La Table Ronde de l'Architecture

La Table Ronde de l'Architecture

La Table Ronde de l’Architecture (T.R.A.) Instagram: @latablerondearchitecture

Dans un esprit de coopération harmonieuse et de liberté, la T.R.A.

est une association sans but lucratif dédiée à la défense et à l’enseignement d'une architecture belle, humaine et durable et des métiers d’art qui lui sont associés. rassemble plus de 400 membres, artisans, architectes, urbanistes, historiens, écrivains, entrepreneurs et curieux en tout genre autour de l’apprentissage du legs millénaire des traditions architecturales qui ont prévalu jusqu’à l’avè

Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 03/09/2024

Memories of a wonderful day - 17/08/2024

Presentations of the projects designed by the 32 students of the Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts 2024 ✨

Thank you to our students, our teachers, the members of the jury and the TRA network who made this day one to remember!

Special thanks to the TRA school team .a.ryng , Angela Webb, Riccardo Buratti, Noé Morin & 🫶🙏

The Great Estival Celebration was organised by the TRA in collaboration with &

Thank you at great knight of the TRA, friend and wonderful photographer ✨


NOTICIAS | El plazo para inscribirse en el nuevo FP de Piedra Natural, organizado por la Escola de Canteiros de Poio, está abierto hasta el 6 de septiembre. Esta formación reglada en cantería tradicional es una oportunidad única, ya que es la primera vez que se ofrece un programa completo especializado en este ámbito.

El curso tiene una duración de tres años e incluye módulos centrados en el trabajo artesanal de la piedra, la elaboración manual de elementos y la ejecución de construcciones singulares. Además, combina enseñanzas de piedra natural con formación artística en dibujo, volumen, escultura y talla en piedra.

Más información:

Photos from PIERRES et MARBRES de WALLONIE asbl's post 29/08/2024
Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 24/08/2024

This is the end. Five weeks in such good company went by like lightning. Thank you to our students for showing such determination, patience and intelligence. You are admirable, you are the hope of this world.
See you soon.

Photos from Mulhern Architecture Traditionnelle's post 22/08/2024

Il reste des places pour notre prochain chantier en consolidation de maçonneries anciennes ! 💪🏗🔨⛏🧱👷‍♀️👷

Où ? --> Abbaye du Val-Dieu (Aubel)

Quand ? --> du 26 au 30 août 2024

Programmation ?

• Etablissement d'un diagnostic : constat visuel / détermination des zones délicates / investigations rapides / théorie
• Interventions pratiques : consolidation in situ / traitement du blocage / démontage et remontage à l'identique / remplacement ponctuel / rejointoiement au mortier de chaux / étanchéité par végétalisation des faîtes de mur

Prix ? --> 375€ (225€ demandeurs d'emploi & étudiants)

Inscription et Infos ? -->

Photos : ©SPW-AWaP


We love to help young people shine!🌟

Nicole is one of the five 2024 scholarship recipients who are currently pursuing their passion for sustainable design and traditional architecture by attending an incredible summer school in Europe or the UK.

"I really am enjoying the program and have learned so much about the nature of traditional crafts and Gothic history."

"I am particularly enjoying engaging in complex and thought-provoking discussions about traditional architecture and craftmanship, most of which we do not get to discuss at University," said Nicole, who is attending the La Table Ronde de l'Architecture Bruges Summer School Of Architecture & Crafts in Belgium

The King's Trust Australia scholarships run each year in association with INTBAU, so join INTBAU Australia as a free general member to stay tuned and find out more.

INTBAU Australia Intbau Portugal INTBAU España INTBAU


NOTICIAS | Great Estival Celebration

El pasado 17 de agosto de 2024 se celebró en Brujas el evento de clausura de la Escuela de Verano de Brujas. La ciudad abrió las puertas de su emblemático beguinaje para recibir a los estudiantes y miembros de la escuela, así como a los capítulos y miembros de INTBAU, venidos de todo el mundo.

