Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

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Top 10 Natural Weight Loss Products for Fast Results 2017 14/03/2017

Top 10 Natural Weight Loss products in 2017 #2017

Top 10 Natural Weight Loss Products for Fast Results 2017 Diets and exercising can be overwrought, tiresome, and may not lead you to the results coveted. Moreover, it takes so much time to lose a pound. That's why

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Top 10 Best Colon Cleanse Products in 2017 That Actually Works We do not always intend to blame everything on the technology, but we can’t deny that technology is the reason we became accustomed to living fast-paced li

Timeline photos 01/05/2016

Foods to Help You Lose Weight

1. Apples
Skip the apple juice and the applesauce and opt instead for a crunchy apple. Whole fruit blunts appetite in a way that fruit juices and sauces don’t.

One reason is that raw fruit has more fiber. Plus, chewing sends signals to your brain that you’ve eaten something substantial.

2. Yogurt
Whether you prefer Greek or traditional, yogurt can be good for your waistline.

A Harvard study followed more than 120,000 people for a decade or longer. Yogurt, of all the foods that were tracked, was most closely linked to weight loss.

That doesn't prove that yogurt caused weight loss, but it stood out among other foods.

3. Grapefruit
Yes, grapefruit really can help you shed pounds, especially if you are at risk for diabetes.

Researchers at Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they dropped an average of 3 ½ pounds over 12 weeks. Drinking grapefruit juice had the same results.

But grapefruit juice doesn't have any proven "fat-burning" properties -- it may just have helped people feel full.

Be careful: You cannot have grapefruit or grapefruit juice if you are on certain medications, so check the label on all your prescriptions, or ask your pharmacist or doctor.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 01/05/2016

Foods to Help You Lose Weight

1. Pureed Vegetables
You can add more veggies to your diet, enjoy your "cheat" foods, and cut back on the calories you’re eating, all at the same time. When Penn State researchers added pureed cauliflower and zucchini to mac and cheese, people seemed to like the dish just as much. But they ate 200 to 350 fewer calories. Those healthy vegetables added low-cal bulk to the tasty dish.

2. Eggs and Sausage
A protein-rich breakfast may help you resist snack attacks throughout the day.

In a study of a group of obese young women, those who started the day with 35 grams of protein -- that’s probably way more than you’re eating -- felt fuller right away. The women ate a 350-calorie breakfast that included eggs and a beef sausage patty. The effect of the high-protein breakfast seemed to last into the evening, when the women munched less on fatty, sugary goods than the women who had cereal for breakfast.

3. Nuts
For a great snack on the run, take a small handful of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, or pecans. Research shows that when people munch on nuts, they automatically eat less at later meals.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 30/04/2016

Foods to Help You Lose Weight

1. Beans
Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.

2. Soup
Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. It doesn’t matter if the soup is chunky or pureed, as long as it's broth-based. You want to keep the soup to 100 to 150 calories a serving. So skip the dollops of cream and butter.

3. Dark Chocolate
Want to enjoy chocolate between meals? Pick a square or two of dark over the milky version. In one study, chocolate lovers who were given dark chocolate ate 15% less pizza a few hours later than those who had eaten milk chocolate.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Get Fitter, Feel Better

It’s great that you want to get in better shape and feel better. Those reasons can really keep you going when your weight loss journey gets hard.

You have a leg up on folks who don’t really know why they want to lose weight.

It may help you even more to pick some specific things you’d like to do that work with your overall goal to be more fit. For example, do you want to be able to play tag with your kids, or walk or run your first 5K?

Write your goals down and look back on your list when you need an extra push.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Find Motivation

To help keep yourself going when trying to lose weight, experts say to take a look at what you want to achieve. People who set targets are more likely to have weight loss success. How do yours look?

Make goals specific. Whether your goal is to lose 20 pounds or 10, you’re off to a good start when you make it something specific. That way you can celebrate when you get there.

Break your big goal into small parts. For example, if you want to lose 40 pounds, try thinking about losing 4 pounds a month. When you break goals up into small tasks that you can check off, it'll be less overwhelming. Every success will add fuel to your fire keep you pumped up!

