
&bogdan | official website:


Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank you for the many messages encouraging me to be a candidate for the new position of Brussels Government Architect BMA bouwmeester maître architecte. In many of the lectures I have given in recent years, I have mentioned how fortunate I feel to be in Belgium at a time when the work of the Bouwmeesters of Brussels, Charleroi, Ghent, Antwerp, and Flanders is being recognized, visited by students, architects, and public servants from across Europe, and most importantly, appreciated by the citizens. It is precisely the quality of urban space enhanced by these Bouwmeesters that inspires me today to commit fully to &bogdan (Bogdan).

Why haven't I focused on &bogdan before? Since 2007, when I co-founded BOGDAN & VAN BROECK with Leo Van Broeck, my time has been occupied with various responsibilities. I taught at KU Leuven (2005-2011), studied business administration at Vlerick Business School (2013-2015), served Romania as Secretary of State and co-founded a political party (2016-2019), participated in numerous non-profit boards, served Brussels as chairwoman the Good Living expert committee for the Building Code Reform (2021-2022), and, at the end of 2022, took over BOGDAN & VAN BROECK, which became &bogdan, after Leo's retirement from practice.

In short, I want to give &bogdan a fair chance to play a central role in my professional life. I also dream of free weekends and evenings, but that's something I will pursue once the working conditions for architects in Belgium will get better (if they ever will).

However, I am one of the people who believe the next Brussels Bouwmeester Maître Architecte should be a woman. I have several brilliant women in mind who could excel in this role, and I offer them my full support. ❤️

Best regards,

Photo: COOP, the first competition organized by the BMA that we won in 2011, transforming a mill into an SME incubator and museum.


The KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture is showcasing by means of an alumni event the four Belgian shortlisted projects and the 18 Belgian nominations for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024. Oana Bogdan will introduce Amal Amjahid on the launch of this Exhibition.

🔊 BELGIAN NOMINATIONS | Exhibition of the EUmies Awards 2024.

This exhibition puts the winners and finalists of the 2024 EUmies Awards, together with the four Belgian shortlisted projects, the eighteen Belgian nominees, as well as the Young Talent KU Leuven () finalist including the 11 Belgian nominees.

→ KU Leuven has had two winners in the Young Talent category and many of its alumni have been nominees, shortlistees and finalists.

Book your place 🔗

From 02 May to 07 October, 2024
KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Brussels Paleizenstraat 65, 1030


Vacancy - 2024

We are seeking (engineer-) architects to join our international team at the atelier space where we are currently relocating: Rue des Ateliers 19, 1080 Molenbeek.

Fluent in either French or Dutch, as well as English, you possess excellent design skills and proficiency in ArchiCAD. Above all, we prioritize a strong team spirit, as close collaboration is fundamental at &bogdan.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please submit your portfolio to [email protected], following the procedure outlined on our website.


Architect Oana Bogdan on life on the edge of her piano chair: Glenn Gould, a tête-à-tête with her younger self and architectural mayonnaise.
Text: Thijs Demeulemeester Photo: Alexander D'Hiet
Published today in , in Dutch (De Tijd) and French ( L'Echo).

Photos from Bogdan's post 29/02/2024

Recent discussions surrounding the new energy standards (EPB/EPC) in Flanders overlook crucial aspects essential for achieving a carbon-neutral and sustainable future for both existing and new buildings. According to Cente Van Hout, project architect at &bogdan, highlighted in De Standaard, the focus on energy efficiency must extend beyond merely relying on technology and insulation. Instead, it should prioritise spatial design principles that consider the urban environment, location, and incorporate low-tech solutions.

Cente advocates for a shift in mindset towards reevaluating our comfort and living standards. He emphasises that this reevaluation should not be solely driven by the goal of reducing energy consumption but should also aim to enhance spatial qualities. By acknowledging that slight adjustments, such as lowering the average indoor temperature from 23 to 19°C, can open up new design opportunities, he suggests a balanced approach that harmonises spatial and thermal comfort. This perspective underscores the importance of integrating architectural innovation with energy efficiency measures to create buildings that not only consume less energy but also offer improved living environments.

More about this on our website! See links in comment.

