Hong Kong Liberty Silver Hair

Hong Kong Liberty Silver Hair

Support and Fight for Hong Kong Liberty

堅離小地球・香港🇭🇰 加拿大🇨🇦 | 與張超雄前議員對談:從申請政治庇護到繼續關心在香港受壓迫的人|直線宣傳港加聯7月20 日在多倫多舉辦的「我們在獄中的手足」活動| 23/07/2024


堅離小地球・香港🇭🇰 加拿大🇨🇦 | 與張超雄前議員對談:從申請政治庇護到繼續關心在香港受壓迫的人|直線宣傳港加聯7月20 日在多倫多舉辦的「我們在獄中的手足」活動| 不知怎的,見到張超雄博士,總是心有戚戚。還記得以前有公匪叫他作「難民之父」,詎料如今他都要申請政治庇護,離開香港。張超雄博士雖然自身有諸多限制,但仍不忘關心香港,繼續為香港、加拿大的社會盡自己的力量!...


🚨 Hey everyone! 🚨 Artual Club is hosting our 2nd garage sale on 7/13 at Fremont, right near HKCC! 🛍️✨

Come join us as sellers or just spend a fun afternoon shopping. 🛒

Interested in selling? Contact Artual Club! 📞

Thanks! 🙌

Can you spare a minute to help Fuying Tilton? 17/06/2024

Can you spare a minute to help Fuying Tilton? Save Visitacion Valley Elementary School's Cantonese Bilingual Program

1989年「六四」慘案35周年祭(2024年) 35th Anniversary Memorial for the 1989 “June 4th” Massacre 03/06/2024

1989年「六四」慘案35周年祭(2024年) 35th Anniversary Memorial for the 1989 “June 4th” Massacre 我們今天在這裏舉行「悼念六四親人罹難35周年祭」。北京的「天安門母親」成員,由於眾所周知的原因,無法前來參加。我們代表罹難者的親屬在此向他們遇難35周年表達深切的哀悼和無盡的思念。我們將一如既往,秉持和平.....


#六四35 基督教刊物《時代論壇》頭版開天窗 社評提「春夏之交」盼誠實面對歷史



▌移台丁南僑出版繪本《小燭光》 述說維園晚會歷史



Hong Kong Watch
🇨🇦 「多倫多支持中國民運會 TADC」即將舉辦一系列「六四」紀念活動,詳情如下:
The Toronto Association for Democracy in China (TADC) is organising a series of events to commemorate the . The details are as follows:

🕯️ 燭光晚會 Candlelight vigil
日期 Date:2024年6月1日(星期六) Saturday, 1 June 2024
時間 Time:7pm
地點 Location:北約克賴士民廣場 Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge Street, North York

🪧 集會遊行 Rally & march
日期 Date:2024年6月4日(星期二) Tuesday, 4 June 2024
時間 Time:6pm
地點 Location:中國駐多倫多總領館 Chinese Consulate General in Toronto, 240 St. George Street


#六四 不要將紅線作底線



Hong Kong Watch
🇨🇦 香港監察在國會會見14位跨黨派加拿大國會議員 感謝國會議員對香港人社區的關注及支持

香港監察共同創辦人兼信託董事會主席 Aileen Calverley 和加拿大政策顧問 Katherine Leung 上星期到訪渥太華,期間共會見了14位跨黨派加拿大國會議員及加拿大環球事務部職員。

我們討論了潛在台海衝突對加拿大的經濟影響,以及其對約30萬居港加拿大公民的影響。此外,我們談到審視香港駐海外經濟貿易辦事處(香港經貿辦 HKETOs)地位和特權的必要;加拿大的外國干預情況,特別是設立外國代理人登記處以對抗外國干預的需要;以及在加香港移民的安全。

我們亦討論了如何推動增加「香港救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway」永久居留計劃的移民目標配額(admission targets)及如何應對目前審批滯後的問題。



• Melissa Lantsman MP(官方反對黨副領袖、加中關係特別委員會委員、香港監察贊助人)
• Jean Yip MP(加中關係特別委員會委員)
• Ken Hardie MP(加中關係特別委員會主席)
• Michael Chong MP(影子外交部長、加中關係特別委員會委員)
• Tom Kmiec MP(影子移民、難民及公民部長、加中關係特別委員會副主席、公民及移民常務委員會委員)
• Stéphane Bergeron MP(加中關係特別委員會副主席)
• Paul Chiang MP(移民、難民及公民部長國會秘書、公民及移民常務委員會委員)
• Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe MP(公民及移民常務委員會副主席、國際人權小組委員會副主席)
• Jenny Kwan MP(公民及移民常務委員會委員)
• Brad Redekopp MP(公民及移民常務委員會副主席)
• Senator Leo Housakos(參議員、香港監察贊助人)
• James Bezan MP(影子國防部長、香港監察贊助人)
• Garnett Genuis MP(影子國際發展部長、香港監察贊助人)
• Shuvaloy Majumdar MP(國際人權小組委員會委員)

🇨🇦 Hong Kong Watch extends gratitude to cross-party group of 14 Canadian parliamentarians for supporting Hong Kong community

Last week, Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chair of Trustees Aileen Calverley and Canada Policy Advisor Katherine Leung visited Ottawa, where they met with a total of 14 Canadian parliamentarians from across the political spectrum, as well as staffers from Global Affairs Canada.

