Videos by Imagilys in Brussels. Advanced Brain Imaging, Biomarkers & Neurosurgical Planning
Always wanted to better understand this mysterious organ inside your skull? Here is the first one of a series of videos that our CEO, Dr. Laurent Hermoye, is recording about the brain!
Brain Mysteries - 1. Brain Structure
Always wanted to better understand this mysterious organ inside your skull? Here is the first one of a series of videos that our CEO, Dr. Laurent Hermoye, is recording about the brain!
BrainMagix 2.1: CSD-based Tractography
The corticospinal tract (part of the motor network) and arcuate fasciculus (part of the language network) were tracked, bilaterally, with constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) in BrainMagix 2.1. The fan shape of the corticospinal tract, in its upper portion, as well as the C-shape of the arcuate fasciculus, can be recognized.
BrainMagix 2.1: Constrained spherical deconvolution-based trac...
Constrained spherical deconvolution-based tractography of the arcuate fasciculus, in #BrainMagix 2.1. The tract is a major component of the brain's language network. It connects Broca's and Wernicke's areas, identified by functional MRI. The images were acquired by Dr. Vasilis Katsaros and post-processed by Imagilys.
Webinar: Fiber Tracking
Watch our webinar about fiber tracking, by Dr. Laurent Hermoye and Dr. Vasilis Katsaros