
Contactgegevens, kaart en routebeschrijving, contactformulier, openingstijden, diensten, beoordelingen, foto's, video's en aankondigingen van Binnenste-Buiten, Coach, Mortsel.

Creatrix® Transformologist®
& Process counselor
I help overwhelmed busy moms break through & experience inner peace
🌍 Eng/Nl
Expertise: counseling after pregnancy loss ⭐️🤰 I help women who suffered pregnancy loss to move forward in peace and connection, to then break the epigenetical cycle of chronic automatic reactions, remove emotional loads and eliminate negative blockages.

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 31/07/2024

Happy 4th birthday to you 2 😻😻
Thank you for the zen and joy you bring
(as the mice and other presents from outside, more alive than dead / the whining / the hair everywhere / etc etc ....)

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 03/01/2024

Look at these smiles 🥳
Feeling happy, enthusiastic, energized, open, smiling, having absolute fun, hugging, loving, loved ....

These are my kind of people
My people, framily

Friends that I don't get to see often, some that I haven't seen in a decade or even 2, but when we get together, it's like we saw each other just yesterday with lots of laughter: natural, pure, easy and loving

We're having kind of a ship-framily-reunion ... we lived and worked together on cruise ships ... some for a season and some for much longer ...
I had my worst and best experiences/moments onboard and these people are a big part of the best ones.

3 multinational and multicultural kids finding each other, common ground, communicating and laughing out loud 🥰

This turns out the best way to start 2024
May this be the vibe for the whole year


Onzichtbare dromen
Onverwezenlijkbare wensen
Blijvend verlangen
Echte onvoorwaardelijke liefde


Pregnancy loss
invisible dreams
wishes that can never come true
forever lasting yearning
real unconditional love

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 25/12/2022

Gentle wishes to you all
With peace of mind
A tad bit of joy
And a sprinkle of happiness
Now, always and forever

💜love & light🕯



"Dit is de krachtigste zachte doorbraak die ik ooit heb gevoeld"

"Het is gewoon weg ... die zwaarte is weg ... weg"

Dit is de ONMIDDELLIJKE reactie aan het einde van een sessie.
Dit is de DIRECT Transformatie VOELEN, dit is echte DOORBRAAK beleven.

Breakthrough from the Inside-Out

Kan je het je voorstellen dat de zwaarte, de lading op jouw emoties WEG is, dat je belemmerende overtuigingen opgelost worden?
Wil je er meer over weten, neem dan contact met me op.
Er komt een plek vrij voor een transformatietraject ... wil jij er in december nog aan beginnen en 2023 instappen met een heel ander gevoel dan je nu hebt waarbij je je VRIJ voelt, INNERLIJKE RUST kan beleven, weer kan GENIETEN van de kleine en grote dingen in het leven, KEUZES maken en MOGELIJKHEDEN zien ...


Vroedvrouw Uwe Porters na zwangerschapsverlies Julie Van den Steen: “Recht op 3 vroedvrouwconsultaties, veel vrouwen weten dat niet” 24/11/2022

"Er bestaat zo veel onduidelijkheid over perinatale zorg"
Ongeweten en zo belangrijk !!!!
“Vanaf je zwangerschap is bevestigd door een bloedproef, je huisarts, een echografie of iets dergelijks, ben je ook effectief zwanger volgens die regels. Dan heb je bij een verlieservaring recht op minstens drie gratis consulten bij een vroedvrouw.”
Naast die eerste gesprekken met een vroedvrouw zijn er ook kinderwens-, verliesconsulenten EN gespecialiseerde begeleiding na zwangerschapsverlies.

Deel jij dit ook om alle verliesouders in je omgeving te bereiken?

Vroedvrouw Uwe Porters na zwangerschapsverlies Julie Van den Steen: “Recht op 3 vroedvrouwconsultaties, veel vrouwen weten dat niet” Na een zwangerschapsverlies heb je recht op drie vroedvrouwconsultaties. Die woorden postte de Essense vroedvrouw en auteur Uwe Porters vanmorgen op Instagram nadat Julie Van den Steen het verhaal over haar verlies deed online. Porters kreeg honderden reacties van vrouwen die niet wisten dat dat kon...


