Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change.

Prijavite se na: CAN Europe Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024! 06/09/2024

Prijavite se na: CAN Europe Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024! Prijavite se na: CAN Europe Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024! U nastavku možete pronaći više informacija o Pozivu za registraciju za: CAN Europe Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024. Forum je osmišljen da okupi timove mladih učesnika iz šest


🌍 ☎ Calling all young climate advocates in the ❗

❓ Are you between 1️⃣ 8️⃣ - 3️⃣ 0️⃣ and passionate about and issues?

🎯Then the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe Western Balkans Youth Climate Forum 2024 is for you ❗

🤝 This forum will connect young change makers from , , , , , and .

Over four phases, you’ll have the chance to ⤵

🌱 Build your climate and policy knowledge;

🤝 Collaborate on cutting-edge analyses of climate ;

💡 Present your work to international climate experts;

🏆 Win a study trip to Vienna to meet global leaders in .

📅 Registration Deadline: 2️⃣ 0️⃣ September

👉 Register now:


Deadline Alert! 📣 ⏰

You still have one week left to apply to the second round of applications for our Training Program for covering Climate and Energy Issues in the ! 🌱📰

Are you a passionate journalist eager to tackle climate and amplify the truth about hashtag & ❓

This is your chance to:

🗞️ Enhance your reporting skills on critical climate issues;
🔍 Dive deep into the dynamics of climate and energy narratives;
🌐 Connect with experts and fellow journalists in the field.

📅 Application Deadline: 26 August 2024, 17:00 hrs (CET)
Apply now through the below link:


Call for Applications: Training program for journalists covering climate and energy related issues in the Western Balkans - CAN Europe 08/08/2024

Exciting Opportunity Alert! 🌍 📣

We're thrilled to announce the second round of applications for our Training Program for covering Climate and Energy Issues in the ! 🌱📰

Are you a passionate journalist eager to tackle climate and amplify the truth about & ❓

This is your chance to:

🗞️ Enhance your reporting skills on critical climate issues;
🔍 Dive deep into the dynamics of climate and energy narratives;
🌐 Connect with experts and fellow journalists in the field.

📅 Application Deadline: 26 August 2024, 17:00 hrs (CET)
Apply now through the below link:


Call for Applications: Training program for journalists covering climate and energy related issues in the Western Balkans - CAN Europe Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change, is pleased to announce an open call for applications to a specialised training program designed for journalists […]


Final NECPs Deadline: June 30
EU Member States must submit their final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) by June 30. These plans are crucial for:

Climate action: Outlining targets and policies for 2030 and beyond.
Economic benefits: Potential €1 trillion gain by 2030.
Social justice: Ensuring a just transition.

The revised plans come at a pivotal time, post-EU elections, where new political dynamics will shape future policies. Despite these changes, the urgency for climate action remains.

In the coming years, we’ll look back at this NECP revision process as a defining moment for Europe’s climate commitment. Ambitious NECPs will not only demonstrate leadership but also address citizens' priorities, as climate action remains a top concern. Recent research indicates that aligning with a 1.5°C trajectory can improve energy independence and lower living costs, providing tangible benefits to all.

The European Commission has stated that “Member States must increase their ambition and implement significant improvements before the submission of their final updated NECPs in June 2024”, echoing the concerns raised by NGOs and soon confirmed by the first progress report of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change’s (ESABCC).
The message could not be more timely - by delivering robust NECPs now, Member States can showcase their dedication to climate goals and ensure we are on the right path to achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal.

Photos from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)'s post 03/06/2024

🌍 Open Call: Training Program for Journalists Covering Climate and Energy Issues in the Western Balkans 🌿📰

Are you: 👇

✅ A journalist based in and from the region, working in print, broadcast (TV and radio), and online media❓

✅ A freelance journalist with a track record of covering environmental, climate, or energy issues❓

✅ A student from journalism faculties, willing to start a journalistic career in climate and environmental journalism ❓

Then this hashtag is for you ❗ 🎯

Climate Action Network Europe, Europe’s leading coalition fighting dangerous , is pleased to announce an open call for applications to a specialised training program designed for hashtag interested in covering and -related issues in the .

