... ইত্যাদি।

রুট ক্যানাল কী?

দাঁতের একমাত্র জীবিত অংশ হল দাঁতের পাল্প। নার্ভ, কানেক্টিভ টিসু এবং রক্তনালি দিয়ে তৈরি হয় দাঁতের গোড়ার এই পাল্প। রুট ক্যানাল ট্রিটমেন্টে এই ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত পাল্পটিই বার করে পরিষ্কার করে দেওয়া হয়। এর পরে তার ভিতরে একটা ইনার ফিলিং মেটিরিয়াল দিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। সে ক্ষেত্রে দাঁত একটি সম্পূর্ণ ডেড স্ট্রাকচারে পরিণত হয়ে গেলেও কাঠামো মজবুত থাকে। শেষে ক্রাউন বা ক্যাপ পরিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। মেটাল, ফাইবার... বিভিন্ন মেটিরিয়ালের তৈরি হতে পারে ক্যাপ। ক্যাপের দাম ও কোয়ালিটির উপরে ট্রিটমেন্টের সামগ্রিক খরচ নির্ভর করে।

সাধারণত একাধিক সিটিংয়ে রুট ক্যানাল ট্রিটমেন্ট করা হয়। আবার যদি দেখা যায় সংক্রমণের মাত্রা তত বেশি নয়, ক্যানালগুলোর খুব বেশি ক্ষতি হয়নি, সে ক্ষেত্রে এক সিটিংয়েও এই চিকিৎসা করা হয়।

দাঁতে খাবার আটকে গেলে, পাশের দাঁতে ক্যাভিটি হলে বা উপরের ক্রাউনটা কোনও ভাবে নষ্ট হয়ে গেলেও রুট ক্যানাল ট্রিটমেন্ট ফেলিয়োর হতে পারে। এই ট্রিটমেন্টের পরে তাই কয়েকটি সাধারণ নিয়ম মেনে চলা দরকার—

• দাঁতের ওই নির্দিষ্ট অংশ দিয়ে খুব শক্ত কিছু খাওয়া এড়িয়ে চলুন, যাতে চাপ না পড়ে।

• নিয়মিত ব্রাশ এবং ফ্লস করা জরুরি। দুটো সাধারণ দাঁতের কনট্যাক্ট পয়েন্ট, আর রুট ক্যানাল করা দাঁতের সঙ্গে তার পাশেরটির কনট্যাক্ট পয়েন্টের মধ্যে পার্থক্য থাকে। কয়েক বছর পরে সেই কনট্যাক্ট পয়েন্টগুলো চওড়া হয়ে যেতে পারে। নিয়মিত ব্রাশ আর ফ্লস করার অভ্যেস থাকলে তখন তা কাজে দেয়।

• ডায়েটে বেশি করে ফাইবার রাখা উচিত। বেশি সুগার কনটেন্ট আছে এমন খাবার, অতিরিক্ত রিফাইনড কার্বোহাইড্রেট কম খেলেই ভাল। তা হলে চিকিৎসার ফল দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হয়।

• রুট ক্যানাল করা দাঁত নিয়মিত পর্যবেক্ষণে রাখা জরুরি। একবার ট্রিটমেন্ট করিয়ে ভুলে গেলে চলবে না। মাসছয়েক অন্তর রিভিউ করানো দরকার।

#ডেন্টিস্ট #ডেন্টাল #ডাঃ #ডাক্তার #স্বাস্থ্য #চিকিৎসা #দাঁত


What Are Rubber Dams?
A rubber dam — also known as a dental dam — is a thin square sheet used to isolate the operative site from the rest of the mouth. Dental rubber dams contain a hole in the middle that allows the dentist to isolate the treatment area using a dental clamp around the tooth. Dental dams are usually made of latex, but there are also non-latex alternatives that dentists can use for any patient with a latex allergy.

Dental Procedures That Require a Dam
Dental dams are mainly used in endodontic procedures, prosthodontics (crowns and bridges), veneer placements, and other restorative treatments. Dental practitioners vary greatly in their use of the dental dam. Some practitioners use them frequently. For others, they are only applied during selective treatments, whereas many choose not to use them at all.

Endodontists tend to favor the use of dental dams. Their work involves focusing on the soft tissue inside the teeth, called the pulp. The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) states that tooth isolation with a dental dam is an important technique that helps maintain high standards of care during any non-surgical procedure. A root canal is a common non-surgical procedure for extracting infected tooth pulp, where a dental dam is often used.