Photos from Bogdan's post 22/02/2024

Our project Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek is one of the 40 shortlisted projects for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

For that reason, we would like to celebrate our close collaboration with the photographers who helped to shape the online appearance of the project. Photography is not only a record in time, but the place of the project itself starts to live a double life in publications, blogs and magazines.

Corentin Haubruge clinically sets Amal in an urban stage and shows the viewer how light, material, composition and structure are embedded in the DNA of the building.

Team work: Molenbeek, Feder-Efro, Brussels Region,, The European Commission, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards, UTIL, Enerdo Studie Bureau, ASM acoustics
+ Leo Van Broeck, Emilie Bechet, Studio Thomas Willemse

Photography: Corentin Haubruge

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.

Photos from Bogdan's post 21/02/2024

Our project Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek is one of the 40 shortlisted projects for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

For that reason, we would like to celebrate our close collaboration with the photographers who helped to shape the online appearance of the project. Photography is not only a record in time, but the place of the project itself starts to live a double life in publications, blogs and magazines.

In his photographs, Laurian Ghinitoiu tells the story of Amal Amjahid: a building for the community that comes to life by its usages and users.

Team work: Molenbeek, Feder-Efro, Brussels Region,, The European Commission, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards, UTIL, Enerdo Studie Bureau, ASM acoustics
+ Leo Van Broeck, Emilie Bechet, Studio Thomas Willemse

Photography: Laurian Ghinitoiu

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.

Photos from Bogdan's post 20/02/2024

Our project Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek is one of the 40 shortlisted projects for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

For that reason, we would like to celebrate our close collaboration with the photographers who helped to shape the online appearance of the project. Photography is not only a record in time, but the place of the project itself starts to live a double life in publications, blogs and magazines.

Jeroen Verrecht had the chance to beautifully capture Amal both in its state of construction and delivery.

Team work: Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Feder-Efro, Brussels Region,, The European Commission, EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards, UTIL, Enerdo bvba, ASM acoustics,
+ Leo Van Broeck, Emilie Bechet, Studio Thomas Willemse

Photography: Jeroen Verrecht

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.

Good Living | Roca Gallery 13/02/2024

“You don’t have to construct the most ecological building, as it is already there. Reusing and adapting what already exists in the built environment is the truly regenerative action of the twenty-first century.”

More in the article ‘Good Living: A regenerative approach towards a future-proof Brussels’, signed by Oana Bogdan and published on the website of Roca under the rubric of Typological Actualizations.


Good Living | Roca Gallery Good Living A regenerative approach towards a future-proof Brussels 12-02-24 Typological Actualizations The Future infraestructure urbanism social impact innovation sustainability construction housing Oana Bogdan Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Email Due to the crisis in material and energy reso...


Our project Amal Amjahid - community facility along the canal in Molenbeek, Brussels Region, Belgium - is one of the 40 shortlisted projects for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

With 4 works shortlisted, Belgium (11 million inhabitants) is the second in the ranking of 20 countries. Spain (47 million inhabitants) is the first with 6 works. This result makes us proud to be active in Belgium, a country where architecture is invested with the responsibility of being an activity of public interest, at the core of society. It also shows that, when Architecture, Urban Planning and Governance work together, long term city projects are possible.

We would like to thank the 7 members of the jury – Frédéric Druot, Martin Braathen, Pippo Ciorra, Tinatin Gurgenidze, Adriana Krnáčová, Sala Makumbundu, and Hrvoje Njiric – to have chosen Amal Amjahid as a highlight of today’s shared culture of architecture in Europe.

"The selected projects go beyond their façades, there is a position regarding the reason for the existence of each construction, who it should serve and the responsibility of putting it at the disposal of society. " (Tinatin Gurgenidze)

Team work: Molenbeek-Saint-Jean +Feder-Efro + Région Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest + + The European Commission + UTIL + Enerdo bvba + ASM acoustics + Emilie Bechet + Studio Thomas Willemse &Bogdan

Photography: Corentin Haubruge

More info here:


Hoe krijgen we een meer duurzame en circulaire maatschappij? Door te leren van elkaar!!

