Undivided vzw

An intersectional student organisation in Leuven. Working on decolonization, LGBTQ+ rights and anti-ableism

Een intersectionele studentenvereniging in Leuven.

We werken rond dekolonisatie, LGBTQ+ rechten en anti-validisme


This year, the 2 main working groups in our organisation started to work more and more independently from each other. So for reasons of efficiency, clarity and focus, we decided it’s a lot more beneficial to restructure into 2 organisations. That way, we are able to work more in depth and put our respective expertise to good use. This of course does not exclude collaborations and partnerships.
Follow our new accounts to keep up to date!

Bystanders training for students - Pangaea 30/03/2022

What are you doing tomorrow? On March 31, 2-5pm, Pangaea is organising a (free) bystander training. Learn what to do when you witness harrassment, whether it be sexual harassment, racist harassment, LGBTQ+-phobic harassment, problematic comments or jokes, etc.

Sign up here:

Bystanders training for students - Pangaea In our everyday life, we all witness problematic behaviour : discriminatory comments, inappropriate jokes, sexual harassment... And we don't always know what to do about it.The good news is: we can all switch from passive witnesses to active bystanders and make a difference in our surroundings.

CABRAL, Amílcar 20/01/2022

On this day in 1973, the decolonial hero Amílcar Cabral was assassinated.

In his lifelong struggle to liberate Guinea-Bissau & Cape Verde and to fight against Portuguese fascism and imperialism, he was very inspired by panafricanism, marxism and the Négritude movement. Cabral was a great thinker & political organizer. So as a true pragmatic visionary, he pushed for the importance of uniting anti-imperial struggles, and he noted the need for re-Africanisation, or to decolonize cultures and minds. https://globalsocialtheory.org/thinkers/cabral-amilcar/

CABRAL, Amílcar “Tell no lies. (…) Claim no easy victories” (Amilcar Cabral, 1965) If there was ever such a thing as a practical philosopher, then Amílcar Cabral would have stood as one of the first of such kind. Amílcar Cabral, born in 1924 in Cape Verde and assassinated in 1973, is remembered fir


Looking forward to this!!! 😁

Gewest koopt gebouw voor opvang slachtoffers familiaal geweld en verstoten LGBT+ 08/01/2022

The region of Brussels is buying a new shelter house for victims of domestic violence and for young LGBTQIA+ persons who were forced to leave their parental home.

Gewest koopt gebouw voor opvang slachtoffers familiaal geweld en verstoten LGBT+ Er komen een dertigtal plaatsen voor vrouwen die het slachtoffer zijn van geweld en voor jonge LGBTQIA+-personen die door hun gezin zijn verstoten

UNDIVIDED idea & feedback form 02/01/2022

Happy new year! In 2022 we will keep working on our three topics of anti-ableism, LGBTQ+ & gender, and decolonizing the university. Do you have any ideas or feedback for us? Your idea could be an interesting topic for a panel, a fun community-building event, a movie/ paper/ book-chapter to discuss at a session, a policy measure that we should push at the university, a speaker to invite, something to write about on our blog, ...

UNDIVIDED idea & feedback form In this form you can suggest ideas for events, university policy, blog articles or other projects related to our three groups: LGBTQ+ & gender, anti-ableism and . We are open to critique or feedback as well. Your idea could be an interesting topic for a panel, a fun community-buil...


Join us tonight in the screening & group discussion of 'Concerning Violence', named after an essay by Frantz Fanon. 📚 In the meantime, here's a short summary of this essay: https://youtu.be/YcBuCcydP68
[Event-page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1999236383570895]
[Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/Dhk6FfRuM8TzXATW7]

THREE MINUTE THOUGHT: FRANTZ FANON ON VIOLENCE If you wish to support this channel: Discord: https://discord.gg/C6mb46mqk3https://www.paypal.me/TadasVinokurPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/tadasvinokurFac...