Este evento, organizado por La Table Ronde de l'Architecture, también sirvió como plataforma para presentar la Escuela de Verano Ibérica, que la Fundación Culturas Constructivas Tradicionales organiza en colaboración con INTBAU España e INTBAU Portugal desde el año 2014. La Escuela de Verano Ibérica estuvo representada en esta ocasión por Duarte Gorjão, antiguo participante de la misma.

Más información:

Photos from BEVAN & LIBERATOS's post 15/08/2024
Photos from Fundación Culturas Constructivas Tradicionales's post 14/08/2024
Photos from INTBAU Norge's post 13/08/2024

🎙 À 18H, écoutez le "Libre journal des Artisans", dirigé par Alexandre Paolo
🗣 " Réflexions sur l'architecture traditionnelle "
👥 Avec Noé Morin, cofondateur de La Table Ronde de l'Architecture

👉 À écouter sur ou sur 📡 FM 95.6 (Paris)

Libre journal des artisans 2/2 du 26 juillet 2024 : "Réflexions sur l'architecture traditionnelle" - Radio Courtoisie 27/07/2024

Qu’est-ce que l’architecture traditionnelle? Qu’est-ce qu’être « moderne »? Comment réconcilier l’homme et la nature? Voici quelques questions auxquelles s’attaque Noé Morin, vice-président de la TRA, dans cette remarquable émission de Radio Courtoisie. Merci à Alexandre Paulo et Quentin Lepage pour la qualité des échanges.

Libre journal des artisans 2/2 du 26 juillet 2024 : "Réflexions sur l'architecture traditionnelle" - Radio Courtoisie Alexandre Paulo, assisté de Quentin Lepage, reçoit : Noé Morin, cofondateur de La Table Ronde de l’Architecture Thème : “Réflexions sur l’architecture traditionnelle”


Drawing session under the XVth century attic of the Beguinage of Bruges.

Thank you to our great guide

Bruges Summer School of Architecture and Crafts 2024

Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 26/07/2024

Observe, measure & draw - Week I
Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts 2024

Photos from Boulouki's post 24/07/2024
Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 21/07/2024

The Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts has just started!

Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 20/07/2024

NEWS ⎮ Philippe Rotthier Prize 2024 LAUREATES

On Saturday 29 June 2024, after examining the 189 international projects submitted on the basis of their links with vernacular architecture, the jury of the European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier,
Chaired by Maurice CULOT and composed of Mieke BOSSE, Julia TREESE, Georgia CRISTEA, Harriet WENNBERG, François GOFFINET, Alejandro GARCIA HERMIDA, Léon KRIER, Anselm JAPPE, William PESSON, Mohamad HAMOUIE and Samir YOUNES,

Under the watchful eye of Philippe ROTTHIER,

Decided to award the following prizes:

« Școala de la Bunești » by Ana Maria Goilav and Petre Guran - ROMANIA Şcoala de la Buneşti

« De Wilde De Schepper » by Dirk Mortier – BELGIUM


« Tornagrain » by Ben Pentreath – UNITED KINGDOM

« Kambones 1615 » by Sophia Emmanuel - GREECE

« Extension of the Town Hall of Koerich »
by Colum Mulhern Architecture Traditionnelle – Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Colum Mulhern

« Naturdorf Bärnau » by Schönberger Architektur, Alfred Wolf & Andreas Mann - GERMANY

« Kalderimi X2 » by Boulouki - GREECE Boulouki

« Citadel Kasbah Agadir Oufella » by Salima Naji – MOROCCOXIV Prix Européen d’Architecture Philippe Rotthier 2024 - Architecture vernaculaire

The jury also award the following twenty nominations to the projects that caught its attention:

❖ Hosh El Etem in the Historic Center of Birzeit by RIWAQ RIWAQ Architects
❖ Super Caillou by Encore Heureux Architectes
❖ Woodstock by BC Architect
❖ Park View Woodstock by Adam Architecture ADAM Architecture
❖ Budesti Monastery by Dorel Cordos
❖ Charleston Single House by Liberatos Architects BEVAN & LIBERATOS
❖ Dar Al-A’Mir by Hosam Jiroudy
❖ Post Disaster Rural Regeneration by Dr Yasmeen Lari Yasmeen Lari
❖ GHESC The Village Laboratory by Fundazione Canova
❖ Aldourie Castle and Estate by Ptolemy Dean Architects
❖ Project 1 Nimman by ONG-ARD Architects
❖ Transformation et Agrandissement d’une Maison d’Habitation pour un Artiste by Colum Mulhern Colum Mulhern
❖ Can Ferrereta by Bastidas Architecture
❖ House in Wikno by Piotr Olszak
❖ Atelier pour un Vannier by Brunelle Dalbavie Brunelle Dalbavie
❖ Sigena by Paco Luis Marcos
❖ Icomb Place Solar Ceiling by Philip Gaches Gaches Traditional Plasterers
❖ Architect and Artist’s Studio by Artem Nikoforov Artem Nikiforov
❖ Distillerie des Ambres by Atelier Saint-Benoît
❖ Rehabilitation of the Monastery of São João de Cabanas by Fernando Manuel Cerqueira Barros


The awards ceremony will take place in Brussels on 26 October 2024 at 11:00 am in the CIVA Auditorium in the presence of the winners and eminent personalities.

The projects of the winners and nominees will be exhibited at La Loge in Brussels and at the Béguinage in Bruges.

Exhibition at La Loge - rue de l’Ermitage 86, Brussels - 26 October to 10 November 2024
Thursday to Sunday, 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Exhibition at the Béguinage - Begijnhof 30, 8000 Brugge - 7 September to 4 November 2024
Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 to 17:00

The 2024 Prize catalogue will be available online in PDF format from October 2024 on the Rotthier Prize website:

.von.esco .wennberg .arch .treese

Photos from La Table Ronde de l'Architecture's post 19/07/2024

The Alsace Summer School of Architecture and Crafts is coming to and end. What a great 2 weeks!

70 pictures to discover our students journey !

We are extremely grateful to all the Alsatians who gave up their time to make this school such a success.

We will soon be posting the projects of our 13 students (8 different nationalities) for the embellishment of the town of Barr on our website.

You can take a look back at this wonderful adventure in pictures on our Instagram page.

Special thanks to
Nathalie Kaltenbach
Jean Rapp
The Chaux Boehm team
Thomas Probst
Christophe Henselmann from Tuilerie de Niderviller
Thomas Vetter
Brenner Tradition team
Jean-Christophe Brua
Jacques Bruderer
Sylvie Reichert from Carrière Loegel Rothbach
Julien Harquel
Frédéric De Rudder
Amis de l’ASMA

Long live architecture, long live Alsace and see you next summer!

ACTIVITÉS | Architecture & Artisanats 17/07/2024

N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire à la grande fête de La Table Ronde de l'Architecture le 17 août au Béguinage de Bruges !
Nous nous réjouissons de vous y voir !

ACTIVITÉS | Architecture & Artisanats

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Kunst & Vermaak in Brugge wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

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Day IV - Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts@adornesdomein_jeruzalemkapel With the support of many TRA members...
Day III - Bruges Summer School of Architecture & CraftsWith the support of many TRA members, @intbau , @arcasparis , @br...
Day IV - Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts@adornesdomein_jeruzalemkapel With the support of many TRA members...
Day III - Bruges Summer School of Architecture & CraftsWith the support of many TRA members, @intbau , @arcasparis , @br...
Day II - Bruges Summer School of Architecture & CraftsWith the support of many TRA members, @intbau , @arcasparis , @bro...
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