Focus on today. Also, you might need to invent short-term goals to help you make it through everyday decisions. For example, on a normal day, you may have to choose between eating candy or an apple. It might be easier to choose the apple if your daily goal is to eat two fruits (in order to help you to fit into that outfit). Then you’re saying yes to a goal instead of no to the candy.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Knowing that food is fuel for our bodies should help you make healthy choices on your weight loss journey. While it’s good to enjoy food -- yes, there is room in a healthy lifestyle for dessert from time to time -- keep your focus on eating high-quality foods. Pick healthy items over junk or highly processed foods that aren’t really good for you. That’ll give you the most energy for your calories.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Pick a Perfect food Portion

Portions -- how much food people are served and eat in one sitting -- are huge these days. Getting them under control is a good way to shed some weight.

To do it, you don’t have to spend tons of time measuring your food. If you want to measure, go for it. Then you’ll know what a half-cup looks like. That’ll make it easier to eyeball portions later. But experts say you shouldn’t have to measure your food all the time. That's not really healthy.

There’s another, easier way to get your portions right: Be a plate artist.

Switch from a 12-inch plate to a 9-inch plate. One study found that doing this helped people cut calories by 20% to 22%. Then, think about your plate as having three sections.

Fill half with non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, and tomatoes.
Put whole grains (like brown rice, whole wheat bread, or whole-grain pasta) on half of the empty part of the plate.
Put a healthy lean protein (like beans, poultry, fish, tofu, or nuts) on the last 1/4 of the plate.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Here’s how to decode food labels so you can make healthy choices.

Calories. Does a snack food have more than 250 calories? Does an entrée have more than 500? If so, you may want to eat less than the recommended serving or make another choice.

But calories can be tricky. Lower isn’t always better. 100-calorie snack packs might seem like a good choice, but they often don’t offer much nutrition and have added sugar and salt. Healthy foods (like almonds, for instance) might have more calories but are a better snack.

Sugar. Choose foods that have less than 10 grams of sugar per serving. If it has more, look at the label. Do you see sugar or syrup early in the list of ingredients? Put it down. This has unhealthy added sugars. Some foods, like milk, have natural sugars that are OK. You’ll know sugars are natural when they don’t appear on the ingredients list.

Sodium. Choose foods with 250 milligrams of sodium per serving or less.

Fiber. Want to fill up faster, stay full longer, and be less likely to overeat all day? Your best picks are grains -- like crackers, pasta, and breads -- with more than 5 grams of fiber. Those with less than 2 grams could be highly processed. Put them back on the shelf. Whole grains usually offer more fiber.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

Get Grocery Savvy

Try these tips to help you master the art of getting healthy foods without spending a fortune.

Don’t shop on an empty stomach. Studies have shown you’ll toss tons of unhealthy foods in your cart when you're hungry.

Always shop with a list. When you write down what you need, you’ll be less tempted to buy on impulse.

Stay small. If you’re only shopping for a few things, grab a hand basket vs. a cart so you won’t buy more than you need.

Go it alone. If possible, leave anyone (like kids!) at home who might sway you away from healthy choices.

Shop on the edges of the store as much as possible. That’s where you’ll find the freshest and healthiest foods like fruits, veggies, and reduced-fat dairy.

Look for foods with the fewest ingredients. That will help you make better choices on the middle aisles. Think boxed healthy grains like quinoa and canned veggies like tomatoes.

Check out frozen vegetables. They’re just as good for you as fresh and often a better deal price-wise.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

When Crunchy and Salty Foods Are Your Thing

These foods are often high in fat and sodium. High-fat foods are high in calories and too much salt can be bad for your heart. Here are some ways to make better choices:

Pick lower-fat and low-salt crunchy foods. Instead of packaged foods, veggies and fruit can satisfy your need to crunch and munch.

Skip salt when you’re cooking. Use other seasonings you like to pump up the flavor.

Take the salt shaker off the table. Over time, the less salt you add to your food, the less you’ll want.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

How to Turn Down food Temptation

The world is full of tasty weight loss wreckers. While you can’t do much about that, you can change your response to food cues.

Know your triggers. When you see or think about a food you gotta have, ask yourself if you’re truly hungry. It can be easy to confuse being bored, tired, sad, or stressed with hunger. If you are hungry, eat something. But choose a healthy food. If you just have to have the tempting food, take a small portion and then tell yourself you’re done.