FANON, Frantz 15/12/2021

Who was Frantz Fanon? ✊
This decolonial thinker was a psychoanalyst who used both his clinical research and lived experience of being a black man in a racist world to analyse the effects of racism on individuals –particularly on people of colour- and of the economic and psychological impacts of imperialism.
Read more: https://globalsocialtheory.org/thinkers/franz-fanon/
[Movie-screening based on Fanon's work: https://www.facebook.com/events/1999236383570895/ ]
[Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/Dhk6FfRuM8TzXATW7 ]

FANON, Frantz Frantz Fanon was a psychoanalyst who used both his clinical research and lived experience of being a black man in a racist world to analyse the effects of racism on individuals –particularly on people of colour- and of the economic and psychological impacts of imperialism. Fanon is an important th...


The documentary 'Concerning Violence' is a visualisation of Frantz Fanon's essay in the 'The Wretched of the Earth'. This book has been described by Stuart Hall as 'the bible of the decolonization movement'. So we definitely recommend reading the whole book after the exams! You can find the pdf here:https://monoskop.org/images/6/6b/Fanon_Frantz_The_Wretched_of_the_Earth_1963.pdf
[Event-page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1999236383570895/ ]
[Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/Dhk6FfRuM8TzXATW7 ]

In My Name – Une loi citoyenne pour la régularisation 13/12/2021

Word een van de 25'000 mensen die de regularisatie van mensen zonder papieren mogelijk maken. Teken deze petitie, en het burgerwetsvoorstel gaat naar het parlement: ➡️ http://inmyname.be

In My Name – Une loi citoyenne pour la régularisation une loi citoyenne Pour la régularisation Signer la loi En savoir plus LA campagne. Devenez l’un.e des 25.000 co-porteur.euse.s d’un projet de loi citoyenne pour la régularisation des personnes sans-papiers. Si les politiques ne veulent pas modifier la loi pour mettre en place des critères cla...

Photos from Undivided vzw's post 05/12/2021

Since the image of 'Zwarte Piet' has colonial & racist roots, we ask all student unions to stop this tradition together. As student representatives, you represent all students. So dont ignore this conversation. Speak out against blackface.
➡️ België kan het

Online SOM forum LGBTQI+ 03/12/2021

Leer meer over LGBTQIA+-inclusief schoolbeleid, LGBTQIA+ als thema in de klas en kruispuntdenken, op dit forum van SOM - samen onderwijs maken Leuven op 17 december, 12:30-15:00. 🌈https://www.samenonderwijsmaken.be/agenda/online-som-forum-lgbtqi

Online SOM forum LGBTQI+ Online SOM forum LGBTQI+. In het licht van de huidige coronasituatie hebben we beslist om over te schakelen naar een ONLINE forum. We behouden het concept, maar er zijn enkele lichte wijzigingen in het programma. Je kan je nog steeds inschrijven via de knop onderaan deze pagina. In een SOM forum bun...


Last week Umoja Gent organised a Diaspora Careers Panel! 🙌
This year it was centered around womenhood, featuring 5 beautiful & talented women of color from various professions. Watch it here! 💕

Timeline photos 23/11/2021

Last call to fill in our survey, available in Dutch & English! Share with your LGBTQ+ friends :)

UNDIVIDED has been working on a survey gauging the experience of LGBTQ+* students at the KU Leuven. This questionnaire aims to inform a policy team and try to improve the policy on LGBTQ+ themes at KU Leuven. You can really contribute to this by sharing your experiences with us! The survey can be filled out in Dutch or English and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Please share our survey among family, friends and acquaintances to help us reach more LGBTQ+ students affiliated with KU Leuven!


Don't hesitate to send us a message with your questions about this project, or send us on [email protected] or [email protected]

In collaboration with the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies

*The term LGBTQ+ (le***an, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) is non-exhaustive and includes identities which start with other letters, such as asexuality, intersex or non-binary.

