Algorithmics Varna
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Булица Ян Хунияди 37 Партер
Утвърдено международно училище по програмиране за деца от 6 до 17 години. гр. Варна
Знаете ли какви видове езици за програмиране съществуват ? 🤔
🏫Международно училище по програмиране Algorithms ще Ви помогне да научите .
🖥️В тази поредица ще Ви запознаем с езика JAVA .
А ако искате да програмирате ще Ви очакваме при нас .
Само до края на септември месец имаме намаление
➖3️⃣0️⃣% от нашите курсове 🥳🥳
Ще Ви очакваме ?
Знаете ли какво е ГРАФИЧЕН ДИЗАЙН? 🤔
Ако отговорът е НЕ .
🏫🧑🏫Училище ALGORITHMICS ще Ви помогне да разберете .
За новата учебна година ALGORITHMICS има уникално предложение за вас .
➖ 3️⃣0️⃣ % на всеки наш курс
📝 Все още не сте се записали ?
🧑🏫Да е честит първия учебен ден 15 септември с пожелание за знание, мъдрост и любов към науката.
За новата учебна година ALGORITHMICS има уникално предложение за вас .
➖ 3️⃣0️⃣ % на всеки наш курс
📝 Все още не сте се записали ?
За новата учебна година ALGORITHMICS има уникално предложение за вас .
➖ 3️⃣0️⃣ % на всеки наш курс
📝 Все още не сте се записали ?
А вие разбрахте ли за нашите нови предложения❓❓
➖ 3️⃣0️⃣ % на всеки наш курс
📝 Все още не сте се записали ?
За новата учебна година ALGORITHMICS има уникално предложение за вас .
➖ 3️⃣0️⃣ % от цената на всеки наш курс
📝 Все още не сте се записали ?
Ще ви очакваме на 19.06 от 13:00 часа . Успех на всички участвали в нашата томбола !
🎉Честит празник на всички малки и големи деца!
Днес всеки има право да се чувства дете и всеки трябва да уважава "титлата" дете!
Бъдете по детски щастливи, вярващи в приказки красиви и обичащи хубавите приключения!♥️
Разберете повече за предимствата на образователната онлайн платформа на Algorithmics 💻🖱️
Език, който ме е разсмивал 😁, език, чрез който съм създавала приятели👭👫, език, който като чуя се чувствам у дома 🇧🇬
Честит Празник на Българската Азбука!❤️
А вие знаете ли какво е SCRATCH? 🤔
Заповядайте на детско образователно изложение "Оранжево морето" 🧡, където заедно ще се забавляваме и ще научим нови неща за алгоритмите и програмирането. 💻
Очакваме Ви с много изненади, забавления и подаръци. 💜
👉 👈
Вход свободен 🌞
Turn your child’s Summer holidays into a time of new skills and opportunities!
The Summer Holiday Coding Camp: Digital Projects Lab by Algorithmics is an engaging educational adventure into the world of modern digital skills:
Some children will fall in love with web design, some will decide to become a developer, and others will start a personal video blog — in the world of modern professions, there is a lot to choose from!
80% practice: instead of passing tests and exams, the children will immediately apply their new skills by creating their own projects: websites, videos, cartoons, and computer games.
The learning process includes such instruments as Google Slides, Clipchamp, Powtoon, Figma, GDevelop, and TinkerCad — all of which are free, which means that the children can continue practicing after they’ve finished the course.
To register, please go to the website below:
new time
Have you noticed that we live in a world that has become very difficult to adapt to? It changes incredibly quickly, and the hands of the clock on the dial inexorably accelerate their run. We will never be able to return to the pre-computer era again. Moreover, the computer will pe*****te deeper and deeper into all spheres of our life. It is pointless to resist this global phenomenon. It would be wiser to accept this reality and turn it to the benefit of humanity. In the end, it was thanks to IT technologies that almost all areas began to develop: medical, space, economic, cultural, etc.
It is no secret that a modern child spends most of the time in front of a computer monitor or smartphone screen. Many parents are very worried about this. How to reduce the harmful effects of computer games and social networks on his psyche?