This initiative aims to enhance the capacity of journalists in the region, providing them with the tools, knowledge, and networks needed to effectively report on the critical topics of climate and a just .

🗓️ ⏰ Application Deadline: 29.06.2024 at 1️⃣ 7️⃣ : 0️⃣ 0️⃣ (CET)

🗓️ Training Dates: 17th to 19th of September 2024

📍 Location: In-person in Skopje, North Macedonia 🇲🇰 and online 💻

This comprehensive training will empower journalists to produce high-quality, impactful stories that inform and engage the public, debunk misinformation and disinformation narratives, influence policy, and foster a more informed and resilient society.

📎 📃 Check the doc below and submit your application through this form ➡

📢 Spread the word and don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in ❗

When Renewable Energy meets Art: How Creativity Enhances Energy Efficiency Awareness Among Citizens 16/05/2024

Why renewables ❓

Because they are:



🌿 .And can be perfectly integrated in your daily life.
Want to know how❓

Hit ▶️ and see the magic when 🎨 and unite 🤝

Follow the journey of "Vrtež," Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe's interactive, wind-powered 🌬️ sculpture.

Traveling through the , it charges🔋 phones for everyone who interacts with it, showcasing that is closer to us than we might think.


🎨 More about the exhibition

When Renewable Energy meets Art: How Creativity Enhances Energy Efficiency Awareness Among Citizens In the settings of Skopje City Park and Belgrade fortress Kalemegdan, CAN Europe launched a public campaign advocating for the use of Renewable Energy Source...

Photos from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)'s post 02/05/2024


🇷🇸 поставља стандард у зеленој трансформацији, предвиђајући циљ од 40,7% обновљиве енергије до 2030. и нулту емисију угљеника до 2050. године.

Листа обавеза:

✅ Снажна политика и подстицаји да се у потпуности искористи свој соларни и ветар потенцијал;

✅ Поједноставити административне процедуре и побољшати стручност особља јавне управе укљученог у процедуре ОИЕ;

✅ Пружити транспарентне информације и инвестирати у капацитете мреже;

✅ Имати поједностављене процесе и подршку потрошачима и енергетским заједницама.

Прочитајте више о томе како се то може постићи


🇷🇸 is setting a benchmark in green transformation, eyeing a 40.7% renewable energy target by 2030 and zero carbon emissions by 2050.
To do list:

✅ Robust policy and incentives to fully deploy its solar and wind potential;
✅ Simplifying administrative procedures and enhancing the expertise of public administration personnel involved in RES procedures;
✅ Provide transparent information and invest in grid capacities;
✅ Streamline processes and support prosumers and energy communities.

Read more:

Photos from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)'s post 23/04/2024


🇲🇰 самоуверено чекори кон одржлива иднина, таргетирајќи 3️⃣8️⃣% енергија од обновливи извори до 2️⃣0️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ година и стремејќи се кон целосна јаглеродна неутралност до 2️⃣0️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ година.

🏠🌿 Секој дом има потенцијал да биде не само потрошувач, туку и производител на чиста, штедлива енергија.

Што е потребно за обновливата енергија да биде не
привилегија, туку норма:

✅ Јасни и едноставни административни процедури;
✅ Доволен капацитет на мрежата;
✅Транспарентно информирање и ефективно учество на јавноста
✅ Доделена поддршка за просумери и енергетските заедници.

Прочитајте повеќе за тоа како 🇲🇰 може да ги надмине сегашните бариери за целосно искористување на #ОиЕ:


🇲🇰 po ecën me besim drejt një të ardhmeje të qëndrueshme, duke synuar 3️⃣8️⃣% energji të rinovueshme deri në vitin 2️⃣0️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ dhe duke aspiruar për neutralitet total të karbonit deri në vitin 2️⃣0️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ .

🏠🌿Çdo shtëpi ka potencialin të jetë jo vetëm një konsumator, por një prodhues i energjisë së pastër dhe që kursen kosto.

