Qollabi, Brussels Videos

Videos by Qollabi in Brussels. Qollabi makes partner success predictable with mutual success planning.

Hiring new interns as from September

Looking for a new internship in September?

We're hiring a Product Management Assistant & a Customer Success Intern
(4 - 6 months internship)

Want to work for an awesome tech scale-up company? 🚀

Learn more & apply here:
👉 Customer Success Intern (4-6 months | Internship): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/customer-success-intern-46-months-internship

👉 Product management assistant Intern (4-6 months): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/internship-product-management-assistant-46-months-brussels

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Hiring new interns as from September
Looking for a new internship in September? We're hiring a Product Management Assistant & a Customer Success Intern (4 - 6 months internship) Want to work for an awesome tech scale-up company? 🚀 Learn more & apply here: 👉 Customer Success Intern (4-6 months | Internship): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/customer-success-intern-46-months-internship 👉 Product management assistant Intern (4-6 months): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/internship-product-management-assistant-46-months-brussels

Using the OKR framework to build smarter partnerships
Objective 2022: next year we will grow by 10% in segment A! 📈 Sounds like a plan? 🙅‍♂️ If you don’t separate leading indicators from lagging indicators the objective above will be nothing more than a wish. And we all know, hope is not a strategy. Listen to Peter Nguyen who explains how Qollabi invites you to formulate SMART objectives. 💡 And as Olivier Riviere rightly stated, being 'SMART' does not mean you're using an OKR (Objectives & Key Results) framework. More on this here: https://lnkd.in/dK6XfqWU

Do you still manage your partner relationships in Excel/Spreadsheets? It’s possible, but the time it takes you, is lost time you better spend building business relationships.
Do you still manage your partner relationships in Excel/Spreadsheets? 🗂 It’s possible, but the time it takes you, is lost time you better spend building business relationships.

Partner collaboration will change dramatically
CRM is not made for indirect sales. Be careful when you put too much hope on your CRM. I mean, don't get me wrong, Salesforce, Hubspot, Microsoft Dynamics, etc are MANDATORY. But watch out for your expectations. First of all Sales & Marketing has changed, 'the funnel' is outdated, the buying process became way more complex and you need to connect different best-of-breed tools to support your sales and marketing teams. Also, CRM is not made for indirect sales, and definitely not for planning and collaboration with your external business relationships. That's why there is #BRM (Business Relationship Management) #collaborationsoftware #crm #prm

How to make strong partner plans using OKRs?
Why partner plans shouldn't be a "tick the box" exercise and how to use OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) to make your partner & account plans actionable.

Mélanie Brossard, our product owner, explains what the problem is with using spreadsheets and templates for making account plans.
Mélanie Brossard, our product owner, explains the problem of using spreadsheets and templates for making account plans.

Best of breed
More and more companies are adopting a best of breed digital strategy and there’s no doubt this will become a standard for a lot of companies. Best of breed means you’re selecting the best tools for the relevant business process. Adopting a best of breed strategy will provide a manageable and agile flow of data and processes. Meaning increased efficiencies and productivity. If you choose best of breed make sure to take this into account: ✅ API first: meaning all tools should easily connect. ✅ SSO (single sign-on): making it easy and secure to connect to all tools in one click. ✅ Map the customer journey: this will allow you to provide a great customer User Experience. ✅ Map the partner journey: this will guarantee a great partner User experience. ✅ Then make a decision based on business value: of course IT is important but business should create a clear vision on the most critical steps of the customer and partner journey. Download our ebook here: https://bit.ly/3qiOOiK

Now is the time to level up your channel management technology stack.
Now is the time to level up your channel management technology stack. Three reasons why: 1. Different partnerships start to appear: influencers, transactional partners and partners for retention. 2. Managing different types of partners become more complex. 3. Channel leaders no longer succeed with manual, human-centric processes, relying on spreadsheets to manage their partner programs. The automation of indirect sales processes is growing fast according to Forrester. One of their studies showed that 59% of companies are increasing spendings in channel management automation. Based on the article by Jay McBain: https://bit.ly/2YbO9DS Learn more about CRM, BRM and PRM: https://bit.ly/3ayk6eC

Managing partnerships = Having critical conversations
"During one of our webinars I learned a very powerful idea brought by Mark Smith from ALTTITUDE Mark stated that a great way to achieve partner commitment is to initiate critical conversations. Be brutally honest and realistic about your situation. Make it easy by listing the outcomes that you require for successful business relationships and have critical conversations to ensure proper implementation. We tried it out ourselves and led to some important breakthroughs. " Frie Watch the entire webinar here: https://lnkd.in/dvCKSw8