Taking risks in life ... it can feel exciting and even frightening
An alone born twin might need that little bit of extra support or confidence or reassurance ... or might just want a partner in crime 😊


It sure is bikini weather this summer in Europe ... wear them ladies and normalize the look with stretch marks or that jello belly ... wear your bikini with pride.

Energie, hoe ga je ermee om?! 06/07/2022

Tijd en/of energie: wat kan jij managen?

Energie, hoe ga je ermee om?! By Dominique Jacobs

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 16/06/2022

Sinksenfoor in Antwerpen ! Aan het uitroepteken (of als je me een beetje kent) weet je waarschijnlijk dat zo'n kermis (letterlijk en figuurlijk) NOT my cup of tea is ... en hoe langer hoe minder.

Alle soorten feestjes/feestdagen/vieringen kunnen aanvoelen als traditie en/of als verplichting. Vermits de grens tussen beide misschien niet helemaal helder is, is het dus niet steeds duidelijk waar de grens te trekken. Weet dan dat het zelfs eigenlijk niet uitmaakt of het nu als traditie of verplichting aanvoelt. Wat belangrijker is, is hoe jij ermee omgaat?!

Als introvert HSP ga ik die ene keer om mijn dochter plezier te doen (ja, dat heet please-gedrag) en zelf te genieten van haar heerlijk gelukkige snoet te zien.

Mijn gezin weet dat zo'n bezoekje voor mij een hele opdracht is. De drukte van zowel de mensenmassa als het te veel (en vooral onnodig) lawaai heeft een serieus effect op me. En die hooggevoeligheid is sinds mijn zwangerschappen en bij elk verlies precies alleen maar versterkt. Hoe ga ik daar dan mee om? Wel, ik heb enkele basistrucjes om het zo vlot mogelijk te laten verlopen. Zelfzorg vóór, tijdens en na! Lees in de foto's hoe ik dat doe.

Lang geleden zou het me volledig overweldigd hebben en voelde het alsof het me overkwam ... toen was ik slachtoffer van het hele gegeven.
Sinds lange tijd oefen ik in bewust voor mezelf de afweging en keuze te maken en neem dan ook mijn voorzorgen (en de gevolgen ervan). Zo word ik steeds beter en duidelijker in mijn grenzen voelen en aangeven.

Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe jij met zulke zaken omgaat ...
Kan jij je grenzen goed aanvoelen en aangeven? Weet jij wat je nodig hebt hierin? Graag lees ik je antwoord in de comments hieronder.


Zo verandert abortusbeleid wereldwijd 08/06/2022

Een kijk op wereldwijd
Wat, waar, wanneer, ...
Bekijk het hier

Zit je emotioneel in de knoop over een abortus die je (ooit) gehad hebt om welke reden dan ook, dan nodig ik je uit om contact op te nemen. Ik luister naar je zonder oordeel en help je graag.

Zo verandert abortusbeleid wereldwijd Werpen de hoogste rechters in de VS de allerbelangrijkste uitspraak rond abortus omver? En wat betekent dat dan? NOSop3 legt het uit.

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram 25/05/2022

Can you be in flow while on a schedule? Can you follow a schedule while in flow?

Time is an illusion....
-there's never enough of it
-we can't control it
-it flies
-it's what we want most and what we use worst
-it's limited
-8t can give pressure

Flow is a state of being...
-it can be felt
-it can be experienced
-it can be lived
-it helps you to let go
-it can give joy and induces enthusiasm
-it can enhance your performance

Do you have time for flow or do you flow through time?

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram everydaybec • Original Audio | Natural glow Effect

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram 25/05/2022

I am not a breathing expert, but I have learned by experience that breathing consciously enhances the feeling of trust

Trust from the Inside-Out

Let it sink in, let it flow, let it support you ... physically ... mentally ... emotionally .... and on soul level

Do you trust
❤️your body?
💜your instincts?
💚your nature?
💛your thoughts?
💙your breath?