Për të bërë listën për ta bërë energjinë e rinovueshme jo një privilegj, por një normë:

✅ Procedura administrative të qarta dhe të thjeshta;
✅ Kapacitet i mjaftueshëm i rrjetit;
✅Informim transparent dhe pjesëmarrje efektive e publikut
✅ Alokoni mbështetje për konsumatorët dhe komunitetet e energjisë.

Lexoni më shumë se si 🇲🇰 mund të kapërcejë barrierat aktuale për vendosjen e plotë të :


🇲🇰 is stepping confidently into a sustainable future, targeting 3️⃣8️⃣% renewable energy by 2️⃣0️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ and aspiring for total carbon neutrality by 2️⃣0️⃣5️⃣0️⃣.

🏠🌿Every home has the potential to be not just a consumer, but a producer of clean, cost-saving energy.

To do list to make renewable energy not a privilege but a norm:

✅ Clear and simple administrative procedures;
✅ Sufficient grid capacity;
✅Transparent information and effective public participation
✅ Allocate support for prosumers and energy communities.

Read more about how 🇲🇰 can overcome current barriers to full deployment:



Добродошли у енергетску будућност Србије❗️🇷🇸

Хајде да видимо потенцијал❗️



Welcome to the future of energy in Serbia❗️🇷🇸

Let's explore the potential❗️


Who are 🛡️Protectors, 🐌Procrastinators and 🦖Prehistoric Thinkers at the European Parliament?

😱Our new in-depth European Parliament Scoreboard reveals that only a minority of 2019-2024 MEPs acted as Protectors of the people and planet. Instead, the majority were either Procrastinators or Prehistoric thinkers, delaying real climate action with patchy and inconsistent voting records, or worse, completely failing to rise to the challenge of the crises Europe is facing.

👉Check out our new interactive tool:

BirdLife Europe and Central Asia European Environmental Bureau - EEB Transport & Environment WWF Central and Eastern Europe

Photos from Go Green - Биди Зелен's post 13/04/2024

Mirë se vini në të ardhmen energjetike të 🇲🇰❗️

Le të shohim potencialin❗️



Welcome to the future of energy in 🇲🇰❗️

Let's explore the potential ❗️


Добредојдовте во енергетската иднина на 🇲🇰❗️
Ајде да го видиме потенцијалот❗️


Welcome to the future of energy in 🇲🇰 ❗️
Let's explore the potential❗️


🌟 Launched today: National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) Tracker! 🌟

👉 Find the Tracker here:
📈 This tool spotlights disparities between EU climate targets and actual progress at the country level, revealing the urgency for accelerated climate action.
💡 "Ambitious NECPs by 2030 set the pace for the 2040 ambition. Weak plans and negligence are unacceptable at this critical juncture.
🎯 Despite marginal improvements, current trajectories towards 2030 fall short of the Paris Agreement's goal, with draft plans often missing even the EU climate and energy targets.
📊 "Consistency and accuracy of data are paramount for crafting effective policies. Member States must enhance data quality in NECP updates by June 2024, ensuring alignment with EU legislation," says CAN Europe’s director: Chiara Martinelli.
🔍 About NECP Tracker: Developed by CAN Europe and SEO Birdlife, with 12 project partners, the NECP Tracker assesses Member States' progress in implementing their NECPs. It compares greenhouse gas emissions and energy data with outlined trajectories, highlighting ambition gaps for policymakers and stakeholders.
🌐 NECPs State of Play: Previous assessments underscored major flaws, stressing the need for improvement to meet Paris Agreement targets. The Commission's latest NECP assessment emphasizes ambition gaps and vital recommendations for Member States to consider in finalizing their plans by June 2024.


What can 🇷🇸 do to unlock its full potential?

✅ Work on concrete policies;
✅ Enhance citizen's involvement in projects;
✅ Increase .

Want to know more about deployment in the ❓

🔎Check this out👇

Beogradska otvorena škola


Citizens are at the very 💚 of the energy transition🌱

👉They can be actively involved in the energy transition process either as buyers, producers, or as members of energy cooperatives.

🙋🏽Do you want to know more about how they can be actively involved in the energy transition process❓

Then take a look at the below video 🎬


There is no question, the time⌛️for the deployment of in the is now❗️

🔎📊Check Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) (CAN Europe) new report and learn how 🇲🇰 and 🇷🇸 can overcome current barriers for full deployment.


