Secret & Untold History

I enjoy learning social and cultural history, the most questions will be share.


तस्लीमा नसरीन को सत्य घटनाओं पर आधारित जिस 'लज्जा' उपन्यास के कारण अपने वतन से निर्वासित होना पड़ा, उसका यह अंश जरूर पढ़ें………!

…….और फिर CAA पर अपनी राय तय करें...

बेटियों के बलात्कारियों से जब माँ ने कहा "अब्दुल अली, एक-एक करके करो,,, नहीं तो वो मर जाएंगी "

यह सच्ची घटना घटित हुई थी 8 अक्टूबर 2001 को बांग्लादेश में।

अनिल चंद्र और उनका परिवार 2 बेटियों 14 वर्षीय पूर्णिमा व 6 वर्षीय छोटी बेटी के साथ बांग्लादेश के सिराजगंज में रहता था। उनके पास जीने, खाने और रहने के लिए पर्याप्त जमीन थी।

बस एक गलती उनसे हो गयी, और ये गलती थी कि एक हिंदू होकर 14 साल व 6 साल की बेटी के साथ बांग्लादेश में रहना!!

एक क़ाफिर के पास इतनी जमीन कैसे रह सकती है..? यही सवाल था बांग्लादेश की पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री खालिद ज़िया के पार्टी से सम्बंधित कुछ उन्मादी लोगों का।

8 अक्टूबर के दिन……..

अब्दुल अली, अल्ताफ हुसैन, हुसैन अली, अब्दुर रउफ, यासीन अली, लिटन शेख और 5 अन्य लोगों ने अनिल चंद्र के घर पर धावा बोल दिया, अनिल चंद्र को मारकर डंडो से बाँध दिया, और उनको काफ़िर कहकर गालियां देने लगे।

इसके बाद ये शैतान माँ के सामने ही उस 14 साल की निर्दोष बच्ची पर टूट पड़े और उस वक्त जो शब्द उस बेबस व लाचार मां के मुँह से निकले वो पूरी इंसानियत को झंकझोर देने वाले हैं।

अपनी बेटी के साथ होते इस अत्याचार को देखकर उसने कहा "….. अब्दुल अली,, एक एक करके करो, नहीं तो मर जाएगी, वो सिर्फ 14 साल की है।"

वो यहीं नहीं रुके,,,,,,,!! उन माँ बाप के सामने उनकी छोटी 6 वर्षीय बेटी का भी सभी ने मिलकर ब #लात्कार किया ....उनलोगों को वहीं मरने के लिए छोडकर जाते जाते आस पड़ौस के लोगों को धमकी देकर गए की कोई इनकी मदद नहीं करेगा।

ये पूरी घटना बांग्लादेशी लेखिका तस्लीमा नसरीन ने भी अपनी किताब “लज्जा” में लिखी, जिसके बाद से उनको अपना ही देश छोड़ना पड़ा

ये पूरी घटना इतनी हैवानियत से भरी है परन्तु आज तक भारत में किसी बुद्धिजीवी ने इसके खिलाफ बोलने की हैसियत तक नहीं दिखाई है, ना ही किसी मीडिया हाउस ने इसपर कोई कार्यक्रम करने की हिम्मत जुटाई है।

ये होता है किसी शांतिदूत देश में हिन्दू या कोई अन्य अल्पसंख्यक होने का, चाहे वो बांग्लादेश हो या पाकिस्तान।

पता नहीं कितनी पूर्णिमाओं की ऐसी आहुति दी गयी होगी बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं की जनसँख्या को 22 प्रतिशत से 8 प्रतिशत और पाकिस्तान में 15 प्रतिशत से 1 प्रतिशत पहुँचाने में।

और हिंदुस्तान में जावेद अख्तर, आमिर खान, नसीरुद्दीन शाह व हामिद अंसारी जैसे हर…….लोग कहते है कि हमें डर लगता है,,, जहाँ उनकी आबादी आज़ादी के बाद से लगातार बढ़ रही है।

अगर आप भी सेक्युलर हिंदु (स्वघोषित बुद्धिजीवी) हैं और आपको भी लगता है कि भारत में अल्पसंख्यक सुरक्षित नहीं हैं,, तो कभी बांग्लादेश या पाकिस्तान की किसी पूर्णिमा को इन्टरनेट पर ढूंढ कर देखिये !!!