Fighting racism lecture Kehindé Andrews 18/11/2021

How does racism and colonialism still rule the world?
Renowned scholar-activist and professor of Black studies, Dr. Kehinde Andrews , answers this question in his book 'The New Age of Empire'. We highly recommend reading it, but in the meantime, join this online lecture on Tuesday November 23rd, 18:00-20:00. https://birmm.research.vub.be/the-new-age-of-empire-a-lecture-by-kehinde-andrews

Fighting racism lecture Kehindé Andrews racism, Kehinde, Andrews, Kehindé Andrews, VUB, Reason, Engage, Academic, BIRMM

Photos from We Decolonize VUB's post 12/11/2021

Attention to VUB students:

A research team is looking for candidates to participate in a focus group on the need for a Critical Liberation/Ethnic Studies Master in Belgium! This could be a groundbreaking project, so definitely read more information in the post below if you're interested.

📆 Monday 15/11 🕔 17h-18h30
Contact: [email protected]


Tune in tomorrow night (7-9pm) for this interesting event by the Paul Robeson House & Museum!

Dont forget to sign up to get the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwuf-GqrDIiHtV6yYM-fQvsv2MLAxvT3VjO


Our survey is still active!

UNDIVIDED has been working on a survey gauging the experience of LGBTQ+* students at the KU Leuven. This questionnaire aims to inform a policy team and try to improve the policy on LGBTQ+ themes at KU Leuven. You can really contribute to this by sharing your experiences with us! The survey can be filled out in Dutch or English and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Please share our survey among family, friends and acquaintances to help us reach more LGBTQ+ students affiliated with KU Leuven!


Don't hesitate to send us a message with your questions about this project, or send us on [email protected] or [email protected]

In collaboration with the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies

*The term LGBTQ+ (le***an, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) is non-exhaustive and includes identities which start with other letters, such as asexuality, intersex or non-binary.


UNDIVIDED heeft een vragenlijst ontwikkeld om de ervaring van LGBTQ+ studenten aan de KU Leuven te onderzoeken. Deze anonieme vragenlijst heeft als doel om het beleid rond LGBTQ+ thema's aan de KU Leuven te verbeteren en daartoe kan jij bijdragen door jouw ervaringen met ons te delen. Jouw antwoorden zullen worden gebruikt om een beleidsploeg te informeren.
De survey kan in het Engels of het Nederlands ingevuld worden en duurt ongeveer 15-20 minuten.

Deel zo veel mogelijk onder je vrienden, familie, kennissen om ons te helpen meer LGBTQ+ KUL-studenten te bereiken!


Indien je vragen hebt, contacteer ons via Facebook, of stuur ons een mail op [email protected] of [email protected]!

in samenwerking met het Instituut voor Familiale en Seksuologische Studies (IFSS)

*De term LGBTQ+ (lesbisch, gay, biseksueel, transgender, queer/questioning, ander) is voor ons niet exhaustief en omvat dus ook identiteiten die met andere letters starten, zoals aseksualiteit, intersekse of non-binair.


UNDIVIDED has been working on a survey gauging the experience of LGBTQ+* students at the KU Leuven. This questionnaire aims to inform a policy team and try to improve the policy on LGBTQ+ themes at KU Leuven. You can really contribute to this by sharing your experiences with us! The survey can be filled out in Dutch or English and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Please share our survey among family, friends and acquaintances to help us reach more LGBTQ+ students affiliated with KU Leuven!


Don't hesitate to send us a message with your questions about this project, or send us on [email protected] or [email protected]

In collaboration with the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies

*The term LGBTQ+ (le***an, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) is non-exhaustive and includes identities which start with other letters, such as asexuality, intersex or non-binary.

‘We waren te radicaal voor subsidies van KU Leuven’ 14/10/2021

(English below)

Enkele correcties en duidingen bij onze aankondiging:

De beslissing kwam er al voor Luc Sels' speech, niet erna zoals in dit artikel staat.
De beslissing dat de financiering zou stoppen was niet gezamenlijk. We werden voor een voldongen feit gesteld en konden kiezen om nauwer samen te werken met de universiteit, zonder reguliere financiering (enkel gericht op projecten, wat niet genoeg is om een goede werking te hebben), of onze eigen weg in te slaan. Dat kun je moeilijk een gezamenlijke beslissing noemen. En dus kozen wij het laatste.