Energy Community

Photos from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)'s post 23/01/2024

🆕 Study Report

How can 🇷🇸 overcome barriers for

🟢 Inclusive legislation for energy communities;
🟢 Increased investment in skilled admin professionals;
🟢 Enhanced institutional communication on with stakeholders.

Access the report👇

Photos from Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe)'s post 23/01/2024

💡How can 🇲🇰 overcome barriers for

🟢 Enhanced legislation framework;
🟢Streamlined admin procedures for investors;
🟢 Simplified grid connection processes.

Access the 🆕 Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) report here👇


🔎 How can 🇲🇰 and 🇷🇸 overcome barriers for

and are working on aligning their energy and climate goals with those of the , in line with their obligations towards the Energy Community, which means reaching a carbon-neutral society and increasing the share of renewables (RES) in their energy mix.

This 🆕 Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) Study Report in collaboration with Eclareon aims to outline good practices and provide a set of recommendations for unlocking the potential of deployment in the to its fullest.

📊 Access the full report and findings here 👇


📢 NEW REPORT OUT: “Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits”

🌍 CAN Europe's latest findings unveil a compelling narrative—climate action is not just a moral imperative, but an economic powerhouse. Find the full report here:

🌱 Moral Duty Meets Pragmatic Choice
Protecting people and the planet from the devastating impacts of climate change is not only a moral duty but a pragmatic choice. The numbers have been crunched, revealing that climate action doesn't only ensure social well-being; it emerges as a robust driver of economic benefits.

💡 Quantifying the Benefits
CAN Europe's comprehensive report quantifies the benefits across key sectors—health, employment, cost of living, welfare losses, energy security, and resource extraction reductions—associated with a 1.5°C-aligned climate action path. The resounding conclusion is clear: the economic gains significantly outweigh the costs, providing an indisputable case for an encompassing transition.

📊 Key Findings:
📈 A 1.5°C pathway unlocks direct benefits exceeding €1 trillion for the entire EU by 2030.
💰 Economic benefits outweigh costs, presenting an unequivocal rationale for decisive climate action.
🛡️ Adopting a 1.5°C-compatible pathway drastically reduces economic losses, averting €46,000 per capita compared to inaction.
🌐 Embracing the Paris Agreement target aligns with a 1.5°C trajectory, promising socio-economic benefits.
🚀 Potential Unleashed: Journey to 2040 Climate Neutrality
CAN Europe's report underscores that aligning climate ambition with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal carries profound potential. This isn't merely about avoiding losses; it's about unlocking socio-economic benefits on the path to achieving a 2040 climate neutrality objective. The call to action is clear, and the benefits are substantial.
🌐 National Influence and Global Impact
As discussions on a consolidated 2040 EU climate target unfold, national leaders have a pivotal opportunity to influence the course of action. The finalisation of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) becomes a critical juncture, defining national climate and energy policies until 2030.
💬 Demand for Bold Leadership
Guided by irrefutable evidence from science, economics, and societal impacts, an unwavering commitment to climate and energy targets aligned with a 1.5°C-compatible pathway is not just prudent—it's the only viable course.
🌿 The Path Forward: Bold and Accelerated Climate Action
In the face of opportunities to rectify our course, the imperative for bold and accelerated climate action resonates. There is no cheaper, reliable, or just alternative. This isn't just about mitigating climate impacts; it's about unleashing a wave of positive co-benefits—improved public health, increased green jobs, reduced energy poverty, minimized material footprint, and avoided climate-related welfare losses.
🌐 Conclusion: A Resounding Call to Action
CAN Europe's report encapsulates more than just data; it encapsulates a resounding call to action. It's a call to transform our moral duty into pragmatic choices, unlocking the economic prosperity embedded in ambitious climate action. Let us heed this call, unite in purpose, and embark on a journey toward a sustainable and prosperous present and future for all.