मूर्खतापूर्ण ढंग से केवल संविधान की दुहाई देते हुए रूदाली रूदन करने की बजाय इन लोगों के बारे में बाबा साहब भीमराव अम्बेडकर की राय भी पढियेगा।

मर्जी आपकी !



gokul and its Krishna enpire against Afghan invader Abdali and his 40,000 strong army. 2000 sadhus sacrificed their lives to successfully expel Abdali from Gokul. Rare setback for Abdali in India


The year was 1527 and Babar’s forces were racing across North India after beating Maharana Sanga in Khanwa. Babar wanted to capture the fertile lands of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar quickly and be ready for his future conquests.

The same year, Babar reached Ayodhya, the seat of Ram Janmabhoomi. A staunch Muslim, Babar, couldn’t stand the sight of a grand Hindu temple in an Islamic kingdom. He ordered it to be razed!

But this demolition was easier said than Babar had entered Ayodhya, Pandit Devidin Pande, the priest of the Ram temple had gathered a small, but tough force for resisting the Babri army. And what a battle it was!

Pandit Ji’s small army had very few arms but gave more than a tough fight to the Mughals. The Lucknow GaGazetteerecords that no less than 1,74,000 Muslims perished in that epic battle. Even Panditji was severely wounded in that battle but he and his forces held on for a long time. But ultimately, Pandit Devidin and his army consisting of Rajputs, Brahmans and other jatis, lost that battle.

And Ram Janma Bhumi was finally demolished.

Never forget Pandit Devidin Pande and his army’s role in the Ram Temple movement.


In 1971, during the Bangladesh Liberation War, Pakistani soldiers and their local collaborators embarked on a campaign of terror and violence against the Bengali population. They carelessly r***d more than 200,000 to 400,000 Bengali women. The soldiers would take women with them wherever they wanted, placing them to the fore as a human shield.


What are the facts about India which most of the Indians don't know?
Hii friends, Today i goining to tell you about the sri Muradeshwara temple in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka State.

The height of Muradeshwara temple is about 249 feet and height of Qutub minar is 238 feet.

Whenever it came to history book, only qutub minar was mentioned, our temples was not even mentioned.


History ….

Combined forces of British and Nawab of Arcot defeated-killed king of Sivagangai at Kalaiyar Koil in 1772. Widowed queen Velu Nacchiyar attacked British after 8 years, regained her kingdom The first queen of Bharat Mata to win A battle against British.


To whom was Akbar's son Salim married?
Salim, who later became Emperor Jahangir, was married to several women throughout his life. However, his most famous and influential wife was Mehr-un-Nisa, who was later known as Nur Jahan after her marriage to Jahangir. Mehr-un-Nisa was the widow of a nobleman named Sher Afghan and was a highly educated and talented woman who became Jahangir's favorite wife and an influential figure in the Mughal court. She was known for her political acumen, her skills in administration, and her artistic talents, and she played a significant role in the administration of the Mughal Empire during Jahangir's reign.


Keanu Reeves was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister has leukemia.

And with everything that has happened, Keanu Reeves never misses an opportunity to help people in need. When he was filming the movie "The Lake House," he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants; One cried because he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 and on the same day Keanu deposited the necessary amount in the woman's bank account; He also donated stratospheric sums to hospitals.

In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery and bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

After winning astronomical sums for the Matrix trilogy, the actor donated more than $50 million to the staff who handled the costumes and special effects - the true heroes of the trilogy, as he called them.

He also gave a Harley-Davidson to each of the stunt doubles. A total expense of several million dollars. And for many successful films, he has even given up 90% of his salary to allow the production to hire other stars.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.

Most stars when they make a charitable gesture they declare it to all the media. He has never claimed to be doing charity, he simply does it as a matter of moral principles and not to look better in the eyes of others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: To be a good person. 💞💞💞

Keanu Reeves’ father is of Native Hawaiian descent.


Ashoka was a significant emperor in the history of India, but whether he was the greatest emperor is a matter of subjective interpretation and opinion.

Ashoka was the third emperor of the Mauryan dynasty and ruled from 268 BCE to 232 BCE. He is remembered as a ruler who embraced Buddhism and promoted non-violence and moral principles throughout his empire. He also initiated several welfare policies and is credited with building hospitals, schools, and rest houses for travelers.

While Ashoka's legacy as a just and compassionate ruler is widely acknowledged, there were other great emperors in Indian history who left their mark on the subcontinent. For example, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka's grandfather, founded the Mauryan Empire and expanded its territory significantly. Akbar the Great, who ruled during the Mughal period, was known for his religious tolerance and his efforts to create a diverse and inclusive society.

In conclusion, Ashoka's achievements and contributions to Indian history were remarkable, but whether he was the greatest emperor is a matter of debate and subjective interpretation.


The name "Pakistan"
was coined by Choudhary Rahmat Ali,

a Pakistani Muslim nationalist, in a pamphlet called "Now or Never" in 1933.