Advantages of Dental Dams
As we know, the primary reason dental professionals use a dental dam is to stop oral bacteria from entering the exposed area inside the tooth and contaminating the root chamber. The latex sheet also allows the dentist to concentrate on the tooth by isolating it from the rest of the teeth and providing a clean work area. It also prevents ingestion or aspiration of dental materials and instruments, as the AAE lays out.

Obstacles to Use
Even though the dental dam can be a great tool for certain procedures, there are some obstacles to using them. Some dental professionals feel reluctant to use dental dams because their placement can be difficult. They also require extra time and money. And some dentists don't have the proper training to use them. Other dentists report that people are not comfortable wearing them.

According to a study presented in Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, the best way to make people feel more comfortable with the dental dam is for dentists to apply them more frequently to become better at using them. The study also notes that many reasons for not using the dental dam are based on myths rather than experience or evidence.

Now you know what dental dams are all about and hopefully feel more comfortable if your dentist pulls one out for a procedure. Remember that even though they may look and feel funny, they're completely safe. Whether you need a root canal, crown, bridge, or a veneer placement, a dental dam will help ensure that bacteria stay away from the opened area. They'll also help your dentist focus and ensure that you don't ingest something unwanted in the process. Next time you're with the dentist, and they whip out a dental dam, you'll know what they're about. So have no fear!
#ডেন্টিস্ট #ডেন্টাল #ডাঃ #ডাক্তার #স্বাস্থ্য #চিকিৎসা #দাঁত #রাবারড্যাম #রুটক্যানাল #ফিলিং


How to use a rechargeable toothbrush?
What is a rechargeable electric toothbrush?

A rechargeable electric toothbrush (also known as a “power” toothbrush) can help you do more to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. Many rechargeable toothbrushes use oscillating-rotating technology to provide better oral health results than regular manual toothbrushes. This brushing action is very different from that of regular manual toothbrushes, as it provides the movement, while you need only guide it.

For that reason, some people may find brushing with an electric toothbrush easier once they learn how to do it properly. Just remember that the key to brushing well with an electric toothbrush is to guide the brush head to all parts of your mouth.

Using a rechargeable electric toothbrush

Believe it or not, many school-aged children are now enthusiastic about brushing their teeth. We can thank the invention of the rechargeable electric toothbrush for this happy phenomenon.

Rechargeable electric toothbrushes are easy to use—that’s part of their appeal. And although a rechargeable electric toothbrush costs more than a manual toothbrush, it may be worth it if your child (or you) is more enthusiastic about using it.

Most rechargeable electric toothbrushes operate at anywhere from 5,000 to 30,000 strokes on your teeth per minute, and because of this, it takes less time to do a thorough job. Some rechargeable electric toothbrushes have even more power.

To use a rechargeable electric toothbrush, just place toothpaste on the brush head and hold the brush at a 45-degree angle, just as you would a manual toothbrush. Then turn on the rechargeable electric and move the brush from tooth to tooth. The smaller heads of most rechargeable electric toothbrushes usually brush about one tooth at a time, depending on the size of your teeth. Guide the electric brush along the front surfaces, back surfaces, and chewing surfaces of each tooth.

Even with a rechargeable electric toothbrush, you should spend about two minutes brushing to ensure that you’ve cleaned each tooth. When you’ve finished brushing, simply rinse the brush head with water and allow it to dry.

Built-in two-minute timers

Most rechargeable electric toothbrushes have built-in two-minute timers, and some even have professional timers that parse out 30 seconds for each quadrant to help you keep track.p

Positioning the rechargeable toothbrush

When using a rechargeable electric toothbrush, it isn't necessary to press hard or scrub. Simply guide the brush while it provides the brushing action. In fact, some electric toothbrushes have pressure sensors that alert you when you’re brushing too hard.

Step 1: Make sure your toothbrush is charged. Many electric toothbrushes have charge level indicator lights, so you can actually see when the toothbrush is charged.
Step 2: Start with the outside surfaces of the teeth. Guide the brush head slowly from tooth to tooth, holding the brush head in place for a few seconds against each tooth before moving on to the next one. Follow along with the shape of each tooth and the curve of the gums.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 on the inside surfaces of the teeth.
Step 4: Repeat Step 2 on the chewing surfaces of the teeth as well as behind the back teeth.
Step 5: Direct the brush head along the gum line and upon the gums. Again, do not press hard or scrub.
Step 6: Try grazing the brush head along your tongue and the roof of your mouth, back to front, to help freshen your breath.
With proper brushing technique with a rechargeable electric toothbrush and little practice you’ll be brushing with confidence knowing you’re using the clinically proven technology of a rechargeable electric toothbrush to clean your teeth.

