Nick Aaron

Author of the "Blind Sleuth Mysteries"

Nick Aaron 08/08/2022

Great news, I have my own Author Page now, so if you want to know about my upcoming next novel, for instance, then check it out:

Nick Aaron


No, wait, wrong link

Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 8) 11/10/2021

So here's the link for the book that will be available starting 10 November.
That went a lot faster than expected in the end, though I still have a lot of editing to do on it. But it's strange how a story seems to be in a hurry after it has been delayed for a while. I had to work hard to keep up!

Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 8) Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 8)


These past few weeks I have managed to get back into the flow of writing my twelfth novel... so now I'm confident that I'm back in business after our move. Time to show you something about my next book. As usual I have a cover with a blurb at the ready, long before I've written even the first draft! Anyway, it's called "Berlin Fall" and it's "a Cold War comedy of manners", a kind of spy story. Yes, it's also a Daisy Hayes story, but completely different from anything I've attempted before... Check it out.


We made it! Hanna and I have finally moved house... still unpacking and hanging stuff on the walls, but getting there. And the good news is, I've found some time to restart writing, I seem to be picking up the thread, at least, but more about that later. Check out the view we have, though:


Gosh, time goes by. I haven't been writing much lately 'cos Hanna and I will soon move to another flat. You know how it is when you have to pack all your possessions: lots of work, very time-consuming, and you revisit your whole life through the stuff you've accumulated. When we find back the drawings our kids made when they were little, it seems like only yesterday... but they're both past thirty now. Anyway: patience, my dears, I'll be back.

Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 11) 12/04/2021

The book is now available for pre-order:
This does not mean that it's entirely ready yet, but it will be on the 11th of May. So if you want to check it out on its brand-new product page, be my guest.

Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 11) Daisy's Pushkin Duel (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 11)


As usual, I've started working on a new novel after writing a blurb and designing a cover for it first. Otherwise I can't focus on the story properly... so here goes, check it out if you're interested in that kind of thing.

The Nightlife of the Blind (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 7) 28/01/2021

Tomorrow, and the two days after, so in fact the whole weekend of 29-31 January, one of my best novels will be available for free on Amazon:
If you don't have it on your device yet, grab a copy this weekend!

The Nightlife of the Blind (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 7) The Nightlife of the Blind (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 7)

Book giveaway for The Desiderata Riddle (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries #10) by Nick Aaron Jan 12-Feb 11, 2021 12/01/2021

Don't you love a giveaway? If you're on GoodReads this is your chance to get a free copy of The Desiderata Riddle... check it out!

Book giveaway for The Desiderata Riddle (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries #10) by Nick Aaron Jan 12-Feb 11, 2021 Enter to win one of 100 free copies available. Giveaway dates from Jan 12-Feb 11, 2021. Win your copy of the last “Millennia Mystery” in the Trilogy. It’...

The Desiderata Riddle (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 10) 20/12/2020

I have just finished the first draft of "The Desiderata Riddle" and it is again 86k long... I know, we writers are obsessed by the score. Anyway, the Roman trilogy is now complete, the third volume will be published on 11 February next year, and is available for pre-orders now:

The Desiderata Riddle (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 10) The Desiderata Riddle (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 10)

The Desiderata Stone 22/11/2020

It will soon be Thanksgiving, and then the consumerist nightmare, Black Friday! Well, as it happens I have a promotion planned on the Devil's birthday: "The Desiderata Gold" will be on offer FOR FREE on Amazon... Now, I know YOU already have it, BUT recommend it to your friends if you liked it. Giving my latest book away seemed like the best antidote to the consumerist frenzy. After all, I wrote that book with LOVE. BTW, the first volume is also available free of charge on most online stores except Amazon, or if you want a Mobi file for your Kindle, try

The Desiderata Stone Claim a free copy of The Desiderata Stone


I'm so glad to hear that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have finally sent Trump and Pence packing: what a relief! Will decency come back to American politics? Maybe it's too early to rejoice... Anyway, all this is kind of strange for a Dutch guy in Belgium who has a LOT of readers in the US of A. I certainly hope my novels about a woman blind sleuth can contribute to a more inclusive, caring, and civilized America... Cheers, as they would say in Britain.


Lately I've been working on my tenth novel, the third installment of the Desiderata trilogy. In fact I am so busy, that I hardly can find the time to keep posting on Facebook.
Anyway, here goes: the cover (and synopsis) of "The Desiderata Riddle".

The Desiderata Gold (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 9) 25/08/2020

It is now official: my next 'Desiderata' novel will go on sale on Amazon on September 15. You can check it out here (and pre-order if you want):

The Desiderata Gold (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 9) The Desiderata Gold (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 9)


Recently I managed to create a paperback edition of the original "Daisy Hayes Trilogy". It has become a heavy tome of 570 pages!
You can check it out here:


The outlines of my second Desiderata novel have become much clearer these last few days. It will be 85k words long, and be published somewhere in September. And the cover might look like this:

The Desiderata Stone 10/07/2020

The Desiderata Stone is starting its existence as a "giveaway" on Prolific Works now.