It's simple: you need to switch the child's attention from something harmful to useful, given his interest. For example, creating your own computer game. Let him learn to be not only a consumer. This causes degradation. Let him learn to create, ask questions and look for answers to them. It develops.
The professions that our children will choose in the future will be related to computers to varying degrees. We created the Algorithmic School of Programming and Mathematics to prepare children for this new reality, develop their abilities, help them find a calling and make their dreams come true.
The history of the Algorithmic School began in the fall of 2016, when its founder and CEO Andrey Lobanov decided to make his cherished dream come true - to create the best product for teaching children programming skills. At that time, he was working for McKinsey & Company, an international consulting company specializing in solving problems related to strategic management. He risked what he valued - he left his beloved job without the opportunity to return, gathered around him like-minded people, professionals, people who were not indifferent to the intellectual future of the country. When it all started, there was no confidence in success, doubts and fears prevailed. It was an almost impossible task to solve - to get the unwieldy school system in motion. But the perseverance with which our team worked has paid off.
Our teachers are highly professional specialists who have extensive experience working with children and adolescents. The unique learning technology is built in such a way that the computer program adjusts the interface for each child, gives him a list of tasks and tracks the work. In his account, the teacher sees how many tasks the child completed, how much time it took him to solve each task. He can also leave comments there.
The main emphasis in the teaching methodology is on motivation. She is the engine of progress. Realizing the dream of creating his own cartoon, computer game or application, the child himself reaches for knowledge, tries to get it, because he knows why he needs it, how and where he will apply this knowledge. He works on real projects and learns teamwork. In the graduation task, which children must complete, they can show projects to parents or teach them how to code. It works very cool.
Algorithmics is an international programming school for children aged 6 to 17; the parents who want to prepare their child for the future choose us.
Your child will be busy with useful things!
Programmers are changing the world either with global projects or in small things.
Programmers' work is not visible, but they are changing the world in line with our time.
Programmers create applications, develop websites, create software for factories, robotics, and much more. This is a profession with a stable future guaranteed.
Programming is not as difficult as we used to think. Not only a genius can become a programmer because the ability to invent, code, and implement is based on a set of skills that can be learned. In Algorithmics, an international programming school for children aged 6 to 17, we teach them the following basic skills:
To create computer games — the children develop their creative thinking
To learn the programming languages — they develop logic
To work together on group projects — they improve the skill of teamwork and cooperation
Presentation of self-made projects — they improve the skill of public speaking
Algorithmics offers a wide range of online courses for children aged from 6 to 17.
To get a presentation of the selected course or sign up for a trial lesson, send us message or leave a comment!
"But I am not interested in Mathematics or Computers? I want to major in History or Anthropology or Race Studies or Gender Studies" - this is the remark from teenage children that causes shivers to run down the spines of parents.
How should parents and children navigate this dissonance between passion and reality, between doing what the child likes versus studying something that will put food on the table down the line?
One strategy to overcome this could be for the student to major in a STEM field or a field that has good job prospects. This will ensure that the student will not starve for food after graduating and entering the workforce.
To ensure that the child does not live just to make money, the minor could be in the field of the child's choice.
This strategy will ensure that students will graduate from university or college with two attributes:
1. A degree in a field with reasonable job prospects.
2. An avenue to further pursue individual passion without worrying about earning a livelihood.
A win-win situation for all concerned!
What do you think? Don't hesitate to let us know in the comments section below the post.
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бУлица Владислав Варненчик 9, ап. 1
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Улица Професор Николай Державин №27
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Адреси: АБВ Кондов: ул.ПРЕСЛАВ 55 Борис: бул.КНЯЗ БОРИС 74 Червен площад: бул Осми Приморски полк 85
Улица “ Ген. Цимерман“ 12 Партер 25Varna
Varna, 9002
Varna Denizcilik Üniversitesi Okulu ” Bulgar Denizcilik Üniversitesi .1881’deki kuruluşundan bu yana, Bulgarian office for international education Black Sea University