#ডেন্টিস্ট #ডেন্টাল #ডাঃ #ডাক্তার #স্বাস্থ্য #চিকিৎসা #দাঁত


All you need to know about needles and syringes for anesthesia

The anesthesia is an essential technique used daily in all dental clinics. The anesthesia needles and syringes, are one of the most used dental instruments in dentistry. Why? Because they prevent the patient from feeling discomfort during dental treatment and allow procedures to be carried out that would be impossible without them.

Anesthesia aims to eliminate the sensitivity of a specific area, in this case, the mouth. It numbs the tooth and gums so that dental treatment can be carried out painlessly and comfortably. For this purpose, anesthesia can be applied with different types of instruments and in different ways.

Due to the great importance of these instruments and the need to know them in depth, today we bring you a post where we tell you everything you need to know about anesthesia needles and syringes and help you choose the ones that best suit each clinical situation! Stay tuned because... we're getting started!

patient with anesthesia syringe
The most commonly used anesthesia in the dental sector:
Today there are different types of anesthesia. Opting for one method or another depends on the type of dental treatment required by each patient. In dentistry, local anesthesia is the most commonly used technique to eliminate oral sensitivity since it can be applied in any treatment of the mouth that generates discomfort or pain. It is ideal for interventions such as: endodontics, fillings, extractions or implants. But this is not all, although it is not usual, the professional can also use local anesthesia for a treatment of dental hygiene with a lot of subgingival dental tartar and plaque.

We distinguish between 2 types of local anesthesia:

With vasoconstrictor: vasoconstrictor is added to the local anesthetic in order to provide deeper anesthesia and hemostasis in the treatment area, which is especially useful for many dental procedures. In addition, the vasoconstrictor helps to prevent toxic reactions of anesthetic drugs, decrease their plasma concentration and prolong their action. The most common vasoconstrictors used are adrenaline and felipressin. Caution should be exercised with their use in hypertensive patients, patients with coronary artery disease, hyperthyroid patients and, due to their metabolic effects, in diabetic patients.
Without vasoconstrictor: it is used in short treatments or in patients in whom vasoconstrictor cannot be applied due to its possible adverse effects.
Types of anesthesia in the dental clinic:
The types of dental anesthesia are classified as follows:

Topical anesthesia: is applied in the form of a gel or spray. It is characterized as a comfortable and less bothersome method. However, the duration of effect is shorter and is only superficial.
Infiltrative anesthesia: is the most commonly used anesthetic technique in dentistry, also called periapical or supraperiosteal. It is based on the injection between the mucosa and the periosteum at the apex level so that the anesthesia reaches around the nerve endings through the periosteum and the outer cortex of the bone.
Trocular anesthesia: consists of the infiltration of a local anesthetic in the proximity of a nerve trunk to anesthetize its entire territory. It is also called locoregional or nerve block. There are several techniques for the upper and lower jaw, some of them are the Spix or intrabuccal technique, the cutaneous or extrabuccal technique, the gow-Gates technique, the Carrea technique, etc.
Intrapulpal anesthesia: is a technique used in cases of acute pulpitis when anesthesia is not achieved with other techniques and consists of injecting anesthesia into the pulp space. Its application is painful, it is recommended to explain to the patient.
Intraligamentary anesthesia: is an anesthetic technique that is applied with a very fine needle and is useful for all types of minor interventions on single teeth. It is also used as a complementary technique when complete anesthesia is not achieved with another technique.
Intrapapillary anesthesia: It is used as a complementary technique to obtain deeper anesthesia or due to the existence of accessory innervation.

#ডেন্টিস্ট #ডেন্টাল #ডাঃ #ডাক্তার #স্বাস্থ্য #চিকিৎসা #দাঁত


Scientists found that people who use an electric toothbrush have healthier gums, less tooth decay and also keep their teeth for longer, compared with those who use a manual toothbrush.

The ground-breaking research took 11 years to complete and is the longest study of its kind into the effectiveness of electric versus manual brushing.

Chief Executive of the Oral Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, believes this study backs up what smaller studies have previously suggested.