Onze blogpost werd hier en daar al vernoemd als een aanklacht tegen de universiteit. Wij willen verduidelijken dat dit ook ging over gewoon een aankondiging: wij wilden onze volgers op de hoogte stellen van onze huidige situatie en daarbij ook de context scheppen voor onze afwezigheid de laatste weken/maanden. We zijn overrompeld door alle taken die we moeten uitvoeren als gevolg van deze (late) beslissing van de universiteit, waardoor onze werking niet helemaal als 'normaal' kan verlopen. We wouden dus vooral transparantie naar onze volgers, en tegelijk is het onze taak om onrechtvaardige beslissingen van de KU Leuven te bekritiseren, aangezien dit tegenstrijdig is met hun mooie woorden en beloftes over inclusiviteit en dekolonisatie.

We willen er verder niet meer veel woorden aan vuil maken. Het is nu zo. UNDIVIDED slaat haar eigen weg in, zonder de rechtstreekse verbinding met de KU Leuven. Wij zetten ons werk verder zoals voorheen, terwijl we ons ook herorganiseren. We hebben nog veel in petto en zijn meer dan deze korte vlaag van sensatie.


Some corrections and explanations to our announcement:

The decision of the KU Leuven came before Luc Sels’ speech, not after, as this article suggests.
The decision to stop our funding was not a joint one. It was already a done deal, and we were faced with the decision to work together with them more closely, without regular funding (only focused on projects, which isn’t enough for us to thrive), or to go our own way. You can hardly call that a joint decision. So we chose the latter.

Our blog post has been described as an accusation against the university. We want to clarify that this was also just an announcement: we wanted to update our followers about our current situation and with that also provide the context for our absence the last weeks/months. We are overwhelmed by all the tasks that we have to carry out as a result of this (late) decision by the university, which means that our organisation and events can’t run as before. We wanted transparency towards our followers, and at the same time it is our job to criticize unjust decisions of KU Leuven, as they contradict their empty words and promises about inclusion and decolonization.

We don't want to waste too many words on it anymore. It is what it is. UNDIVIDED goes its own way, without the direct connection with KU Leuven. We will continue our work as before, while also reorganizing ourselves. We still have a lot in store and are more than this brief sensation.

‘We waren te radicaal voor subsidies van KU Leuven’ De KU Leuven draait de geldkraan dicht voor het diversiteitsplatform Undivided. De beslissing komt er enkele weken nadat rector Luc Sels heeft gewaarschuwd...

Wilt u dat uw universiteit hét hoogst genoteerde Universiteit in Leuven wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.



Heb jij ideeën over een inclusieve universiteit? Liggen thema’s zoals toegankelijkheid en representatie nauw aan jouw hart? Zoek jij een plek waar jouw stem gehoord wordt én bijdraagt tot een sterker diversiteitsbeleid aan de KU Leuven?

UNDIVIDED is het jongste concept van de dienst Diversiteitsbeleid. Het idee is ontstaan bij studenten, en zal in de toekomst ook door hen gedragen worden. UNDIVIDED biedt een onafhankelijk diversiteitsplatform van en voor iedereen verbonden aan KU Leuven. Het is een model waarbij studenten, verenigingen en personeel samen werken aan een positieve diversiteitscultuur binnen KU Leuven.

Via verschillende wegen wordt er aan een inclusieve universiteit gewerkt: via beleidsbeïnvloeding, door middel van sensibiliseringscampagnes, in het ondersteunen en organiseren van activiteiten, via het stimuleren van diversiteit in onderzoek, etc.

Video's (alles zien)

Our Decolonization Journey
#DecolonizeKULeuven manifesto
Trans*talk: Mentale gezondheid en zichtbaarheid in Vlaams hoger onderwijs


Andreas Vesaliusstraat 34

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