Sve što želimo za Božić je....🎅

🎁Zelena agenda SA agendom❗️

Pročitajte izveštaj o napretku
🇷🇸 u poglavlju 27 – Životna sredina i klimatske promene



Still haven't read Koalicija 27 - Srbija Shadow Report❓

It analyzes Serbia’s progress in Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change, as well as the compliance in 🇷🇸 with European standards, but also the picture of the which is both regional, national, and local.

You can find the English version here👇


mural has arrived at the heart of mining in Serbia - , a small village where the first mining colony was established in the 60s and 70s, next to , the largest coal mining basin in the county. Pupils from primary school Rudovci joined graffiti artists to draw a scene from comic book, that explains why and how coal should be phased out ensuring a .

The mural is drawn with that absorb , and the comic heroes Coaly, Sunny, and Windy become alive via an app. The project is always concluded by planting a tree, to show the importance of preserving , alongside applying technocratic tools to help mitigate effects.

This is the second EnergySuperheroes mural that has been drawn in Serbia, centered around the idea that the impacted community must be informed and involved in the process. As such, pupils and school staff work with the graffiti artists throughout this interactive and fun process.

Watch the video by (in Serbian only this time) and share the story!


The David vs Goliath legal climate case: six young people against 32 governments - CAN Europe 28/09/2023

The David vs Goliath legal climate case: six young people against 32 governments - CAN Europe CAN Europe is a third-party intervener in the largest climate legal action to date. On 27 September 2023, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is holding a public […]

The David vs Goliath legal climate case: six young people against 32 governments - CAN Europe 27/09/2023

⚖ Today is a historic day. Today, the biggest climate case ever is in the hearings of European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

🙌🏽 Climate Action Network Europe (CAN Europe) stands in support and solidarity with the six young Portuguese heroes for taking 32 European countries to the court to push them to act on climate change and protect their rights. The climate crisis is a human rights crisis.

🛡 The courtroom looks like the David vs. Goliath fight. On one side, six young people. On the other side, 32 national European governments. It is an unfair situation, similarly as the whole climate crisis is unfair for youth all around the world.

🤝 CAN Europe together with other civil society organisations have been granted the status of third-party intervener. We raised several elements in support of the youths' arguments.

🏆 If we win this case, the whole planet will win. If we win, the countries will be forced to urgently cut their emissions. If we win, it will become a landmark case for all the climate trials in the future.

💖 Today, we are standing in solidarity with the brave youths from Portugal: Mariana (11), André (15), Sofia (18), Martim (20), Claudia (24) and Catarina (23). Together, we can win this one. Join us!

Read more at our website and follow the updates on our Twitter!

The David vs Goliath legal climate case: six young people against 32 governments - CAN Europe CAN Europe is a third-party intervener in the largest climate legal action to date. On 27 September 2023, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is holding a public […]

What’s Next for the EU‘s Green Agenda? 11/09/2023

It’s not another start of the school year and it’s not another state of the EU speech. We can’t normalise the unprecedented impacts felt this summer in Europe, harming lives, livelihoods, infrastructure and biodiversity. With the EU elections around the corner, politicians should be courageous, wherever they are in the political spectrum, and deeply transform our economy to adapt it to face these challenges that we are already facing today. The cost of inaction will be much higher and unfair.

Chiara Martinelli with her own on where are we with the at the Green European Journal

What’s Next for the EU‘s Green Agenda? In this week’s State of the Union address, Ursula von der Leyen has the opportunity to relaunch the continent’s climate ambitions.


🗳️ Voting every 5 years is good, but you know what's even cooler? 🌍 Taking an active part in democracy every single day!

Join our community of changemakers who are committed to putting people and the planet at the heart of the green transition. 🌱💚

Discover more about making a REAL DEAL for our future:

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Video's (alles zien)

SRBДобродошли у енергетску будућност Србије❗️🇷🇸Хајде да видимо потенцијал❗️_______ENG Welcome to the future of energy in...
Mirë se vini në të ardhmen energjetike të 🇲🇰❗️Le të shohim potencialin❗️_____ENGWelcome to the future of energy in  🇲🇰❗️...
Добредојдовте во енергетската иднина на 🇲🇰❗️Ајде да го видиме потенцијалот❗️_________ENGWelcome to the future of energy ...
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