Korzybski Instituut

Korzybski Instituut

Non-profit Organisaties in de buurt

SAAMO West-Vlaanderen
SAAMO West-Vlaanderen

Training and research in solution focused therapy, education and management

Het Korzybski Instituut is één van 's werelds oudste en meest gereputeerde trainings- en onderzoeksinstituten voor Oplossingsgerichte Therapie.


Een buitenkans om aan het Korzybski Instituut zelf de fundamenten van het Oplossingshericht Werken te trainen en meteen in de praktijk om te zetten. Een driedaagse training aan de bakkermat van de Oplossingsgerichte Cognitieve Systeemtherapie.


Wist je dat je, na het volgen van het postgraduaat Oplossingsgericht werken, meteen het 2de opleidingsjaar bij Korzybski (Brugge/Antwerpen) kan volgen? En dat je kan aansluiten bij een oplossingsgerichte beroepsvereniging, namelijk de VVDO? En eigenlijk delen we gewoon graag mee dat Geert Lefevere van Korzybski en Dirk Quagebeur van VVDO samen een workshop geven op 25 juni ... dé viering ter ere van ons 10-jarig bestaan! Meer info via www.ucll.be/perspectiefgerichtwerken (bij verhalen)

Photos from Rikolto - Vredeseilanden's post 07/05/2024
Photos from Ilfaro's post 24/04/2024

Marie-Christine Cabié is a distinguished Psychotherapist and Psychiatrist, renowned for her training expertise. She is the former Head of Psychiatry at Paris 11, Les Hôpitaux de Saint Maurice, serves as the President of Korzybski France and was one of the co-developers of the Bruges Model . With numerous publications and roles, including former President of EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association), she has significantly contributed to the field of brief therapy.


Uitnodiging Lidmaatschap 2024

Onze administratieve problemen zijn eindelijk van de baan.
Inschrijven kan vanaf nu via de volgende link http://app.ledenbeheer.be/vvdo-vzw .
Volg de inschrijvingsprocedure.
Mocht je daarbij problemen ondervinden contacteer [email protected] .

We zijn op zoek naar enthousiaste bestuursleden. Interesse ?
Neem contact op met [email protected]

Dirk Quagebeur
Voorzitter VVDO


The anniversary year of the Korzybski Institute continues! 40 years of training, education and searching cannot be allowed to pass us by.
After our last online meeting with Mark Beyebach, we welcome Tomasz Switek on 28 March 2024 at 19.30h. Tomasz has always shown a particular interest in the Bruges Model and implemented it in his own work with his creative mind. It will undoubtedly be a fascinating, somewhat surprising meeting!
It is free, nevertheless please register at:


VACATURE : Touché zoekt oplossingsgerichte begeleiders!

Voor alles wat onder ‘positief agressief spreken’ valt zoeken we freelance oplossingsgerichte begeleiders/therapeuten.

Laat van je horen voor 31 januari!

Meer info : https://vzwtouche.be/nl/nieuws/vacature-2

Photos from VVDO vzw - Vlaamse Vereniging van Oplossingsgerichte deskundigen's post 12/01/2024

Aan alle Korzybski Studenten en Alumni een warme oproep om elkaar te ontmoeten in Gent op 30 april.


Save the date
30 april 2024
VVDO nodigt uit:
Het feest van de meerstemmigheid
Voor iedereen die Oplossingsgericht (samen)werkt


Een aanrader met Dr.Nicole Ruysschaert, Korzybski trainer in onze module Hypnose.
Ericksoniaanse hypnotherapie is één van de belangrijkste inspiratiebronnen voor het oplossingsgericht werken en nog steeds een fundament binnen onze 2 en 4-jarige opleiding.

Hypnose is een veelbesproken onderwerp, maar veel mensen weten niet goed wat het is.

In dit gratis webinar op 28 november 2023 geven Erik de Soir en Nicole Ruysschaert een wetenschappelijk correct en duidelijk beeld van wat hypnose is en hoe het veilig gebruikt kan worden in een psychotherapeutische en/of medische setting.

Er zullen tevens vele misvattingen uit de weg geruimd worden en er zal een onderscheid gemaakt worden tussen het evidence-based gebruik van hypnose, enerzijds, en, de wilde, vaak misleidende claims die in de schoot van bepaalde hypnosecentra worden gemaakt m.b.t. de effectiviteit van hypnose als (dure) mirakeloplossing.

Dit webinar is voor iedereen die meer wil weten over hypnose en hoe het kan helpen.

Meld je hier aan voor dit webinar en leer wat hypnose voor jou kan betekenen : https://www.ikzoekhulp.be/nl/ik-zoek/activiteiten/a-458-gratis-webinar-het-gebruik-van-hypnose-in-de-psychotraumatherapie/


Did you know that EBTA was represented at the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association online conference this weekend?