We discussed the economic impact of a potential conflict in the Taiwan Strait on Canada, and its spillover effects on around 300,000 Canadian citizens in Hong Kong. In addition, we spoke about the need for a review of the status and privileges of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (HKETOs), foreign interference in Canada and particularly the need for a foreign agent registry to counter foreign interference, and the safety of Hong Kong immigrants in Canada.

We also discussed how to push for an increase in admission targets for the Hong Kong Pathway and how to deal with the current backlog of permanent residency applications awaiting a decision.

We discussed the arrangements for the hearing regarding the issue of Hong Kongers who have moved to Canada or the UK being denied access to their Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) savings. We also spoke about the trial of the Hong Kong 47 and asked parliamentarians to speak up for Hong Kongers facing political persecution.

Hong Kong Watch would like to extend gratitude to the following Canadian parliamentarians for supporting the Hong Kong community (in no particular order):

• Melissa Lantsman MP, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition, member of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship, Patron of Hong Kong Watch
• Jean Yip MP, member of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
• Ken Hardie MP, Chair of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
• Michael Chong MP, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, member of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
• Tom Kmiec MP, Shadow Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Vice-Chair of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship, member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
• Stéphane Bergeron MP, Vice-Chair of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
• Paul Chiang MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
• Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe MP, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, Vice-Chair of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights
• Jenny Kwan MP, member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
• Brad Redekopp MP, Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
• Senator Leo Housakos, Patron of Hong Kong Watch
• James Bezan MP, Shadow Minister for National Defence, Patron of Hong Kong Watch
• Garnett Genuis MP, Shadow Minister for International Development, Patron of Hong Kong Watch
• Shuvaloy Majumdar MP, member of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights

📜 Hong Kong Watch Article

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【傑斯短打】絕密公開!疑似香港國安跨境執法與海外港人對話,錄音內容牽涉間諜證據?英國間諜案持續發酵,有傳目標係「攬炒巴」劉祖廸?| 20240515 15/05/2024

#香港 #國安境外執法

【傑斯短打】絕密公開!疑似香港國安跨境執法與海外港人對話,錄音內容牽涉間諜證據?英國間諜案持續發酵,有傳目標係「攬炒巴」劉祖廸?| 20240515 你好,我係傑斯,請即訂閱全新《傑斯頻道》! 喺亂世同香港人同行,無忘初衷,繼續講真話! 記得 Comment、Like 同 Share!你的少少支持讓我繼續堅持! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------...


【支聯會涉煽動顛覆國家政權案|法官李運騰指今年內一定不會開審 6.24先開庭處理法官黎婉姫避席申請】





Hong Kong Watch releases updated Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office briefing — Hong Kong Watch 30/04/2024

Hong Kong Watch releases updated Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office briefing — Hong Kong Watch Today, Hong Kong Watch published an updated briefing on Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices.  You can read the full briefing, Beyond Borders: HKETOs, Article 23, and the CCP’s Agenda Abroad, here . This briefing follows Hong Kong Watch’s 2022 publication PRC Embassies in Disguise:

論壇|羅恩惠.敬悼香港新聞攝影界泰斗陳橋先生 - 論壇 - 光傳媒 Photon Media 30/04/2024

論壇|羅恩惠.敬悼香港新聞攝影界泰斗陳橋先生 - 論壇 - 光傳媒 Photon Media 分享 陳橋先生辭世(1927-2024),《南華早報》舊日同袍,攝影記者及新聞界老朋友們組織起來遙送花圈道別。 […]

Demand term limits for Supreme Court justices NOW! 20/04/2024

Demand term limits for Supreme Court justices NOW! Trump & MAGA Republicans packed the Supreme Court with far-right judges who serve lifetime appointments & keep stripping away our rights, freedoms, & bodily autonomy. The Supreme Court is corrupt. Sign to demand term limits for SCOTUS judges NOW. ⬇️

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#CCP Police attacked #Tibet monks
#柯文哲 做勢會,見聲不見人,只是得個講字🤣



Rajshahi Division