Let me know in the comments below

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram andrea.martz • Original Audio

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram 24/05/2022

Zucht ... sigh ...

When they mean well and it doesn't come across as such 🙄😱😭

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram wavycurly • Original Audio | Natural glow Effect

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram 24/05/2022

An emotion that comes with a warning, it makes you stop and pay attention

Fear can also be extremely loud and paralyzing‼️ Just like that loud voice inside your head!

The inner critic = the most talkative loud persuasive voice often lead by fear and keeping you in your comfort zone. Can you silence it or at least acknowledge it and park it⁉️ Can you hear and listen to the, maybe more soft silent gentle voice that is actually all-knowing, loving, caring and moreover stating the helpful thoughts (even if they're hard to hear).

Losing your child during pregnancy is NOT a sign that
- you can't do this
- you failed your baby
- you are not fit to be a mother
- your body is failing you
- you were a fool for hoping this time would have gone different
- etc etc

Losing your child during pregnancy means that you ARE a mum, don't let fear take the lead mama.

Watch this reel by binnenstebuiten_insideout on Instagram Dominique Jacobs - pregnancy loss posted on Instagram • See all their photos and videos on their profile.


All the "self"s off the shelves:
self-respect, self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-reflection, self-connection, ...

We all know the expressions
1. you can only love someone as much as you love yourself
2. You can't love other people until you love yourself
3. Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely
4. You can't give what you don't have
5. You will never feel loved until you love yourself
6. Selflove is not selfish
Etc etc etc because the list goes on and on and on

The questions are:

A. What do YOU need in order to grant yourself that same kind of love you ARE giving others?

B. Could you love the others even more/better if you would love yourself?

Share your thoughts and insights in the comments. I'd love to know how you feel about this.

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 15/04/2022

April 14th 2022


Did you lose possibilities⁉️

Yes of course you did❗️

Did you lose all possibilities⁉️

No of course you didn't‼️

You lost the 1st moments of everything with your baby, you lost the cuddles and smiles, you lost the possibility to mother as you imagined you would have... you lost a lot.

But ... you didn't lose everything and you still have choices to make, opportunities to build on, possibilities to discover ... you are still the captain! Sail that vessel on this new unexpected course you can make it worthwhile and meaningful.


Feeling lost after your loss?!

Coming home from the hospital empty handed and feeling completely out of place is very common. The place that you call home can feel empty or incomplete and is not always that nice place is used to be.

Your body that is home to you feels hurtful, strange, empty, failed and most of the time still feels very pregnant.

Home is not home anymore!

You can't really escape it, as much as you might try ... ignoring it.

Taking care of the home to your soul, the only home your baby ever knew with love and kindness is what you need. Rebuilding that home of warmth and pure love ... connecting your head, heart, soul and gutfeeling again in order to find your peace.

Let's find your way home again, within. You don't have to do this on your own, I'm here to help.

Tag someone who would benefit from this.

If you struggle with reconnection, make sure to click the link in bio to get the Grounding audio.



There is a choice that scares me these days ... a business related choice ...

As you know or notice, I post in English since a long time ... even though it's not my mother tongue, it does flow naturally. This is probably because I lived and worked abroad for almost 15 years and because I speak English with my partner and my daughter.

During the past weeks, I've been in doubt whether to continue posting in English or to switch to Flemish (which is my mother tongue).

What I've been pondering over is whether this choice of language is keeping me in my comfort zone or whether it is a blockage keeping me stuck halfway somewhere ....

Should I switch to Dutch and will it help me grow?

Dutch speakers are often the ones that adjust to 'another' language wherever we go. Social media platforms often automatically translate posts to the preferred language of the reader.

I didn't really see an issue in me writing in English as I want to reach an international audience anyway.
But nowadays I think that I might not reach my audience right here where I live because the language might be a threshold ... not a matter of not understanding English, moreso a matter of preferring to read posts in their mother tongue or reading more fluently in Dutch OR of not feeling heard/seen by their compatriot ... especially considering the topic I'm addressing.