Plan ahead. Think about places, events, or even people that might trip you up, then come up with two or three ways to handle them. You might even think of a stop sign and tell yourself, “Not my food.” Look at it this way: You wouldn’t grab a co-worker’s lunch from the fridge just because it looks good. Use the same tactic when you’re tempted.

Give yourself some leeway. If you’re eating healthy most of the time, don’t be afraid to have the foods you crave once in a while. Being too rigid can work against you. The secret is finding the right balance.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

When Exercise Isn’t Your Thing

Yes, we hear you: Exercise isn’t something you love. But consider adding just a little bit of movement to your day if you can. Even small amounts of activity, like walking, can help you feel better, slim down, and improve your overall health.

Start with 5 or 10 minutes of activity. It’s best to go slow. No need to rush into it and get hurt or frustrated. As you get fitter -- and come to see how moving actually makes you feel good -- add a few more minutes of activity to your day. Your end goal? Thirty minutes of activity, either as several bouts throughout the day or one straight session.

Don’t think you have to do something super human to call it “exercise.” Walking, gardening, biking, dancing, and even chores that keep you moving around the house can help.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 29/04/2016

The Power of Exercise

When you exercise regularly and eat healthy, you get so many benefits. The best one? You won’t have to rely only on watching what you eat to lose weight. Studies show that people who maintain long-term weight loss eat right and exercise regularly.

And the benefits don’t stop there. Regular exercise can also:

Lower stress. That can help tame emotional- or stress-based eating.

Energize you and boost your mood. Yes! You’ll feel great about what you have done. And, you’ll feel like doing even more.

Control your appetite. Some research suggests exercise may help lower appetite, and that can prevent overeating.

Build muscle. That can boost metabolism, or how many calories you burn.

Improve your sleep. Many experts say getting enough sleep is a very important part of losing weight. Being tired can lead to feeling hungrier. Some studies have found that people who sleep for less than 7 hours a night are more at risk for weight gain and obesity than people who get more sleep.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 28/04/2016

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 28/04/2016

4 “Dangerous” Foods That Are Actually Pretty Healthy

1. Meat

Many people today believe meat to be unhealthy… but this is absolute nonsense.

Humans evolved as omnivores, eating both meat and plants. Ancient humans started hunting as early as 2 million years ago.

When you look past all the vegan and anti-fat propaganda, what you’re left with is a real food with a range of nutrients that are very important for human health.

The only problem is that meat is not what it used to be.

Back in the day, animals roamed free in nature and ate a natural diet. Chickens ate bugs and seeds, while cows ate grass.

These days, animals are often fed commercial grain-based feeds, pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to make them grow faster and locked inside all their lives.

Meat from animals that are naturally raised is much healthier.

If we take cows as an example, meat from cows that are grass-fed has (1, 2, 3):

- More Omega-3 fatty acids and less Omega-6.
- More Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – which can reduce body fat mass in humans.
- More Vitamins, including Vitamins A and E.

Meat is also a great source of protein and healthy fats. Plus there are tons of other nutrients in animal foods that you can’t really get from plants… Vitamins K2, D3, B12, Creatine, Carnosine and many, many more.

In a massive 2010 study of 1,212,380 individuals, consumption of unprocessed red meat had absolutely no association with heart disease or diabetes (4).

2. Butter

Butter has been demonized in the past and blamed for everything from heart disease to obesity.

But the truth is that butter is perfectly healthy in small amounts, as long as you choose the right type.

Make sure that your butter is derived from grass-fed cows, because this can have a big impact on the nutrient composition.

One important nutrient mainly found in grass-fed dairy products is Vitamin K2, which is very important for both bone and heart health (5, 6, 7).

Another nutrient in butter is the short-chain fatty acid byturate. In rats, butyrate boosts metabolism and reduces food intake. In humans, some studies show anti-inflammatory activity and a protective effect on the digestive system (8, 9, 10).

Butter is also rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – a fatty acid shown in some studies to reduce body fat and increase lean mass (11).

Despite all the propaganda, high-fat dairy products have never been proven to cause any sort of harm.