Dr Carter says: “Health experts have been speaking about the benefits of electric toothbrushes for many years. This latest piece of evidence is one of the strongest and clearest yet – electric toothbrushes are better for our oral health.

“Electric toothbrushes, especially those with heads that rotate in both directions, or 'oscillating' heads, are really effective at removing plaque. This helps keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay.

“As the science behind the advantages of electric toothbrushes is mounting, the decision whether to invest in one becomes much easier.”

A recent poll by the Oral Health Foundation found that less the one in two (49%) British adults currently use an electric toothbrush.2

For almost two-in-three (63%) electric toothbrush users, more effective cleaning is their reason behind the switch. More than a third (34%) have been persuaded to buy one because of the advice of a dentist while around one in nine (13%) have received an electric toothbrush as a gift.

For those who use a manual toothbrush, the cost of going electric is often a turn off. However, Dr Carter says that electric toothbrushes are more accessible than ever before.

“As technology has developed, the cost of having an electric toothbrush becomes even more affordable,” adds Dr Carter. “Battery-powered toothbrushes are available for as little as £10 while electric brushes can be had for as little as £30.

“Given the advantages of electric toothbrushes, having one is an excellent investment and could really benefit the health of your mouth.”

Further findings from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, found that electric toothbrushes resulted in 22% less gum recession and 18% less tooth decay over the 11-year period.

Dr Nigel Carter says : “It’s important that whether you currently use an electric toothbrush or not, you should be following a good oral health routine.

“That means that whether you’re using a manual or electric toothbrush you should be brushing for two minutes, twice a day, with a fluoride toothpaste. Also, a good oral health routine would not be complete without using an interdental brush or floss once a day.

“If you follow a good oral health routine then whether you use a manual or electric toothbrush, you’ll have a healthy mouth either way.”

ORAL HEALTH FOUNDATION (2018) ‘National Smile Month Nationwide Survey 2019’, Atomik Research, May 2019, Sample 2,003.
Pitchika, V, Pink, C, Völzke, H, Welk, A, Kocher, T, Holtfreter, B. Long‐term impact of powered toothbrush on oral health: 11‐year cohort study. J Clin Periodontol. 2019; 46: 713– 722. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpe.13126

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দাঁত হারিয়ে যুক্তিসংগত কারণেই কৃত্রিম দাঁত সংযোজনে ব্যস্ত হয়ে পড়ে সবাই। কিন্তু কোন পদ্ধতি ভালো হবে তা নিয়ে সংশয়ে পড়তে হয়। ভুল চিকিৎসার কারণে আমরা অনেক সময় হারিয়ে ফেলি দাঁত। সংযোজনের তিনটি জনপ্রিয় পদ্ধতি রয়েছে।

ডেনচার : এটি অনেক আগে থেকে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে আসছে। তৈরিতে সময় কম লাগে আর খরচও অনেক কম বলে অনেকেই এটা পছন্দ করে। সমস্যা হলো এর সঙ্গে বাড়তি প্লেট বা অংশ থাকে, ফলে কিছুটা অস্বস্তি অনুভূত হয়। রাতে খুলে পানিতে ভিজিয়ে রাখতে হয়, জিহ্বা নাড়াতে অসুবিধা, খাবারের স্বাদ কমে যাওয়া, কথা বলতে সমস্যা ইত্যাদির কারণে আরও আরামদায়ক পদ্ধতি চায় অনেকে।

ডেনচার পদ্ধতিতে দাঁত লাগিয়ে অনেকে আবার এটা রাতে খুলে রাখে না, ফলে তাদের আশপাশের দাঁতসহ মাড়ি ও তালুতে নানা রকম সমস্যা তৈরি হতে পারে।

ব্রিজ : এই পদ্ধতি দেশে এখন জনপ্রিয়তার শীর্ষে। কারণ এ পদ্ধতিতে দাঁত খুলতে হয় না আর সঙ্গে কোনো বাড়তি অস্বস্তিকর অংশ থাকে না। তবে পাশের দাঁত কাজে লাগাতে হয় বলে অনেকে মনে করেন ভালো দাঁতটি নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। কিন্তু এই পদ্ধতি সম্পূর্ণ বিজ্ঞানভিত্তিক ও নিরাপদ। এই পদ্ধতিতে কৃত্রিম দাঁতের অনুভূতিও বোঝা যায় না। কিছুটা ব্যয়বহুল হলেও আরামদায়ক। তারপরও সময়ের প্রয়োজনে আরও আধুনিক পদ্ধতি নিয়ে গবেষণা চলতে চলতে আসে ইমপ্ল্যান্ট পদ্ধতি।