For sure you have an opinion about this and if you read all the above, please share your opinion in the comments and let me know where you're residing/what your mother tongue is, i'd love to get to know your point of view on this.

Thank you in advance 🙏💜


What if ...

You would grow your consciousness to realize when you are holding yourself back and being able to shift that around⁉️

Tell me in the comments what you would add after "what if" ...



Not so easy to bring into practice

After pregnancy loss you might be coping with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, resentment, doubt, etc ... you might not trust or believe in your body anymore.

How can you practice selflove while experiencing all those emotions⁉️

Well ... 1 small step at a time ... and the very 1st step, I believe, is becoming aware what you feel, what you think, what that inner voice is saying to yourself. Create that CONSCIOUSNESS as it is key, it is the beginning of turning the feelings, thoughts and words around to kind, mindful, loving ones filled with gratitude.

Little by little one walks far and the journey to selflove isn't about becoming a different person whom you could love, it's about loving who you are right now.

Let's connect

Photos from Binnenste-Buiten's post 10/03/2022

🔹️You can only love another if you love yourself first...
🔸️You can only care for another if you care for yourself first...

These kind of conditional statements are not easy to grasp or follow up on for the care-takers among us. Also for myself it was an important lesson to learn and the result took pressure off my shoulders, gave me energy iso making me tired and above all, it gave me more motivation and incentive to take care of myself. So do read further.

🔹️You come first...
🔸️Put yourself first...

How do you do all that if you actually thrive on caring for and taking care of others❓️⁉️

Well ... it is actually really EASY. It's not really about who comes first in this equation ... just realize that:

♻️ BY being mild to yourself you show others how to be mild to themselves‼️

♻️ BY loving yourself you show others how to love themselves‼️

This has a double effect:
▶️ you show them how it's done by doing it to yourself (you're teaching by example) and
▶️ your vibration/frequency touches others so you're shining your vibes anyway automatically

So ... 💛 you actually don't have to DO anything to/with/for the other person, it happens automatically by doing that to/with/for yourself 💛

BY taking care of yourself, you AUTOMATICALLY take care of others‼️

What does the above do to you? Share it in the comments below.


Mothering your child(ren) after pregnancy loss is a whole different story than before.

Should they know, should you tell them, should you keep strong when with them, should should & more should...

Your children FEEL much more than you know and much more than they can ever express in words. They FEEL your sadness, your worry, your anger, your every kind of emotion.

Let them know ... talk about your emotions so they learn to speak about theirs too. Don't hide your tears and keep strong all the time, so they leatn that it's ok to show and express theirs too.

Explain why you feel how you feel so they don't take responsibility for them.

Your child(ren) also experience the loss of a sibling, allow them to mourn this loss as well ... your family grew ... even though the baby isn't there to be held, that baby is part of your family.

Contact me for info & tips if you don't know how or where to start.


Life is not about this or that
Life is about this AND that
So are you, you are life

Grief might overwhelm you at times, but it's never the only thing in your life

Keep your eyes open for happy moments as well

Do you want to experience and ... and ... let's connect ... book a free call



Surround yourself with what you want ...

Surround yourself with the people that embody that what you want to be-come

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Sportschool in Mortsel wordt?
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Video's (alles zien)

Pregnancy loss invisible dreams wishes that can never come trueforever lasting yearningreal unconditional love#binnenste...
"Dit is de krachtigste zachte doorbraak die ik ooit heb gevoeld""Het is gewoon weg ... die zwaarte is weg ... weg"Dit is...
"Dit is de krachtigste zachte doorbraak die ik ooit heb gevoeld""Het is gewoon weg ... die zwaarte is weg ... weg"Dit is...
You're probably not going to want ro hear this: always go with the choice that scares you the most
What if you are more capable than you think
Mothering your child(ren) after pregnancy loss is a whole different story than before.Should they know, should you tell ...
Life is not about this or thatLife is about this AND thatSo are you, you are lifeGrief might overwhelm you at times, but...
positive life





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Woensdag 09:00 - 18:00
Donderdag 09:00 - 22:00
Vrijdag 09:00 - 14:30
Zaterdag 13:00 - 15:00

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