Saturday there was a paneltalk with representatives from different associations, and Anne-marie Wulf was joining from EBTA.

It was an interesting talk about how we all have moved on from the pandemic, and a bit about how we in europe have deal and still are with the war in Ukrainian.

Marcella Stark was nicely facilitating the proces, and we all agreed on how the have supported us and our communities in moving on, and being able to make useful decisions. Keywords like Relationsship and Hope were mentioned several times.

Thanks for the invitation, it was a thrill to join and share reflections together with Mark McKergow, Emma Burns,Baijesh from ASFPIndia, Jesus Mendoza from Mexico, and UKASFP by Tim Newton.


On the importance of language in creating more safety within domestic abuse situations. A fundament of the approach and one of the many clear references to the Solution Focused core in Signs of Safety. Thanks 🙏

Hey hey. Simon the social worker again!! It's been a minute, Sorry, ol Simon has been a bit busy!!
Simon and his team have been talking about how they use language in their work, their spoken word, their written work and in the ways they speak about the children and adults they work with.
An area of specific focus is domestic abuse. The team acknowledge the importance of this given domestic abuse is present in most of their cases even when it isn’t the initial presenting issue.
The team have been working hard on being clear about the differences between ‘mental health problems’ and behaviours typical of someone who is traumatised - and particularly someone who has been a victim of ongoing, relentless domestic abuse - physical, emotional, psychological, social, financial and/ or controlling behaviours.
The team are working hard to change the traditional narrative about people (particularly women) who are victim/ survivors of domestic abuse.
Simon and the team, under Tonia the Team Leaders guidance, no longer refer to the victim/ survivors of domestic abuse as people as having ‘mental health’ problems when they are talking about their cases. They know that this pathologises women, and works against holding the perpetrators accountable for the abuse. This also helps them work with the victim/ survivors with more compassion, empathy and appreciative curiosity.
Tonia, Simon and the rest of the team are also spending time learning, practising and reflecting on how they work with perpetrators of domestic abuse - in ways that hold them accountable, that honour them for what they do well and to work toward increasing safety for mum and the kids. Holding that balance is tough! (Thats for another episode in the Simon series…..)
Be like Simon. And Tonia. Both willing to challenge and to be challenged in the name of learning.

Photos from Korzybski Instituut's post 20/10/2023

The Korzybski House was for the past two days for the first time in use for training. An enthousiast group started their 3-day introductory course in our house in the centre of ancient Bruges.
Basic SF mindset, theory, techniques and a lot of practice. What a great bunch of people.


🧡🧡🧡 super Ilfaro

"Is it nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? Or to take arms against a sea of troubles?"

Vanavond presenteren Vonneke en Anton een workshop op de SFBTA conference. We bespreken wat we als SF professionals kunnen leren van dramaturgie: de kunst van het ensceneren van een treffend verhaal.


Remembering some random Thai restaurant in Bruges and a fascinating conversation with Geert Lefevere Ben Furman and Sébastien Vernieuwe . What else do we do in Solution Focused therapy beyond empathy.


Another great online Korzybski workshop with Yvonne Dolan and 60 enthousiast participants. Solution Focused trauma approach from the roots of our model, what a privilege, we are so thankful.


There will be lots of networking opportunities at the SFBTA Conference, whether you are joining in solo from your desk, or from one of these exciting watch parties around the world! One week left until it starts! Join us: https://sfbta.org/conference


Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association - Home 09/10/2023

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association - Home We are dedicated to foster the exchange of ideas and practices in the field of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. We aim to provide research awards, scholarships, and/or fellowships to further the development of the field of solution-focused brief therapy. We are committed to holding an annual conferen...


to address the evolving ways we communicate in a rapidly changing world it is good to have a solid grasp of the basics. Still relevant and inspiring to understand current challenges we face in this growing digital era. Many alumni of Korzybski will remember this book from their first year. Still on the curriculum in year one under the observing and enthousiast tutorage of Dr Myriam Le Fevere de Ten Hove.

Photos from Korzybski Instituut's post 07/10/2023

The Solution Focused approach of alcohol and substance abuse has since long been one of the strongpoints of the Korzybski Institute.

In 2003 Dr Luc Isebaert and Steve De Shazer published
The Bruges model: A Solution-Focused approach to problem drinking : Special Section: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy for Alcohol and Susbstance Abuse

During all these years of research and development Erwin De Bisscop has been a key figure and is considered Dr Isebaert’s most trusted and loyal colleague still occupying a leading position in Bruges’ St John’s hospital.

