BALIR stands for ‘’Belgian Association for LGBTQI+ International protection-seeker and Refugees?

The primary objective of the association is to help LGBTQI+ migrants in Belgium to improve life quality and fight against difficulties and discrimination. The association's mission is to support LGBTQI+ people in their asylum procedure and integration process in Belgium society in the shade of solidarity.

BALIR | arcenciel-wallonie 02/12/2021

🌈 How to become a member of BALIR?

You can be a member of BALIR if you are:
✅ a member of LGBTQI+ community
✅ an immigrant (asylum seeker, refugee, etc.)
✅ staying in Belgium

To be a member, you may download and fill in the membership form in different languages (English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Arabic, and Farsi) from and send it by Whatsapp (+32 466 05 58 51) or email: [email protected] to us.

We also can help you fill in the form. Simply send a message in WhatsApp or E-mail.

BALIR | arcenciel-wallonie BALIR est l'acronyme de ''Belgian Association for LGBTQI+ International protection- seeker and Refugees''. L'association a pour but de soutenir les migrant-e-s LGBTQI+ provenant du monde entier et séjournant en Belgique.



The first general meeting of BALIR (Belgian Association for LGBTQI+ International protection-seekers and Refugees) will be held soon!

We have limited places for this event, only 30 sits are available.

For registration, you can send us an email to [email protected] or send a regular message or WhatsApp to 0497248298 by Wednesday, October 13, 2021, at the latest.

This is the first announcement and details will be informed in following posts.

If you are not yet a member of BALIR you can message us to join us!



La première assemblée générale de BALIR (Association belge des demandeur-euse-s de protection internationale et des réfugié-e-s LGBTQI+) aura lieu très prochainement !

Nous avons des places limitées pour cet événement, seulement 30 places sont disponibles.

Pour s'inscrire, vous pouvez nous envoyer un email à l'adresse suivante: [email protected] ou envoyer un SMS ou un message sur WhatsApp au numéro suivant: 0497248298 pour le mercredi 13 octobre 2021, au plus t**d.

Si vous n'êtes pas encore membre de BALIR, vous pouvez nous envoyer un message pour nous rejoindre !


🗣 What is the mission and vision of BALIR?

BALIR has several missions and visions, we can mention for example:

✅ Bring international protection seekers (IPSs) and refugees together in Belgium

✅ Support LGBTQI+ IPSs by giving them legal advice to in their asylum procedure

✅ Hold general and convivial meetings for whole association’s members or special groups/subgroups

✅ Fight against discrimination and humiliation of LGBTQI+ IPSs residents in the reception centers in Belgium

✅ Connect LGBTQI+ IPSs and refugees through a patronage system to support each other

✅ Improve awareness and knowledge of Belgian society, professionals and authorities about LGBTQI+ IPSs and refugees’ issues

✅ Gathering and strengthening of a movement and creating a united force and voice to persuade the Belgian government for special measures concerning LGBTQI+ IPSs and refuges

✅ Improving of the life quality of LGBTQI+ IPSs and refugees in territory of Belgium

✅ Promoting awareness of Belgian society about LGBTQI+ IPSs and refuges issues

Do these missions and visions resonate with you? Are you a person who is concerned by these issues?

Don't hesitate to contact us and join us! ✊


What are BALIR's values?

SOLIDARITY: We are individuals within a group with a united voice and force supporting each other.

EQUALITY: We believe in fairness in status, rights, and opportunities despite human diversity.

FREEDOM: We believe in freedom despite all restrictions and discrimination

PRIDE: We are proud of being different in our way.


What is the aim of BALIR?

The primary goal of the association is to help LGBTQI+ migrants to improve life quality and fight against difficulties and discrimination. We support our members in their asylum procedure and integration process in Belgium society in the shade of solidarity.


What does BALIR mean?

BALIR stands for ‘’Belgian Association for LGBTQI+ International protection-seeker and Refugees’’. The association aims to support q***r migrants coming from all over the world staying in Belgium.

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