Plane Truth Performance Center

Centre de formation pour professionnels de golf
Centre d'enseignement de golf
Ecole de golf
Parcours de golf


Ce gant de golf existe seulement pour joueur droitier 😜 mais la classe !


L'album "Set It Off" de Offset débute avec 13,4 Millions de Streams en 24H sur Spotify !


Comment mettre à profit la saison d’hiver pour continuer à progresser et faire en sorte d’être prêt lorsque sonne l’heure des premiers tournois, c’est la question qui me préoccupe chaque année depuis que je suis devenu pro. Cette fois, j’ai eu le privilège de pouvoir travailler mon physique en salle mais aussi et surtout mon swing avec Jim Hardy à Houston en janvier. Je ne le remercierai jamais assez car cette année, il m’a également ouvert les portes de la Certification Level 1 de Plane Truth à Orlando. L’opportunité était trop belle de pouvoir comprendre les impacts de b***e pour les faire coïncider à mes sensations. En réalité, l’exemple m’avait été donné par de grands champions que j’avais déjà vu s’assoir sur les bancs de Plane Truth pour se faire certifier, je pense notamment à Matt Kuchar, qui a été une inspiration pour moi. La formation dispensée par Jim Hardy est juste extraordinaire et elle l’est d’autant plus quand le stress du test qui approche commence à vous envahir.
C’est avec beaucoup de satisfaction et de fierté que je peux annoncer aujourd’hui avoir réussi mon test pour devenir un « Certified Instructor L1 » Plane Truth et faire partie d’un cercle d’enseignants de niveau mondial.
Merci Jim Hardy, merci Chris O’Connell pour votre patience et votre enthousiasme de partager sans retenue tout votre savoir.
Merci Plane Truth !


Dix ans, déjà.
Une décennie de rencontres, de découvertes, d’expériences et d’émotions.

Et au bout de ce long voyage, le mot de la fin ne peut être qu’un grand MERCI à tout Rigenée !
Merci pour tout ce que j’ai reçu pendant ces 10 années.
Merci à la famille Descampe de l’opportunité qui m’a été offerte et de m’avoir accueilli avec ma famille dans son univers à un tournant important de ma vie professionnelle.
En particulier, j’exprime ma gratitude à Christophe et Nathalie Descampe. D’eux, j’ai beaucoup appris par leur exemple : l’amour accordé à la fois au jeu et au terrain mais aussi l’intérêt sincère porté aux membres.
L’accueil de Rigenée est légendaire. J’en suis un témoin de plus.
Merci, merci, merci à chacun des membres de Rigenée. J’aimerais savoir chanter et dire en musique : formidable, … formidables, vous êtes tous formidables…dans vos uniformes à lignes horizontales que vous portez avec tant de fierté.
« Rigenée un jour, Rigenée toujours » ai-je souvent entendu ; il y a tant de champions dans notre pays qui le pensent.
A Thomas Mambourg, le head-pro qui me succède, je souhaite le meilleur. L’expérience de Rigenée est belle et vaut la peine d’être vécue.
Pour moi, le temps est venu de rendre sans compter tout ce que j’ai accumulé comme expérience dans l’univers du golf. C’est pour le partager que je vous dis au revoir et peut-être à bientôt.
MERCI et encore merci !


Il reste quelques places après midi pour essayer la collection Taylor Made


Pendant les grandes vacances nos pros organisent des stages pour les jeunes. Ces stages permettront à vos enfants de pouvoir progresser quelque soit leur niveau. Chaque jour, ils apprendront les différentes techniques au practice et pourront les appliquer sur le terrain.
Plus d'informations et renseignements auprès des pros.


Introducing the latest streaming series from The Plane Truth. For years, we have received requests to explain how the short game ties in with our thoughts on the full swing.  We teach these concepts at our golf schools with tremendous success. We felt it was finally time to put all of this together in video form. So now, the wait is over. The Short Game is here.

The Short Game covers Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Bunkers, and Specialty Shots. It contains over four hours of detailed video that breaks down all of the scoring shots.  Original ideas and groundbreaking concepts will help you understand why you may excel in some areas of the short game and struggle mightily with others.  So much of what is thought to be correct in the short game is actually detrimental and can keep you from improving.  Our simple, clear explanations of how to play all of these short shots will have you turning three shots into two and scoring more efficiently than you ever have before.  As with all of our streaming video products, you get unlimited access with the ability to watch online anytime from any device.