The Desiderata Stone Claim a free copy of The Desiderata Stone

Double-crescent lunula | 3D Printing Shop | i.materialise 08/07/2020

Desiderata's double-crescent lunula can now be found online, if anyone wants to check it out:

Double-crescent lunula | 3D Printing Shop | i.materialise Share your 3D printing projects, meet fellow designers, get feedback and professional advice from the i.materialise team. »


I have reissued "Blind Angel of Wrath" on Amazon. The "nasty book" that gave me a lot of trouble with some of my beloved readers. But as I was proofing it once more, I still had the feeling this story is not that awful after all. I mean, the horror that takes places is not TOO explicitly detailed... Anyway, as this story takes place in 1967, it fits nicely after "The Desiderata Stone", that takes place in 1964. Enjoy... or not.

D for Daisy 28/05/2020

At the moment two of my works are part of a group giveaway on prolific works. The theme of the group is "Where Women Rule". Check it out!

D for Daisy Claim a free copy of D for Daisy

Photos from Nick Aaron's post 15/05/2020

Recently I received the prototype of Desi’s famous "lunula". It’s a design I made, and I had it 3D-printed in silver by a firm called “i.materialise”. The idea is to market the pendant for Desiderata fans to buy online. A kind of “marketing merchandise” (not really for profit BTW). But because of the covid-19 crisis the whole project is on hold. Anyway, here’s a pic of the silver pendant for those who’re interested.


The Desiderata Stone already has two reviews on Amazon! Which is amazing. Especially with four and five stars. I'm impressed how fast these two read the book, and that they really liked it; it gives me high hopes for my baby's prospects...


The Desiderata Stone is now available online, also as a paperback, so this is it: a new novel. On GoodReads I had 446 requests, not a bad result at all, and 100 of those will get the prize, so that is pretty good for them as well. Wait and see how the book sells from now on... I'm still working very hard on the sequel, The Desiderata Gold.


The Desiderata Stone has now been launched as a giveaway on GoodReads. 174 people have applied so far, and I'm giving 100 Kindle copies away. Not bad, you could have worse odds in a lottery. Bets are still open until 11 April, for those who're interested.


Lately I have been exchanging messages with a gentleman in Holland who is a Latin teacher. We're both old-fashioned, I guess: we find it very thrilling to be discussing my MS by email!
There are issues with my Latin, of course, and I want to see if I can get a more or less correct inscription on the Desiderata stone (yes, the eponymous stone, not the book), but it is difficult, 'cos it has to fit in with the plot too...
Anyway, thanks a lot so far, Pablo.


I'm just back from Rome. It was wonderful: 18 C° and bright sunshine, in February! The traffic total madness as expected. This was my first visit to the actual Eternal City, ever, after writing draft #1 of The Desiderata Stone... It's good (and sobering) to have a reality check, but it's also good to have it AFTER you've finished imagining the place in fiction first. But now I will be changing/adding some details here and there. Still having great fun with this project.


It's a funny thing: as soon as I finish one book (or let it rest for a while) the next one starts nagging at me. I suppose that is how I've kept writing these past few years, one or two (short) novels a year. Who would ever have thought that possible? Not Me!
Another funny thing: I always start on a new book by designing the cover and writing the blurb. Dear future reader, when I start I don't know more than you do when you read the blurb! And to prove it, here is the cover for my next book.

The Desiderata Stone (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 7) 09/02/2020

My new novel is now on Amazon, at this URL:

But although you can order it already, it will not be available before 11 April. So why post it so early? Well, "The Zon" needs a lot of time to process a new book, like including it in your series listing and all that.
For the moment I'm going to leave it alone for five-six weeks, like Stephen King recommends, then I'll start editing and proofreading like mad, and finally upload the corrected version just in time for launch. Heavy!

The Desiderata Stone (The Blind Sleuth Mysteries Book 7) A Mystery Spanning MillenniaDaisy Hayes was a sculptress, and blind since birth. In 1964 a French priest came to visit her at the collective studio in north London where she worked. He was fascinated by the blind artist and told her, “There’s this program at the Vatican Museums, whe...


Today is palindrome day, 02022020, and an important day for me, 'cos I've just finished the first draft of "The Desiderata Stone". The most exciting part of that for an author, is that you get to know the end score on the length of the new novel. Well, it looks like this one will be at least 78k words. I've never written such a long novel before. But hey, this is a double feature in a way... Now I start on the long process of editing and proofreading: as an indie author you have to do everything yourself. For the launch date, I'm aiming at 11 April 2020. Not a particularly special day, except for me if I make it.

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