Breaking Chains Network

Breaking Chains Network: Working together to offer hope and healing to victims and survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Europe.

Founders and Directors: Jerry and April Foster
Programs Director: Shawn Alderman

Breaking Chains Network is an Assemblies of God ministry initiative based in the U.S. - operating in Europe. European Donations:
Account #: 7340 2929 2995
IBAN: BE76 7340 2929 2995

U.S. Donations:
Mail Checks to:
1445 N Booneville AVE
Springfield, MO 65802

Or for quick and secure credit card


There are well-intentioned people who think allowing men to purchase the bodies of vulnerable women and girls is somehow a good thing. They think making s*x buying, pimping, and brothel-owning fully legal would be “safe” or “empowering” for women. But these ideas are just a clever narrative pushed by the s*x industry’s predatory profiteers. Research reveals that one of the most dehumanizing and dangerous places for a woman to be is in the s*x industry, and most women who are in it want to escape. Countries that have fully legalized the purchase of s*x have seen an increase in trafficking and have had disastrous results due to the surge of demand for violent s*x acts. One woman who survived New Zealand’s fully legal s*x industry shared, “I thought legal prostitution would give more power and rights to the women, but I soon realized the opposite was true.”

For these reasons, Exodus Cry is honored to be among the many anti-trafficking organizations who stand firmly behind the Abolition Model (aka Nordic Model or Equality Model) because this is the only model of legislation that reduces trafficking and offers services to exploited women so they can break free from prostitution.

If you haven’t yet, we highly recommend you take a few minutes to watch our 4 animated views unveiling the truth about prostitution:

Photos from Exodus Cry's post 25/03/2021
Timeline photos 10/09/2020

We are working our way through the book of John.

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

BCN mascot hard at work. 🥰

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

We have started The Entrepreneur Academy with our first students. We are holding these classes twice a week in addition to our weekly ministry, English, Dutch, and sewing classes.


We are very happy to say that we have opened up the Oasis Center again!

It’s been a challenge over the last couple months to navigate how to effectively help and make a difference when you cannot physically be together. But through the creativity of our team, we have used social media to connect personally and share devotional videos.

Now that we are able to meet in person, we have begun a weekly exercise group, to explore the city and enjoy the beautiful weather. Also, a weekly lunch is being provided with a time to share God’s word and encourage one another. All the while, we are being highly “covid cautious”. Masks and social distancing are required!

Please pray for needs to be met, new job opportunities and that hearts will be drawn to the Savior of our soul!

Timeline photos 18/03/2020

Hello friends, we have had to close the Oasis Center temporarily. The government will not allow groups to meet and as of today we are under mandatory quarantine. We are making every effort to contact friends of the Oasis to make sure everyone is okay, has what they need, and to see how we can pray for them or encourage them. We are grateful for your continued prayer covering!

Photos from Breaking Chains Network's post 14/03/2020

We now have color on the walls and kitchen cabinets installed! We are so thankful for all of the hard work from this missions team. Please pray for them as they travel home today. @ Antwerp, Belgium

Photos from Breaking Chains Network's post 11/03/2020

Another full day of work on the Oasis Center. @ Antwerp, Belgium

Photos from Breaking Chains Network's post 10/03/2020

We are blessed to have a Chi Alpha team here painting, organizing, and building kitchen cabinets in our new Oasis Center.

Timeline photos 09/03/2020

International Women’s Day outreach team. 💐

Timeline photos 08/03/2020

Today is International Women’s Day. Tomorrow we will pass out flowers and cards to the women in Antwerp. Please pray for each one that will receive these gifts.

Timeline photos 05/03/2020

One of the classes we offer in our Oasis Center are English classes. We are beginning a new business course this month, we just started the Alpha Course again, and looking to start Flemish classes in the future. So many exciting things happening at the Oasis.

Timeline photos 04/03/2020
Timeline photos 03/03/2020

Some of our team members ready for coffee outreach.

Timeline photos 27/02/2020

Preparing for tonight’s devotional on prayer. 🙏🏻

Timeline photos 26/02/2020

One of our volunteers Gretchen sharing a devotion on God’s love for us.

Timeline photos 25/02/2020

Last October, two members of our BCN team went to Cyprus for training to become facilitators with Itzinya Entrepreneur Academy. This March we will begin offering this course in Antwerp at our Oasis Center for ladies who are interested in a new start.

Timeline photos 24/02/2020

We have started a new Alpha Course for ladies who missed the first course. This series was very popular the first time we used it. We are excited to begin it again.

Timeline photos 21/02/2020

We love our special times sitting around a table talking and making jewelry together.

Timeline photos 20/02/2020

Baskets are packed and ready for outreach.

Timeline Photos 19/02/2020

English classes at The Oasis

A Woman's Take On The Super Bowl Halftime Show And Human Dignity. . . - CPYU 08/02/2020

A Woman's Take On The Super Bowl Halftime Show And Human Dignity. . . - CPYU We need healthy discussion about what happened on Sunday night at halftime of the Super Bowl. Here's an insightful female perspective. . .


It's not uncommon to hear arguments in favor of "s*x work"—that we should support the s*x industry for the sake of those who are there by choice. Actually, the number of prostituted individuals who've chosen to be there is incredibly small compared to those who are trafficked, coerced, or drawn into the s*x industry by abuse or desperate circumstances. We can never support an industry whose success is overwhelmingly built on the exploited vulnerability of its "workforce." Learn more of the truth:

Pedophiles are using these apps to target children 05/06/2019

Pedophiles are using these apps to target children SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (ABC4 News) - Parents beware. There are adults actively engaging children online. Law enforcement says the predators try to win the child's trust and then meet them anywhere they can to engage in s*xual activities. 

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