
Qollabi makes partner success predictable with mutual success planning. Howaboutsales builds easy-to-use software for channel sales teams.

Software focused on the core of their activities & methodology.


Looking for a new internship in September?

We're hiring a Product Management Assistant & a Customer Success Intern
(4 - 6 months internship)

Want to work for an awesome tech scale-up company? 🚀

Learn more & apply here:
👉 Customer Success Intern (4-6 months | Internship): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/customer-success-intern-46-months-internship

👉 Product management assistant Intern (4-6 months): https://qollabi.recruitee.com/o/internship-product-management-assistant-46-months-brussels

Best Practices for Partner Plan Ex*****on 15/02/2022

One of the most common objections in channel sales.

How do I make sure my partner plan is executed? 🗒

This blog provides best practices we’ve seen in successful partner organisations.

Some key takeaways are:
• Make sure to assign specific activities to individuals
• Have clear communication lines & install follow-up moments
• Make partner planning a two-way exercise & talk about mutually beneficial activities
• Involve all stakeholders in your plan to create accountability & commitment!

Share your thoughts in the comments!

Best Practices for Partner Plan Ex*****on In recent years, I’ve seen 50-plan pages, one-page templates, and all types of plans combined in one virtual drawer/different spreadsheets, templates, documents,.... Sadly, not all of these plans become reality by the time the year ends. How do you ensure that partner plans are executed? Here are ...

What is BRM Business Relationship Management 13/01/2022

It’s time you get rid of your static documents and workflows for planning and collaboration with your business relationships.

It’s time for BRM (Business Relationship Management)

Want to learn more about the differences between CRM, PRM & BRM? You can grab an ebook with the different solutions in the comments 👇

What is BRM Business Relationship Management


Objective 2022: next year we will grow by 10% in segment A! 📈

Sounds like a plan?


If you don’t separate leading indicators from lagging indicators the objective above will be nothing more than a wish.

And we all know, hope is not a strategy.

Listen to Peter Nguyen who explains how Qollabi invites you to formulate SMART objectives. 💡

And as Olivier Riviere rightly stated, being 'SMART' does not mean you're using an OKR (Objectives & Key Results) framework. More on this here: https://lnkd.in/dK6XfqWU


Do you still manage your partner relationships in Excel/Spreadsheets? 🗂

It’s possible, but the time it takes you, is lost time you better spend building business relationships.


CRM is not made for indirect sales.

Be careful when you put too much hope on your CRM.

I mean, don't get me wrong, Salesforce, Hubspot, Microsoft Dynamics, etc are MANDATORY.

But watch out for your expectations.

First of all Sales & Marketing has changed, 'the funnel' is outdated, the buying process became way more complex and you need to connect different best-of-breed tools to support your sales and marketing teams.

Also, CRM is not made for indirect sales, and definitely not for planning and collaboration with your external business relationships.

That's why there is (Business Relationship Management)

Why Should You Make A Partner or Account Plan? - Qollabi 03/11/2021

Why letting partner & account plans end up in the virtual drawer will let you lose focus & commitment


Why Should You Make A Partner or Account Plan? - Qollabi Companies are very good at defining clear KPIs and objectives. Maybe they’re all over the place in the organization and you might centralize them through a CRM tool or business tool like Power Bi, but that’s not a problem. The biggest challenge is the middle part because this is where BRM comes ...


Why partner plans shouldn't be a "tick the box" exercise and how to use OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) to make your partner & account plans actionable.

Partner & Account Planning The Right Way For Account Managers In Indirect Sales 12/10/2021

Why failing to involve your partners in partner planning isn’t the future of (indirect) sales


Partner & Account Planning The Right Way For Account Managers In Indirect Sales BRM - known as Business Relationship Management - is a business software that allows you to segment your brokers, resellers, intermediaries, and sales partners based on criteria like turnover and account type.


Mélanie Brossard, our product owner, explains the problem of using spreadsheets and templates for making account plans.


We don’t care if you have a drivers license or not, jump on, somebody will explain you how to drive, sit back and enjoy the ride 😎


Qollabi swag can be combined with sneakers, heels or even white soks in beach slippers, we don’t judge at Qollabi😜


Great team vibes in 🐓

How Channel Account Managers Can Target The Right Partners - Qollabi 11/08/2021

It is essential for salespeople to find partners that are likely to purchase or recommend their product to the end customer.

Target the right partners by following these 4 steps.


How Channel Account Managers Can Target The Right Partners - Qollabi Channel account managers using a territory management process often have a list of partner leads that they can contact on a regular basis.


Creating successful objectives that are in line with the company’s goals is often a challenge for sales teams.

Build a better plan by applying those 4 sales objectives:


How to get a comprehensive overview of channel operations & get everyone on the same page - Qollabi 11/03/2021

Is your team aligned on the main challenges and solutions of your channel organization?

If you struggle getting your team and your partners on the same page, try the one-pager structure and define the main domains of improvement in your channel operations.

This blog will get you started and provide some inspiration


How to get a comprehensive overview of channel operations & get everyone on the same page - Qollabi BRM - known as Business Relationship Management - is a business software that allows you to segment your brokers, resellers, intermediaries, and sales partners based on criteria like turnover and account type.


What do Ecosystem management and Strategic Alliances actually mean? Why is it so important for your organization to stay relevant in the future?

We're excited to have EY Executive Director and Ecosystem Innovation expert Lawrence Landeloos on our next webinar on March 18th - 4:30 PM (CET).

Lawrence has experience in helping senior leaders drive growth through innovation, leveraging the power of strategic alliances and partner ecosystems.