Photos from Alpstourgolf's post 06/06/2022
Photos from Plane Truth Performance Center's post 31/05/2022

En nous informant par Messenger de son très bon score réalisé sur le golf de Latem (Gand), le « PRO » signalait l’état exceptionnel du terrain. En réponse, un ami « AMATEUR » postait les clichés des greens qu’il venait de jouer en Suisse, sur un parcours renommé qui accueille régulièrement des tournois du Tour Européen. Cet amateur doit nécessairement être un amoureux du golf et avoir été en manque pour consentir à un tel green fee, penserez-vous sans doute. Pour être tout à fait honnête, il faut ajouter que le tarif était précisément réduit, eu égard à l’état de ces greens de haute altitude à peine sortis de l’hiver.
Cela m’a rappelé les greens de ma jeunesse en Afrique : il y en avait en sable et en scorie noire (de cuivre), les difficultés consistant à lire le…grain et surtout trouver le caddy capable de recomposer la surface vers le trou. En Afrique de l’Ouest, au Nigéria, il y a même eu des tournois du Tour Européen. Et à ces tournois je n’ai jamais entendu les pros se plaindre de l’état des greens 😊. L’un des principes fondateurs du golf est d’avoir à jouer la b***e où elle se trouve une fois mise en jeu. Savoir accepter le hasard, s’adapter aux conditions de jeu, savoir comment lever ou faire rouler la b***e, voilà les qualités du vrai joueur.


Ce week-end pascal, nous organisons une braderie aux cabanes d'enseignement. Vous pourrez y trouver vêtements, ensemble de pluie, gants, tees, clubs et encore bien d'autres à des prix super intéressants par exemple polos à 10€, pulls à 20€. Rendez-vous directement aux cabanes d'enseignement de 10h à 17h samedi et dimanche.


Vous voulez essayer la nouvelle collection Callaway? Nous avons la collection complète ce mercredi et jeudi. Drivers, bois de fairway, hybrides, fers, wedges et putters. Pour plus d’informations contactez nos pros.

Timeline photos 19/02/2022

"I don't do this for the money" - Jon Rahm pledges allegiance to PGA Tour


Last Wednesday, I got the chance to play with Mr. Player. It was such an honor to be able to talk about golf and play 18 holes with him. He is a great person and loves to share his knowledge with other people. Even though he is 86 years old now, he is still an amazing player. He workouts a lot, stretches, eats healthy and laugh a lot. He believes that’s the key to stay young and live a long life. His goal is to shoot 18 under is age. He has already shot 17 under his age before so he’s getting closer


Très heureux de la sélection de notre Patrick Van Campenhout pour représenter l’équipe belge (2 men +1 lady) au Championnat d’Europe des pros enseignants fin novembre à Penina (Portugal). Belle reconnaissance pour couronner une magnifique saison ! 🍾

Hunt Earns First Title, Illini Place Second at Isleworth - University of Illinois Athletics 20/10/2021

Hunt Earns First Title, Illini Place Second at Isleworth - University of Illinois Athletics Sophomore Piercen Hunt rallied over the final round of the Isleworth Collegiate Invitational on Tuesday, leading the Fighting Illini to a runner-up team finish while capturing the first individual victory of his collegiate career at Isleworth Golf & Country Club.


Félicitations à Yuri Tadiotto pour avoir terminé 2021 premier à l’ordre du mérite Seniors de la PGA Belgium 2021 👍👏


Félicitations à Patrick Van Campenhout et Giovanni Tadiotto pour leur brillante victoire en 4BMB à la George Will Cup à Ostende avec un score de 12 sous le par. 👍👏


Une analyse qui met en évidence causes et responsabilités d’une défaite sur le sol américain qui pèsera sur l’avenir du golf européen.Faire la place aux jeunes, à moins de s’appeler Mickelson, n’est pas un cri qu’on entend exclusivement dans le sport
« 5 Mistakes the Europeans Made that Left Them Shorthanded for the Straits

Let the second-guessing begin, writes Morning Read's Alex Miceli, who offers suggestions for how the European Team can get well before Rome in 2023.

What's Next for the European Ryder Cup Team After the Rout at Whistling Straits

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. — What went wrong?

That is always the question when one side loses.

It doesn’t matter if the loss happens at home or away, the second-guessing usually starts in earnest after the last putt drops.

Though the United States' winning 19-9 outcome was not final until Sunday evening at Whistling Straits, questioning of the Europeans legitimately could’ve started when they fell behind 6-2 on Friday. The Europeans simply had no answer for the Americans' youth and talent.

Friday morphed into Saturday and the Europeans continued to fail their Ryder Cup test, falling behind 11-5. The second-guessing by European fans and media was full blown, especially after three years of giddy anticipation for this Ryder Cup.

Sunday’s singles were worse than anticlimatic , they were inconsequential.