Het goede voorbeeld wordt gegeven door BioTope Cohousing, Cohousing Bijgaardehof, Gents MilieuFront - GMF, Bogdan en MilieuAdviesWinkel. Zij vertaalden de circulaire principes van cohousingproject “Het Bijgaardehof” in informatieve fiches en demonstratiemomenten voor toekomstige bouwheren en bouwprofessionals.

Deze kan je vinden via volgende link:

Ze maakten ook 4 leuke filmpjes!

Deel 1: Hergebruik van materialen, muren en grond:
Deel 2: Fauna, flora en tuin:
Deel 3: Ontsluiting en circulatie:
Deel 4: Bodemwarmte en hemelwater:

PS: wooncoop is trots om deel uit te maken van de Biotope dankzij een solidaire woning:


Design is based on a world of thoughts… and thoughts are based on a world of images. At least that is what Aristotle, Kant or architect O.M.Ungers would like to call: ‘thinking by metaphors’ ;). On the 17th of January, Oana Bogdan will give a lecture in Amsterdam titled ‘Design-by-thinking-of-bats’. A compelling title, yet with a clear message: design is actively and inclusively ‘architecting’ (as a verb) the world around us by creating for all human and nonhuman beings.

‘Design-by-thinking-of’ is a series of invitation-only lectures, by and for architects. It offers a new platform for architects to share their projects and specific thoughts around design.

Practical information:

Date: 17.01.2024
Tolhuistuin’s Galerij in Amsterdam North
Opening hours: Doors open at 7:00 PM, the lecture starts at 7:30 PM
Lecture will be in English
Register: please send an email to [email protected], stating: Oana Bogdan

Head over to our website to learn more about the lecture.


Bijgaardehof in the picture!! Find the article and the videos in the link in the comments.

Hoe krijgen we een meer duurzame en circulaire maatschappij? Door te leren van elkaar!!

Het goede voorbeeld wordt gegeven door BioTope Cohousing, Cohousing Bijgaardehof, Gents MilieuFront - GMF, Bogdan en MilieuAdviesWinkel. Zij vertaalden de circulaire principes van cohousingproject “Het Bijgaardehof” in informatieve fiches en demonstratiemomenten voor toekomstige bouwheren en bouwprofessionals.

Deze kan je vinden via volgende link:

Ze maakten ook 4 leuke filmpjes!

Deel 1: Hergebruik van materialen, muren en grond:
Deel 2: Fauna, flora en tuin:
Deel 3: Ontsluiting en circulatie:
Deel 4: Bodemwarmte en hemelwater:

PS: wooncoop is trots om deel uit te maken van de Biotope dankzij een solidaire woning:

Photos from Bogdan's post 15/12/2023

Over the past decade, awareness of the need for gender balance in architecture has gained traction. Within the profession, women remain underrepresented, underpromoted and underpaid. In this latest publication from RIBA Books, women’s contribution to the built environment is rightly acknowledged and celebrated. 100 Women: Architects in Practice is a rich, diverse, and fascinating survey of exceptional women architects from around the world. We are delighted that Oana Bogdan is one of them.

The book explores “the different worlds, different forms of architecture and the place-sensitive approaches” each architect has taken to fulfil their vision through a series of insightful profiles and inspiring imagery.

100 Women: Architects in Practice is scheduled for release on 1st January 2024. Pre-order your copy from RIBA Books.

Thanks to RIBA Books, Harriet Harriss, Naomi House, Monika Parrinder, Tom Ravenscroft!

Lezing: Op zoek naar een inclusieve stad 11/12/2023

On the 18th of December, Oana Bogdan will talk about her vision on an inclusive city. A future-proof city that takes into account its responsibility towards different life-cycles that have other natures, generations, cultures, genders, social classes and vulnerabilities.

Register for the lecture Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen - NAV organised via the link below!

Practical information:
Date: 18/12/2023
Time: 18:30
Location: KBR, Kunstberg 28, 1000 Brussel

Lezing: Op zoek naar een inclusieve stad Op zoek naar een inclusieve stad

Photos from EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards's post 05/12/2023

Our project AMAL AMJAHID is nominated for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

Project team:
Structure: UTIL Struktuurstudies
Techniques & EPB: Enerdo bvba
Acoustics: ASM Acoustics

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.