- Why strategic alliances?
- Best practices & examples?
- How to make a strategic alliance measurable?

Subscribe here 👉: https://bit.ly/2PNGJpd


Forrester channel expert Jay McBain recently stated: "The future of channels, alliances, and ecosystems will be anchored on automation, flexibility, scalability, and self-service." https://bit.ly/3jwrbRr
But how to navigate the different technology available for vendors in managing indirect sales channels, strategic partnerships and alliances?

Don't miss the webinar with Richard Bessis if you want to get the basics right: https://bit.ly/36YAYut

Why Indirect Sales Will Help You Grow In 2021 - Qollabi 04/02/2021

Curious how Indirect Sales will help you grow in 2021?


Why Indirect Sales Will Help You Grow In 2021 - Qollabi A new year means new goals and preparation for channel organizations. Hence, we’re going to walk you through some building blocks to get your channel organization right for the upcoming year.


More and more companies are adopting a best of breed digital strategy and there’s no doubt this will become a standard for a lot of companies.

Best of breed means you’re selecting the best tools for the relevant business process.

Adopting a best of breed strategy will provide a manageable and agile flow of data and processes. Meaning increased efficiencies and productivity.

If you choose best of breed make sure to take this into account:

✅ API first: meaning all tools should easily connect.
✅ SSO (single sign-on): making it easy and secure to connect to all tools in one click.
✅ Map the customer journey: this will allow you to provide a great customer User Experience.
✅ Map the partner journey: this will guarantee a great partner User experience.
✅ Then make a decision based on business value: of course IT is important but business should create a clear vision on the most critical steps of the customer and partner journey.

Download our ebook here: https://bit.ly/3qiOOiK


📺 On December 10th - 4:40 PM CET we will have Edwin Rubens on our next webinar: Why indirect sales will help you grow in 2021 and how to make it work

Edwin is a seasoned channel expert with an impressive track record at HP, Fujitsu, Intel and others. He will share with us some valuable insights and best practices around channel growth. 🚀

On the agenda:
- Why indirect sales is a growth lever?
- Building blocks for a successful channel organization
- From theory to practice

➡️ Subscribe here: https://lnkd.in/deE3-E6


Reminder, today at 4.40 PM (CET) Frie Pétré & Ruben Westmeijer will discuss how to get the most out of your Partnerships. Prevent them from dying a slow death with Dynamic BRM!

Join us today for the webinar "Static is dead, long live Dynamic Business Relationship Management".

Register here: https://bit.ly/36k6xOh

If you can't make it this time, no problem. Register anyway, and we'll send you the recording.😊


Do you know how your end customers experience the buying process from your business partners?

We're excited to have Leahanne Hobson as our guest for our next webinar on October 21st - 4PM CEST.
Leahanne from Alinea Partners is a channel expert and a mystery shopper.

Professionals from any industry can learn from this webinar providing the following insights:

- Mystery shopping and partner journey: why and what is it?
- Best practices and insights
- How to get it done?

Look forward to seeing you!

Register here: https://app.livestorm.co/qollabi/how-to-improve-the-channel-journey-for-your-end-customer


Now is the time to level up your channel management technology stack.

Three reasons why:

1. Different partnerships start to appear: influencers, transactional partners and partners for retention.
2. Managing different types of partners become more complex.
3. Channel leaders no longer succeed with manual, human-centric processes, relying on spreadsheets to manage their partner programs.

The automation of indirect sales processes is growing fast according to Forrester. One of their studies showed that 59% of companies are increasing spendings in channel management automation.

Based on the article by Jay McBain: https://bit.ly/2YbO9DS

Learn more about CRM, BRM and PRM: https://bit.ly/3ayk6eC

Can You Do Better As A Channel Account Manager? 04/08/2020

Working on your 2021 business plan?

Choose your objectives wisely and make sure to focus, keep it simple and measurable both lead and lag measures.

- Market Coverage - sales teams ability to cover the market

- Sales Force Capability - sales teams ability to close deals

- Customer Focus - sales teams ability to attract and retain customers

- Product Focus - sales teams ability to sell products

You can set any type of sales objective, as long as it will help you fulfill your goals. If you don’t know where to start, you can even set objectives per category.

Can You Do Better As A Channel Account Manager? Salespeople aren't focused on the company's key objectives. How can sales teams create sales objectives that will deliver results that are in line with the company’s goals? Let’s try to understand the types of sales objectives for a better business plan.


"During one of our webinars I learned a very powerful idea brought by Mark Smith from ALTTITUDE

Mark stated that a great way to achieve partner commitment is to initiate critical conversations.

Be brutally honest and realistic about your situation. Make it easy by listing the outcomes that you require for successful business relationships and have critical conversations to ensure proper implementation.

We tried it out ourselves and led to some important breakthroughs. " Frie

Watch the entire webinar here: https://lnkd.in/dvCKSw8

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Video's (alles zien)

Hiring new interns as from September
Using the OKR framework to build smarter partnerships
Do you still manage your partner relationships in Excel/Spreadsheets? It’s possible, but the time it takes you, is lost ...
Partner collaboration will change dramatically
How to make strong partner plans using OKRs?
Mélanie Brossard, our product owner, explains what the problem is with using spreadsheets and templates for making accou...
Best of breed
Now is the time to level up your channel management technology stack.
Managing partnerships = Having critical conversations
How to keep your teams aligned while remotely working?
Are we only going to buy online in the future?
We are HIRING! #frontenddeveloper #developer #reactjs


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