The name is an acronym that stands for the five

northern regions of British India that would make up the new country_____

Punjab, Afghania (North-West Frontier Province),

Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan.

____&_The word "Pakistan"

is a combination of two Persian and Urdu words, "Pak"

which means "pure" and "stan" which means "land of."


the name "Pakistan" means "Land of the Pure."

___It was chosen to represent the idea of a homeland for Muslims in South Asia,

where they could live according to their own religious and cultural traditions.

__Pakistan became an independent nation on August 14, 1947,

following the partition of British India into two countries - India and Pakistan.

____The name "Pakistan" was officially adopted as the

name of the country at the time of its independence.

Thanks 🙏


I was working on a project for World Hunger day and found these disturbing images …..I literally had goosebumps

Have a look …..just want to say ….save food …don't get too much….take how much you need…

Please Don't waste food after seeing these pics


Did you know about it before.


Kashmir. Despite its etymological origins being uncertain, Kashmir got its name from Kashyapa Rishi. According to Christopher Snedden, the name Kashmir could have been a shortened form of "Kashyapa Mira", or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa".

So you can understand that Kashmiri Pandits are real native of Kashmir. Islamist are intruders.

Of a total Pandit population of 120,000–140,000 some 90,000–100,000 left the valley or felt compelled to leave in 90s.

Some emigrated to other countries entirely. By 2011, only an estimated 2,700-3,400 Pandits remained in the Kashmir Valley. According to Indian government, more than 60,000 families are registered as Kashmiri migrants including some Sikh and Muslim families.


Do you remember the Youngest Mother in the World? See what happened to Her now

Tressa Middleton, 27, of Bathgate, Scotland, gave birth to her first child when she was twelve years old. After being r***d by her brother Jason, she became pregnant and kept it a secret. Jason was sentenced to four years in prison in 2009 after DNA a evidence established that he was the father. Ms. Middleton is now 27 years old and expecting her second child with Darren.


How did the Cambodian genocide compare to other genocides in history?
During the Cambodian Genocide, an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians were killed, out of a population of around 7 million. Many victims were targeted because they were intellectuals, professionals, or members of religious or ethnic minorities. Others were killed simply because they were deemed to be enemies of the regime. The genocide was characterized by its brutality and inhumane treatment of victims, who were often executed by firing squad, beaten to death, or tortured to death. Many others died from starvation, disease, or forced labor in work camps.

The Cambodian Genocide was a horrific period in Cambodian history that occurred between 1975 and 1979 during the rule of the Khmer Rouge, a communist revolutionary group led by Pol Pot. The Khmer Rouge sought to transform Cambodia into a self-sufficient, agrarian utopia and forcibly evacuated cities and towns, executed perceived enemies of the regime, and imposed brutal working conditions on the population.

The Cambodian Genocide is a painful and tragic reminder of the horrors of genocide and the importance of preventing such atrocities from occurring in the future. Survivors and their families continue to struggle with the trauma and impact of the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge, and the legacy of the genocide is still felt in Cambodia today. The leaders of the Khmer Rouge were eventually brought to trial for their crimes, and the United Nations established a tribunal to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the genocide.


This was taken in 1877. It’s been burned into my consciousness for years ever since seeing it.

It’s a man looking over his family during the British Raj in India. There were many cases of cannibalism and he feared someone would try to kill and eat his children or wife.

I acknowledge this is a difficult picture to look at— but I included it for a reason. Many people in the US/West aren’t even aware of the terrible famines that swept through India and which are comparable to the holocaust in deaths (an estimated ~30 million people have died in famines in India).

This was taken from the Great Famine of 1876–1878, which was far worse than the infamous Bengal Famine. It was caused by a crop failure/drought and was exacerbated by the crown’s export of wheat abroad. In total, 5.6 - 9 million people died (it’s hard to get exact figures).

And within huge statistics like these, are forgotten stories.

These are individuals and families, who slowly faced the despair of knowing they had no food and would have no food in the near future. They faced the horror of knowing there was nothing they could do to save their life or that of their children.

The above image is striking for so many reasons, namely and obviously, because of how emaciated this family is—while still managing to be alive. They are being subjected to catabolysis, the process by which your body breaks down other tissues to feed itself when it has no other options.

And it’s incredible that the father still uses the last ounces of his strength to defiantly watch over his family. The image properly captures the hellscape these poor people had to endure.


One of the most powerful pictures I've ever seen.

Everyone you see inside the hole is about to be brutally killed.

They were among the million people murdered in Indonesia during the communist genocide in 1965.

Little is known about this genocide, possibly because it occurred in a third-world nation, but it was one of the worst massacres in human history.