We are happy to see that our project Amal Amjahid - a multifunctional puzzle with a sportscenter, a crèche and a public passage at the Canal - has been featured in the latest issue of A+ Architecture in Belgium.

Read the full article in the new number of A+304 that talks about All-in Inclusive Architecture.

Project team:
Structure: UTIL Struktuurstudies
Techniques & EPB: Enerdo bvba

Pictures in publication by Laurian Ghinitoiu and Jeroen Verrecht.

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.


[Concours] - [Wedstrijd]

📢 Plus qu'une semaine pour voter pour notre projet NovaCity I au dans la catégorie « Major Intervention ».

☑ Après un Publica Awards dans la catégorie « Urban Development, Infrastructure & Mobility » il y a moins d'une semaine.
☑ Sa nomination officielle aux MIPIM Awards dans la catégorie « Best industrial & logistics project ».

Nous espérons bien continuer sur cette belle lancée avec ce prix d'architecture ! Pour soutenir le projet 👉

📢 Je hebt nog maar één week de tijd om te stemmen op ons project NovaCity I voor de Brussels Architecture Prize in de categorie "Major Intervention".

☑ Nog geen week geleden haalde het een Publica Award binnen in de categorie "Urban Development, Infrastructure & Mobility".
☑ En voor de MIPIM Awards kreeg het een officiële nominatie in de categorie "Best Industrial & Logistics Project".

Deze architectuurprijs zouden we uiteraard maar al te graag bijschrijven op ons palmares! Stemmen doe je hier 👉

🤝 &Bogdan - + - - Boydens Engineering part of Sweco - Contractors nv - nv

© Brussels Architecture Prize

OPINIE. De crisis van het architectenberoep (Tom Boogaerts) 19/10/2023

Read our contributions to the recent debates around low fees in our beloved profession Architectura.

[NL] Er is de voorbije weken al wat digitale inkt gevloeid omtrent de verloning van stagiair-architecten en de rol van de Orde van Architecten daarin. We onderschrijven die bezorgdheid ten volle en benadrukken het belang van dergelijke initiatieven om die problematiek onder de aandacht te brengen. Wij willen daarenboven graag een stem toevoegen aan het debat, als architectenbureau dat ervan overtuigd is dat creativiteit en professionaliteit hand in hand kunnen en moeten gaan in architectuur. Zolang de erelonen van architectenbureaus echter niet correct afgestemd zijn op de taken en de verantwoordelijkheden die ons ongewild toebedeeld worden, kan de verloning van medewerkers evenmin substantieel opgetrokken worden, ondanks dat dit absoluut noodzakelijk en gerechtvaardigd is.

[ENG] Some digital ink has already flowed in recent weeks regarding the remuneration of trainee architects and the role of the ‘Orde van Architecten’ in it. We fully endorse these concerns and stress the importance of such initiatives to raise awareness of these issues. Moreover, we would like to add a voice to the debate, as a firm of architects convinced that creativity and professionalism can and should go hand in hand in architecture. However, as long as the fees of architectural firms are not correctly geared to the tasks and responsibilities unintentionally assigned to us, employee remuneration cannot be substantially increased either, despite this being absolutely necessary and justified.

Image: © Sarah P**t voor &bogdan | Architect als multitasker
Text: &Bogdan team with special care from Tom Boogaerts

OPINIE. De crisis van het architectenberoep (Tom Boogaerts) Zolang de erelonen niet correct afgestemd zijn op taken en verantwoordelijkheden, kan de verloning van medewerkers evenmin substantieel opgetrokken worden.

Photos from Bogdan's post 13/10/2023

Our project AMAL AMJAHID is nominated for the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024!

Designed for the community as a public passage connecting Molenbeek and the Canal, Amal Amjahid optimises land use through the spectacular stacking of six functions, voids, and platforms on a small footprint along the Canal. The structure allows for maximum flexibility over the five levels: two concrete walls support four dismantable trusses, which were transported on the water.

We will keep you updated with any further news.

Project team:
Structure: UTIL Struktuurstudies
Techniques & EPB: Enerdo bvba
Acoustics: ASM Acoustics

Parallel to this news, we are also happy to publish a new set of stunning pictures of Amal by Corentin Haubruge.

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.