ইমপ্ল্যান্ট : এমন পদ্ধতি এখন দেশে ও উন্নত বিশ্বে যথেষ্ট জনপ্রিয় হচ্ছে। বিশেষ ধাতব স্তম্ভ অনেকটা দেয়ালে ড্রিল করে স্ক্রু লাগানোর মতো দাঁত না থাকা চোয়ালের হাড়ের মধ্যে প্রতিস্থাপন করা হয়। সেই স্তম্ভের ওপর দাঁত লাগানো হয়, যেটা পুরোপুরি প্রকৃত দাঁতের মজা দেয়। কিন্তু এই পদ্ধতি তুলনামূলক ব্যয়বহুল বলে অনেকেই উৎসাহিত হন না। সব ক্ষেত্রে আবার এই পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করা যায় না।

Partial Dentures
A removable partial denture or bridge usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is sometimes connected by metal framework that holds the denture in place in the mouth. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. A fixed bridge replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the space and attaching artificial teeth to them. This "bridge" is then cemented into place. Not only does a partial denture fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from changing position. A precision partial denture is removable and has internal attachments rather than clasps that attach to the adjacent crowns. This is a more natural-looking appliance.

Are There Alternatives to Dentures?
Yes, dental implants can be used to support cemented bridges, eliminating the need for a denture. The cost is usually greater, but the implants and bridges more closely resemble the feel of real teeth. Dental implants are becoming the alternative to dentures but not everyone is a candidate for implants.

Dental implants may also be used to support dentures, offering more stability.

Consult your dentist for advice about implants.

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Dentures?
Most dental insurance providers cover some or all of the cost of dentures. However, contact your company to find out the specifics of what they will cover.

How Are Dentures Made?
The denture development process takes a few weeks and several appointments. Once your dentist or prosthodontist (a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth) determines what type of appliance is best for you, the general steps are to:

What Do New Dentures Feel Like?
New dentures may feel a little odd or loose for a few weeks until the muscles of the cheeks and tongue learn to keep them in place and you get comfortable inserting and removing them. Also, it is not unusual for minor irritation or soreness to occur and for saliva flow to increase when you first start wearing dentures, but these problems will diminish as the mouth adjusts.

Will Dentures Make Me Look Different?
Dentures are made to closely resemble your natural teeth so there should be only a small noticeable change in appearance. In fact, dentures may even improve your smile and fill out your facial appearance.

Will Eating With New Dentures Be Difficult?
Eating with new dentures will take a little practice and may be uncomfortable for some wearers for a few weeks. To get used to the new denture, start with soft foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly using both sides of your mouth. As you get used to new dentures, add other foods until you return to a normal diet. Be cautious with hot or hard foods and sharp-edged bones or shells. And, avoid foods that are extremely sticky or hard. You should also avoid chewing gum while you wear the denture. Also, don't use toothpicks while wearing dentures.

Will Dentures Change How I Speak?
After getting dentures, you may have difficulty pronouncing certain words. If so, practice by saying the difficult words out loud. With practice and with time you will become accustomed to speaking properly with dentures.


4k youtube : https://youtu.be/gOvSHsY0Kz0

খুব গরমের সময় আমরা ঠান্ডা পানি দিয়ে গোসল করতে পছন্দ করি। আবার শীতের সময় হালকা গরম পানি দিয়ে। তো কোনটি ভালো? অনেকে বলেন, ঠান্ডা পানি দিয়ে গোসল করা ভালো; গরম পানি দিয়ে গোসল স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ভালো নয়। তবে সত্যটি হচ্ছে গরম বা ঠান্ডা পানি দুটো গোসলেরই কিছু উপকার রয়েছে।

গরম পানির গোসলের উপকার
১. গোসলের পর শিথিল বোধ করতে চাইলে গরম পানি দিয়ে গোসল করুন। ক্লান্ত হয়ে বাড়ি ফেরার পর গরম পানির গোসল ক্লান্তিভাব কাটাবে।

২. গরম পানির গোসল অবসন্ন ও ক্লান্তিভাব কাটায়, বিশেষ করে বিকেল বেলায়।

৩. মাথাব্যথা থাকলে গরম পানি দিয়ে গোসল করুন। এটি সাময়িকভাবে মাথাব্যথা কমাবে।

৪. ঘুম থেকে ওঠার পর মুখ ফোলা লাগছে? মুখ ফোলা ভাব কমাতে গরম পানির গোসল করতে পারেন।