What are some unheard facts and truths that show the reality of Nanking during WW2 history?
The Nanking Massacre, also known as the R**e of Nanking, was a horrific event that took place during the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. Here are some facts about this tragic event:

The Japanese government has never officially apologized for the Nanking Massacre, and many Japanese textbooks continue to downplay or deny the event.

1. The massacre was not limited to just killing; women were r***d, and men were tortured and used for bayonet practice. It's estimated that over 20,000 women were sexually assaulted by Japanese soldiers during this time.
2. The Japanese soldiers took pleasure in murdering Chinese civilians, often making them dig their own graves before shooting or bayoneting them to death.
3. There were several foreign nationals who worked to protect Chinese civilians during the massacre, including a group of 22 Westerners who formed the Nanking Safety Zone. They risked their lives to shelter around 300,000 Chinese civilians and saved countless lives.
4. The Nanking Massacre lasted for six weeks, during which time the Japanese Imperial Army brutally slaughtered an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war.
5. Some Japanese soldiers who participated in the massacre documented their actions in diaries and letters, which have been used as evidence of the atrocities committed.


During World War II, millions of people were sent to concentration camps, including women.

Women in concentration camps were subjected to brutal treatment and often faced more severe conditions than their male counterparts. The conditions in the camps were inhumane, and women were often subjected to forced labor, starvation, and medical experiments.


We Indians are called, we are the fastest developing country. But when looking at the other side, the picture looks a bit different. It touches the heart and gives a lot of pain. Such pictures really hurt my heart a lot.

Photos from Secret & Untold History's post 20/03/2023

Why did N**i Germany produce tons of chemical weapons, but didn't use them ?
HI**er had seen gas attacks in the First World War and was terrified that if Germany used gas first, the Allies would retaliate in greater measure. The poisonous gas used in the trenches was truly horrible; it would blister men’s skin and scorch their lungs. Chlorine gas blinded many.

The German bombing campaign of European cities had led to apparently unexpected retaliation. As “Bomber” Harris put it:

The Luftwaffe had made promises they couldn’t keep; Hi**er realised that if the N**is used chemical weapons on Allied troops and cities, German ones would suffer much worse.


What are some surprising historical facts that are not commonly known?
Genghis Khan used to marry off his daughters to allied kings and then send his new sons-in-law to battle, where they usually died.

This was apparently a shrewd strategy to gain control over neighboring territories.

With their husbands out of the way, Genghis Khan's highly capable daughters would take over as de facto rulers, giving Genghis Khan power over these lands by proxy.

Rather than waging outright war, these political marriages and calculated maneuvers allowed Genghis Khan to gradually gain influence in a subtle way.

His trust and reliance on his daughters' abilities in these situations also demonstrates their strength and leadership, which was uncommon for women at the time.

Though Genghis Khan had a reputation as a ruthless conqueror, this aspect of his rule shows a more diplomatic side where family connections and alliances played an important role in expanding Mongol control.

Photos from Secret & Untold History's post 12/03/2023

Do you know how Kashmir became a part of India, or Maharashtra or Andhra or Bengal (Banga) or Bihar or Uttar Pradesh or Gujrat or Karnataka or Dravida (Tamilnadu) became a part of India?

Nobody knows that.

Each of the States of Modern India bearing a Puranic Name wouldn’t be aware how and when it became a part of India, because of the Historical Abyss that runs across its historical chronology between 500 BC and 1500 AD.

This interval of two thousand years is, in the life of Ancient India, an unsettled period during which it “metamorphosed” into Modern India. Ancient India was the microcosm; Modern India is the macrocosm.

Just as an immemorial temporal ignorance permeates an insect’s memory during its “metamorphosis” (from its larva state to its pupa state), Ancient India has been confronting a similar temporal ignorance because of its “migratory metamorphosis” during which it got transformed territorially from a Minuscule Territory (Ancient India, Puranic India) into the Subcontinental India (Modern India).

Let’s revise the whole thing once again. What is this Historical Abyss?

It is a loss of historical memory when the A***n Race was busy in the process of emigration, immigration and rehabilitation. They had cast off their Original Habitation, the Puranic India, and moved forward to distant lands, en masse, to create for themselves politico-cultural empires elsewhere. The new habitation was too named after the old habitation. So, there sprang sets of homonyms, each set pertaining to a particular strand of migration from Puranic India.

The Post-Puranic A***n Migration from Puranic India (Odisha Central) wasn’t limited within the Subcontinent only. It was transcontinental too. Transcontinental territories named after Puranic Champa (in Vietnam), Siam or Shyamadesha (in Thailand), Brahmadesha (in Myanmar), Kamboja (in Cambodia or Kampuchea), and the other Kamboja (in Afghanistan) etc were all products of the Post-Puranic A***n Migration from the Original A***n Land.