You are invited at CIVA in Brussels to the exhibition “Power”, to which Oana Bogdan has contributed as the chairwoman of the Expert Committee for the reform of Brussels’ Building Code.

"POWER connects questions of energy and politics. The exhibition and accompanying program challenge viewers to consider how contemporary infrastructure relates to everyday life across intersecting concerns, including political institutions, citizen participation, geopolitics, energy transition, and climate justice. Today, architects, landscape designers, artists, and urban practitioners perpetuate the regime of carbon modernity. Yet they are also in a unique position to shift discourse and practice toward large-scale energetic transformation."

In parallel to the exhibition, the project includes POWER Talks, a public program of lectures, roundtable discussions, and film screenings which among others features Rachel Armstrong, BC Architects, Oana Bogdan, Kristiaan Borret, Arno Brandlhuber, Koenraad Danneels, Ludwig Engel, Olaf Grawert, Bas Smets, Paulo Tavares, Ola Uduku and many more.

Date: 13.10.2023-25.02.2024
Location: CIVA, Rue de l’Ermitage 55, 1050 Brussels

POWER SAVE THE DATE: OPENING 12 OCTOBER POWER connects questions of energy and politics. The exhibition and accompanying program challenges viewers to consider how contemporary infrastructure relates to everyday life across intersecting concerns, including political institutions, citizen participation, geopolitics, energy transition, and....


The Institut Culturel d'Architecture Wallonie-Bruxelles (ICA-WB) invites you at the inauguration of the Réappropriations exhibition today, 12.10.2023, at the Halles Universitaires de Louvain-la-Neuve.

Réappropriations is a part of the national release of Wallonia-Brussels Architecture Inventaires #4 2020-2023 towards a regenerative approach to architecture. The projects selected for this publication by the jury, of which Oana Bogdan was a member, illustrate spatial strategies which repair the damaged environment of our lives.

As part of the exhibition, various events will take place in the coming month, such as meetings, guided tours and a conference. For more information, follow the link in the comments section.

Date: 12.10.2023-26.11.2023
Location: Halles Universitaires, Place de l'Université 1, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Opening: Thursday 12.10.2023 at 19:00

Photos from Bogdan's post 04/10/2023

We are delighted to see that, after the nomination of NovaCity I in the category 'Major Intervention', Bijgaardehof is one of the six nominees in the category ‘Extra Muros’ at the Brussels Architecture Prize 2023!

We would like to express our gratitude for the collaborations and trust throughout the journey of this project, but also for the positive reactions we received from you, our online community. You can continue to support the largest cohousing projects in Flanders to win the People’s Choice Award at the Brussels Architecture Prize 2023! Vote on the link in the comments for Bijgaardehof among the 24 nominees!

“This project shows how collective housing realised in the vicinity of large-scale infrastructures can bring collective facilities to an entire neighbourhood. The subtle interweaving of public and semi-public spaces is exemplary.” Kaye Geipel - jury member of BAP2023

Bijgaardehof focuses on sustainability, at the urban, social and at the building level – an ambitious, mixed programme organised around meeting and interaction in one of the largest cohousing projects in Flanders. The thinking behind this project was not only the subject of an architectural design, but was also the design of a participatory process. The relationship between the design team and the inhabitants (co-housers) became enriching and rewarding for everyone.

Team work: Ney & Partners + VK architects+engineers, part of Sweco + + Daidalos Peutz

Clients: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Sint-Amandsberg + BioTope Cohousing + Cohousing De Spore + Wijgaard cohousing

With the support of Sogent

Photography: Laurian Ghinițoiu

Head over to our website to learn more about Bijgaardehof!

Photos from Bogdan's post 25/09/2023

We are thrilled and honoured to see two of our projects being nominated for the Brussels Architecture Prize 2023! First let’s start by looking inside the perimeters of our beloved city because NovaCity I in Anderlecht is nominated in the category of ‘Major Intervention”.

‘This convincing, clear and successful integration of housing and manufacturing has already become a canonical example of the debates surrounding the “productive city” and is thus exemplary far beyond Brussels.’

Thank you Kaye Geipel - one of the jury members - for these beautiful words! They perfectly express our long-time commitment as an office.