A recent review of 16 studies shows that high-fat dairy consumption is not associated with any metabolic disease and actually correlates with a lower risk of obesity (12).

3. Eggs

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet.

Just think about it… an egg contains all the nutrients required to turn a single cell into an entire baby chicken.

The reason eggs have been demonized in the past is because they contain lots of cholesterol.

However, new studies show that cholesterol in the diet doesn’t really raise the bad cholesterol in the blood.

If anything, eggs improve the blood lipid profile… they raise HDL and turn the LDL particles into a benign subtype (13, 14, 15).

In a massive meta-analysis of 17 studies, they found no association between egg consumption and either heart disease or stroke (16).

Please keep in mind that throwing the yolks away is a major waste. Pretty much all the nutrients reside in the yolk.

One large egg contains (17):

- Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of quality protein.
- Lots of vitamins: A, B12, B2 and B5, among others.
- Tons of minerals: Phosphorus, iron, selenium, to name a few.
- Eggs also contain plenty of Choline – a nutrient that 90% of Americans aren’t getting enough of and is very important for brain function.

Eggs are also loaded with the antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthine, which are very important for eye health. One study shows that eating 1.3 egg yolks per day increases blood levels of Lutein by 28-50% and Zeaxanthine by 114-142% (18).

Eggs for breakfast may also help you lose weight. Two studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast lose more weight than people who eat bagels, despite eating the same amount of calories (19, 20).

Eggs are among the healthiest foods on the planet, just make sure to choose pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs. I eat 3-4 whole eggs myself, every single day.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a rather unique type of fat.

It is about 90% saturated, primarily with fatty acids of a medium length… so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).

These types of fats are metabolized differently than longer chain fats. They go straight to the liver, where they are either used for energy or turned into ketone bodies.

MCTs can therefore be considered more “immediate” sources of energy.

About half of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12-carbon Lauric Acid, which is an efficient killer of pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (21, 22, 23).

Coconut oil may also be good for your heart.

In a study of overweight women, coconut oil increased HDL and lowered the LDL:HDL ratio compared to Soybean oil (24).

In rats, virgin coconut oil reduced Total cholesterol, LDL, oxidized LDL and increased HDL (the good) cholesterol (25).

The MCTs in coconut oil may also help you lose weight. These fats are metabolized differently, leading to a net increase in energy expenditure. Replacing longer chain fats with MCTs can improve satiety and reduce food intake (26, 27, 28).

Because of its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is very resistant to high heat and is therefore a perfect oil for cooking.

Make sure to avoid processed or refined varieties and choose virgin coconut oil.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 28/04/2016

Olive oil is super healthy.

For people with heart disease or at a high risk of getting it in the future, olive oil is most definitely a “superfood.”

However… it is extremely important to get the right stuff. That is, extra virgin olive oil that hasn’t been diluted with cheaper oils.

The benefits of this wonderful fat are among the few things that most people in nutrition actually agree on. Now that’s something you don’t see often.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 28/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

Prescription Medication

Additionally, there are many prescription weight loss pills that have been shown to be effective.

The most common ones are Contrave, Belviq, Phentermine and Qsymia.

According to a recent 2014 review study, even prescription weight loss pills don’t work as well as you would hope.

On average, they may help you lose up to 3-9% of body weight compared to a dummy pill (47).

Keep in mind that this is only when combined with a healthy weight loss diet. They are ineffective on their own, and hardly a solution to obesity.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 27/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

12. Bitter Orange / Synephrine

A type of orange called bitter orange contains the compound synephrine.

Synephrine is related to ephedrine, which used to be a popular ingredient in various weight loss pill formulations.

However, ephedrine has since been banned as a weight loss ingredient by the FDA because of serious side effects.

How it works: Synephrine shares similar mechanisms with ephedrine, but is less potent. It can reduce appetite and significantly increase fat burning (45).

Effectiveness: Very few studies have been done on synephrine, but ephedrine has been shown to cause significant short-term weight loss in many studies (46).

Side effects: Like ephedrine, synephrine may have serious side effects related to the heart. It may also be addictive.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 27/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

11. Forskolin

Forskolin is an extract from a plant in the mint family, claimed to be effective for losing weight.