Read up on this SF approach to alchohol and substance abuse written by Erwin De Bisscop

An Alcohol Problem? What now? op: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/an-alcohol-problem-what-now/9200000117264762?referrer=socialshare_pdp_iphoneapp

It is hard to imagine our society without the use of alcohol; it is, and has always been, embedded in our lifestyle. Excessive alcohol consumption is therefore one of our major health care problems. In this book the author has brought together what has been useful and workable in his more than thirty years of experience in working with alcohol users. He assumes that, despite their abusive alcohol consumption, clients have the inner strength to create unique, effective solutions to their problems. The book describes specific and practical techniques for guiding alcohol users. Nurses, occupational therapists, movement therapists, psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors will find in this book various efficient possibilities that can be applied to both moderate and excessive alcohol abuse. It underlines how both counsellors and clients can put a healthy and satisfying future first and how clients can achieve their goals through trial and error by reducing or stopping drinking. Erwin De Bisscop is a licensed solution-oriented cognitive systemic therapist with years of experience in guiding alcohol users. He has been working in the P.A.A.Z. AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Ostend in Belgium for more than 30 years. There he is co-founder of the POC (outpatient rehabilitation centre) where he is therapeutic coordinator. In addition, he is a member of the board of directors and a licensed trainer (solution- oriented cognitive systemic therapy and coaching) at the Korzybski Institute in Bruges.

Photos from Korzybski Instituut's post 06/10/2023

Do you want to read up on the Bruges Model for Solution Focused Brief Therapy?
This classic by Korzybski's own Dr. Myriam Le Fevere de Ten Hove is available online in English.
The idea 'Brief Therapy' was introduced by the Palo Alto-school: John Weakland and Don Jackson and later on Paul watzlawick, Dick Fisch and Carlos Sluski. In this book, the Bruges Model of Brief Therapy is described. It was developed by the Korzybski-institute in Bruges (Belgium) with Luc Isebaert, Marie-Christine Cabié, Louis Cauffman and Myriam Le Fevere de Ten Hove. The participants of the 'Therapeutic Conversations 3'-congres in Denver (Colorado- USA) in 1996 gave it the name 'Bruges Model'. 'Brief' is not the purpose in itself, but the natural consequence of a respectful approach of the client, by which he again discovers the possibility of making a choice in his thinking and doing, in having his life under control, and so escaping the straitjacket of symptoms. Having the conviction that the client has the most know how in this matter, but often not realizes he has, as therapists we don't give ourselves the task of accompanying the client until the problem is completely solved. We stop when the client has found sufficiently his way to continue. This cooperative approach between the client and the therapist avoids creating resistance. The guideline of this model of Brief Therapy is applied to children and youngsters. Children are in a continuous evolution: this implicates varying opportunities and limitations. Youngsters are not very keen on therapy, especially not when their parents are asking for it. This book shows how to cope with these situations.


Congratulations Haesun Moon

We are thrilled to say that Haesun Moon has made the 2023 Marshall Goldsmith Coaching and Mentoring Award Shortlist, presented in partnership with Coaching.com!

Haesun is a passionate advocate for the transformative power of conversations as a communication scientist, semiotician, and educator. Her pioneering research in coaching dialogues and pedagogy has given rise to the groundbreaking coaching model known as the Dialogue Orientation Quadrant (DOQ).

Currently teaching Brief Coaching at the University of Toronto, where she earned her PhD in Adult Education and Community Development, Haesun also holds the positions of Executive Director at the Canadian Centre for Brief Coaching and Principal at The Human Learning Institute.

Her latest book, 'Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words,' encapsulates her research, offering words and phrases for every letter of the alphabet to enrich and elevate our conversations. Within its pages, Haesun guides readers on a journey from conversation mystery to mastery. Furthermore, she is the co-author of 'Thriving Women Thriving World,' emphasising her commitment to creating positive change in the world.

We are proud to list Heasun among the eight Shortlisted Thinkers for our Thinkers50 2023 Coaching and Mentoring Award, the recipient of which will be celebrated at the Thinkers50 Awards Gala this fall! Learn more about Haesun and her work, and see the full Shortlist, here: https://thinkers50.com/blog/thinkers50-2023-coaching-and-mentoring-award-shortlist

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Our Story

Het Korzybski Instituut is één van 's werelds oudste en meest gereputeerde trainings- en onderzoeksinstituten voor Oplossingsgerichte Therapie.

Video's (alles zien)

Luc his last message to all of us


Nieuwe Gentweg 2

Andere Non-profitorganisatie in Brugge (alles zien)
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Koning Albert-I Laan 94 A Bus 001
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Welkom op de fb-pagina van Guidea. Jouw gids doorheen de horeca!

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Dirk Martensstraat
Brugge, 8820

Pagina van Jeugd Rode Kruis Provincie West-Vlaanderen. Volg hier al onze avonturen binnen JRK

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Blankenbergse Steenweg 155
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Brugge, 8000

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