Puranic Civilization is an instance of Sedentary A***n Civilization. Most of the ancient-most Prakrit-Sanskrit (A***n Language) Texts, viz. Veda, Puranas etc, were written during this period. Thus, Ancient Indian Explicit Memory remained intact until and ended with the beginning of the Post-Puranic Migration.

Though we may take the beginning of the migration to be around 500 BC, it gathered momentum around 200 BC.

This scenario applies to Sri Lanka as well. Sri Lanka being a Puranic homonym, Modern Sri Lanka would be just the neotype whose prototype would be embedded in Puranic India. This too would have been a product of Post-Puranic A***n Migration from Puranic India (Odisha Central).

Sri Lanka is ascribed with two distinct Puranic Names, viz. Lanka and Simhala. So, it is likely that Proto-Lanka and Proto-Simhala would be two constituents of Puranic India which, according to the Puranic Map (the map implied by Puranic Geography and Topography), befalls Odisha Central.

Odisha Central is a nickname given by us to the coastal tract lying between Mahanadi River and Chillika Lake of Odisha State.


The speculated range of location of Proto-Lanka (Puranic Lanka) and Proto-Simhala (Puranic Simhala) has been shown in the accompanying diagram. Rampant migration from these locations to what is named as Sri Lanka today caused the replication.

[[Fig-1: Puranic India, Proto-Lanka, Proto-Simhala and Making of Modern Sri Lanka:

(1) light red circuit = Ancient India / Puranic Prithvi-Jambudvipa-Bharatavarsha-Aryavarta = Modern Odisha Central

(2) light black circuit = Modern Sri Lanka / Neo-Lanka / Neo-Simhala

(3) two blue blobs = symbolic locations of Proto-Lanka (Puranic Lanka), Proto-Simhala (Puranic Simhala)

(4) bold white arrowed line = Post-Puranic A***n Migration to Modern Sri Lanka from Puranic Lanka, Puranic Simhala by maritime route]]

[[Fig-2: Puranic India and ranges of locations of Proto-Lanka, Proto-Simhala:

(1) bold red circuit = Ancient India / Puranic Prithvi-Jambudvipa-Bharatavarsha-Aryavarta = Modern Odisha Central

(2) light blue circuits = Ranges of locations of Puranic Lanka, Puranic Simhala]]


How did we come to such speculations?

Here are two of our previous articles which can give you an inkling about what we have been talking on the historical identity of Sri Lanka:


So, was Sri Lanka a part of India? Is this query accurately or appropriately worded?

No. Maybe, the answer will rectify the question.

Sri Lanka has been an outgrowth of Ancient India, just as all other States of Modern India or their constituencies with Puranic Names have been. Collectively these demographic and cultural outgrowths along with the Ancient India Proper (Odisha Central) imply a Cultural Sphere which may be seen as the page.


Photos from Secret & Untold History's post 03/03/2023

Did the so-called A***n migration really happen?
If the A***n migration theory is true, then it means that A***ns were already civilised, this A***ns who lived elsewhere also was a civilisation advanced. Is’t it.?. If so there must be some traces in Europe or other countries such as Iran etc., where they were living. If so, then some of their old inhabitation places must be existing like Harappa and Mohenjadaro in those places also.

When nothing of such are found, the civilisation of Harappa and Mohenjadara is the substantial proof of this people who have advanced in pre historical times have lived only in India. Then what is the purpose of A***n migration theory.

The A***n migration theory is a deliberate attempt by the mischievous foreign elements who did not want to recognise that Harappa and Mohenjadara was the oldest civilisation on earth. If they agreed to that, then History will imply the truth that most part of the Europe and elsewhere were occupied only by nomads until the last one thousand five hundred years to two thousand years ago.

This so called developed countries of Europe and elsewhere are unable to digest the fact about this.

To defend this, this narrow minded Historians have fabricated this A***n migration theory. If we believe and accept all that, they can also establish the fact that they were also civilised in pre historical times.

This is the concept of A***n migration theory. This is a deliberate attempt done only to de recognise our advancement in the ancient times.

How British and elsewhere were living about two thousand years back
How Indians were during four thousand years back , only imagine their dresses like ours and understand the message .

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Rajshahi Division

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Rajshahi Division, 55230

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The Academy Solution The Academy Solution
157 William Street, New York, NY 10038
Rajshahi Division

The Best Online Academic Assistance For Students We have a team of professionally PhD-level experts who will do your academic help and we are also helping the students with their ...