How it works: It is believed to raise levels of a compound inside cells called cAMP, which may stimulate fat burning (42).

Effectiveness: One study in 30 overweight and obese men showed that forskolin reduced body fat and increased muscle mass, while having no effect on body weight. Another study in 23 overweight women found no effects (43, 44).

Side effects: There is very limited data on the safety of this supplement, or the risk of side effects.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 27/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

10. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, has been a popular fat loss supplement for years.

It is one of the “healthier” trans fats, and is found naturally in some fatty animal foods like cheese and butter.

How it works: CLA may reduce appetite, boost metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of body fat (38, 39).

Effectiveness: In a major review of 18 different studies, CLA caused weight loss of about 0.2 pounds (0.1 kg) per week, for up to 6 months (40).

According to another review study from 2012, CLA can make you lose about 3 lbs (1.3 kg) of weight, compared to a dummy pill (41).

Side effects: CLA can cause various digestive side effects, and may have harmful effects over the long term, potentially contributing to fatty liver, insulin resistance and increased inflammation.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

9. Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is a popular ingredient in many weight loss supplements.

This is because numerous studies have shown the main antioxidant in it, EGCG, to aid fat burning.

How it works: Green tea extract is believed to increase the activity of norepinephrine, a hormone that helps you burn fat (33).

Effectiveness: Many human studies have shown that green tea extract can increase fat burning and cause fat loss, especially in the belly area (34, 35, 36, 37).

Side effects: Green tea extract is generally well tolerated. It does contain some caffeine, and may cause symptoms in people who are caffeine sensitive.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

8. Meratrim

Meratrim is a relative newcomer on the diet pill market.

It is a combination of two plant extracts that may change the metabolism of fat cells.

How it works: It is claimed to make it harder for fat cells to multiply, decrease the amount of fat that they pick up from the bloodstream, and help them burn stored fat.

Effectiveness: So far, only one study has been done on Meratrim. A total of 100 obese people were placed on a strict 2000 calorie diet, with either Meratrim or a dummy pill (32).

After 8 weeks, the Meratrim group had lost 11 pounds (5.2 kg) of weight and 4.7 inches (11.9 cm) off their waistlines. They also had improved quality of life and reduced blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Side effects: No side effects have been reported.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

7. Glucomannan

Glucomannan is a type of fiber found in the roots of the elephant yam, also called konjac.

How it works: Glucomannan absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories (27).

Effectiveness: Three human studies showed that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet, can help people lose 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in 5 weeks (28).

Other benefits: Glucomannan is a fiber that can feed the friendly bacteria in the intestine. It can also lower blood sugar, blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and is very effective against constipation (29, 30, 31).

Side effects: It can cause bloating, flatulence and soft stools, and can interfere with some oral medications if taken at the same time.

It is important to take glucomannan about a half an hour before meals, with a glass of water.

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

6. Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee beans are simply normal coffee beans that haven’t been roasted.

They contain two substances believed to help with weight loss, caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

How it works: Caffeine can increase fat burning, and chlorogenic acid can slow the breakdown of carbohydrates in the gut.

Effectiveness: Several human studies have shown that green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight (19, 20).

A review of 3 studies found that the supplement made people lose 5.4 more pounds (2.5 kg) than placebo, a dummy pill (21).

Other benefits: Green coffee bean extract may help lower blood sugar levels, and reduce blood pressure. It is also high in antioxidants (22, 23, 24, 25).

Side effects: It can cause the same side effects as caffeine. The chlorogenic acid in it may also cause diarrhea, and some people may be allergic to green coffee beans (26).

Weight Loss Healthy & Quickly

Timeline photos 25/04/2016

Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

5. Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketone is a substance found in raspberries, which is responsible for their distinct smell.

A synthetic version of raspberry ketones is sold as a weight loss supplement.

How it works: In isolated fat cells from rats, raspberry ketones increase breakdown of fat and increase levels of a hormone called adiponectin, believed to be related to weight loss (17).

Effectiveness: There is not a single study on raspberry ketones in humans, but one rat study using massive doses showed that they reduced weight gain (18).

Side effects: They may cause your burps to smell like raspberries.

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