Jourja - The Office Cat / Журжа - Офис котката
This is Jourja. She is a 2-year-old cat and is fancy, lazy and nice. She loves eating cat canned food and not that much granulated.
She prefers to sleep rather than work with Analytics or Google Ads. She is very much into Facebook advertising though.
My youngest daughter Daisy. Such a cutie pie. 😍
You know, I just love myself. I love staring at people. Especially, when they are eating whatever they are eating. Tuna from a can, freshly chopped pink tomato, cereals, солетки, вафлички баровец, or whatsoever. I am the queen of the office. Full stop. I love myself staring.
Looking into the future. However we all have the "here and now"...
My people like Heineken. I do like my food and I love my children. Happy Saturday 🦄
This is how a typical momma is behaving with her kittens. With the stinky side-eye. "Don't look at me like that. FEED ME, HUMAN!" 😆
Today is a significant day for me personally. I gave birth to five kittens, all different in colour but all sweet to me. The feeling is so human. So maternal. It's not the first time it happens to me but it feels as it is.
I am good. I feel well. My colleagues are taking great care of me.
I was scared but now I am free...
Expecting. Due date - soon. Life is better by the air conditioner. Have a good day 🌼
Just an ordinary afternoon at my place. Nothing special or too complicated. Belly is getting big each day of my life. Nothing extraordinary.
BIG NEWS. I am giving birth to my third litter of kittens veeery soon. I am excited. The father is missing but my humans are always by my side. Will keep you updated with happy future announcements. Have a fluffy day 😘
While my humans are scraping emails, I am observing the environment... this is a friend of mine. He is not free. Unfortunately.
My paw, Me and the Whiteboard. What a great combination of all of us.
No more presentations for me today plsss.
I love BILLA. I am their brand ambassador. I do feel quite well when they pay me in yummy big cans of food. With rabbit meat 😋 Feel free to DM me for any business opportunities. 💚
Обичам Била. Аз съм техният бранд посланик. Чувствам се доста добре, когато ми плащат в големи консерви с храна. Със заешко месо 😋 Чувствайте се свободни да ми пишете на лично относно всякакви бизнес възможности. 💚
This is what my reaction is to all life happening around me, while the others are having the ho**ah and again their fave alcohol... bla, bla, I do not drink, hence I fall asleep. I feel fine when my tongue is out. 😋
Това е моята реакция към целия живот около мен, докато другите си пушат наргилето и отново си пият любимия алкохол... Бла, бал, аз не пия, ето защо заспивам. Добре съм, когато езикът ми е излязъл. 😋
I always observe my humans. Especially when they're eating BDS or having the ho**ah time.
Винаги наблюдавам хората ми. Особено когато ядат БДС или пушат наргиле.
Jourja and the rib. Adam's rib. ☀ Always hungry. Living here and now...
Журжа и реброто. Адамовото ребро. ☀ Винаги гладна. Живея тук и сега...
I love sleeping outside the office. We have a nice backyard where my humans enjoy their free time but also sometimes work very very hard. I get easily bored so I sleep. I do sleep all the time.
Обичам да спя извън офиса. Имаме хубав заден двор, където хората ми се наслаждават на свободното си време. Понякога работят много усилено. Лесно се отегчавам и ми се доспива. Спя през цялото време, като цяло.
My true illusion of a nightmare. Having no room for my tail 😆
Истинската ми илюзия за кошмар. Да нямам място за опашката си 😆
There is an intruder at my office. I feel deep pain. I cannot access my territory. I feel paaain. This is Sami. She is a Pomeranian.
Има неканен гост в офиса ми. Чувствам дълбока болка. Не мога да си вляза в територията. Чувствам болкаааа. Това е Сами. Тя е померан.
My humans love smoking the ho**ah. I cannot understand them. It is a ridiculous smoke, but well it is almost fine. Not like the chicken nuggets though but still... I disagree.
Моите хора обичат да пушат наргиле. Аз обаче не мога да ги разбера. Пушъкът е абсурден, но като цяло е ок. Е, не е като пилешките хапки, но все пак... Не съм съгласна.
Looking at the pond is like looking at Myself... But the pond is no more here...
Да гледаш езерото е като да се вгледаш в Себе си... Но езерото вече го няма...
I sign in and instantly get fed up. So no Analytics for me today pls. Just a great Friyay.
Влизам и веднагически се отегчавам. Така че, ако може без Аналитикс за мен днес. Само прекрасен петъъък. Мррр
This is how my humans usually tease me. My diet does not allow this type of food. I just contemplate in such situations...
Ето как обикновено ме дразнят моите човеци. Диетата ми не позволява такива храни. В такива ситуации аз просто си съзерцавам...
Some of my colleagues tell me "Гюрга". I do not think this is a nice version of my real name which is Jourjina. It is not decent at all. Does not suit my fluffy rose nose.
(Actually, I am named after a former colleague of mine when I was a sweet tiny kitten.)
I disapprove. Totally.
Therefore, I sleep.
Някои от колегите ми казват "Гюрга". Не мисля, че това е хубава версия на истинското ми име, което е Jourjina. Изобщо не е прилично. Не подхожда на пухкавия ми розов нос.
(Всъщност аз съм кръстена на мой бивш колега, когато бях сладко мъничко коте.)
Не одобрявам. Никак.
Затова спя.
This is my aunt Mina's loving arm. I like belly rubs. She gives them well.
Това е любящата ръка на леля Мина. Обичам да ме чешат по корема. Тя го прави добре.
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59 Buntovnik Str
Страстта на Segafredo за печене на кафе започва от италианските площади и барове, за да удовлетвори нуждата на хората от кафе.
Sofia, 1000
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Защото Refreshtea, НЕ е просто чай, а един НОВ начин на живот! Refreshtea за твоя ум, тяло и дух!
128 Evropa Boulevard
Sofia, 1360
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