So how did the Europeans get here and what can they do to rectify the situation?

The first thing they have to do is not panic.

After the 2012 Ryder Cup, when the U.S. blew a four-point lead after Saturday’s matches and lost 14 ½ to 13 ½ at Medinah Country Club on the outskirts of Chicago, the team and PGA of America were in denial. Eventually then-PGA president Ted Bishop had an idea: let’s put an adult in the room, someone that will have the reverence of the players, but will provide the needed discipline.

Tom Watson was the choice and over the next 18 or so months, it was clear the decision was fraught with problems. None of those, though, really manifested themselves until the Americans arrived in Scotland for the 2014 Ryder Cup at Gleneagles.

Only then did it become evident that the U.S. seemed wholly unprepared for the venue and that the team never warmed up to Watson.

The USA ultimately lost, 16 ½ to 11 ½, and American Phil Mickelson excoriated Watson in front of the media immediately following the loss.

The results of Gleneagles produced a task force, a USA concoction that brought American players together to take better control of their fortunes. Since then, the Americans have won two of three — 17-11 at Hazeltine in 2016 and 19-9 this year. In 2018 the Americans struggled in a 17 ½-10 ½ loss at Le Golf National.

The Europeans need to remember they have won nine of the last 14 Ryder Cups, and whatever they have done since the run started at Oak Hill in 1995 is working.

Here are a few suggestions:

1. They should have made a scouting trip

In 2018, the U.S. team, save for perhaps Justin Thomas, was as unfamiliar as any team could be with Le Golf National. Thomas played in the European Tour's French Open that year. The Europeans played the French Open at Le Golf National annually and knew every nook and cranny of the course.

USA Captain Jim Furyk could never get his players over to see the golf course before the week of the Ryder Cup.

Steve Stricker asked all his players to make the trip to Whistling Straits a week before the Ryder Cup. All did, except for injured Brooks Koepka. The 11 others came for two days and clearly accomplished a lot.

Padraig Harrington’s European team clearly needed a scouting trip. Their knowledge of the course and their struggles on the greens were evident over the three days and it cost them dearly.

2. They needed more captain's picks

Harrington had three picks, selecting Sergio Garcia, Shane Lowry and Ian Poulter. Clearly, Harrington felt he needed experience and would lean on Garcia and Poulter to help guide the team.

Harrington said that he was offered more picks, but decided against them. Stricker had six picks. While Stricker's weren’t necessarily imaginative selections, he did pick Scottie Scheffler to pair with Bryson DeChambeau, and that turned out to be an inspired selection. The duo won 1 ½ points in team play and Scheffler took down Europe’s top point-getter in Jon Rahm in singles, 4 and 3.

If Harrington would have decided to take four, five or six picks, he would have not had a 48-year-old Lee Westwood. Harrington could have instead picked a younger player, who could have contributed or at least gained critical Ryder Cup experience for the future. Harrington could have gone with players such as left-hander Robert MacIntyre, Danish brothers Nicolai and Rasmus Hojgaard, England’s Laurie Canter or Italian Guido Migliozzi.

3. They should have brought a younger team

The Europeans were just too old. The team was an average age of 34.6 — including four in their 40s, Paul Casey (44), Sergio Garcia (41), Ian Poulter (45) and Westwood (48). That age disparity with a U.S. team that averaged 26.4 years was far too much to overcome.

Harrington picked experience. It was not the correct move.

4. Paddy should have made different pairings

Many believe that captains have little to do with the end result since they do not hit a shot. But the captains make the pairings, they are fully involved in the process and have much to do with the result.

Poulter should have been paired with McIlroy on Friday morning, but then they should not have been paired again since neither played well together.

Westwood was paired with Matt Fitzpatrick in Friday's foursomes and should have sat after that as neither looked like their pilot light was on. Match one or both players with someone that had some energy, like Garcia.

After their solid play in the Friday morning foursomes victory, Garcia and Rahm should have been paired together in Friday fourball and they weren’t.

On Saturday, looking at a four-point deficit after Day 1, Garcia and Rahm should have been broken up to spread the wealth and try to gain not just one but two points in each session.

5. They should use a new points system

Look at the points system used to select players. It’s difficult when you have players playing all over the world, but to tackle what is an energized and young American team, you can’t leave any stone unturned.

The Europeans don’t need a task force, but they need to retool.

In the end, they didn’t have the firepower the Americans' possessed. The U.S. average world ranking was 9, while the Euros' average was around 30.

Fan support will be huge and may help turn the tide in Rome in two years. But fan support goes only so far. The players need to be put in the best position possible to play their best.

It will be a tall order.


What a release ! What a shot !

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