How to keep your teams aligned while remotely working?
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to talk during a webinar with Antoine Perdaens from Elium about our remote experiences at Qollabi and I came to an interesting observation. 💡 ➡️ We organized a poll and we came to surprising results. 1. Efficiency and visibility is not the biggest problem in remote working. 2. More than 70% of the respondents declared they were suffering from communication and social connections. ➡️ We asked which of the 5 famous dysfunctions of a team where impacted the most in their organizations. 💡To my surprise, ‘trust’ was the most mentioned issue in remote working. These results made me think and realize that remote working has its limits. The best way to create trust in my opinion is still installed via communication and social contact, sharing these personal stories during lunch, after work or during an event allow us to show ourselves from our human and more vulnerable part which is a good source to establish trust. I’m wondering how other people experience this? A couple of weeks ago I was invited to talk during a webinar with Antoine Perdaens from Elium about our remote experiences at Qollabi and I came to an interesting observation. 💡 ➡️ We organized a poll and we came to surprising results. 1. Efficiency and visibility is not the biggest problem in remote working. 2. More than 70% of the respondents declared they were suffering from communication and social connections. ➡️ We asked which of the 5 famous dysfunctions of a team where impacted the most in their organizations. 💡To my surprise, ‘trust’ was the most mentioned issue in remote working. These results made me think and realize that remote working has its limits. The best way to create trust in my opinion is still installed via communication and social contact, sharing these personal stories during lunch, after work or during an event allow us to show ourselves from our human and more vulnerable part which is a good source to

Are we only going to buy online in the future?
Is this confinement showing us how the future can look like? For sure, a lot of people finally found their way to online shopping. At the same time people are craving for human contact or extra service. The last weeks show what new and important role intermediaries can play in any distribution strategy of the future. For example, some headquarters simply couldn't follow with all the service questions the last weeks. Maybe this 'experiment' gave us a look into the future. A world where online shopping will be the standard but where indirect sales partners stay crucial to serve, to advice and also maybe empathize?

We are HIRING! #frontenddeveloper #developer #reactjs

Salespeople are doing to much firefighting!
Sales People are doing too much fire fighting! 👲 That's what I often hear when I talk to customers. Have you thought about the main reasons behind this problem and how you can solve them? 🤔 Two pitfalls that can trap salespeople in a fire fighting mode:🚨 1. Sales managers push sales teams to do as much as possible instead of being clear about priorities. 2. Trying to please all your business partners at the same time. Two solutions that can make your team more strategic: 💡 1. Separate customer services from sales, certainly in the context of an indirect sales model. 2. Install a system of OKR's for the sales team (Objectives and Key Results). Download our ebook for a summary of the bestseller Cracking the Sales Management Code of Jason Jordan in the comment below. Wishing you all a successful 2020!

Why CRMs have not lived up to expectations
Happy to provide you an early X-mas gift this year. 🙃🎁 We summarized the famous book 'Cracking the Sales Management Code' by Jason Jordan and shared the insights and related thoughts through short videos. Next week we will start with: 'Why CRMs have not lived up to expectations'. Here's a sneak peak...stay tuned! 📺 Ps: We also made a full summary of the book which you can find via the link in the comment below.

How to connect BRM with CRM? 🧐
How to connect BRM with CRM? 🧐 The last 2 years we introduced a new category in the market of indirect sales or channel sales... We called it Business Relationship Management Software (BRM). What a ride! 😅 In the beginning almost all the people we talked with asked us what the difference was with CRM. I admit, the way we explained it in the beginning wasn't always that clear. Now that our product became more mature, it is super exciting to see the enthusiasm of our customers when they experience the aha moment. 💪 Although BRM can be used standalone, the beautiful thing is that it becomes even more powerful when BRM is connected with CRM (eg. Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP etc.) I explained both worlds in a short video. #brm #crm #channelsales # #businessrelationshipmanagement

HIRING ALERT: Junior Sales Rockstar ( SDR)
Freshly graduated, highly ambitious AND looking for a job in sales? Not settling for the easy way, ready to be challenged and to learn. 💪 Tag someone you know (NL) who wants to be part of our growing and awesome start up team in Brussels. 🚀 More info: https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/junior-sales-rockstar-sales-development-representative-sdr #jobs #hiring #sales #startup #Brussels

What are sales partners expecting from headquarters?
What are sales partners expecting from headquarters? I've had an interesting talk with Christophe Van Bael , MD of Lincelot. They helped us gain insights in the dynamics between financial service providers and their intermediaries (tied agents and brokers). The 3 key takeaways: 1. Sales partners always expect some form of strategic vision coming from the HQ 2. Partners would really appreciate if principals they are working with are open for ideas 3. Partners expect short communication lines with #HQ and their commercial support team in order to be able to serve end customers better and faster #channelsales #brm #headquarters #sales #strategic #financialservice

How to be more efficient with your time?
Time is precious as a (channel) account manager. Easier said than done but these 3 principles can make a huge difference. 1. Be bold in choosing the partners you want to spend your time with. 2. Plan your physical meetings in a smarter way, watch out: it might be counter intuitive to not visit a partner on your way. 3. Go digital and mobile: ask your partner how she prefers communicating with you. More ideas on Qollabi's BRM Academy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4G3CkMt8PhdnRw96Sd0B5A

Howaboutsales became Qollabi
Officially announcing that Howaboutsales became Qollabi! 🚀 A name that better communicates our mission to build stronger partner & business relationships. Proud of the team who made it all possible and special thanks to Anila Macula !👊 www.qollabi.com

Why Should You Make An Account Plan?
The year has started. Are you still on track with your plans? Most account plans aren’t used anymore once they are made. So why should you make them in the first place? Here are three reasons why it does make sense to make an account plan: 1. Potential: know where to focus. 2. Needs: assess the needs of your group of accounts. 3. OKR (Objectives & Key Results): what gets measured gets done.