৫. কোনো নির্দিষ্ট কারণ ছাড়াই উদ্বিগ্ন লাগলে গরম পানি দিয়ে গোসল করে নিন। এতে শরীর শিথিল থাকবে।

৬. গরম পানির গোসল নাকের সর্দি কমায়।

৭. গরম পানির গোসল শরীরের বিষাক্ত পদার্থ দূর করে।

৮. গরম পানির গোসল ত্বকের রোমকূপগুলো খুলে দেয়। এতে শরীর ভালোভাবে পরিষ্কার হয়।

ঠান্ডা পানির গোসলের উপকারিতা
১. ঠান্ডা পানির গোসল রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা বাড়াতে কাজ করে। এ জন্য অনেকেই ঠান্ডা পানি দিয়ে গোসলকে ভালো মনে করেন।

২. ঠান্ডা পানির গোসল অ্যান্টি ডিপ্রেশন হরমোন বের করে। এতে ভালো অনুভূতি হয়।

৩. বিপাক ভালো রাখতে কাজ করে।

৪. ঠান্ডা পানির গোসল আপনাকে সতেজ করবে, বিশেষ করে সকালে।

৫. ঠান্ডা পানির গোসল চুল পরা প্রতিরোধ করে এবং ত্বক ভালো রাখে।

Benefits of taking a cold shower include:

calming itchy skin
waking you up
increasing circulation
reducing muscle soreness post-workout
potentially boosting weight loss
glowing hair and skin
Cold showers calm itchy skin
Adam Friedman, MD, says if you have itchy skin or skin conditions that cause you to itch, cold showers can help you overcome the sensation to scratch.

Cold showers help you wake up in the morning
When that cold spray hits your body, there’s a bit of shock. This shock increases:

oxygen intake
heart rate
Cold showers increase your circulation
Increased circulation is one of the top reasons experts recommend cold showers.

As cold water hits your body and external limbs, it constricts circulation on the surface of your body. This causes blood in your deeper tissues to circulate at faster rates to maintain ideal body temperature.

In that sense, a cold shower has the opposite effect of a hot shower for someone with hypertension or cardiovascular disease, since exposure to cold temperatures triggers the circulatory system to reduce inflammation and can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

Cold showers help reduce muscle soreness after intense workouts
Since cold water has regenerative properties, your muscles will relax and repair after a tough workout.

Cold showers may help boost weight loss
Some fat cells, such as brown fat, can generate heat by burning fat. They do this when your body is exposed to cold conditions like in a shower.

Cold showers give your skin and hair a healthy glow
Though scientific research is limited regarding the effect cold water has on your skin and hair, anecdotal evidence points to positive effects.

The cons of cold showers:
Cold showers might not be a good idea if you’re already cold, since the cooler temperature isn’t going to help warm you up by any means. It could actually make you even colder and increase the amount of time it will take for your body to warm back up.
They may not be a good idea if you’re sick, either. Initially, the cold temperature might be too hard on your immune system, so it’s best to ease into the cooler temperatures.

Other benefits of hot showers include:

providing relief from respiratory symptoms
helping with blemishes
helping with muscle relaxation
Hot showers provide relief from cold or respiratory symptoms
Standing in a hot shower with the steam surrounding you has long been used as a natural remedy to reduce cold and cough symptoms. The heat from the water and the steam can help to:

open airways
loosen up phlegm
clear out your nasal passages
Hot showers help with blemishes
Hot showers can help open up the pores of the skin, which allows you to clean out the trapped dirt and oil.

Hot showers are good for muscle relaxation
Being in hot water effectively helps relieve body tension and can help soothe muscle fatigue.

The cons of hot showers include:
Hot showers can dry out and irritate your skin. Schaffer says the hot water causes damage to the keratin cells that are located on the most outer layer of our skin — the epidermis. By disrupting these cells, it creates dry skin and prevents the cells from locking in moisture.

So, which type is better?
There are obvious benefits to both hot and cold showers, so what should you do?

Basically, you get the water as cold as possible and stand in it for one minute. When the minute is up, you then change the water to as hot as you can handle for an additional minute.

Alternate between one minute each of cold and hot for three to five cycles.

He said the health benefits come from the cold water constricting the blood vessels. This means all the blood will go to the middle of the body.

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