Vote now for ‘NovaCity I’ among the nominees, because the one with the most votes will win the People’s Choice Award. Your voice means a lot to us! Find the link to vote on in the comments or on our website.

Team work: + Kairos + DDS + Atelier EOLE Paysagistes + Establis + Boydens Engineering + VENAC + 3E + Interbuildbv + Galère + &bogdan, with support from Feder-Efro

Pictures by Laurian Ghinitoiu.

Head over to our website to learn more about NovaCity!

Photos from Detail's post 06/09/2023

There is an article published about Amal in the latest issue 9.2023 of DETAIL which is dedicated to the concept of “Mixed Use”. The introduction of the issue features an interview with Reinier de Graaf of OMA about “radical flexibility”, ideas to keep an eye on 👀.

The article appears in 'DETAIL issue 9.2023' as well as in the digital archive 'DETAIL inspiration'.

Head over to our website to find out more!


On Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 September 2023, Architect at Work will take place at Taets on the Hembrugterrein in Zaanstad. Around the theme 'Healthy Materials', Architectenweb is organising a varied lecture programme with speakers including Maike van Stiphout (DS landschapsarchitecten), Oana Bogdan (&Bogdan), Nina Aalbers (Architectuur Maken) and Aleksander Guldager Kongshaug (3XN).

The seminar titled “the city, the architect” of Oana Bogdan will focus on Social Sustainability, a topic that is often forgotten in the debates around the future proof city.

Find out more about the event in the link in the comment section!

Date: 27th of September
Time: lecture 16:30
Location: Taets, Zaanstad, NL


Visit Bijgaardehof on the “Dag van de Architectuur 2023”!

On Sunday 10 September we will immerse you in our architecture! &Bogdan will be present on the “Dag van de Architectuur” organised by the VAi (Vlaams Architectuurinstituut) with our project Bijgaardehof in Gent.

From 5 to 10 September 2023, the Flanders Architecture Institute will once again be organising the Festival of Architecture (F/a). For six days architecture will be put in the spotlight with a range of activities. As usual, on Sunday 10 September, the doors of remarkable buildings and exceptional design firms will open all over Flanders and Brussels.

Please check the link of Dag van de Architectuur in the comment section for more information and reservations. Reservations for the guided tours are free, yet compulsory!

Welcome to all!

Project team: Ney & Partners + VK architects+engineers, part of Sweco + LAND landschapsarchitecten + Daidalos Peutz &Bogdan

Clients: Wijkgezondheidscentrum Sint-Amandsberg + BioTope Cohousing + Cohousing De Spore + Wijgaard cohousing
With the support of Sogent.
Photography: Laurian Ghinitoiu

Photos from Bogdan's post 12/07/2023

Le Corbusier said: “I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies.” We do agree. At &Bogdan we think drawing is an important tool in the development of the project. Fast and expressive, it fuels conversation, gives rhythm to its development and is the direct translation of thought into a universal language: lines. It's the line that sets the initial tone. We see it as the architect's communication tool par excellence and leaves no room for chance.

Here are some handrawings of our proposal for the extension of the Haute École Charlemagne in Liège, and their corresponding visuals.

We can't wait to see them come to life!

Sketches by Andreea Rădulescu

Project team: BAUMANS-DEFFET, bureau greisch, ATS &Bogdan

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.

Photos from Bogdan's post 05/07/2023

Here are some updates and thoughts from behind the scenes of the extension of the Haute École Charlemagne in Liège, co-designed with our friends from Baumans-Deffet. To answer an ever-changing society and to anticipate future evolutions, this project is designed as a bridge between the functional logic of the existing schools and the flexible organisation of a new learning environment aimed to be accessible and open to a world in transformation.

Project team: BaumansDeffet, bureau greisch, ATS &Bogdan

Head over to our website to learn more about the project.

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Aannemer in Brussels wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

Oana Bogdan about Rotterdam
Urbanist Vacancy
Recently, BOGDAN & VAN BROECK finalised the redevelopment strategy for the Spoorzone in Tilburg. We concluded our advise...
CityGate II, Anderlecht, October 2018City(Gate) as a playgroundBy Leo19/22
Leo van Broeck for Futurn on industrial zones development



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